934 resultados para PROTEIN LEVELS
Acute lung injury (ALI) is a clinical manifestation of respiratory failure, caused by lung inflammation and the disruption of the alveolar-capillary barrier. Preservation of the physical integrity of the alveolar epithelial monolayer is of critical importance to prevent alveolar edema. Barrier integrity depends largely on the balance between physical forces on cell-cell and cell-matrix contacts, and this balance might be affected by alterations in the coagulation cascade in patients with ALI. We aimed to study the effects of activated protein C (APC) on mechanical tension and barrier integrity in human alveolar epithelial cells (A549) exposed to thrombin. Cells were pretreated for 3 h with APC (50 mg/ml) or vehicle (control). Subsequently, thrombin (50 nM) or medium was added to the cell culture. APC significantly reduced thrombin-induced cell monolayer permeability, cell stiffening, and cell contraction, measured by electrical impedance, optical magnetic twisting cytometry, and traction microscopy, respectively, suggesting a barrier-protective response. The dynamics of the barrier integrity was also assessed by western blotting and immunofluorescence analysis of the tight junction ZO-1. Thrombin resulted in more elongated ZO-1 aggregates at cell-cell interface areas and induced an increase in ZO-1 membrane protein content. APC attenuated the length of these ZO-1 aggregates and reduced the ZO-1 membrane protein levels induced by thrombin. In conclusion, pretreatment with APC reduced the disruption of barrier integrity induced by thrombin, thus contributing to alveolar epithelial barrier protection.
A low-protein diet leads to functional and structural pancreatic islet alterations, including islet hypotrophy. Insulin-signaling pathways are involved in several adaptive responses by pancreatic islets. We determined the levels of some insulin-signaling proteins related to pancreatic islet function and growth in malnourished rats. Adult male Wistar rats (N = 20 per group) were fed a 17% protein (normal-protein diet; NP) or 6% protein (low-protein diet; LP), for 8 weeks. At the end of this period, blood glucose and serum insulin and albumin levels were measured. The morphometric parameters of the endocrine pancreas and the content of some proteins in islet lysates were determined. The β-cell mass was significantly reduced (≅65%) in normoglycemic but hypoinsulinemic LP rats compared to NP rats. Associated with these alterations, a significant 30% reduction in insulin receptor substrate-1 and a 70% increase in insulin receptor substrate-2 protein content were observed in LP islets compared to NP islets. The phosphorylated serine-threonine protein kinase (pAkt)/Akt protein ratio was similar in LP and NP islets. The phosphorylated forkhead-O1 (pFoxO1)/FoxO1 protein ratio was decreased by 43% in LP islets compared to NP islets (P < 0.05). Finally, the ratio of phosphorylated-extracellular signal-related kinase 1/2 (pErk1/2) to total Erk1/2 protein levels was decreased by 71% in LP islets compared to NP islets (P < 0.05). Therefore, the reduced β-cell mass observed in LP rats is associated with the reduction of phosphorylation in mitogenic-related signals, FoxO1 and Erk proteins. The cause/effect basis of this association remains to be determined.
Activated inhibitor of nuclear factor-κB kinase β (IKKβ) is necessary and sufficient for denervated skeletal muscle atrophy. Although several studies have shown that Mg2+/Mn2+-dependent protein phosphatase 1B (PPM1B) inactivated IKKβ, few studies have investigated the role of PPM1B in denervated skeletal muscle. In this study, we aim to explore the expression and significance of PPM1B and phosphorylated IKKβ (P-IKKβ) during atrophy of the denervated gastrocnemius. Thirty young adult female Wistar rats were subjected to right sciatic nerve transection and were sacrificed at 0 (control), 2, 7, 14, and 28 days after denervation surgery. The gastrocnemius was removed from both the denervated and the contralateral limb. The muscle wet weight ratio was calculated as the ratio of the wet weight of the denervated gastrocnemius to that of the contralateral gastrocnemius. RT-PCR and Western blot analysis showed that mRNA and protein levels of PPM1B were significantly lower than those of the control group at different times after the initiation of denervation, while P-IKKβ showed the opposite trends. PPM1B protein expression persistently decreased while P-IKKβ expression persistently increased for 28 days after denervation. PPM1B expression correlated negatively with P-IKKβ expression by the Spearman test, whereas decreasing PPM1B expression correlated positively with the muscle wet weight ratio. The expression levels of PPM1B and P-IKKβ were closely associated with atrophy in skeletal denervated muscle. These results suggest that PPM1B and P-IKKβ could be markers in skeletal muscle atrophy.
Changes in tau phosphorylation levels in the hippocampus and frontal cortex following chronic stress
Studies have indicated that early-life or early-onset depression is associated with a 2- to 4-fold increased risk of developing Alzheimers disease (AD). In AD, aggregation of an abnormally phosphorylated form of the tau protein may be a key pathological event. Tau is known to play a major role in promoting microtubule assembly and stabilization, and in maintaining the normal morphology of neurons. Several studies have reported that stress may induce tau phosphorylation. The main aim of the present study was to investigate possible alterations in the tau protein in the hippocampus and frontal cortex of 32 male Sprague-Dawley rats exposed to chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS) and then re-exposed to CUMS to mimic depression and the recurrence of depression, respectively, in humans. We evaluated the effects of CUMS, fluoxetine, and CUMS re-exposure on tau and phospho-tau. Our results showed that a single exposure to CUMS caused a significant reduction in sucrose preference, indicating a state of anhedonia. The change in behavior was accompanied by specific alterations in phospho-tau protein levels, but fluoxetine treatment reversed the CUMS-induced impairments. Moreover, changes in sucrose preference and phospho-tau were more pronounced in rats re-exposed to CUMS than in those subjected to a single exposure. Our results suggest that changes in tau phosphorylation may contribute to the link between depression and AD.
The present study aimed to investigate visceral adipose tissue-specific serpin (vaspin) concentrations in serum and term placentas and relate these values to insulin resistance and lipid parameters in women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). A total of 30 GDM subjects and 27 age-matched pregnant women with normal glucose tolerance (NGT, control) were included. Serum glucose, glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), lipid profile, insulin, and vaspin were measured at the end of pregnancy, and homeostasis model of assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) values were calculated. Vaspin mRNA and protein levels in placentas were measured by real-time fluorescence quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) and Western blotting, respectively. Serum vaspin levels were significantly lower in the GDM group than in controls (0.49±0.24 vs 0.83±0.27 ng/mL, respectively; P<0.01). Three days after delivery, serum vaspin levels were significantly decreased in subjects with GDM (0.36±0.13 vs0.49±0.24 ng/mL, P<0.01). However, in the GDM group, serum vaspin levels were not correlated with the parameters evaluated. In contrast, in the control group, serum vaspin levels were positively correlated with triglycerides (TG; r=0.45, P=0.02) and very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-C; r=0.42, P=0.03). Placental mRNA vaspin (0.60±0.32 vs0.68±0.32, P=0.46) and protein (0.30±0.08 vs0.39±0.26; P=0.33) levels in the GDM group did not differ significantly from those in the control group, but were negatively correlated with neonatal birth weight in the GDM group (r=-0.48, P=0.03; r=-0.88; P<0.01). Our findings indicated that vaspin may be an important adipokine involved in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and may also play a role in fetal development.
Two experiments were undertaken in which grass silage was used in conjunction with a series of different concentrate types designed to examine the effect of carbohydrate source, protein level and degradability on total dietary phosphorus (P) utilization with emphasis on P pollution. Twelve Holstein-Friesian dairy cows in early to mid-lactation were used in an incomplete changeover design with four periods consisting of 4 weeks each. Phosphorus intake ranged from 54 to 80 g/day and faecal P represented the principal route by which ingested P was disposed of by cows, with insignificant amounts being voided in urine. A positive linear relationship between faecal P and P intake was established. In Experiment 1, P utilization was affected by dietary carbohydrate type, with an associated output of 3.3 g faecal P/g milk P produced for all treatments except those utilizing low degradable starch and low protein supplements, where a mean value of 2.8 g faecal P/g milk P was observed. In Experiment 2, where two protein levels and three protein degradabilities were examined, the efficiency of P utilization for milk P production was not affected by either level or degradability of crude protein (CP) but a significant reduction in faecal P excretion due to lower protein and P intake was observed. In general, P utilization in Experiment 2 was substantially improved compared to the Experiment 1, with an associated output of 1.8 g faecal P/g milk P produced. The improved utilization of P in Experiment 2 could be due to lower P content of the diets offered and higher dry matter (DM) intake. For dairy cows weighing 600 kg, consuming 17-18 kg DM/day and producing about 25 kg milk, P excretion in faeces and hence P pollution to the environment might be minimized without compromising lactational performance by formulating diets to supply about 68 g P/day, which is close to recent published recommended requirements for P.
Measurement of inhibins A and B in the serum of normal cyclic rodents has implicated FSH in the regulation of these peptides within the ovary. To extend these observations we have used a panel of mutant mice carrying mutations which affect either the production of, or the ability to respond to, FSH and LH. As a consequence, the females are infertile and show different degrees of follicular development. The aim of this study was to measure inhibin gene transcription in the ovaries of these mutant females together with inhibin protein levels in ovaries and serum and to relate these to follicular development within the ovary. Comparison was made with a pool of normal/heterozygous females. In hpg females where lack of GnRH production results in the absence of gonadotropin synthesis, in FSHbeta knockout (FSHbetaKO) females where disruption of the gene encoding FSHbeta results in the absence of FSH production, and in FSH receptor knockout (FSHRKO) females which are unable to respond to circulating FSH, follicular development remains at the pre-antral stage in these three mutants. Only in the hpg females were common inhibin alpha subunit mRNA levels significantly lower than normal. In these three mutants, however, mRNA levels for both the betaA and betaB subunits were extremely low compared with normal mice. At the protein level, neither inhibin A nor B was detected in the serum of these three mutants; however inhibin B, albeit at very low levels, was detectable within the ovaries. These observations confirm a major role for FSH in the control of transcription of the RA and betaB genes but suggest that the constitutive transcription of the alpha subunit is less dependent on FSH. In contrast, in LH receptor knockout (LuRKO) female mice inhibin betaA subunit mRNA levels were similar to those measured in normal/heterozygous females but levels of inhibin alpha and betaB subunit mRNAs were significantly higher than in the normal group. This was reflected in significantly higher inhibin B protein levels in ovaries and serum. An inability to respond to LH combined with high circulating levels of FSH leads to a high proportion of antral follicles in LuRKO females, with granulosa cells constituting the major cell type within the ovary. The high percentage of antral granulosa cells is likely to account for the significantly higher levels of inhibin B production in these ovaries.
CD36 is an important scavenger receptor mediating uptake of oxidized low- density lipoproteins ( oxLDLs) and plays a key role in foam cell formation and the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. We report the first evidence that the transcription factor Nrf2 is expressed in vascular smooth muscle cells, and demonstrate that oxLDLs cause nuclear accumulation of Nrf2 in murine macrophages, resulting in the activation of genes encoding CD36 and the stress proteins A170, heme oxygenase- 1 ( HO- 1), and peroxiredoxin I ( Prx I). 4- Hydroxy- 2- nonenal ( HNE), derived from lipid peroxidation, was one of the most effective activators of Nrf2. Using Nrf2- deficient macrophages, we established that Nrf2 partially regulates CD36 expression in response to oxLDLs, HNE, or the electrophilic agent diethylmaleate. In murine aortic smooth muscle cells, expressing negligible levels of CD36, both moderately and highly oxidized LDL caused only limited Nrf2 translocation and negligible increases in A170, HO- 1, and Prx I expression. However, treatment of smooth muscle cells with HNE significantly enhanced nuclear accumulation of Nrf2 and increased A170, HO- 1, and Prx I protein levels. Because PPAR-gamma can be activated by oxLDLs and controls expression of CD36 in macrophages, our results implicate Nrf2 as a second important transcription factor involved in the induction of the scavenger receptor CD36 and antioxidant stress genes in atherosclerosis.
Alzheimer's disease is more frequent following an ischemic or hypoxic episode, with levels of beta-amyloid peptides elevated in brains from patients. Similar increases are found after experimental ischemia in animals. It is possible that increased beta-amyloid deposition arises from alterations in amyloid precursor protein (APP) metabolism, indeed, we have shown that exposing cells of neuronal origin to chronic hypoxia decreased the secretion of soluble APP (sAPPalpha) derived by action of alpha-secretase on APP, coinciding with a decrease in protein levels of ADAM10, a disintegrin metalloprotease which is thought to be the major alpha-secretase. In the current study, we extended those observations to determine whether the expression of ADAM10 and another putative alpha-secretase, TACE, as well as the beta-secretase, BACE1 were regulated by chronic hypoxia at the level of protein and mRNA. Using Western blotting and RT-PCR, we demonstrate that after 48 h chronic hypoxia, such that sAPPalpha secretion is decreased by over 50%, protein levels of ADAM10 and TACE and by approximately 60% and 40% respectively with no significant decrease in BACE1 levels. In contrast, no change in the expression of the mRNA for these proteins could be detected. Thus, we conclude that under CH the level of the putative alpha-secretases, ADAM10 and TACE are regulated by post-translational mechanisms, most probably proteolysis, rather than at the level of transcription.
Protein kinase C (PKC) down-regulation has been shown to correlate with the growth of murine melanocytic cells in culture (Brooks, G., Wilson, R. E., Dooley, T. P., Goss, M. W., and Hart, I. R. (1991) Cancer Res. 51, 3281-3288). We now show that PKC alpha, delta, epsilon, and zeta isoforms are present at the protein level in quiescent, non-transformed Mel-ab melanocytes, maintained in the absence of phorbol ester. Proliferation of Mel-ab cells, achieved by incubation in the continual presence of phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate, was associated with a down-regulation of the PKC alpha, delta, and epsilon isozymes. Examination of two transformed syngeneic lines (the B16 murine melanoma and the long terminal repeat Ras.2 line), that grew in the absence of exogenous phorbol esters, showed that PKC alpha protein levels were either partially down-regulated or unaffected, the PKC delta and epsilon isoforms were down-regulated completely, and the levels of PKC zeta protein remained unaltered relative to quiescent Mel-ab cells. Basal levels of total diacylglycerol were elevated 5-fold in B16 melanoma cells compared with levels found in quiescent or proliferating Mel-ab melanocytes and appear to arise largely from the breakdown of phosphatidylinositol phospholipids accompanied by a significant rise in phospholipase C activity. Hourly treatments of quiescent Mel-ab melanocytes with the synthetic diacylglycerol analogue, 1,2-dioctanoyl-sn-glycerol, for 24 h, resulted in an induction of DNA synthesis which was associated with a significant down-regulation of PKC levels mediated largely via post-translational rather than transcriptional mechanisms. These results show for the first time that specific isoforms of PKC are down-regulated at the protein level during proliferation of murine melanocytic cells and suggest that the constitutive down-regulation of PKC in transformed melanoma cells may arise as a consequence of elevated endogenous phosphatidylinositol-derived diacylglycerol levels.
Evidence suggests that flavonoid-rich foods are capable of inducing improvements in memory and cognition in animals and humans. However, there is a lack of clarity concerning whether flavonoids are the causal agents in inducing such behavioral responses. Here we show that supplementation with pure anthocyanins or pure flavanols for 6 weeks, at levels similar to that found in blueberry (2% w/w), results in an enhancement of spatial memory in 18 month old rats. Pure flavanols and pure anthocyanins were observed to induce significant improvements in spatial working memory (p = 0.002 and p = 0.006 respectively), to a similar extent to that following blueberry supplementation (p = 0.002). These behavioral changes were paralleled by increases in hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor (R = 0.46, p<0.01), suggesting a common mechanism for the enhancement of memory. However, unlike protein levels of BDNF, the regional enhancement of BDNF mRNA expression in the hippocampus appeared to be predominantly enhanced by anthocyanins. Our data support the claim that flavonoids are likely causal agents in mediating the cognitive effects of flavonoid-rich foods.
Brain dystrophin is enriched in the postsynaptic densities of pyramidal neurons specialized regions of the subsynaptic cytoskeletal network, which are critical for synaptic transmission and plasticity. Lack of dystrophin in brain structures have been involved with impaired cognitive functions. The brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a regulator of neuronal survival, fast synaptic transmission, and activity-dependent synaptic plasticity. The present study investigated BDNF protein levels by Elisa analysis in prefrontal cortex, cerebellum, hippocampus, striatum and cortex tissues from male dystrophic mdx (n = 5) and normal C57BL10 mouse (n = 5). We observed that the mdx mouse display diminution in BDNF levels in striatum (t = 6.073; df = 6; p = 0.001), while a tendency of decrease in BDNF levels was observed in the prefrontal cortex region (t = 1.962; df = 6; p = 0.096). The cerebellum (t = 1.258; df = 7; p = 0.249), hippocampus (t = 0.631; df = 7; p = 0.548) and cortex (t = 0.572; df = 7; p = 0.586) showed no significant alterations as compared to wt mouse. In conclusion, we demonstrate that only striatum decreased BDNF levels compared with wild-type (wt) mouse, differently to the other areas of the brain. This dystrophin deficiency may be affecting BDNF levels in striatum and contributing, in part, in memory storage and restoring. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Seeds sprouts have been used as a good source of basic nutrients and nutraceutical compounds. The high nutritional value of seeds derives from the deposition of compounds during development. However some of these molecules are used in metabolic processes like germination, which leads to a considerable variation in their concentrations once these events are completed. In this work, we investigate the levels of inositols (myo-inositol, D-pinitol and ononitol), soluble carbohydrates and proteins in cotyledons of Phaseolus vulgaris and Vigna unguiculata sprouts. Sprouting increased myo-inositol and glucose content and reduction of raffinose and ononitol was observed. The protein levels increased in P. vulgaris and decreased in V. unguiculata sprouting. The level of sucrose was maintained in both sprouts. D-Pinitol was detected only in quiescent seeds. Our results suggested that bean sprout is an important source of proteins, sucrose, glucose and myo-inositol. Additionally, bean sprouts have low levels of raffinose, an antinutritional compound.
Long-term adaptation to resistance training is probably due to the cumulative molecular effects of each exercise session. Therefore, we studied in female Wistar rats the molecular effects of a chronic resistance training regimen (3 months) leading to skeletal muscle hypertrophy in the plantaris muscle. Our results demonstrated that muscle proteolytic genes MuRF-1 and Atrogin-1 were significantly decreased in the exercised group measured 24 h after the last resistance exercise session (41.64 and 61.19%, respectively; P < 0.05). Nonetheless, when measured at the same time point, 4EBP-1, GSK-3 beta and eIF2B epsilon mRNA levels and Akt, GSK-3 beta and p70S6K protein levels (regulators of translation initiation) were not modified. Such data suggests that if gene transcription constitutes a control point in the protein synthesis pathway this regulation probably occurs in early adaptation periods or during extreme situations leading to skeletal muscle remodeling. However, proteolytic gene expression is modified even after a prolonged resistance training regimen leading to moderate skeletal muscle hypertrophy.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the protein requirements for hand-rearing Blue-fronted Amazon parrots (Amazona aestiva). Forty hatchlings were fed semi-purified diets containing one of four (as-fed basis) protein levels: 13%, 18%, 23% and 28%. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design with the initial weight of the nestling as the blocking factor and 10 parrots per protein level. Regression analysis was used to determine relationships between protein level and biometric measurements. The data indicated that 13% crude protein supported nestling growth with 18% being the minimum tested level required for maximum development. The optimal protein concentration for maximum weight gain was 24.4% (p = 0.08; r(2) = 0.25), tail length 23.7% (p = 0.09; r(2) = 0.19), wing length 23.0% (p = 0.07; r(2) = 0.17), tarsus length 21.3% (p = 0.06; r(2) = 0.10) and tarsus width 21.4% (p = 0.07; r(2) = 0.09). Tarsus measurements were larger in males (p < 0.05), indicating that sex must be considered when studying developing psittacines. These results were obtained using a highly digestible protein and a diet with moderate metabolizable energy levels.