989 resultados para Parker, Ely Samuel, 1828-1895.
Collection contains materials pertaining to the life and work of Stone.
Marriage contract; testament; Schutzbrief.
The collection contains an English translation of a letter of protection for the teacher Joel Silberstein in Witzenhausen, originally 1828; and a photocopy of Rabbi Silberstein’s death certificate, Wiesbaden, 1910. Also included are photocopies of published materials by and about Rabbi Silberstein.
The collection contains the marriage contract of the merchant Lazarus Gross and Carla Hecht from 1874. Also included is a ‘Zeugnisbüchlein’ - school certificates – from Badische Volksschule for their daughter, Meta Gross (1888-1895).
Digital image
Digital image
Tutkielmassa selvitetään asiakaslähtöisen toiminnan edellytyksiä työ- ja elinkeinohallinnon alaisissa ELY-keskuksissa. Ensim-mäisenä tutkimuskysymyksenä on se, millaiset edellytykset ELY-keskuksilla on tällä hetkellä asiakaslähtöisten toimintatapojen toteuttamiseen ja siten omien asiakaslähtöisyyteen kannustavien strategioidensa noudattamiseen. Tutkielman toinen tutkimusky-symys selvittää sitä, voidaanko asiakaslähtöisyyden edellytysten toteutumisella selittää asiakaspalvelun sisäistä toimivuutta ELY-keskuksissa. Toisin sanoen, kannattaisiko asiakaspalveluaan parantamaan pyrkivien ELY-keskusten panostaa erityisesti joidenkin organisaatioidensa ominaisuuksien kehittämiseen? Asiakaslähtöisyyden käsitettä lähestytään julkishallinnon muutoksen ja uuden julkisen johtamisen näkökulmasta ja teoriaosuudessa korostuvat erityisesti Pirjo Vuokon ja Christian Grönroosin näkemykset aihepiiristä. Asiakaslähtöisyyden käsite määritellään tässä yhteydessä organisaation toimintatavaksi, joka toimiessaan mahdollistaa laadukkaan asiakaspalvelun ja siten organisaation positiivisen tuloksen. Asiakaslähtöisyyden edellytyksiä on empiirisesti tutkittu varsin vähän, joten tutkielmassa luodaan uusi, viisiosainen asiakaslähtöisyyden edellytysten malli, joka viimeistellään faktorianalyysin avulla. Mallissa asiakaslähtöisyyden edellytykset jaetaan johtamisedellytyksiin, strategisiin edellytyksiin, asiakaspalvelun edellytyksiin, työntekijöiden edellytyksiin sekä organisatorisiin edellytyksiin. Näitä ryhmiä ja niiden suhteita tutkitaan ensin kuvailevan analyysin (1. tutkimuskysymys) ja myöhemmin kvantitatiivisen regressioanalyysin avulla (2. tutkimuskysymys). Tutkielman varsinaisena aineistona toimii ELY-keskusten yritysasiantuntijoille suunnattu kysely organisaatioiden uudistumiskyvystä. Tutkielman tekijän ELY-keskuksiin toukokuussa 2010 lähettämään kyselyyn saapui 114 vastausta, mikä tarkoittaa, että noin joka kolmas ELY-keskusten yritysasiantuntijoista vastasi kyselyyn. Tutkielman oheisaineistona toimivat ELY-keskuksia edeltäneiden TE-keskusten toteuttamat asiakaspalautteet ja ulkoiset arvioinnit, joissa ilmenneitä huomioita peilataan uudistumiskykykyselyn tuloksiin. Analyysiluvussa ilmenee, että ELY-keskusten yrityspalveluissa asiakaslähtöisyyden edellytykset toteutuvat tällä hetkellä kohtuullisesti. Strategisella tasolla ja asiakaspalvelussa tilanne on tyydyttävä, työntekijöiden työmotivaation, asiantuntemuksen sekä työyhteisöjen ilmapiirin parissa tilanne on hyvä, mutta organisaatioiden johtamisen kohdalla tilanne on heikko. Johtamisen parissa erityisen ongelmallisilta vaikuttavat työntekijöiden vaikutusmahdollisuuksiin liittyvät tekijät, joilla on aiemmassa tutkimuksessa todettu olevan positiivinen yhteys työorganisaation tulokseen. Positiivista on puolestaan se, että työmotivaatio ja organisaatioiden ilmapiiri vaikuttavat olevan kunnossa ja työntekijöiden yhteistyö toimii ongelmitta. Tutkielman toisen tutkimuskysymyksen vastaukseksi selviää, että ELY-keskusten asiakaspalvelun sisäiseen toimivuuteen vaikuttavat erityisen vahvasti asiakaslähtöisyyden johtamisedellytysten toteutuminen. Nämä samat tekijät, joiden toteutumiseen ELY-keskusten yritysasiantuntijat ovat kaikkein tyytymättömimpiä, ovat myös niitä, jotka kehittyessään vaikuttavat positiivisimmin asiakaspalvelun sisäiseen toimivuuteen. Molempien tutkimuskysymysten vastausten valossa vaikuttaakin ilmeiseltä, että johtamisen kehittäminen ja etenkin työntekijöiden vaikutusmahdollisuuksien lisääminen tulisi nähdä ELY-keskuksissa ensisijaisen tärkeinä tavoitteina.
The Lucianic text of the Septuagint of the Historical Books witnessed primarily by the manuscript group L (19, 82, 93, 108, and 127) consists of at least two strata: the recensional elements, which date back to about 300 C.E., and the substratum under these recensional elements, the proto-Lucianic text. Some distinctive readings in L seem to be supported by witnesses that antedate the supposed time of the recension. These witnesses include the biblical quotations of Josephus, Hippolytus, Irenaeus, Tertullian, and Cyprian, and the Old Latin translation of the Septuagint. It has also been posited that some Lucianic readings might go back to Hebrew readings that are not found in the Masoretic text but appear in the Qumran biblical texts. This phenomenon constitutes the proto-Lucianic problem. In chapter 1 the proto-Lucianic problem and its research history are introduced. Josephus references to 1 Samuel are analyzed in chapter 2. His agreements with L are few and are mostly only apparent or, at best, coincidental. In chapters 3 6 the quotations by four early Church Fathers are analyzed. Hippolytus Septuagint text is extremely hard to establish since his quotations from 1 Samuel have only been preserved in Armenian and Georgian translations. Most of the suggested agreements between Hippolytus and L are only apparent or coincidental. Irenaeus is the most trustworthy textual witness of the four early Church Fathers. His quotations from 1 Samuel agree with L several times against codex Vaticanus (B) and all or most of the other witnesses in preserving the original text. Tertullian and Cyprian agree with L in attesting some Hebraizing approximations that do not seem to be of Hexaplaric origin. The question is more likely of early Hebraizing readings of the same tradition as the kaige recension. In chapter 7 it is noted that Origen, although a pre-Lucianic Father, does not qualify as a proto-Lucianic witness. General observations about the Old Latin witnesses as well as an analysis of the manuscript La115 are given in chapter 8. In chapter 9 the theory of the proto-Lucianic recension is discussed. In order to demonstrate the existence of the proto-Lucianic recension one should find instances of indisputable agreement between the Qumran biblical manuscripts and L in readings that are secondary in Greek. No such case can be found in the Qumran material in 1 Samuel. In the text-historical conclusions (chapter 10) it is noted that of all the suggested proto-Lucianic agreements in 1 Samuel (about 75 plus 70 in La115) more than half are only apparent or, at best, coincidental. Of the indisputable agreements, however, 26 are agreements in the original reading. In about 20 instances the agreement is in a secondary reading. These agreements are early variants; mostly minor changes that happen all the time in the course of transmission. Four of the agreements, however, are in a pre-Hexaplaric Hebraizing approximation that has found its way independently into the pre-Lucianic witnesses and the Lucianic recension. The study aims at demonstrating the value of the Lucianic text as a textual witness: under the recensional layer(s) there is an ancient text that preserves very old, even original readings which have not been preserved in B and most of the other witnesses. The study also confirms the value of the early Church Fathers as textual witnesses.
The purpose of this study is to define how Helsinki has been presented in the pictures of tourist brochures and how their illustration has changed over time. Attention is also paid to the values and meanings that the pictures mediate, as well as their historical and societal connections. The pictures are approached as representations selectively interpreting and illustrating the reality of Helsinki, while constructing mental images of it. An iconological framework structures the study. It proceeds from the description and classification of the physical features towards an analysis of time- and culture-specific meanings. The emergence of meanings and their historical and cultural underpinnings are examined from the perspectives of humanistic geography, semiotics and constructionism. In the analysis attention is paid to the discourses, myths and ideologies that underlie the representations. Information on the physical features of the pictures and their changes is collected with a content analysis. The classified data consists of 1377 photographs. These pictures are collected from 75 tourist brochures of Helsinki that have been published between 1895 and 2005. The deeper meanings of the pictures are studied qualitatively, by paying attention to the mental images that the content elements and visual effects evoke. Research studies, contemporary literature and the texts of the tourist brochures are utilised in the interpretation of the meanings. There has been a permanent core to objects of the pictures during the entire study period. It has consisted mainly of sights that are located close to the Senate and Market Squares. In addition, marine elements have been popular. The area of Helsinki represented in the brochures has extended from the Senate Square towards Töölö Bay. Pictures of monumental buildings and statues have been complemented with snapshots and portraits. In the beginning of the 20th century, brochures were mainly produced for the travelling, educated elite. The style of the pictures was declaratory and educative. They aimed at medating an objective image of the reality that prevailed in Helsinki. In practice, the pictures were connected to a patriotic ideology and the corresponding myth of Finnishness. In the second half of the 20th century the improvement of the standard of living led to a democratisation of consumers and an increase in the tourism demand. Local culture and the everyday life of "ordinary" people became popular themes in the pictures. A new welfare ideology manifested itself in the people of the local residential areas, for instance. The increase in the cultural diversity has led to the recognition of new target groups, expecially since the 1980s. The human figures in the pictures have started to function as objects of identification and a means of constructing mental images. A pronounced emphasis on experience and individuality in the illustration of the tourist brochures mirrors the post-modern change and a new ideology based on consumption. The construction and consumption of the pictures in the tourist brochures is governed by the conventions of representation and interpretaion that are typical of the genre of tourist brochures. The pictures emphasize the perceived positive characteristics of Helsinki and thus construct a skewed view of the reality. However, consumers can knowingly use the pictures as a means of dreaming and detaching themselves from their everyday reality.
The rapid disruption of tropical forests probably imperils global biodiversity more than any other contemporary phenomenon(1-3). With deforestation advancing quickly, protected areas are increasingly becoming final refuges for threatened species and natural ecosystem processes. However, many protected areas in the tropics are themselves vulnerable to human encroachment and other environmental stresses(4-9). As pressures mount, it is vital to know whether existing reserves can sustain their biodiversity. A critical constraint in addressing this question has been that data describing a broad array of biodiversity groups have been unavailable for a sufficiently large and representative sample of reserves. Here we present a uniquely comprehensive data set on changes over the past 20 to 30 years in 31 functional groups of species and 21 potential drivers of environmental change, for 60 protected areas stratified across the world's major tropical regions. Our analysis reveals great variation in reserve `health': about half of all reserves have been effective or performed passably, but the rest are experiencing an erosion of biodiversity that is often alarmingly widespread taxonomically and functionally. Habitat disruption, hunting and forest-product exploitation were the strongest predictors of declining reserve health. Crucially, environmental changes immediately outside reserves seemed nearly as important as those inside in determining their ecological fate, with changes inside reserves strongly mirroring those occurring around them. These findings suggest that tropical protected areas are often intimately linked ecologically to their surrounding habitats, and that a failure to stem broad-scale loss and degradation of such habitats could sharply increase the likelihood of serious biodiversity declines.
Resumen: El propósito del artículo es analizar el acercamiento diplomático de Buenos Aires con Simón Bolívar para sumar fuerzas en el conflicto con Brasil por la soberanía en la Banda Oriental. Intentaremos mostrar por qué intereses políticos Buenos Aires; fuera dominada por la facción “unitaria” o “federal”, y Bolívar; empeñado en liderar la organización nacional de Colombia, Perú y Bolivia, no formalizaron un acuerdo diplomático/militar en el contexto de la creación de los Estados de Bolivia y Uruguay durante el período de 1824-1828. Procuramos la inteligibilidad, interpretación y explicación de la cuestión mediante el análisis de fuentes de información histórica que reflejan la agenda pública de Buenos Aires, y las prioridades políticas de Bolívar en el espacio temporal que nos ocupa.