982 resultados para Interaction Human-Digital TV
The aim of this research is to consider the possible effect of an emerging technology platform on the uptake of online shopping: interactive (digital) Television (iTV), which enables viewers to select a variety of viewing options, publicity materials, games, entertainment and more recently shopping. An augmented version of the original TAM is applied to this study. Two new constructs are considered namely access and awareness together with perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment and security. The results show that indeed the augmented TAM can be used as a predictive model for the adoption of iTV as an online shopping platform. It is concluded that access, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment and perceived usefulness are significant factors to determine the consumers’behavioural intentions towards the use of digital TV as a new shopping platform. However, awareness and security are considered to be insignificant with no effect on consumers’ behavioural intentions towards the new shopping medium.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
O presente artigo pretende analisar a quest??o da qualidade da programa????o na televis??o brasileira a partir da proposta de um novo marco regulat??rio para o setor de comunica????o social eletr??nica. Essa nova lei, entre outras disposi????es, ir?? regulamentar o artigo 221 da Constitui????o Federal, que trata dos princ??pios pelos quais o conte??do televisivo deve pautar-se. Com isso, define-se qualidade levando-se em considera????o dois aspectos: diversidade e ressalvas ?? liberdade de express??o, ambos previstos na Constitui????o Federal. A partir dessa conceitua????o, prop??e-se a instrumentaliza????o do controle social sobre o conte??do televisivo e a garantia de meios para a diversidade da programa????o. Com rela????o ao primeiro aspecto, recomenda-se a atua????o transparente de uma futura ag??ncia reguladora e a implementa????o de mecanismo de controle individual da programa????o. No que tange ?? diversidade, ressalta-se a import??ncia do fortalecimento das televis??es p??blicas e medidas governamentais no sentido de estimular a multiprograma????o propiciada pelo advento da tecnologia digital.
The evolution of computer animation represents one of the most relevant andrevolutionary aspects in the rise of contemporary digital visual culture (Darlew,2000), in particular, phenomena such as cinema “spectacular “ (Ibidem) and videogames. This article analyzes the characteristics of this “culture of simulation” (Turkle, 1995:20) relating the multidisciplinary and spectrum of technical and stylistic choices to the dimension of virtual characters acting. The result of these hybrid mixtures and computerized human motion capture techniques - called virtual cinema, universal capture, motion capture, etc. - cosists mainly on the sophistication of “rotoscoping”, as a new interpretation and appropriation of the captured image. This human motion capture technology, used largely by cinema and digital games, is one of the reasons why the authenticity of the animation is sometimes questioned. It is in the fi eld of 3D computer animation visual that this change is more signifi cant, appearing regularly innovative techniques of image manipulation and “hyper-cinema” (Lamarre, 2006: 31) character’s control with deeper sense of emotions. This shift in the culture that Manovich (2006: 27) calls “photo-GRAPHICS” - and Mulvey (2007) argue that creates a new form of possessive relationship with the viewer, in that it can analyze in detail the image, it can acquire it and modify it - is one of the most important aspects in the rise of Cubbit’s (2007) “cinema of attraction”. This article delves intrinsically into the analyze of virtual character animation — particularly in the fi eld of 3D computer animation and human digital acting.
Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Informática
Aquest treball tracta de l'estudi i creació de la interfície d'una aplicació que reculli les dades de control generades en un procés productiu real en una petita planta de fabricació amb cinc treballadors.
L'estudi tracta d'establir les bases per al disseny d'un lloc web de consulta bibliogràfica mèdica des del punt de vista de la Interacció Humana amb l'Ordinador (IHO) tenint en compte els principis del Disseny Centrat en l'Usuari (DCU). En una primera part, l'estudi analitza un conjunt de portals ja existents d'aquesta temàtica i d'ús freqüent entre els professionals sanitaris. En una segona part, es proposa un prototip de portal web amb idees noves que millorin i proporcionin un valor afegit a les ja existents.
La tesi doctoral titulada "La Dinàmica de les Pràctiques Científiques des d'un punt de vista experiencialista" té com a objectiu oferir una alternativa a les tesis de Kuhn defensades a l'"Estructura de les Revolucions Científiques". En aquest sentit, s'utilitzaran diferents experiments i models teòrics actuals en l'àmbit de les ciències cognitives per tal de superar la teoria estructuralista de la cognició, quee Kuhn proposa com la base de la seva filosofia de la ciència. Contràriament a aquesta teoria, l'experiencialisme se situa lluny de les tesis estructuralistes, en la mesura en què assumeix que la cognició humana emergeix des de la dinàmica interactiva dels agents cognitius humans entre ells en un entorn material, en tant que agents corporals. A partir d'aquesta interacció dinàmica, l'ésser humà genera un horitzó de sentit. Ja que la interacció entre els éssers humans en un entorn cultural i material és complex, dinàmic i canviant, la generació de sentit emergent no és com una estructura semàntica, coherent i sistemàtica, sinó que ha de ser considerada com un conjunt asistemàtic de perspectives exploratòries que se succeeixen en el temps, en funció dels diferents contextos i propòsits que un agent corporal porta a terme al llarg de la seva interacció dinàmica i temporal amb l'entorn. Com a resultat de tot això, els èssers humans apliquen diferents criteris interactius que donen lloc a diferents perspectives per categoritzar o estructurar el món material i cultural. Aquest punt de vista és completament diferent del kuhnià, donat que el segon argumenta que cada èsser humà té la seva pròpia Gestalt o estructura semàntica que projecta "a priori" sobre la realitat. Aquesta diferència serà molt important no només des d'un punt de vista teòric, sinó també des d'un punt de vista pràctic. Per exemple, s'argumentarà que en l'àmbit de la didàctica de les ciències empíriques, es poden produir canvis beneficiosos significatius si s'utilitzen tesis extretes del model experiencialista de la cognició humana, i es deixen de banda el cognitivisme i el teoreticisme, que són actualment les bases teòriques de la manera en qué funciona l'educació científica. Finalment, conclourem afirmant que la visió experiencialista de la cognició implica assumir una forta relació entre l'ètica i la ciència, puix que els èssers humans són capaços d'utilitzar diferents criteris interactius per explorar la realitat i, per tant, sempre poden buscar millors estragègies per entendre's els uns amb els altres.
This paper proposes to reflect from a semiotic perspective on the transformation that brands have undergone since the rise of the Internet. After a brief theoretical introduction to digital communication and the semiotics of brands, the case of the Google brand is analyzed by applying concepts of generative and interpretive semiotics. The paper holds that the iconic and linguistic enunciations are secondary with respect to interaction. In digital media interaction — the interactive experience that the Internet user lives — is a fundamental component of the hypermedia cocktail and occupies a central position in the brand building process. The article concludes with some of the questions and special characteristics raised by so-called eBranding.
En el present treball farem un anàlisis complet de la usabilitat del lloc web del Departament d'Ensenyament de la Generalitat de Catalunya, tant des de el punt de vista heurístic com de l'ús en entorn real. Identificarem els punts forts i dèbils i, finalment, farem una proposta breu de millora i treball futur. Volem d'aquesta manera millorar l'experiència del ciutadà amb la institució i la qualitat de la seva relació.
During tissue inflammation, infiltrated leukocytes may have physical contacts with fibroblasts. We observed that neutrophils and B lymphocytes adhered in a larger proportion than T cells on cultured fibroblasts. Microscopy showed that adhesion was also characterized by leukocyte engulfment by the fibroblasts. In migration assays, only neutrophils and B lymphocytes were selectively able to migrate through a fibroblast barrier. Adhesion and migration were increased by stimulation with tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA). Antibodies against ICAM-1/beta2 integrin blocked the interaction of neutrophils to fibroblasts. For B lymphocytes the couple VCAM-1/alpha4 integrin was also involved in this interaction. Human skin fibroblasts presented similar adhesion characteristics as rat cardiac fibroblasts. By measuring the distance between the border of migration holes and cadherin-positive adherens junctions, more than 65% of the holes correspond to the transcellular route over the paracellular route. Furthermore, vimentin staining revealed that the migration holes were highly nested by intermediate filaments in accordance with the transcellular route. Our results demonstrated that engulfment of neutrophils and B lymphocytes by fibroblasts resulted in selective passage by a transcellular route.
Smoking has been positively and fruit and vegetable intake has been negatively associated with cervical cancer, the second most common cancer among women worldwide. However, a lower consumption of fruits and reduced serum carotenoids have been observed among smokers. It is not known whether the smoking effect on the risk of cervical neoplasia is modified by a low intake of fruits and vegetables. The present study examined the combined effects of tobacco smoking and diet using a validated FFQ and serum carotenoid and tocopherol levels on cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 (CIN3) risk in a hospital-based case-control study conducted in Sao Paulo, Brazil, between 2003 and 2005. The sample comprised 231 incident, histologically confirmed cases of CIN3 and 453 controls. A low intake (<= 39 g) of dark-green and deep-yellow vegetables and fruits without tobacco smoking had a lesser effect on CIN3 (OR 1.14; 95% CI 0.49, 2.65) than among smokers with higher intake (>= 40 g; OR 1.83; 95% CI 0.73, 4.62) after adjusting for confounders. The OR for the joint exposure of tobacco smoking and low intake of vegetables and fruits was greater (3.86; 95% CI 1.74, 8.57; P for trend < 0.001) compared with non-smokers with higher intake after adjusting for confounding variables and human papillomavirus status. Similar results were observed for total fruit, serum total carotene (including beta-, alpha-and gamma-carotene) and tocopherols. These findings suggest that the effect of nutritional factors on CIN3 is modified by smoking.
In this work, we propose a solution to solve the scalability problem found in collaborative, virtual and mixed reality environments of large scale, that use the hierarchical client-server model. Basically, we use a hierarchy of servers. When the capacity of a server is reached, a new server is created as a sun of the first one, and the system load is distributed between them (father and sun). We propose efficient tools and techniques for solving problems inherent to client-server model, as the definition of clusters of users, distribution and redistribution of users through the servers, and some mixing and filtering operations, that are necessary to reduce flow between servers. The new model was tested, in simulation, emulation and in interactive applications that were implemented. The results of these experimentations show enhancements in the traditional, previous models indicating the usability of the proposed in problems of all-to-all communications. This is the case of interactive games and other applications devoted to Internet (including multi-user environments) and interactive applications of the Brazilian Digital Television System, to be developed by the research group. Keywords: large scale virtual environments, interactive digital tv, distributed