912 resultados para Matching patient to digital phantoms
This study was designed to assess whether the acute blood pressure response of an individual hypertensive patient to a calcium antagonist or an angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor is a good predictor of the long-term efficacy of these drug classes in this particular patient. The concept that good responses to ACE inhibitors and calcium antagonists may be mutually exclusive was also tested. Sixteen patients were included in a randomized crossover trial of enalapril, 20 mg daily, and diltiazem, 120 mg daily, for 6 weeks each. Blood pressure was measured by ambulatory blood pressure recording. During the washout phase, the acute effect of nifedipine, 10 mg p.o., and enalaprilat, 5 mg i.v., was evaluated. Nifedipine and enalaprilat reduced blood pressure equally well. The long-term blood pressure reduction induced by enalapril and diltiazem was similar. The acute blood pressure response to a given drug was not a good predictor of the result obtained with long-term therapy. No age dependency of the antihypertensive effect of either drug class was apparent. There was no evidence that a good response to one drug excluded a similarly good response to the other.
This paper analyzes the problem of matching heterogeneous agents in aBayesian learning model. One agent gives a noisy signal to another agent,who is responsible for learning. If production has a strong informationalcomponent, a phase of cross-matching occurs, so that agents of low knowledgecatch up with those of higher one. It is shown that:(i) a greater informational component in production makes cross-matchingmore likely;(ii) as the new technology is mastered, production becomes relatively morephysical and less informational;(iii) a greater dispersion of the ability to learn and transfer informationmakes self-matching more likely; and(iv) self-matching leads to more self-matching, whereas cross-matching canmake less productive agents overtake more productive ones.
Endogeneous matching in university-industry collaboration: Theory and empirical evidence from the UK
We develop a two-sided matching model to analyze collaboration between heterogeneousacademics and firms. We predict a positive assortative matching in terms of both scientificability and affinity for type of research, but negative assortative in terms of ability on one sideand affinity in the other. In addition, the most able and most applied academics and the mostable and most basic firms shall collaborate rather than stay independent. Our predictionsreceive strong support from the analysis of the teams of academics and firms that proposeresearch projects to the UK's Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.
Current hypertension guidelines point to the necessity of achieving sustained and strict blood pressure control in every hypertensive patient. To reach this goal the patient should comply both with hygienic measures and pharmacologic treatment. This remains a difficult task, particularly since hypertension is generally asymptomatic and since any therapeutic intervention might adversely alter the patient's quality of life. Long-term persistence with antihypertensive therapy is facilated when the treatment is initiated with well tolerated antihypertensive agents, especially blockers of the renin-angiotensin system. Having a normal blood pressure during treatment is also an important determinant of persistence. This explains the growing interest for fixed-dose combinations, which have the main advantage to be at the same time efficient and well tolerated. These simple to use preparations have even gained acceptance as first-line drug regimen.
Alteplase has been shown to be effective in preventing central venous access clotting in patients on hemodialysis. Because of a high phosphorus content in its excipient, it can inadvertently contaminate blood samples, leading the physician in care of the patient to erroneously increase dialysis time or change diet in order to control the pseudo-hyperphosphatemia.
The region of greatest variability on soil maps is along the edge of their polygons, causing disagreement among pedologists about the appropriate description of soil classes at these locations. The objective of this work was to propose a strategy for data pre-processing applied to digital soil mapping (DSM). Soil polygons on a training map were shrunk by 100 and 160 m. This strategy prevented the use of covariates located near the edge of the soil classes for the Decision Tree (DT) models. Three DT models derived from eight predictive covariates, related to relief and organism factors sampled on the original polygons of a soil map and on polygons shrunk by 100 and 160 m were used to predict soil classes. The DT model derived from observations 160 m away from the edge of the polygons on the original map is less complex and has a better predictive performance.
We present a 34-year-old patient with digital necrosis due to thromboangiitis obliterans. He was successfully treated with iloprost, a prostaglandin analogue. Duplex ultrasonography was performed during the perfusion of iloprost to optimize the doses and the treatment duration. A complete revascularization was observed after 10 days. Iloprost perfusions were stopped, and a slow regression of the necroses was observed in the subsequent days. With the use of duplex ultrasonography, unnecessary high doses of iloprost and long periods of treatment can be avoided reducing side effects and treatment costs.
Extracorporeal life support systems (ECLS) have become common in cardiothoracic surgery, but are still "Terra Incognita" in other medical fields due to the fact that perfusion units are normally bound to cardiothoracic centres. The Lifebridge B2T is an ECLS that is meant to be used as an easy and fast-track extracorporeal cardiac support to provide short-term perfusion for the transport of a patient to a specialized centre. With the Lifebridge B2T it is now possible to provide extracorporeal bypass for patients in hospitals without a perfusion unit. The Lifebridge B2T was tested on three calves to analyze the handling, performance and security of this system. The Lifebridge B2T safely can be used clinically and can provide full extracorporeal support for patients in cardiac or pulmonary failure. Flows up to 3.9 +/- 0.2l/min were reached, with an inflow pressure of -103 +/- 13mmHg, using a 21Fr. BioMedicus (Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN, USA) venous cannula. The "Plug and Play" philosophy, with semi-automatic priming, integrated check-list, a long battery time of over two hours and instinctively designed user interface, makes this device very interesting for units with high-risk interventions, such as catheterisation labs. If a system is necessary in an emergency unit, the Lifebridge can provide a high security level, even in centres not acquainted with cardiopulmonary bypass.
PURPOSE: To predict the risk of an adolescent patient to miss an appointment, based on the previous appointments and on the characteristics of the patient and the appointment. METHODS: Two thousand one hundred ninety-three (1873 females) patients aged 12 to 20 years having scheduled at least four appointments were included. We assessed the rate of missed nonexcused appointments of each patient. Second, a Markovian multilevel model was used to predict the risk of defaulting. RESULTS: Forty-five percent of the patients have not missed even once, and 14% of females and 17% of males have missed >25% of their appointments. Females show two types of behaviors (an abstract concept that groups individuals based on a combination of their appointment-keeping and their recorded type of healthcare need) depending on the diagnosis. Somatic, gynecology, violence, and counseling diagnoses are mostly grouped together. In this group, having already missed and having an appointment with a paramedical provider increases the risk of missing. In the second group (eating disorders and psychiatric diagnoses) having already missed and a longer delay between appointments influence the risk of missing, although the risk is lower for this latter group. Males only show one type of behavior regarding missed appointments. Having missed a previous appointment, being older, having cancelled the next to last appointment and the type of diagnosis explain the risk of missing. CONCLUSIONS: Patients who have already defaulted have a higher risk of defaulting again. Means of control regarding missed appointments should consequently focus on defaulters, to decrease the associated workload. Reminders could be a solution for the follow-up appointments scheduled with a long delay.
The traditional obesity treatments have proven to be ineffective in the long-term. The presence of eating disorders frequently explains this phenomena. Eating educational and behavioral aspects must be addressed in a practical way so that patients could gradually become aware of their behavior towards food as well as internal sensations associated with hunger, satiety, craving and pleasure. Finally, the link between emotions and compulsive eating behaviors during and between meals is an essential aspect that the general practitioner can help the patient to understand. A specialized psychological treatment can then be considered when the patient shows sufficient motivation and consciousness.
Version abregée L'ischémie cérébrale est la troisième cause de mort dans les pays développés, et la maladie responsable des plus sérieux handicaps neurologiques. La compréhension des bases moléculaires et anatomiques de la récupération fonctionnelle après l'ischémie cérébrale est donc extrêmement importante et représente un domaine d'intérêt crucial pour la recherche fondamentale et clinique. Durant les deux dernières décennies, les chercheurs ont tenté de combattre les effets nocifs de l'ischémie cérébrale à l'aide de substances exogènes qui, bien que testées avec succès dans le domaine expérimental, ont montré un effet contradictoire dans l'application clinique. Une approche différente mais complémentaire est de stimuler des mécanismes intrinsèques de neuroprotection en utilisant le «modèle de préconditionnement» : une brève insulte protège contre des épisodes d'ischémie plus sévères à travers la stimulation de voies de signalisation endogènes qui augmentent la résistance à l'ischémie. Cette approche peut offrir des éléments importants pour clarifier les mécanismes endogènes de neuroprotection et fournir de nouvelles stratégies pour rendre les neurones et la glie plus résistants à l'attaque ischémique cérébrale. Dans un premier temps, nous avons donc étudié les mécanismes de neuroprotection intrinsèques stimulés par la thrombine, un neuroprotecteur «préconditionnant» dont on a montré, à l'aide de modèles expérimentaux in vitro et in vivo, qu'il réduit la mort neuronale. En appliquant une technique de microchirurgie pour induire une ischémie cérébrale transitoire chez la souris, nous avons montré que la thrombine peut stimuler les voies de signalisation intracellulaire médiées par MAPK et JNK par une approche moléculaire et l'analyse in vivo d'un inhibiteur spécifique de JNK (L JNK) .Nous avons également étudié l'impact de la thrombine sur la récupération fonctionnelle après une attaque et avons pu démontrer que ces mécanismes moléculaires peuvent améliorer la récupération motrice. La deuxième partie de cette étude des mécanismes de récupération après ischémie cérébrale est basée sur l'investigation des bases anatomiques de la plasticité des connections cérébrales, soit dans le modèle animal d'ischémie transitoire, soit chez l'homme. Selon des résultats précédemment publiés par divers groupes ,nous savons que des mécanismes de plasticité aboutissant à des degrés divers de récupération fonctionnelle sont mis enjeu après une lésion ischémique. Le résultat de cette réorganisation est une nouvelle architecture fonctionnelle et structurelle, qui varie individuellement selon l'anatomie de la lésion, l'âge du sujet et la chronicité de la lésion. Le succès de toute intervention thérapeutique dépendra donc de son interaction avec la nouvelle architecture anatomique. Pour cette raison, nous avons appliqué deux techniques de diffusion en résonance magnétique qui permettent de détecter les changements de microstructure cérébrale et de connexions anatomiques suite à une attaque : IRM par tenseur de diffusion (DT-IR1V) et IRM par spectre de diffusion (DSIRM). Grâce à la DT-IRM hautement sophistiquée, nous avons pu effectuer une étude de follow-up à long terme chez des souris ayant subi une ischémie cérébrale transitoire, qui a mis en évidence que les changements microstructurels dans l'infarctus ainsi que la modification des voies anatomiques sont corrélés à la récupération fonctionnelle. De plus, nous avons observé une réorganisation axonale dans des aires où l'on détecte une augmentation d'expression d'une protéine de plasticité exprimée dans le cône de croissance des axones (GAP-43). En appliquant la même technique, nous avons également effectué deux études, rétrospective et prospective, qui ont montré comment des paramètres obtenus avec DT-IRM peuvent monitorer la rapidité de récupération et mettre en évidence un changement structurel dans les voies impliquées dans les manifestations cliniques. Dans la dernière partie de ce travail, nous avons décrit la manière dont la DS-IRM peut être appliquée dans le domaine expérimental et clinique pour étudier la plasticité cérébrale après ischémie. Abstract Ischemic stroke is the third leading cause of death in developed countries and the disease responsible for the most serious long-term neurological disability. Understanding molecular and anatomical basis of stroke recovery is, therefore, extremely important and represents a major field of interest for basic and clinical research. Over the past 2 decades, much attention has focused on counteracting noxious effect of the ischemic insult with exogenous substances (oxygen radical scavengers, AMPA and NMDA receptor antagonists, MMP inhibitors etc) which were successfully tested in the experimental field -but which turned out to have controversial effects in clinical trials. A different but complementary approach to address ischemia pathophysiology and treatment options is to stimulate and investigate intrinsic mechanisms of neuroprotection using the "preconditioning effect": applying a brief insult protects against subsequent prolonged and detrimental ischemic episodes, by up-regulating powerful endogenous pathways that increase resistance to injury. We believe that this approach might offer an important insight into the molecular mechanisms responsible for endogenous neuroprotection. In addition, results from preconditioning model experiment may provide new strategies for making brain cells "naturally" more resistant to ischemic injury and accelerate their rate of functional recovery. In the first part of this work, we investigated down-stream mechanisms of neuroprotection induced by thrombin, a well known neuroprotectant which has been demonstrated to reduce stroke-induced cell death in vitro and in vivo experimental models. Using microsurgery to induce transient brain ischemia in mice, we showed that thrombin can stimulate both MAPK and JNK intracellular pathways through a molecular biology approach and an in vivo analysis of a specific kinase inhibitor (L JNK1). We also studied thrombin's impact on functional recovery demonstrating that these molecular mechanisms could enhance post-stroke motor outcome. The second part of this study is based on investigating the anatomical basis underlying connectivity remodeling, leading to functional improvement after stroke. To do this, we used both a mouse model of experimental ischemia and human subjects with stroke. It is known from previous data published in literature, that the brain adapts to damage in a way that attempts to preserve motor function. The result of this reorganization is a new functional and structural architecture, which will vary from patient to patient depending on the anatomy of the damage, the biological age of the patient and the chronicity of the lesion. The success of any given therapeutic intervention will depend on how well it interacts with this new architecture. For this reason, we applied diffusion magnetic resonance techniques able to detect micro-structural and connectivity changes following an ischemic lesion: diffusion tensor MRI (DT-MRI) and diffusion spectrum MRI (DS-MRI). Using DT-MRI, we performed along-term follow up study of stroke mice which showed how diffusion changes in the stroke region and fiber tract remodeling is correlating with stroke recovery. In addition, axonal reorganization is shown in areas of increased plasticity related protein expression (GAP 43, growth axonal cone related protein). Applying the same technique, we then performed a retrospective and a prospective study in humans demonstrating how specific DTI parameters could help to monitor the speed of recovery and show longitudinal changes in damaged tracts involved in clinical symptoms. Finally, in the last part of this study we showed how DS-MRI could be applied both to experimental and human stroke and which perspectives it can open to further investigate post stroke plasticity.
Three molecular typing methods (pulsed-field electrophoresis, localization of the mecA gene, and probing the vicinity of mec) have been used for the characterization of 40 catheter-related isolates of coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) in 14 patients admitted to the same hospital. The 40 isolates yielded 14 different SmaI banding patterns and corresponding unique localizations of mecA, each associated with a unique ClaI mecA polymorph. In 6 of the 14 patients the contaminated skin at the catheter entry site was the source of 4 local infections and 2 cases of bacteremia. A contaminated hub was the origin of 2 local infections and 4 cases of bacteremia in 6 more patients. The remaining 2 patients had positive cultures from both skin and catheter hub. In each bacteremic patient, the CNS recovered from catheter-related sites (tip, skin, and/or hub) and the CNS recovered from blood were identical, but each of these matching isolates was unique to the particular patient, indicating a low rate of cross-infection from patient to patient. Although classical methods for typing CNS (e.g., biotype and antibiotype) are readily available for most hospital laboratories, they have limitations concerning reproducibility and discriminatory power. Molecular epidemiologic techniques can provide powerful support to traditional techniques in determining the etiologic role of CNS in the disease process
[cat] Estudiem les propietats teòriques que una funció d.emparellament ha de satisfer per tal de representar un mercat laboral amb friccions dins d'un model d'equilibri general amb emparellament aleatori. Analitzem el cas Cobb-Douglas, CES i altres formes funcionals per a la funció d.emparellament. Els nostres resultats estableixen restriccions sobre els paràmetres d'aquests formes funcionals per assegurar que l.equilibri és interior. Aquestes restriccions aporten raons teòriques per escollir entre diverses formes funcionals i permeten dissenyar tests d'error d'especificació de model en els treballs empírics.