928 resultados para Hospital Costs


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Objectives: Much has been written about the costs and cost-effectiveness of community care for people with learning disabilities resettled from long stay hospital care. However, comparatively little has been published about the cost of hospital services relating to the preparatory process before eventual resettlement and the disengagement of formal, sustained input from hospital staff. This study describes and costs the input provided by a hospital based multi-disciplinary team into the resettlement of adults with learning disabilities, from long stay wards in Muckamore Abbey Hospital in Northern Ireland between 1996 and 1999 (n = 71).


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Blood cultures have an important role in the diagnosis of serious infections, although contamination of blood cultures (i.e. false-positive blood cultures) is a common problem within the hospital setting. The objective of the present investigation was to determine the impact of the false-positive blood culture results on the following outcomes: length of stay, hotel costs, antimicrobial costs, and costs of laboratory and radiological investigation. A retrospective case-control study design was used in which 142 false-positive blood culture cases were matched with suitable controls (patients for whom cultures were reported as true negatives). The matching criteria included age, comorbidity score and month of admission to the hospital. The research covered a 13-month period (July 2007 to July 2008). The findings indicated that differences in means, between cases and controls, for the length of hospital stay and the total costs were 5.4 days [95% CI (confidence interval): 2.8-8.1 days; P


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This article explores the complex and neglected picture of occupational and environmental disease healthcare costs specifically relating to asbestos. Diagnosed mesothelioma cases in Scotland in one calendar year were used to investigate the subject in greater depth. Data from UK sources on asbestos disease types recorded in 2000 and their disease treatment costs were obtained. Acute care economic costs of these diseases are estimated. One hundred and twenty diagnosed, recorded, and treated cases of asbestos-related diseases occurred in 2000 in Scotland. Mesothelioma accounted for 100 cases and directly cost Scottish National Health Service hospitals an estimated 942,038 pounds. The estimated UK figure in 2000 was at least 16,014,646 pounds because official figures for diagnosed and recorded deaths from mesothelioma are running at over 1700 a year with rises predicted for 2010 of 2000 deaths. By 2003, 50,000 people in the UK had died from diagnosed and recorded mesothelioma since records began. Earlier disease treatment costs would have been significantly lower than those in 2000 but, at 2000 prices, cost to the UK was roughly 471,019,000 pounds in acute hospital expenditure. Figures for primary care costs, including caregiver costs, are incomplete or unknown. These disease costs are substantial and have some international generalizability. Treatment patterns and costs vary greatly. Many lung cancer cases due to asbestos exposure occur globally for each mesothelioma case. Hence figures provided in this article are certain to be gross underestimates of the total health service and personal economic costs of asbestos illness and treatment in Scotland.


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to estimate costs and quality of life (QoL) of late-stage glaucoma patients in 4 European countries. Methods: Retrospective review of medical charts of patients with POAG who were followed in a low-vision or vision rehabilitation center in one of 4 countries for at least 1 year was used to determine patient characteristics, health status, and health care resource use. Visual impairment was measured by best-corrected visual acuity (Snellen score). Patients were also interviewed over the telephone in order to assess their health-related QoL (using EuroQol EQ-5D) and use of resources including: the number of visits to rehabilitation centers, visits to hospital and non-hospital specialists, the use of low-vision devices, medication, tests, and the use of hired home help. The costs associated with resource use were calculated from the perspective of a third-party payer of health and social care based on resource usage and unit costs in each country. Results: Patients undergoing visual rehabilitation in France (n=21), Denmark (n=59), Germany (n=60), and the United Kingdom (n=22) were identified, interviewed and had their medical charts reviewed. Annual maintenance costs of late-stage glaucoma amounted to €830 (±445) on average. Average home help costs were more than 3 times higher. QoL, on average, was 0.65 (±0.28). QoL was positively correlated with the level of visual acuity in the patients' best eye. On the other hand, visual acuity was also positively correlated to health care costs, but negatively correlated to costs of home help. Conclusions: The study was limited by its observational, uncontrolled design. The finding that late-stage glaucoma is associated with higher home help costs than health care maintenance costs suggests that potential savings from a better preventive treatment are to be found for social care payers rather than health care payers. © 2008 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved.


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Objectives The increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity worldwide continues to compromise population health and creates a wider societal cost in terms of productivity loss and premature mortality. Despite extensive international literature on the cost of overweight and obesity, findings are inconsistent between Europe and the USA, and particularly within Europe. Studies vary on issues of focus, specific costs and methods. This study aims to estimate the healthcare and productivity costs of overweight and obesity for the island of Ireland in 2009, using both top-down and bottom-up approaches.

Methods Costs were estimated across four categories: healthcare utilisation, drug costs, work absenteeism and premature mortality. Healthcare costs were estimated using Population Attributable Fractions (PAFs). PAFs were applied to national cost data for hospital care and drug prescribing. PAFs were also applied to social welfare and national mortality data to estimate productivity costs due to absenteeism and premature mortality.

Results The healthcare costs of overweight and obesity in 2009 were estimated at €437 million for the Republic of Ireland (ROI) and €127.41 million for NI. Productivity loss due to overweight and obesity was up to €865 million for ROI and €362 million for NI. The main drivers of healthcare costs are cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, colon cancer, stroke and gallbladder disease. In terms of absenteeism, low back pain is the main driver in both jurisdictions, and for productivity loss due to premature mortality the primary driver of cost is coronary heart disease.

Conclusions The costs are substantial, and urgent public health action is required in Ireland to address the problem of increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity, which if left unchecked will lead to unsustainable cost escalation within the health service and unacceptable societal costs.


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Existing Workflow Management Systems (WFMSs) follow a pragmatic approach. They often use a proprietary modelling language with an intuitive graphical layout. However the underlying semantics lack a formal foundation. As a consequence, analysis issues, such as proving correctness i.e. soundness and completeness, and reliable execution are not supported at design level. This project will be using an applied ontology approach by formally defining key terms such as process, sub-process, action/task based on formal temporal theory. Current business process modelling (BPM) standards such as Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) and Unified Modelling Language (UML) Activity Diagram (AD) model their constructs with no logical basis. This investigation will contribute to the research and industry by providing a framework that will provide grounding for BPM to reason and represent a correct business process (BP). This is missing in the current BPM domain, and may result in reduction of the design costs and avert the burden of redundant terms used by the current standards. A graphical tool will be introduced which will implement the formal ontology defined in the framework. This new tool can be used both as a modelling tool and at the same time will serve the purpose of validating the model. This research will also fill the existing gap by providing a unified graphical representation to represent a BP in a logically consistent manner for the mainstream modelling standards in the fields of business and IT. A case study will be conducted to analyse a catalogue of existing ‘patient pathways’ i.e. processes, of King’s College Hospital NHS Trust including current performance statistics. Following the application of the framework, a mapping will be conducted, and new performance statistics will be collected. A cost/benefits analysis report will be produced comparing the results of the two approaches.


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Existing Workflow Management Systems (WFMSs) follow a pragmatic approach. They often use a proprietary modelling language with an intuitive graphical layout. However the underlying semantics lack a formal foundation. As a consequence, analysis issues, such as proving correctness i.e. soundness and completeness, and reliable execution are not supported at design level. This project will be using an applied ontology approach by formally defining key terms such as process, sub-process, action/task based on formal temporal theory. Current business process modelling (BPM) standards such as Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) and Unified Modelling Language (UML) Activity Diagram (AD) model their constructs with no logical basis. This investigation will contribute to the research and industry by providing a framework that will provide grounding for BPM to reason and represent a correct business process (BP). This is missing in the current BPM domain, and may result in reduction of the design costs and avert the burden of redundant terms used by the current standards. A graphical tool will be introduced which will implement the formal ontology defined in the framework. This new tool can be used both as a modelling tool and at the same time will serve the purpose of validating the model. This research will also fill the existing gap by providing a unified graphical representation to represent a BP in a logically consistent manner for the mainstream modelling standards in the fields of business and IT. A case study will be conducted to analyse a catalogue of existing ‘patient pathways’ i.e. processes, of King’s College Hospital NHS Trust including current performance statistics. Following the application of the framework, a mapping will be conducted, and new performance statistics will be collected. A cost/benefits analysis report will be produced comparing the results of the two approaches.


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Os crescentes custos ligados ao consumo elétrico, não apenas de cariz financeiro mas também ambiental, despertam cada vez mais para a importância da definição de estratégias de melhor utilização de recursos e eficiência energética. Esta importância tem sido reforçada pela definição de decretos-lei que vêm colocar metas e limites relativamente às despesas energéticas. Estes diplomas são também acompanhados por programas de incentivo para um setor ligado à eficiência energética. Em Portugal as medidas ligadas ao setor tem vindo a ser redirecionadas para o consumo final de energia, com a definição de metas para as instalações de maior consumo. As instalações hospitalares são grandes centros de consumo energético devido não só ao elevado número de utentes que recebem mas também pelos diversos tipos de equipamentos elétricos usados para a prestação dos serviços médicos. Como consequência disso, os investimentos e os custos operacionais são elevados, o que reforça a necessidade de gerir os gastos e consumos energéticos com a procura constante de melhoria na recolha de informação sobre todo o sistema e na adequação de intervenções com vista a uma maior eficiência energética. O Hospital Pedro Hispano vem desde algum tempo a investir no sentido de conhecer mais e melhor toda a instalação bem como os consumos energéticos a ela associados. Algumas medidas foram tomadas nesse sentido nomeadamente a instalação de analisadores de energia, de modo a obter um retrato mais fiel e fidedigno dos principais vetores de consumo. Neste momento a gestão técnica do hospital tem em análise uma grande parte da instalação recolhendo dados do consumo elétrico real do hospital. Nesta dissertação procurou-se fazer uma análise e enquadramento dos programas e metas ligados ao setor energético com ênfase nos diplomas que visão e abrangem as instalações hospitalares. Dos vários programas de incentivo à adoção de políticas de maior eficiência energética é dado especial destaque ao programa ECO.AP que visa a celebração de contratos para implementação de medidas de poupança energética ao setor público. Em colaboração com o HPH, iniciaram-se os trabalhos pelo estudo e identificação das principais fases e ferramentas utilizadas na gestão energética do edifício tendo como objetivo a reavaliação dos vetores energéticos já identificados no HPH e a criação e contabilização de novos grupos de consumo. Através de várias medições do consumo elétrico, num total superior a 650 horas de funcionamento, foi possível a criação do mapa de desagregação de consumos para o ano de 2013. A desagregação realizada conta com 3 novos vetores energéticos e com a reavaliação do peso relativo de mais 5 grupos de consumo. Das medições efetuadas destaca-se a reavaliação do consumo da central de bombagem onde a parcela considerada até à data estava 3 vezes acima do valor real medido. Com base na desagregação feita foram apontadas e estudadas medidas de implementação com o objetivo de reduzir os consumos energético em todo o hospital, destacando-se a solução apresentada para a central de bombagem. Esta medida traria um grande impacto em toda a fatura energética, não só pela sua viabilidade, mas também porque atuaria num grande centro de consumo onde até ao momento nenhuma ação do género foi implementada.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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RESUMO - Este artigo descreve a evolução do estatuto jurídico do hospital público português, com o intuito de o caracterizar, em especial do ponto de vista da sua autonomia. Considera-se que, pelo menos em parte, o estatuto jurídico do hospital público português é responsável pela limitada autonomia de que estas instituições gozaram nos últimos sessenta anos, com as consequentes ineficiências na produção e produtividade, fraca equidade no acesso e aumento de custos com a prestação de cuidados, de discutível qualidade. Nessa medida, várias reformas foram implementadas com o intuito de conferir ao hospital maior autonomia: ao nível da gestão, do financiamento e também reformas organizacionais. De um sistema regionalizado, estabelecido em 1946, até ao Serviço Nacional de Saúde e ao hospital dos nossos dias foram adoptados diversos modelos estatutários. A reforma de 2002 pretende estabelecer uma clara fronteira entre o hospital público, administrativo, burocratizado e aquele que assume natureza empresarial, numa clara viragem — demasiado precoce? — com as «experiências inovadoras » subsequentes à Lei de Bases da Saúde, que permitiram concluir que à maior autonomia correspondiam atitudes e resultados pró-activos e positivos. Por outro lado, ultima-se a preparação da construção de dez novos hospitais com recurso a parcerias público-privadas (PPP), sem ainda estarem definidos quais os estatutos, grau de autonomia e forma de gestão destas entidades. Ainda é cedo para avaliar esta última reforma; não deverá, no entanto, perder-se de vista que a implementação de um novo estatuto jurídico para os hospitais terá necessariamente de permitir a sua renovação sem descurar a sua secular missão de solidariedade.


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RESUMO - Introdução: As infecções associadas aos cuidados de saúde são um importante problema de saúde pública. Entre elas, as infecções urinárias são as mais frequentes associando‐se a elevados custos e morbilidade. Pretende‐se caracterizar as ITU adquiridas no Hospital (ITUaH) ocorridas num serviço de Medicina Interna de um hospital português. Métodos: Efectuou‐se um estudo de coorte (histórica) para determinação da incidência da ITUaH e da bacteriúria assintomática. Analisaram-se os dados correspondentes a uma amostra aleatória sistemática de 388 doentes, representativa dos 3492 admissões ocorridas, em 2014, nesse Serviço. Resultados: A taxa de incidência global de ITUaH foi de 6,2% (24/388; IC 95%:[3,8--‐8,6%]). Ocorreram 19,76 ITU por mil dias de cateter vesical (ITUaCV) e 4,17 ITUaCV por mil dias de internamento. A taxa de incidência de ITUaCV foi de 4% (15/388; IC 95%:[2%--‐6%]). Oitenta por cento destas infecções ocorreram em doentes sem indicação para a algaliação. Um quarto dos doentes desta coorte foram algaliados (24,7%; IC 95%: [20%--‐29%]), não se verificando indicação para o procedimento em 36,5% dos casos. Os principais factores de risco para a algaliação identificados foram a dependência total (OR: 24,47; IC 95%: [5,50--‐ 108,87]; p<0,001) a dependência grave (OR:11,43; IC 95% [2,56--‐50,93]; p=0,001) (escala de Barthel) e a carga de doença (OR: 1,19; IC 95% [1,03--‐1,38]; p=0,017) (índice de comorbilidade de Charlson). Foram utilizados CV em 759 dias dos 3591 dias de internamento quantificados neste estudo (21%). A Taxa de incidência de Bacteriúria Assintomática (BA) foi de 4,4% (IC 95%:[2--‐6%]). Cerca de 60% (10/17) desses doentes foram submetidos a tratamento contrariamente às recomendações clínicas actuais. Conclusões: Este estudo evidencia a necessidade de implementação de estratégias de prevenção, das quais se destaca a redução do número de algaliações. O tratamento da BA deve ser evitado.


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Introduction : Décrire les patients d'une structure gériatrique offrant des hospitalisations de courte durée, dans un contexte ambulatoire, pour des situations gériatriques courantes dans le canton de Genève (Suisse). Mesurer les performances de cette structure en termes de qualité des soins et de coûts. Méthodes : Des données relatives au profil des 100 premiers patients ont été collectées (huit mois), ainsi qu'aux prestations, aux ressources et aux effets (réadmissions, décès, satisfaction, complications) de manière à mesurer différents indicateurs de qualité et de coûts. Les valeurs observées ont été systématiquement comparées aux valeurs attendues, calculées à partir du profil des patients. Résultats : Des critères d'admission ont été fixés pour exclure les situations dans lesquelles d'autres structures offrent des soins mieux adaptés. La spécificité de cette structure intermédiaire a été d'assurer une continuité des soins et d'organiser d'emblée le retour à domicile par des prestations de liaison ambulatoire. La faible occurrence des réadmissions potentiellement évitables, une bonne satisfaction des patients, l'absence de décès prématurés et le faible nombre de complications suggèrent que les soins médicaux et infirmiers ont été délivrés avec une bonne qualité. Le coût s'est révélé nettement plus économique que des séjours hospitaliers après ajustement pour la lourdeur des cas. Conclusion : L'expérience-pilote a démontré la faisabilité et l'utilité d'une unité d'hébergement et d'hospitalisation de court séjour en toute sécurité. Le suivi du patient par le médecin traitant assure une continuité des soins et évite la perte d'information lors des transitions ainsi que les examens non pertinents. INTRODUCTION: To describe patients admitted to a geriatric institution, providing short-term hospitalizations in the context of ambulatory care in the canton of Geneva. To measure the performances of this structure in terms of quality ofcare and costs. METHOD: Data related to the clinical,functioning and participation profiles of the first 100 patients were collected. Data related to effects (readmission, deaths, satisfaction, complications), services and resources were also documented over an 8-month period to measure various quality and costindicators. Observed values were systematically compared to expected values, adjusted for case mix. RESULTS: Explicit criteria were proposed to focus on the suitable patients, excluding situations in which other structures were considered to be more appropriate. The specificity of this intermediate structure was to immediately organize, upon discharge, outpatient services at home. The low rate of potentially avoidable readmissions, the high patient satisfaction scores, the absence of premature death and the low number of iatrogenic complications suggest that medical and nursing care delivered reflect a good quality of services. The cost was significantly lower than expected, after adjusting for case mix. CONCLUSION: The pilot experience showed that a short-stay hospitalization unit was feasible with acceptable security conditions. The attending physician's knowledge of the patients allowed this system tofocus on essential issues without proposing inappropriate services.


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Contexte: Évaluer les déterminants de maladies évitables et leurs coûts est nécessaire dans le contexte d’assurance maladie universelle. Le moment d’évaluer les impacts des traumatismes crâniocérébraux (TCC) survenus lors d’accidents de vélo est idéal vu la popularité récente du cyclisme au Québec. Objectifs: Comparer les caractéristiques démographiques et médicales, ainsi que les coûts sociétaux qu’engendrent les TCC de cyclistes portant ou non un casque. Méthodologie: Étude rétrospective de 128 cyclistes avec TCC admis à l’Hôpital Général de Montréal entre 2007 et 2011. Les variables indépendantes sont sociodémographiques, cliniques et le port du casque. Les variables dépendantes sont la durée de séjour, l’échelle GOS-E, l’échelle ISS, l’orientation au congé, les décès et les coûts à la société. Résultats: Le groupe portant un casque était plus vieux, plus éduqué, retraité et marié; au niveau médical, ils avaient des TCCs moins sévères à l’imagerie, des hospitalisations aux soins intensifs plus courtes et moins de neurochirurgies. Les coûts médians à la société pour les TCC isolés de cyclistes avec casque étaient significativement moindres. Conclusion: Dans cette étude, le port du casque semblait prévenir certaines complications des TCC et permettait de faire économiser de l’argent à l’état. Le port de casque est recommandé.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to estimate costs attributable to substance use and misuse in Canada in 2002. Method: Based on information about prevalence of exposure and risk relations for more than 80 disease categories, deaths, years of life lost, and hospitalizations attributable to substance use and misuse were estimated. In addition, substance-attributable fractions for criminal justice expenditures were derived. Indirect costs were estimated using a modified human capital approach. Results: Costs of substance use and misuse totaled almost Can. $40 billion in 2002. The total cost per capita for substance use and misuse was about Can. $1,267: Can. $463 for alcohol, Can. $262 for illegal drugs, and Can. $541 for tobacco. Legal substances accounted for the vast majority of these costs (tobacco: almost 43% of total costs; alcohol: 37%). Indirect costs or productivity losses were the largest cost category (61%), followed by health care (22%) and law enforcement costs (14%). More than 40,000 people died in Canada in 2002 because of substance use and misuse: 37,209 deaths were attributable to tobacco, 4,258 were attributable to alcohol, and 1,695 were attributable to illegal drugs. A total of about 3.8 million hospital days were attributable to substance use and misuse, again mainly to tobacco. Conclusions: Substance use and misuse imposes a considerable economic toll on Canadian society and requires more preventive efforts.


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Esta tesis surge como una oportunidad de mejora en el almacén de cirugías del Hospital MÉDERI, debido a la recurrente devolución de medicamentos e insumos solicitados por las auxiliares de enfermería para las cirugías generales, lo cual repercute directamente en pérdidas de productividad laboral por los re-procesos, un aumento en los errores humanos y posibles pérdidas de medicamentos e insumos. Tras esta clara oportunidad de mejora, se toma la decisión de evaluar el proceso interno del almacén de cirugías con el fin de conocer el punto crítico que genera esta situación; dando como resultado los protocolos de cirugías, los cuales al haber sido diseñados varios años atrás basados en una demanda presentada en ese momento, no están acorde con la realidad que se vive actualmente el almacén de cirugía. Por lo tanto se decidió implementar un pronóstico de promedio móvil, para identificar la demanda real que se presentan en el Hospital MÉDERI, esto seguido de una identificación gráfica comparativa que permitiera definir el nuevo protocolo de cirugía general, lo cual permite disminuir la cantidad de material solicitado, con lo cual se generan disminuciones significativas en el inventario, perdidas y un aumento en la productividad.