440 resultados para Lucinda Zoe
La escuela británica Summerhill tiene entre sus principios educativos el antiautoritarismo y el progresismo. El centro, creado por el filósofo Alexander Sutherland Neill, es dirigido en la actualidad por su hija Zoe Readhead. Después de dos intentos de cierre del centro educativo en 1990 y 1994 por parte del gobierno conservador británico, Summerhill se ha enfrentado a una nueva inspección educativa, esta vez impulsada por el gobierno laborista, en la que se advertía de la falta de disciplina y conocimientos en las aulas que podría entorpecer el desarrollo intelectual del alumnado. Sin embargo, un acuerdo entre el gobierno y la dirección del centro ha permitido que el internado mantenga sus puertas abiertas, sin renuciar a su ideario.
El fin del proyecto es incidir en las actitudes, hábitos y comportamientos de la comunidad educativa ante el consumo de drogas y contribuir al desarrollo integral de la salud en su vertiente física, psíquica y social. Este programa de prevención se incluye en el Proyecto Educativo y Curricular y en la Programación de Aula. De cada uno de estos tres niveles describe los aspectos generales y de área, la relación de contenidos, la metodología y la evaluación. Incluye una unidad didáctica para los tres ciclos de Primaria basada en la Educación del ocio y tiempo libre, en la interiorización de normas y conductas y en el fomento de la creatividad, imaginación y respeto a los demás. Concluye con los criterios y técnicas de evaluación y la organización de materiales y recursos.
Incluye Cuestionario de Evaluación y Análisis Tutorial en Centros Educativos, editado por el ICE de la Universidad de Deusto y Mensajero, cuyo autores son: Carmen Valdivia, Aurelio Villa, Manuel Marroquín y Zoe Martínez de la Hidalga
Se presenta una recopilación de actividades de tutoría para primero de FP II. Las actividades propuestas se estructuran en obligatorias y optativas. En el primer grupo se incluyen las jornadas de presentación y acogida, la elección de delegados del curso y las sesiones pre y post evaluación. Las actividades optativas se distribuyen entorno a tres áreas: conocimiento de la rama y especialidad que se inicia en este ciclo; técnicas de estudio, analizando la consulta de libros, tomar apuntes y la mejora del aprovechamiento en clase, haciéndo énfasis en el repaso; y la orientación académico profesional y las salidas laborales.
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
T??tulo, resumen y palabras clave tambi??n en ingl??s
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
O grande impulso para o sector eléctrico em Portugal surgiu nos anos de 1940, com a definição das linhas mestras da electrificação do país. Foi neste âmbito que, a partir da década de 1950, se realizou a construção de grandes empreendimentos hidro e termo eléctricos, nomeadamente em Vilarinho da Furna, Picote, Miranda do Douro, Bemposta e, finalmente, em Alqueva, com a submersão da aldeia da Luz. Vilarinho da Furna era uma das últimas e mais típicas aldeias comunitárias da Europa. Até que a construção de uma barragem pôs termo à sua existência, no princípio dos anos setenta. Mas parte do seu património, constituído pelas componentes histórico-cultural e socio-económica, conseguiu sobreviver. É esse património que os seus antigos habitantes, apesar de dispersos pelas partidas do mundo, se propõem salvaguardar e valorizar. Ao contrário do que aconteceu em Vilarinho, em substituição da velha aldeia da Luz, submersa pela Barragem de Alqueva, foi construída uma nova povoação. Mas a readaptação ao novo espaço envolvente, bem como a manutenção ou perda de uma identidade colectiva dos habitantes da Luz, reveste-se de grande impacto, na medida em que se tratou de uma imposição do Estado. Por sua vez, o caso do Douro Internacional é uma situação sui generis. Até certo ponto é a antítese de Vilarinho da Furna e da aldeia da Luz. A construção das barragens de Picote, Miranda do Douro e Bemposta não implicou a submersão de nenhuma aldeia. Por isso não envolveu a sua relocalização e também não teve impactos directos sobre as comunidades. Como apoio à construção destas barragens, foi edificado um conjunto de equipamentos colectivos. Actualmente, parte deste património está votado ao abandono. Nos bairros dos operários, as casas ou foram recentemente vendidas a forasteiros ou estão ocupadas por antigos funcionários, agora reformados. Da análise dos casos referidos, parece que o desenvolvimento baseado na construção de barragens, nos últimos cinquenta anos, é uma miragem para as populações afectadas.
Halberda (2003) demonstrated that 17-month-old infants, but not 14- or 16-month-olds, use a strategy known as mutual exclusivity (ME) to identify the meanings of new words. When 17-month-olds were presented with a novel word in an intermodal preferential looking task, they preferentially fixated a novel object over an object for which they already had a name. We explored whether the development of this word-learning strategy is driven by children's experience of hearing only one name for each referent in their environment by comparing the behavior of infants from monolingual and bilingual homes. Monolingual infants aged 17–22 months showed clear evidence of using an ME strategy, in that they preferentially fixated the novel object when they were asked to "look at the dax." Bilingual infants of the same age and vocabulary size failed to show a similar pattern of behavior. We suggest that children who are raised with more than one language fail to develop an ME strategy in parallel with monolingual infants because development of the bias is a consequence of the monolingual child's everyday experiences with words.
A series of six low molecular weight elastomers with hydrogen bonding end-groups have been designed, synthesised and studied. The poly(urethane) based elastomers all contained essentially the same hard block content (ca. 11%) and differ only in the nature of their end-groups. Solution state 1H NMR spectroscopic analysis of model compounds featuring the end-groups demonstrate that they all exhibit very low binding constants, in the range 1.4 to 45.0 M-1 in CDCl3, yet the corresponding elastomers each possess a markedly different nanoscale morphology and rheology in the bulk. We are able to correlate small variations of the binding constant of the end-groups with dramatic changes in the bulk properties of the elastomers. These results provide an important insight into the way in which weak non-covalent interactions can be utilized to afford a range of self-assembled polyurethane based materials that feature different morphologies.
Background: The relationship between continuity of care and user characteristics or outcomes has rarely been explored. The ECHO study operationalized and tested a multi-axial definition of continuity of care, producing a seven-factor model used here. Aims: To assess the relationship between user characteristics and established components of continuity of care, and the impact of continuity on clinical and social functioning. Methods: The sample comprised 180 community mental health team users with psychotic disorders who were interviewed at three annual time-points, to assess their experiences of continuity of care and clinical and social functioning. Scores on seven continuity factors were tested for association with user-level variables. Results: Improvement in quality of life was associated with better Experience & Relationship continuity scores (better user-rated continuity and therapeutic relationship) and with lower Meeting Needs continuity factor scores. Higher Meeting Needs scores were associated with a decrease in symptoms. Conclusion: Continuity is a dynamic process, influenced significantly by care structures and organizational change.
Multicellularity evolved well before 600 million years ago, and all multicellular animals have evolved since then with the need to protect against pathogens. There is no reason to expect their immune systems to be any less sophisticated than ours. The vertebrate system, based on rearranging immunoglobulin-superfamily domains, appears to have evolved partly as a result of chance insertion of RAG genes by horizontal transfer. Remarkably sophisticated systems for expansion of immunological repertoire have evolved in parallel in many groups of organisms. Vaccination of invertebrates against commercially important pathogens has been empirically successful, and suggests that the definition of an adaptive and innate immune system should no longer depend on the presence of memory and specificity, since these terms are hard to define in themselves. The evolution of randomly-created immunological repertoire also carries with it the potential for generating autoreactive specificities and consequent autoimmune damage.While invertebrates may use systems analogous to ours to control autoreactive specificities, they may have evolved alternative mechanisms which operate either at the level of individuals-within-populations rather than cells-within-individuals, by linking self-reactive specificities to regulatory pathways and non-self-reactive to effector pathways.
Studying the pathogenesis of an infectious disease like colibacillosis requires an understanding of the responses of target hosts to the organism both as a pathogen and as a commensal. The mucosal immune system constitutes the primary line of defence against luminal micro-organisms. The immunoglobulin-superfamily-based adaptive immune system evolved in the earliest jawed vertebrates, and the adaptive and innate immune system of humans, mice, pigs and ruminants co-evolved in common ancestors for approximately 300 million years. The divergence occurred only 100 mya and, as a consequence, most of the fundamental immunological mechanisms are very similar. However, since pressure on the immune system comes from rapidly evolving pathogens, immune systems must also evolve rapidly to maintain the ability of the host to survive and reproduce. As a consequence, there are a number of areas of detail where mammalian immune systems have diverged markedly from each other, such that results obtained in one species are not always immediately transferable to another. Thus, animal models of specific diseases need to be selected carefully, and the results interpreted with caution. Selection is made simpler where specific host species like cattle and pigs can be both target species and reservoirs for human disease, as in infections with Escherichia coli.