378 resultados para Jeux


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Depuis la fin des années 1990, les jeux de hasard et d’argent (JHA) sèment régulièrement la controverse dans l’espace public québécois. En effet, au cours des dernières années, la question du management et de la régulation des JHA a pris une place de plus en plus importante dans les débats publics. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, qui prend la forme d’une thèse par articles, nous nous intéresserons au processus de construction du problème public que représente maintenant le jeu excessif au Québec. Pour ce faire, nous tracerons, dans un premier temps, la genèse de ce problème public en remontant à ses origines. Ce détour historique nous permettra de mettre en relief les diverses constructions par lesquelles l’action de s’adonner aux JHA et ce, de manière excessive ou non, est passée au cours du dernier siècle, soit de vice, à crime, à loisir en passant par maladie et problème de santé publique. Cette genèse nous permettra d’apporter un nouvel éclairage sur la présente controverse relative aux JHA au Québec. Nous tenterons, dans un premier temps, de mettre en relief comment la santé publique a réussi à construire ce « nouveau risque » que représente maintenant l’action de s’adonner aux JHA. Par la suite, nous tenterons de tirer des leçons pour la compréhension, l’analyse et le management des politiques publiques et ce, via une analyse de la controverse portant sur les JHA (article 1), un travail de reconceptualisation théorique (article 2) ainsi qu’une réflexion épistémologique sur des fondements de l’analyse et du management des politiques publiques (article 3).


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La dernière des treize lettres familières qui forment le premier volet des Epistres familieres et invectives (1539) reste à ce jour la missive la plus difficile à interpréter du recueil d’Hélisenne de Crenne. Son caractère cryptique, la voix masculine qu’y fait entendre l’épistolière et la présence d’allusions amoureuses assurent un caractère singulier à ce texte dont le fonctionnement peut se comprendre — c’est l’hypothèse que propose cet article — comme le résultat d’un travestissement identitaire (une femme s’y exprime à la manière d’un homme), doublé d’un travestissement générique (la lettre familière cache une lettre d’amour). L’expression directe du désir amoureux ne semble possible, dans le recueil, que par ce jeu de travestissements où la rhétorique masque et dévoile tout à la fois, en établissant entre épistolière et destinataire une familiarité affective dont l’existence ne peut être révélée au lecteur que sur le mode du simulacre.


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Que penser d’une jeune artiste qui se présente tantôt en Méduse ou en beauté orientale, tantôt en bouddha, en haltérophile ou en Gretchen? Que penser de cet autoportrait dédoublé « en damier » qui fait écho au portrait d’une femme « en rayures », celui-ci également dédoublé? Comment décoder des photomontages — tous plus énigmatiques les uns que les autres — conçus en collaboration avec cette même femme « en rayures », et qui se retrouvent intercalés dans un texte intitulé « Aveux non avenus »? Que signifie « aimer », lorsque l’être aimé est notre alter ego? Cette histoire d’amour entre soi et la projection de soi peut-elle éviter l’abîme? Cet article propose de réfléchir sur la notion d’« aimer » chez Claude Cahun et Suzanne Malherbe alias Marcel Moore, en interrogeant le côté « narcissique » et autoréflexif que révèlent la plupart des autoportraits, l’autobiographie et les photomontages, d’une part, et le désir lesbien stigmatisé à l’époque comme un « faux masque », d’autre part. Dans un deuxième temps, il s’intéressera à ce couple symbiotique que forment l’auteure-photographe Cahun et la graphiste-peintre Moore, symbiose artistique qui leur permet de créer des oeuvres à leur image.


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Ce mémoire en recherche-création s’intéresse à la quête identitaire, et / ou au désir de tracer son propre chemin en réinterprétant les événements du passé. Le roman TRANSHUMANCES raconte le pèlerinage d’Alice sur la via Podiensis, qui relie la commune du Puy-en-Velay en France, à Santiago de Compostela en Espagne. Elle marche. Elle marche pour oublier, pour enterrer ses morts, pour avancer, ailleurs. Elle marche et fait de nombreuses rencontres. Par la conversation et la contemplation, elle tente d’apaiser les maux qui la rongent. Elle marche et apprivoise ce chemin mythique, mystique, cette route qui mène le croyant à la rencontre de Dieu et qui pousse l’impie à la rencontre de lui-même. Alice fait la connaissance de John. Ils se racontent des blagues et des secrets, partagent repas et larmes, deviennent frères d’ampoules et rentrent à la maison, changés. L’essai I ended up being my own trout (jeux de fragments avec Éric Plamondon) explore quant à lui à l’écriture fragmentaire, en s’intéressant particulièrement aux effets qu’opèrent les fragments sur la lecture. Éric Plamondon, avec sa trilogie 1984, utilise la forme fragmentaire afin de jouer avec le lecteur : il le fait douter de ses certitudes et le guide vers une vision manipulée de l’Histoire. Le lecteur est alors confronté à la pluralité des interprétations et doit s’imposer comme auteur de sa propre lecture.


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Il est difficile de discuter des développements intermédiaux de Star Wars sans évoquer la vision de l'instigateur de cet univers de science-fiction en constante expansion, George Lucas, qui a su mesuer l'importance qu'allait prendre le jeu vidéo (et, plus généralement, le phénomène des produits dérivés). Au-delà des considérations purement économiques,c'est d'abord par fascination personnelle que Lucas vient au 10e art. [...]


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Incluye un apéndice con los ámbitos de los Juegos de Expresión, textos y libros apropiados para los juegos de expresión y propuestas musicales


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Incluye apéndice de libros ilustrados apropiados para los juegos de expresión


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La scene politique camerounaise est l'objet de nombre de contradictions, d'absurdites qui font que le motif ''irregularite'' ou celui de ''fraude'' sont toujours presents à l'issue d'echeance electorale. Parmi les causes de ces irregularites figure lecaractere deloyal des scrutins au Cameroun. Qui s'observe dans l'organisation le deroulement et le depouillement des voix. Cependant, dans ce travail, il est plus question de l'occupation spatiale des differents partis à travers les affiches de campagnes et la representation de ces partis dans l'imaginaire collectif des Camerounais. Que ce soit au niveau du dimensionnement des affiches, du temps d'antennes dans les medas chauds aloué à chaque parti, tout se dispose en sorte que le parti au pouvoir demeure.


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How do sportspeople succeed in a non-collaborative game? An illustration of a perverse side effect of altruism Are team sports specialists predisposed to collaboration? The scientific literature on this topic is divided. The present article attempts to end this debate by applying experimental game theory. We constituted three groups of volunteers (all students aged around 20): 25 team sports specialists; 23 individual sports specialists (gymnasts, track & field athletes and swimmers) and a control group of 24 non-sportspeople. Each subgroup was divided into 3 teams that played against each other in turn (and not against teams from other subgroups). The teams played a game based on the well-known Prisoner's Dilemma (Tucker, 1950) - the paradoxical "Bluegill Sunbass Game" (Binmore, 1999) with three Nash equilibria (two suboptimal equilibria with a pure strategy and an optimal equilibrium with a mixed, egotistical strategy (p= 1/2)). This game also features a Harsanyi equilibrium (based on constant compliance with a moral code and altruism by empathy: "do not unto others that which you would not have them do unto you"). How, then, was the game played? Two teams of 8 competed on a handball court. Each team wore a distinctive jersey. The game lasted 15 minutes and the players were allowed to touch the handball ball with their feet or hands. After each goal, each team had to return to its own half of the court. Players were allowed to score in either goal and thus cooperate with their teammates or not, as they saw fit. A goal against the nominally opposing team (a "guardian" strategy, by analogy with the Bluegill Sunbass Game) earned a point for everyone in the team. For an own goal (a "sneaker" strategy), only the scorer earned a point - hence the paradox. If all the members of a team work together to score a goal, everyone is happy (the Harsanyi solution). However, the situation was not balanced in the Nashian sense: each player had a reason to be disloyal to his/her team at the merest opportunity. But if everyone adopts a "sneaker" strategy, the game becomes a free-for-all and the chances of scoring become much slimmer. In a context in which doubt reigns as to the honesty of team members and "legal betrayals", what type of sportsperson will score the most goals? By analogy with the Bluegill Sunbass Game, we recorded direct motor interactions (passes and shots) based on either a "guardian" tactic (i.e. collaboration within the team) or a "sneaker" tactic (shots and passes against the player's designated team). So, was the group of team sports specialist more collaborative than the other two groups? The answer was no. A statistical analysis (difference from chance in a logistic regression) enabled us to draw three conclusions: ?For the team sports specialists, the Nash equilibrium (1950) was stronger than the Harsanyi equilibrium (1977). ?The sporting principles of equilibrium and exclusivity are not appropriate in the Bluegill Sunbass Game and are quickly abandoned by the team sports specialists. The latter are opportunists who focus solely on winning and do well out of it. ?The most altruistic players are the main losers in the Bluegill Sunbass Game: they keep the game alive but contribute to their own defeat. In our experiment, the most altruistic players tended to be the females and the individual sports specialists


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How do sportspeople succeed in a non-collaborative game? An illustration of a perverse side effect of altruism Are team sports specialists predisposed to collaboration? The scientific literature on this topic is divided. The present article attempts to end this debate by applying experimental game theory. We constituted three groups of volunteers (all students aged around 20): 25 team sports specialists; 23 individual sports specialists (gymnasts, track & field athletes and swimmers) and a control group of 24 non-sportspeople. Each subgroup was divided into 3 teams that played against each other in turn (and not against teams from other subgroups). The teams played a game based on the well-known Prisoner's Dilemma (Tucker, 1950) - the paradoxical "Bluegill Sunbass Game" (Binmore, 1999) with three Nash equilibria (two suboptimal equilibria with a pure strategy and an optimal equilibrium with a mixed, egotistical strategy (p= 1/2)). This game also features a Harsanyi equilibrium (based on constant compliance with a moral code and altruism by empathy: "do not unto others that which you would not have them do unto you"). How, then, was the game played? Two teams of 8 competed on a handball court. Each team wore a distinctive jersey. The game lasted 15 minutes and the players were allowed to touch the handball ball with their feet or hands. After each goal, each team had to return to its own half of the court. Players were allowed to score in either goal and thus cooperate with their teammates or not, as they saw fit. A goal against the nominally opposing team (a "guardian" strategy, by analogy with the Bluegill Sunbass Game) earned a point for everyone in the team. For an own goal (a "sneaker" strategy), only the scorer earned a point - hence the paradox. If all the members of a team work together to score a goal, everyone is happy (the Harsanyi solution). However, the situation was not balanced in the Nashian sense: each player had a reason to be disloyal to his/her team at the merest opportunity. But if everyone adopts a "sneaker" strategy, the game becomes a free-for-all and the chances of scoring become much slimmer. In a context in which doubt reigns as to the honesty of team members and "legal betrayals", what type of sportsperson will score the most goals? By analogy with the Bluegill Sunbass Game, we recorded direct motor interactions (passes and shots) based on either a "guardian" tactic (i.e. collaboration within the team) or a "sneaker" tactic (shots and passes against the player's designated team). So, was the group of team sports specialist more collaborative than the other two groups? The answer was no. A statistical analysis (difference from chance in a logistic regression) enabled us to draw three conclusions: ?For the team sports specialists, the Nash equilibrium (1950) was stronger than the Harsanyi equilibrium (1977). ?The sporting principles of equilibrium and exclusivity are not appropriate in the Bluegill Sunbass Game and are quickly abandoned by the team sports specialists. The latter are opportunists who focus solely on winning and do well out of it. ?The most altruistic players are the main losers in the Bluegill Sunbass Game: they keep the game alive but contribute to their own defeat. In our experiment, the most altruistic players tended to be the females and the individual sports specialists


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How do sportspeople succeed in a non-collaborative game? An illustration of a perverse side effect of altruism Are team sports specialists predisposed to collaboration? The scientific literature on this topic is divided. The present article attempts to end this debate by applying experimental game theory. We constituted three groups of volunteers (all students aged around 20): 25 team sports specialists; 23 individual sports specialists (gymnasts, track & field athletes and swimmers) and a control group of 24 non-sportspeople. Each subgroup was divided into 3 teams that played against each other in turn (and not against teams from other subgroups). The teams played a game based on the well-known Prisoner's Dilemma (Tucker, 1950) - the paradoxical "Bluegill Sunbass Game" (Binmore, 1999) with three Nash equilibria (two suboptimal equilibria with a pure strategy and an optimal equilibrium with a mixed, egotistical strategy (p= 1/2)). This game also features a Harsanyi equilibrium (based on constant compliance with a moral code and altruism by empathy: "do not unto others that which you would not have them do unto you"). How, then, was the game played? Two teams of 8 competed on a handball court. Each team wore a distinctive jersey. The game lasted 15 minutes and the players were allowed to touch the handball ball with their feet or hands. After each goal, each team had to return to its own half of the court. Players were allowed to score in either goal and thus cooperate with their teammates or not, as they saw fit. A goal against the nominally opposing team (a "guardian" strategy, by analogy with the Bluegill Sunbass Game) earned a point for everyone in the team. For an own goal (a "sneaker" strategy), only the scorer earned a point - hence the paradox. If all the members of a team work together to score a goal, everyone is happy (the Harsanyi solution). However, the situation was not balanced in the Nashian sense: each player had a reason to be disloyal to his/her team at the merest opportunity. But if everyone adopts a "sneaker" strategy, the game becomes a free-for-all and the chances of scoring become much slimmer. In a context in which doubt reigns as to the honesty of team members and "legal betrayals", what type of sportsperson will score the most goals? By analogy with the Bluegill Sunbass Game, we recorded direct motor interactions (passes and shots) based on either a "guardian" tactic (i.e. collaboration within the team) or a "sneaker" tactic (shots and passes against the player's designated team). So, was the group of team sports specialist more collaborative than the other two groups? The answer was no. A statistical analysis (difference from chance in a logistic regression) enabled us to draw three conclusions: ?For the team sports specialists, the Nash equilibrium (1950) was stronger than the Harsanyi equilibrium (1977). ?The sporting principles of equilibrium and exclusivity are not appropriate in the Bluegill Sunbass Game and are quickly abandoned by the team sports specialists. The latter are opportunists who focus solely on winning and do well out of it. ?The most altruistic players are the main losers in the Bluegill Sunbass Game: they keep the game alive but contribute to their own defeat. In our experiment, the most altruistic players tended to be the females and the individual sports specialists


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Les jeux sur mobile sont un exemple majeur à la fois d'une application réussie sur les mobiles et du nombre croissant de plates-formes pour les médias et les industries de loisirs. Explorant cette convergence, l'article analyse les caractéristiques principales du marché des jeux sur mobile et de son écosystème industriel, ses activités et acteurs principaux. L'article se concentre sur le rôle des différentes plates-formes de logiciels et sur les défis et opportunités futures pour les développeurs de jeux sur mobile dans un nouveau scénario dominé par les plates-formes de mobile.