945 resultados para Legal research methodology


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In recent years there has been an increase in literature which has explored the insider/outsider position through ethnic identities. However, there remains a neglect of religious identities, even though it could be argued that religious identities have become increasingly important through being prominent in international issues such as the ‘war on terror’ and the Middle East conflict. Through drawing on the concept of subjectivity, I reflect on research I conducted on the impact of the ‘war on terror’ on British Muslims. I explore the space between the insider/outsider position demonstrating how my various subjectivities – the ‘non-Islamic appearance I’, the ‘Muslim I’, the ‘personal I’, the ‘exploring I’, the ‘Kashmiri I’ or the ‘Pakistani I’, the ‘status I’ and the ‘outsider I’ – assisted in establishing trust, openness and commonality. I conclude by demonstrating how the ‘emotional I’ allowed me to manage my own emotions and participants emotions.


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Relatório EPE - Relatório de estágio em Educação Pré-Escolar: O presente relatório de estágio foi realizado no âmbito da Unidade Curricular (UC) de Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada na Educação Pré-Escolar, inserida no Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Sendo que este perspetiva o percurso de formação da mestranda, importa conceptualizar os referenciais teóricos e legais que sustentaram a sua ação e a metodologia utlizada durante todo o processo – investigação-ação – que inclui os seguintes processos educativos: a observação, a planificação, a ação, a avaliação e a reflexão. A Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada realizou-se na valência de creche, no Colégio Novo da Maia e teve como principais objetivos o desenvolvimento das competências profissionais e disposições subjacentes ao Perfil Geral e Específico de Desempenho do Educador de Infância. Apoiando a sua prática através da observação, recolha de dados, análise constante da ação e reflexão crítica permanente, a formanda, regulou-se pela metodologia de investigação-ação enquanto “processo em que os participantes analisam as suas próprias práticas educativas de uma forma sistemática e aprofundada” (Coutinho et al, 2009, p.360), com vista ao desenvolvimento de competências relativas a um educador enquanto investigador da própria ação. Importa acrescentar que o período de estágio foi de 210 horas e decorreu em díade de formação. A colaboração entre todos os atores intervenientes no contexto da prática pedagógica supervisionada “visa a construção de um perfil profissional que promova o desenvolvimento das competências socioprofissionais e pessoais, de forma fundamentada, reflexiva, integrada e autonomizante, à luz do princípio da aprendizagem ao longo da vida” (Ribeiro, 2013, p.2).


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O presente relatório foi desenvolvido no âmbito de Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada no 1ºCiclo do Ensino Básico, Unidade Curricular do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1ºCiclo do Ensino Básico, na Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Assim sendo, diz respeito à intervenção da mestranda numa turma de 4ºano do 1ºCiclo do Ensino Básico, numa instituição de ensino público, na zona metropolitana do Porto. A Unidade Curricular em questão, de cariz teórico-prático, permitiu mobilizar pressupostos teóricos fundamentais para o desenvolvimento da prática pedagógica, dando a conhecer as competências desejáveis do profissional de ensino. A metodologia utilizada ao longo do percurso da mestranda assentou na vertente da investigação e ação, pelo que envolve um conjunto de etapas que permitem a melhoria das práticas e, consequentemente, do desenvolvimento profissional e da aprendizagem dos alunos. O relatório espelha todo o processo formativo, destacando conceções teóricas e legais e o contexto da prática, evidenciando, de forma crítica e reflexiva, momentos do estágio que marcaram o desenvolvimento profissional e pessoal da futura professora. Destaca-se a valorização do aluno como indivíduo único, repleto de características que o caracterizam, bem como do processo de ensino-aprendizagem, pelo que se utilizaram metodologias socioconstrutivistas e recursos diversificados com vista à aprendizagem de sucesso. Deste modo, realça-se que este mestrado contribuiu para o desenvolvimento de competências essenciais no que concerne à profissão docente, sendo que a vivência de situações concretas permitiram a construção fundamentada do pensamento crítico e de um conjunto de saberes científicos, pedagógicos e didáticos da mestranda.


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A good research proposal provides a clear research question within the context of yours chosen research area. It should be presented with the full range of background relating to the topic, unambiguous aims and objectives, and a research methodology. It is assumed that a pre-requisite to completing this core theme is that you have already identified your research question, have conducted your literature review, identified how you will collect and analyse your data, and have planned how you will complete your research, either through discussions with your Masters/PhD supervisors, or the completion of the five core themes on this module ('Literature review', 'Choosing your research topic', 'Project Management' 'Collecting data' and 'Data analysis'.)


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Explores the balance between different kinds of evidence in research methodology


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This paper presents a case study to illustrate the range of decisions involved in designing a sampling strategy for a complex, longitudinal research study. It is based on experience from the Young Lives project and identifies the approaches used to sample children for longitudinal follow-up in four less developed countries (LDCs). The rationale for decisions made and the resulting benefits, and limitations, of the approaches adopted are discussed. Of particular importance is the choice of sampling approach to yield useful analysis; specific examples are presented of how this informed the design of the Young Lives sampling strategy.


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An alternative approach to research is described that has been developed through a succession of significant construction management research projects. The approach follows the principles of iterative grounded theory, whereby researchers iterate between alternative theoretical frameworks and emergent empirical data. Of particular importance is an orientation toward mixing methods, thereby overcoming the existing tendency to dichotomize quantitative and qualitative approaches. The approach is positioned against the existing contested literature on grounded theory, and the possibility of engaging with empirical data in a “theory free” manner is discounted. Emphasis instead is given to the way in which researchers must be theoretically sensitive as a result of being steeped in relevant literatures. Knowledge of existing literatures therefore shapes the initial research design; but emergent empirical findings cause fresh theoretical perspectives to be mobilized. The advocated approach is further aligned with notions of knowledge coproduction and the underlying principles of contextualist research. It is this unique combination of ideas which characterizes the paper's contribution to the research methodology literature within the field of construction management. Examples are provided and consideration is given to the extent to which the emergent findings are generalizable beyond the specific context from which they are derived.


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This paper explores methodological issues related to research into second language listening strategies. We argue that a number of central questions regarding research methodology in this line of enquiry are underexamined, and we engage in the discussion of three key methodological questions: (1) To what extent is a verbal report a valid and reliable way of eliciting information about strategies? (2) Should we control for learners' level of linguistic knowledge when examining their listening strategy use? and (3) What are the problems surrounding the analysis of data gained through verbal reports? We discuss each of these three methodological issues within the framework of a research project investigating listening strategies deployed by learners of French in secondary schools in England. Implications from these findings for future research are discussed.


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This thesis is concerned with development of improved management practices in indigenous chicken production systems in a research process that includes participatory approaches with smallholder farmers and other stakeholders in Kenya. The research process involved a wide range of activities that included on-station experiments, field surveys, stakeholder consultations in workshops, seminars and visits, and on-farm farmer participatory research to evaluate the effect of some improved management interventions on production performance of indigenous chickens. The participatory research was greatly informed from collective experiences and lessons of the previous activities. The on-station studies focused on hatching, growth and nutritional characteristics of the indigenous chickens. Four research publications from these studies are included in this thesis. Quantitative statistical analyses were applied and they involved use of growth models estimated with non-linear regressions for the growth characteristics, chi-square determinations to investigate differences among different reciprocal crosses of indigenous chickens and general linear models and covariance determination for the nutrition study. The on-station studies brought greater understanding of performance and production characteristics of indigenous chickens and the influence of management practices on these characteristics. The field surveys and stakeholder consultations helped in understanding the overarching issues affecting the productivity of the indigenous chickens systems and their place in the livelihoods of smallholder farmers. These activities created strong networking opportunities with stakeholders from a wide spectrum. The on-farm farmer participatory research involved selection of 200 farmers in five regions followed by training and introduction of interventions on improved management practices which included housing, vaccination, deworming and feed supplementation. Implementation and monitoring was mainly done by individual farmers continuously for close to one and half years. Six quarterly visits to the farms were made by the research team to monitor and provide support for on-going project activities. The data collected has been analysed for 5 consecutive 3-monthly periods. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied to analyse the data collected involving treatment applications, production characteristics and flock demography characteristics. Out of the 200 farmers initially selected, 173 had records on treatment applications and flock demography characteristics while 127 farmers had records on production characteristics. The demographic analysis with a dissimilarity index of flock size produced 7 distinct farm groups from among the 173 farms. Two of these farm groups were represented in similar numbers in each of the five regions. The research process also involved a number of dissemination and communication strategies that have brought the process and project outcomes into the domain of accessibility by wider readership locally and globally. These include workshops, seminars, field visits and consultations, local and international conferences, electronic conferencing, publications and personal communication via emailing and conventional posting. A number of research and development proposals were also developed based on the knowledge and experiences gained from the research process. The thesis captures the research process activities and outcomes in 8 chapters which include in ascending order – introduction, theoretical concepts underpinning FPR, research methodology and process, on-station research output, FPR descriptive statistical analysis, FPR inferential statistical analysis on production characteristics, FPR demographic analysis and conclusions. Various research approaches both quantitative and qualitative have been applied in the research process indicating the possibilities and importance of combining both systems for greater understanding of issues being studied. In our case, participatory studies of the improved management of indigenous chickens indicates their potential importance as livelihood assets for poor people.


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This paper argues that the intellectual contribution of Alan Rugman reflects his distinctive research methodology. Alan Rugman trained as an economist, and relied heavily on economic principles throughout his work. He believed that one good theory was sufficient for IB studies, and that theory, he maintained, was internalisation theory. He rejected theoretical pluralism, and believed that IB suffered from a surfeit of theories. Alan was a positivist. The test of a good theory was that it led to clear predictions which were corroborated by empirical evidence. Many IB theories, Alan believed, were weak; their proliferation sowed confusion and they needed to be refuted. Alan’s interpretation of internalisation was, however, unconventional in some respects. He played down the trade-offs presented in Coase’s original work, and substituted heuristics in their place. Instead of analysing internalisation as a context-specific choice between alternative contractual arrangements, he presented it as a strategic imperative for firms possessing strong knowledge advantages. His heuristics did not apply to every possible case, but in Alan’s view they applied in the great majority of cases and were therefore a basis for management action.


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For a generation or more, environmental education discourses have been constructed around persistent Cartesian dualisms of modernist thought that divide an "othered" category of being from that of a constituted homogeneous human identity. During the same period, both feminist and poststructuralist theorizing has acted to destabilize the constitution of identities, revealing knowledge, including environmental knowledge, to be multiple, subjective, contingent, and intimately tied in with embodied experiences of place. We explore some of the contingencies of environmental knowledge as revealed through a poststructuralist feminist research methodology and the place for such understandings within an early twenty-first century vision for environmental education research and practice.


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This six-part research series is aimed at clinicians who wish to develop research skills, or who have a particular clinical problem that they think could be addressed through research. The series aims to provide insight into the decisions that researchers make in the course of their work, and to also provide a foundation for decisions that nurses may make in applying the findings of a study to practice in their own Unit or Department. The series emphasises the practical issues encountered when undertaking research in critical care settings; readers are encouraged to source research methodology textbooks for more detailed guidance on specific aspects of the research process.

A couple of points:

1. It is artificial to describe research as qualitative or quantitative. Studies often include both dimensions. However, for the purposes of this paper/series, this distinction is drawn for clarity of writing.

2. It is common practice for quantitative studies to refer to study ‘subjects’ and qualitative studies to refer to study ‘participants’. For ease of reading, the latter term will be used throughout this series.


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This paper considers two different methodological approaches to 'capturing' and analysing reflection-in-action in process drama teaching. Reflection-in-action, the 'thinking on your feet' that drama teachers constantly do, is ephemeral and difficult to record. In the first project discussed here, a teacher researcher study, examines the problem of representing the reflection-in-action, working around the central question of 'How can I as a researcher describe and document my reflection-in- action when working as a teacher in process drama?' The second project, an interview-based research project', developed some of the findings of the first study through a series of interviews with drama practitioners. This paper considers these methodological approaches in terms of the possibilities they provide, the limitations for the study of reflection-in- action in process drama and some possible applications of the approaches investigated for future drama research