845 resultados para Organization, vision, strategy, learning, monitoring


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It has been argued that a firm's capacity to learn from its market is a source of both innovation and competitive advantage. However, past research has failed to conceptualize market-focused learning activity as a capability having the potential to contribute to competitive advantage. Prior innovation research has been biased toward technological innovation. However, there is evidence to suggest that both technological and non-technological innovations contribute to competitive advantage reflecting the need for a broader conceptualization of the innovation construct. Past research has also overlooked the critical role of entrepreneurship in the capability building process. Competitive advantage has been predominantly measured in terms of financial indicators of performance. In general, the literature reflects the need for comprehensive measures of organizational innovation and competitive advantage. This paper examines the role of market-focused learning capability in organizational innovation-based competitive strategy. The paper contributes to the strategic marketing theory by developing and refining measures of entrepreneurship, market-focused learning capability, organizational innovation and sustained competitive advantage, testing relationships among these constructs.


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This article describes the main research results in a new methodology, in which the stages and strategies of the technology integration process are identified and described. A set of principles and recommendations are therefore presented. The MIPO model described in this paper is a result of the effort made regarding the understanding of the main success features of good practices, in the web environment, integrated in the information systems/information technology context. The initial model has been created, based on experiences and literature review. After that, it was tested in the information and technology system units at higher school and also adapted as a result of four cycles of an actionresearch work combined with a case study research. The information, concepts and procedures presented here give support to teachers and instructors, instructional designers and planning teams – anyone who wants to develop effective b‐learning instructions.


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Electricity markets are complex environments, involving a large number of different entities, playing in a dynamic scene to obtain the best advantages and profits. MASCEM is a multi-agent electricity market simulator to model market players and simulate their operation in the market. Market players are entities with specific characteristics and objectives, making their decisions and interacting with other players. MASCEM provides several dynamic strategies for agents’ behavior. This paper presents a method that aims to provide market players with strategic bidding capabilities, allowing them to obtain the higher possible gains out of the market. This method uses a reinforcement learning algorithm to learn from experience how to choose the best from a set of possible bids. These bids are defined accordingly to the cost function that each producer presents.


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ECER 2015 "Education and Transition - Contributions from Educational Research", Corvinus University of Budapest from 7 to 11 September 2015.


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One of the most difficult issues of e-Learning is the students’ assessment. Being this an outstanding task regarding theoretical topics, it becomes even more challenging when the topics under evaluation are practical. ISCAP’s Information Systems Department is composed of about twenty teachers who have been for several years using an e-learning environment (at the moment Moodle 2.3) combined with traditional assessment. They are now planning and implementing a new e-learning assessment strategy. This effort was undertaken in order to evaluate a practical topic (the use of spreadsheets to solve management problems) common to shared courses of several undergraduate degree programs. The same team group is already experienced in the assessment of theoretical information systems topics using the b-learning platform. Therefore, this project works as an extension to previous experiences being the team aware of the additional difficulties due to the practical nature of the topics. This paper describes this project and presents two cycles of the action research methodology, used to conduct the research. The first cycle goal was to produce a database of questions. When it was implemented in order to be used with a pilot group of students, several problems were identified. Subsequently, the second cycle consisted in solving the identified problems preparing the database and all the players to a broader scope implementation. For each cycle, all the phases, its drawbacks and achievements are described. This paper suits all those who are or are planning to be in the process of shifting their assessment strategy from a traditional to one supported by an e-learning platform.


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Background Information:The incorporation of distance learning activities by institutions of higher education is considered an important contribution to create new opportunities for teaching at both, initial and continuing training. In Medicine and Nursing, several papers illustrate the adaptation of technological components and teaching methods are prolific, however, when we look at the Pharmaceutical Education area, the examples are scarce. In that sense this project demonstrates the implementation and assessment of a B-Learning Strategy for Therapeutics using a “case based learning” approach. Setting: Academic Pharmacy Methods:This is an exploratory study involving 2nd year students of the Pharmacy Degree at the School of Allied Health Sciences of Oporto. The study population consists of 61 students, divided in groups of 3-4 elements. The b-learning model was implemented during a time period of 8 weeks. Results:A B-learning environment and digital learning objects were successfully created and implemented. Collaboration and assessment techniques were carefully developed to ensure the active participation and fair assessment of all students. Moodle records show a consistent activity of students during the assignments. E-portfolios were also developed using Wikispaces, which promoted reflective writing and clinical reasoning. Conclusions:Our exploratory study suggests that the “case based learning” method can be successfully combined with the technological components to create and maintain a feasible online learning environment for the teaching of therapeutics.


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Mestrado em Gestão e Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde


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Sendo uma forma natural de interação homem-máquina, o reconhecimento de gestos implica uma forte componente de investigação em áreas como a visão por computador e a aprendizagem computacional. O reconhecimento gestual é uma área com aplicações muito diversas, fornecendo aos utilizadores uma forma mais natural e mais simples de comunicar com sistemas baseados em computador, sem a necessidade de utilização de dispositivos extras. Assim, o objectivo principal da investigação na área de reconhecimento de gestos aplicada à interacção homemmáquina é o da criação de sistemas, que possam identificar gestos específicos e usálos para transmitir informações ou para controlar dispositivos. Para isso as interfaces baseados em visão para o reconhecimento de gestos, necessitam de detectar a mão de forma rápida e robusta e de serem capazes de efetuar o reconhecimento de gestos em tempo real. Hoje em dia, os sistemas de reconhecimento de gestos baseados em visão são capazes de trabalhar com soluções específicas, construídos para resolver um determinado problema e configurados para trabalhar de uma forma particular. Este projeto de investigação estudou e implementou soluções, suficientemente genéricas, com o recurso a algoritmos de aprendizagem computacional, permitindo a sua aplicação num conjunto alargado de sistemas de interface homem-máquina, para reconhecimento de gestos em tempo real. A solução proposta, Gesture Learning Module Architecture (GeLMA), permite de forma simples definir um conjunto de comandos que pode ser baseado em gestos estáticos e dinâmicos e que pode ser facilmente integrado e configurado para ser utilizado numa série de aplicações. É um sistema de baixo custo e fácil de treinar e usar, e uma vez que é construído unicamente com bibliotecas de código. As experiências realizadas permitiram mostrar que o sistema atingiu uma precisão de 99,2% em termos de reconhecimento de gestos estáticos e uma precisão média de 93,7% em termos de reconhecimento de gestos dinâmicos. Para validar a solução proposta, foram implementados dois sistemas completos. O primeiro é um sistema em tempo real capaz de ajudar um árbitro a arbitrar um jogo de futebol robótico. A solução proposta combina um sistema de reconhecimento de gestos baseada em visão com a definição de uma linguagem formal, o CommLang Referee, à qual demos a designação de Referee Command Language Interface System (ReCLIS). O sistema identifica os comandos baseados num conjunto de gestos estáticos e dinâmicos executados pelo árbitro, sendo este posteriormente enviado para um interface de computador que transmite a respectiva informação para os robôs. O segundo é um sistema em tempo real capaz de interpretar um subconjunto da Linguagem Gestual Portuguesa. As experiências demonstraram que o sistema foi capaz de reconhecer as vogais em tempo real de forma fiável. Embora a solução implementada apenas tenha sido treinada para reconhecer as cinco vogais, o sistema é facilmente extensível para reconhecer o resto do alfabeto. As experiências também permitiram mostrar que a base dos sistemas de interação baseados em visão pode ser a mesma para todas as aplicações e, deste modo facilitar a sua implementação. A solução proposta tem ainda a vantagem de ser suficientemente genérica e uma base sólida para o desenvolvimento de sistemas baseados em reconhecimento gestual que podem ser facilmente integrados com qualquer aplicação de interface homem-máquina. A linguagem formal de definição da interface pode ser redefinida e o sistema pode ser facilmente configurado e treinado com um conjunto de gestos diferentes de forma a serem integrados na solução final.


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BACKGROUNDWhile the pharmaceutical industry keeps an eye on plasmid DNA production for new generation gene therapies, real-time monitoring techniques for plasmid bioproduction are as yet unavailable. This work shows the possibility of in situ monitoring of plasmid production in Escherichia coli cultures using a near infrared (NIR) fiber optic probe. RESULTSPartial least squares (PLS) regression models based on the NIR spectra were developed for predicting bioprocess critical variables such as the concentrations of biomass, plasmid, carbon sources (glucose and glycerol) and acetate. In order to achieve robust models able to predict the performance of plasmid production processes, independently of the composition of the cultivation medium, cultivation strategy (batch versus fed-batch) and E. coli strain used, three strategies were adopted, using: (i) E. coliDH5 cultures conducted under different media compositions and culture strategies (batch and fed-batch); (ii) engineered E. coli strains, MG1655endArecApgi and MG1655endArecA, grown on the same medium and culture strategy; (iii) diverse E. coli strains, over batch and fed-batch cultivations and using different media compositions. PLS models showed high accuracy for predicting all variables in the three groups of cultures. CONCLUSIONNIR spectroscopy combined with PLS modeling provides a fast, inexpensive and contamination-free technique to accurately monitoring plasmid bioprocesses in real time, independently of the medium composition, cultivation strategy and the E. coli strain used.


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RESUMO - A presente investigação procura descrever e compreender como a estratégia influencia a liderança e como esta por sua vez interage nos processos de inovação e mudança, em organizações de saúde. Desconhecem-se estudos anteriores, em Portugal, sobre este problema de investigação e da respectiva problemática teórica. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório e descritivo que envolveu 5 organizações de saúde, 4 portuguesas e 1 espanhola, 4 hospitais (dois privados e uma unidade local de saúde). Utilizou-se uma abordagem mista de investigação (qualitativa e quantitativa), que permitiu compreender, através do estudo de caso, como se articulam a estratégia, a liderança e a inovação nessas cinco organizações de saúde. Os resultados do estudo empírico foram provenientes da recolha de dados efectuada através de observação directa e estruturada, entrevistas com actores-chave, documentos em suporte de papel e digital, e ainda inquérito por questionário de auto-resposta a uma amostra (n=165) de actores do line e do staff (Administradores, Directores de Serviço/Departamento, Enfermeiros Chefe e Técnicos Coordenadores) das cinco organizações de saúde. Tanto o modelo de Miles & Snow (estratégia organizacional), como o modelo dos valores contrastantes de Quinn (cultura organizacional e liderança), devidamente adaptados, mostram-se heurísticos e provam poder aplicar-se às organizações de saúde, apesar a sua complexidade e especificidade. Tanto as organizações do sector público como do sector privado e organizações públicas concessionadas (parcerias público privadas) podem ser acompanhadas e monitorizadas nos seus processos de inovação e mudança, associados aos tipos de cultura, liderança ou estratégia organizacionais adoptadas. As organizações de saúde coabitam num continuum, onde o ambiente (quer interno quer externo) e o tempo são factores decisivos que condicionam a estratégia a adoptar. Também aqui, em função da realidade dinâmica e complexa onde a organização se move, não há tipologias puras. Há, sim, uma grande plasticidade e flexibilidade organizacionais. Quanto aos líderes, exercem habitualmente a autoridade formal, pela via da circular normativa. Não são pares (nem primi inter pares), colocam-se por vezes numa posição de superioridade, quando o mais adequado seria a relação de parceria, cooperação e procura de consensos, com todos os colaboradores, afim de serem eles os verdadeiros protagonistas e facilitadores da mudança e das inovações. Como factores facilitadores da inovação e da mudança, encontrámos nas organizações de saúde estudadas o seguinte: facilidade de aprender; visão/missão adequadas; ausência de medo de falhar; e como factores inibidores: falta de articulação entre serviços/departamentos; estrutura organizacional (no sector público muito verticalizada e no sector privado mais horizontalizada); resistência à mudança; falta de tempo; falha no tempo de reacção (o tempo útil para a tomada de decisão é, por vezes, ultrapassado). --------ABSTRACT - The present research seeks to describe and understand how strategy influences leadership and how this in turn interacts in the process of innovation and change in health organizations. Previous studies on these topics are unknown in Portugal, about this research problem and its theoretical problem. This is an exploratory and descriptive study that involved 5 health organizations, 4 Portuguese and 1 Spanish. We used a mixed approach of research (qualitative and quantitative), which enabled us to understand, through case study, how strategy and leadership were articulated with innovation in these five health organizations. The results of the empirical study came from data collection through direct observation, interviews with key actors, documents and survey questionnaire answered by 165 participants of line and staff (Administrators, Medical Directors of Service /Department, Head Nurses and Technical Coordinators) of the five health organizations. Despite their complexity and specificity, both the model of Miles & Snow (organizational strategy) and the model of the Competing Values Framework of Quinn (organizational culture and leadership), suitably adapted, have proven heuristic power and able to be apply to healthcare organizations. Both public sector organizations, private and public organizations licensed (public-private partnerships) can be tracked and monitored in their processes of innovation and change in order to understand its kind of culture, leadership or organizational strategy adopted. Health organizations coexist in a continuum, where the environment (internal and external) and time are key factors which determine the strategy to adopt. Here too depending on the dynamic and complex reality where the organization moves, there are no pure types. There is indeed a great organizational plasticity and flexibility. Leaders usually carry the formal authority by circular normative. They are not pairs (or primi inter pares). Instead they are, sometimes, in a position of superiority, when the best thing is partnership, collaboration, cooperation, building consensus and cooperation with all stakeholders, in order that they are the real protagonists and facilitators of change and innovation. As factors that facilitate innovation and change, we found in health organizations studied, the following: ease of learning; vision / mission appropriate; absence of fear of failure, and as inhibiting factors: lack of coordination between agencies / departments; organizational structure (in the public sector it is too vertical and in the private sector it is more horizontal); resistance to change; lack of time and failure in the reaction time (the time for decision making is sometimes exceeded).


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The process of Competences Recognition, Validation and Certification , also known as Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL), is an innovative means of attaining school certificates for individuals without an academic background. The main objective of this process is to validate what people have learned in informal contexts, in order to attribute academic certificates. With the increasing interest of the qualification of workers and governmental support, more and more Portuguese organizations promote this process within their facilities and their work hours. This study explores the relationship between the promotion of this Human Resource Development Programme and employee’s attitudes (Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment) and behaviours (Extra-role Organizational Citizenship Behaviours) towards the organization they work for. Results of a cross-sectional survey of Portuguese Industrial Workers (N=135) showed that statistical significant results are in the higher levels of Voice Behaviours (a dimension of Extra-role Organizational Citizenship Behaviour in the groups of workers who were involved or had graduated from the firm promoted APL process.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Socioecological Field Study.This monograph reports on a 26 month socioecological study of black spider monkeys (Ateles paniscus paniscus)in the Raleigh-vallen — Voltzberg Nature Reserve, Surinam. It recognizes the fundamental importance of food to the behavior and the regulation of population density fox this primate. It clarifies the complex temporal and spatial effects of tropical rain forest food sources on the behavior of a group of spider monkeys, concentrating on food category, food plant identity and phenology, and quantity, density and dispersion of the most important food sources. In addition, the present study describes habitat choice, optimal feeding strategy and sexual behavior of the spider monkey, and discusses implications of diet for social behavior. This study is also fundamental to conservation. Specialized in eating mature fruits, the spider monkey is a very important dispersal agent for many trees and lianes, particularly canopy species. However, the spider monkey is probably the most vulnerable monkey species in Surinam and it is disappearing rapidly throughout the remainder of its range. Unfortunately, it is large and noisy and can be easily tracked and hunted. It is largely restricted to undisturbed high forest, and consequently habitat destruction has more effect on it than on most other species. Together with its slow reproductive rate (a female gives birth only once every four or five years), this means that the species is poorly adapted to recover from exploitation. In order to implement proper measures for conservation, data on forest type preferences, diet and social behavior of the species, or on closely related species, in undisturbed areas, such as the one described in this monograph, are essential tools for assessing the potential of proposed protected areas.