787 resultados para Interactional and collaborative process of knowledge construction


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The process of knowledge construction is associated with physical or mechanical view of the phenomenon. In mechanical engineering courses should supplement their courses with physical or virtual learning devices to aid visualization of these phenomena. For the purpose of improving the mechanical engineering department laboratory practice was developed, through a project, a didactic device a trellis. The purpose of this work is the detailed study by comparing the theoretical results with the experimental results collected through the specific strains collected in the Catman. The study was iniatially done with nodes made of aluminum, giving results with high errors not allowing a good conclusion of results. For best results were achieved an improvement of the structure with strict we support the lattice and, thus, further study and greater quality of lattice structure


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This systematic review aimed to evaluate if the internal connection is more efficient than the external connection and its associated influencing factors. A specific question was formulated according to the Population, Intervention, Control, and Outcome (PICO): Is internal connection more efficient than external connection in mechanical, biological, and esthetical point of views? An electronic search of the MEDLINE and the Web of Knowledge databases was performed for relevant studies published in English up to November 2013 by two independent reviewers. The keywords used in the search included a combination of dental implant and internal connection or Morse connection or external connection. Selected studies were randomized clinical trials, prospective or retrospective studies, and in vitro studies with a clear aim of investigating the internal and/or external implant connection use. From an initial screening yield of 674 articles, 64 potentially relevant articles were selected after an evaluation of their titles and abstracts. Full texts of these articles were obtained with 29 articles fulfilling the inclusion criteria. Morse taper connection has the best sealing ability. Concerning crestal bone loss, internal connections presented better results than external connections. The limitation of the present study was the absence of randomized clinical trials that investigated if the internal connection was more efficient than the external connection. The external and internal connections have different mechanical, biological, and esthetical characteristics. Besides all systems that show proper success rates and effectiveness, crestal bone level maintenance is more important around internal connections than external connections. The Morse taper connection seems to be more efficient concerning biological aspects, allowing lower bacterial leakage and bone loss in single implants, including aesthetic regions. Additionally, this connection type can be successfully indicated for fixed partial prostheses and overdenture planning, since it exhibits high mechanical stability.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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One of the current trends in governance and legal development in Russia is aimed at establishing a modern, efficient and internationally harmonised system of safeguards of human rights and civil liberties. A fairly recent addition to this system has been the institution of ombudsman as a public authority specialised in promoting and protecting human rights and civil liberties. The introduction of this institution as well as its formalisation at the constitutional and legislative levels has been increasingly relevant and important, as it raises the dealings between the state and the individual to a new level. As an independent public institution resolving conflicts between citizens and government authorities, the ombudsman makes steps, within the scope of his jurisdiction, to restitute individual rights, and helps to enhance the reputation of government. The present work describes and assesses the birth, development and institutionalization process of the Ombudsman Office in the Russian Federation, at federal and regional levels, with a particular emphasis on the role of international references and cooperation for institution building. Ombudsmen have done a magnificent job in demonstrating value with the resolution of individual and systemic complaints; subsequent improvements to government; and economic savings by mitigating litigation costs.


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This contribution tries to explain why Jews were persecuted earlier or more fiercely in territories annexed by a state during World War II than in the mainland of that state. The case-studies covered are Nazi Germany, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, and the USSR. It is argued that internationally, similar policies of incorporation, especially the replacement of existing elites and the process of bringing in new settlers, worked against the Jews. Aside from focusing on governmental policies, the contribution also sketches the manner in which individual actions by state functionaries (who did not merely implement state policies) and by non-state actors had adverse effects on the Jewish population, impacting their survival chances. Finally, the article places the persecution of Jews in annexed areas in the context of the concerted violence conducted, at the same time, against other ethnically defined, religious, and social groups.


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Can the concept of water as a socio-natural hybrid and the analysis of different users’ perceptions of water advance the study of water sustainability? In this article, I explore this question by empirically studying sustainability values and challenges, as well as distinct types of water as identified by members of five water user groups in a case study region in the Swiss Alps. Linking the concept of water as a socio-natural hybrid with the different water users’ perspectives provided valuable insights into the complex relations between material, cultural, and discursive practices. In particular, it provided a clearer picture of existing water sustainability challenges and the factors and processes that hinder more sustainable outcomes. However, by focusing on relational processes and individual stakeholder perspectives, only a limited knowledge could be created regarding a) what a more sustainable water future would look like and b) how current unsustainable practices can be effectively transformed into more sustainable ones. I conclude by arguing that the concept of water as a socio-natural hybrid provides an interesting analytical tool for investigating sustainability questions; however, if it is to contribute to water sustainability, it needs to be integrated into a broader transdisciplinary research perspective that understands science as part of a deliberative and reflective process of knowledge co-production and social learning between all actor groups involved.


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Land systems are the result of human interactions with the natural environment. Understanding the drivers, state, trends and impacts of different land systems on social and natural processes helps to reveal how changes in the land system affect the functioning of the socio-ecological system as a whole and the tradeoff these changes may represent. The Global Land Project has led advances by synthesizing land systems research across different scales and providing concepts to further understand the feedbacks between social-and environmental systems, between urban and rural environments and between distant world regions. Land system science has moved from a focus on observation of change and understanding the drivers of these changes to a focus on using this understanding to design sustainable transformations through stakeholder engagement and through the concept of land governance. As land use can be seen as the largest geo-engineering project in which mankind has engaged, land system science can act as a platform for integration of insights from different disciplines and for translation of knowledge into action.


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Historically, the authority to conclude international treaties was exclusively exercised by administrative bodies (or the chief of state). However, recent studies pointed out that the present legislative bodies have come to play a more active role through ratification or the review of treaties in European and American countries. Harrington (2005) studied judicial reform in British dominions and criticized the past executive-dominant treaty-making process as a “democratic deficit” due to a fear that under this system the nation might be bound by international agreements for which a consensus had not been obtained. These studies indicated that people’s participation in the treaty-making process has increased on a global basis, but neither of them provides sufficient descriptive evidence regarding why and how such procedures were established. The present paper therefore attempts to solve these questions by analyzing the legislative and political process of the treaty-making procedure reform in Thailand’s 2007 constitution as a case study.


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Relatório de estágio para a obtenção do grau de mestre na especialidade de Educação pré-escolar


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Com o escopo de fornecer subsídios para compreender como o processo de colaboração científica ocorre e se desenvolve em uma instituição de pesquisas, particularmente o IPEN, o trabalho utilizou duas abordagens metodológicas. A primeira utilizou a técnica de análise de redes sociais (ARS) para mapear as redes de colaboração científica em P&D do IPEN. Os dados utilizados na ARS foram extraídos da base de dados digitais de publicações técnico-científicas do IPEN, com o auxílio de um programa computacional, e basearam-se em coautoria compreendendo o período de 2001 a 2010. Esses dados foram agrupados em intervalos consecutivos de dois anos gerando cinco redes bienais. Essa primeira abordagem revelou várias características estruturais relacionadas às redes de colaboração, destacando-se os autores mais proeminentes, distribuição dos componentes, densidade, boundary spanners e aspectos relacionados à distância e agrupamento para definir um estado de redes mundo pequeno (small world). A segunda utilizou o método dos mínimos quadrados parciais, uma variante da técnica de modelagem por equações estruturais, para avaliar e testar um modelo conceitual, apoiado em fatores pessoais, sociais, culturais e circunstanciais, para identificar aqueles que melhor explicam a propensão de um autor do IPEN em estabelecer vínculos de colaboração em ambientes de P&D. A partir do modelo consolidado, avaliou-se o quanto ele explica a posição estrutural que um autor ocupa na rede com base em indicadores de ARS. Nesta segunda parte, os dados foram coletados por meio de uma pesquisa de levantamento com a utilização de um questionário. Os resultados mostraram que o modelo explica aproximadamente 41% da propensão de um autor do IPEN em colaborar com outros autores e em relação à posição estrutural de um autor na rede o poder de explicação variou entre 3% e 3,6%. Outros resultados mostraram que a colaboração entre autores do IPEN tem uma correlação positiva com intensidade moderada com a produtividade, da mesma forma que, os autores mais centrais na rede tendem a ampliar a sua visibilidade. Por fim, vários outros indicadores estatísticos bibliométricos referentes à rede de colaboração em P&D do IPEN foram determinados e revelados, como, a média de autores por publicação, média de publicações por autores do IPEN, total de publicações, total de autores e não autores do IPEN, entre outros. Com isso, esse trabalho fornece uma contribuição teórica e empírica aos estudos relacionados à colaboração científica e ao processo de transferência e preservação de conhecimento, assim como, vários subsídios que contribuem para o contexto de tomada de decisão em ambientes de P&D.


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Relatório de estágio para a obtenção do grau de mestre na especialidade de Educação pré-escolar


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I will start by discussing some aspects of Kagitcibasi’s Theory of Family Change: its current empirical status and, more importantly, its focus on universal human needs and the consequences of this focus. Family Change Theory’s focus on the universality of the basic human needs of autonomy and relatedness and its culture-level emphasis on cultural norms and family values as reflecting a culture’s capacity for fulfilling its members’ respective needs shows that the theory advocates balanced cultural norms of independence and interdependence. As a normative theory it therefore postulates the necessity of a synthetic family model of emotional interdependence as an alternative to extreme models of total independence and total interdependence. Generalizing from this I will sketch a theoretical model where a dynamic and dialectical process of the fit between individual and culture and between culture and universal human needs and related social practices is central. I will discuss this model using a recent cross-cultural project on implicit theories of self/world and primary/secondary control orientations as an example. Implications for migrating families and acculturating individuals are also discussed.


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This paper challenges current practices in the use of digital media to communicate Australian Aboriginal knowledge practices in a learning context. It proposes that any digital representation of Aboriginal knowledge practices needs to examine the epistemology and ontology of these practices in order to design digital environments that effectively support and enable existing Aboriginal knowledge practices in the real world. Central to this is the essential task of any new digital representation of Aboriginal knowledge to resolve the conflict between database and narrative views of knowledge (L. Manovich, 2001). This is in order to provide a tool that complements rather than supplants direct experience of traditional knowledge practices (V. Hart, 2001). This paper concludes by reporting on the recent development of an advanced learning technology that addresses this.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo levantar e analisar algumas concepções sobre a avaliação escolar em Matemática e sobre a Avaliação em Matemática do Sistema de Avaliação de Rendimento Escolar do Estado de São Paulo (SARESP), procurando desvendar a realidade que é encontrada nas escolas paulistas referente à avaliação dessa disciplina. O intuito é verificar os pontos de vista dos alunos, professores, gestores escolares, família e especialistas para articular uma organização escolar que desenvolva um processo permanente de construção do conhecimento. Para verificar quais as concepções referentes às avaliações já citadas foram adotadas entrevistas, questionários e desenhos realizados pelos alunos, mostrando o que pensam sobre as avaliações previamente aplicadas. As entrevistas somente foram aplicadas aos discentes, pois seus depoimentos são fundamentais para a pesquisa. Para a concretização destas entrevistas foi solicitado aos alunos à produção de desenhos que representassem o que são as avaliações já mencionadas anteriormente. Levantamos uma grande quantidade de informações a partir desses depoimentos e desenhos sobre as avaliações pesquisadas, a opinião que possuem sobre a escola, seus professores de Matemática, de como são ministradas as aulas e também sobre a forma de avaliar dos professores. Os questionários foram dirigidos ao corpo docente de Matemática, diretor, vice-diretor, professor coordenador, supervisor de ensino, família e especialistas em Educação, Psicologia da Educação e Matemática para verificar também sua concepção sobre avaliação escolar em Matemática e sobre a prova de Matemática do SARESP, que fazem parte fundamental de todo o processo de avaliação, pois, direta ou indiretamente, estão ligados a ela e são responsáveis pelos seus resultados. Na análise dos dados obtidos foram destacados, nos depoimentos dos questionários e das entrevistas, as,unidades significativas referentes aos processos de avaliações pesquisadas, para com isso analisarmos e verificarmos quais são as opiniões e fatos que podem ajudar ou atrapalhar todo o processo de Avaliação em Matemática, tanto o escolar quanto o de grande escala como o SARESP. Também foram analisados o que os alunos representaram na produção dos desenhos. As imagens adquiridas demonstraram muitas informações sobre o que os discentes pensam sobre a Avaliação em Matemática ao desenhar monstros, corações, números e até mesmo pontos de exclamação e de interrogação. Este estudo foi desenvolvido em uma escola pública da rede Estadual de ensino do Estado de São Paulo. Essa pesquisa investiga o que realmente está acontecendo em todo o processo de Avaliação em Matemática, possibilitando identificar no que cada sujeito envolvido neste processo pode contribuir ou atrapalhar para sua concretização, evidenciando assim áreas críticas efavoráveis sobre a tão temida e polêmica Avaliação em Matemática.