999 resultados para Glass-ceramic


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The purpose of the study was to verify the effects of a number of materials' parameters (crystalline content; Young's modulus, E; biaxial flexure strength, sigma(i); Vickers hardness, VH; fracture toughness, K-Ic; fracture surface energy, gamma(f); and index of brittleness, B) on the brittleness of dental ceramics. Five commercial dental ceramics with different contents of glass phase and crystalline particles were studied: a vitreous porcelain (VM7/V), a porcelain with 16 vol% leucite particles (d.Sign/D), a glass-ceramic with 29 vol% leucite particles (Empress/E1), a glass-ceramic with 58 vol% lithium-disilicate needle-like particles (Empress 2/E2), and a glass-infiltrated alumina composite with 65 vol% crystals (In-Ceram Alumina/IC). Discs were constructed according to manufacturers' instructions, ground and polished to final dimensions (12 mm x 1.1 mm). Elastic constants were determined by ultrasonic pulse-echo method. sigma(i) was determined by piston-on-3-balls method in inert condition. VH was determined using 19.6 N load and K-Ic was determined by indentation strength method. gamma(f) was calculated from the Griffith-Irwin relation and B by the ratio of HV to K-Ic. IC and E2 showed higher values of sigma(i), E, K-Ic and gamma(f), and lower values of B compared to leucite-based glass-ceramic and porcelains. Positive correlations were observed for sigma(i) versus K-Ic, and K-Ic versus E-1/2, however, E did not show relationship with HV and B. The increase of crystalline phase content is beneficial to decrease the brittleness of dental ceramics by means of both an increase in fracture surface energy and a lowering in index of brittleness. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group Sri. All rights reserved.


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Optical and structural properties of planar and channel waveguides based on sol gel Er3+ and Yb3+ co-doped SiO2-ZrO2 are reported. Microstructured channels with high homogeneous surface profile were written onto the surface of multilayered densified films deposited on SiO2/Si substrates by a femtosecond laser etching technique. The densification of the planar waveguides was evaluated from changes in the refractive index and thickness, with full densification being achieved at 900 degrees C after annealing from 23 up to 500 min, depending on the ZrO2 content Crystal nucleation and growth took place together with densification, thereby producing transparent glass ceramic planar waveguides containing rare earth-doped ZrO2 nanocrystals dispersed in a silica-based glassy host Low roughness and crack-free surface as well as high confinement coefficient were achieved for all the compositions. Enhanced NIR luminescence of the Er3+ ions was observed for the Yb3+- codoped planar waveguides, denoting an efficient energy transfer from the Yb3+ to the Er3+ ion. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work, the effect of the indentation load on the results of hardness and fracture toughness, determined by Vickers micro-hardness measurements, of some glasses and glass-ceramics has been investigated. Furthermore, in order to verify the effect of crystallinity on the results, glasses of composition 52.75 wt.% 3CaO center dot P2O5, 30 wt.% SiO2 and 17.25 wt.% MgO were fused at 1600 degrees C for 4 h and annealed at 700 degrees C for 2h, and further heat-treated at 700, 775, 800 and 900 degrees C for 4h. The obtained materials were analyzed by high resolution X-ray diffraction, HRXRD, to determine the crystallization degree in function of the heat-treatment temperature. The hardness of the different specimens was determined by Vickers' micro-hardness measurements under various loads. It has been observed that with increasing crystallization of the materials their hardness increased. Furthermore, it has been possible to verify the so-called indentation size effect (ISE), i.e. hardness decreases as the indentation depth, under higher loads, increases. This effect has been more pronounced in the glass-ceramic samples. Fracture toughness has been determined by the crack length induced by the Vickers indentations and relating them to the applied loads. Glass materials presented a fracture pattern with characteristics of cleavage, forming cracks of the half-penny shaped type, while the glass-ceramic materials exhibited crack bridging effects and Palmqvist type cracks. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Scopo dello studio: valutare i cambiamenti indotti da diversi trattamenti di mordenzatura sulla morfologia superficiale e sulla microstruttura di due vetro-ceramiche a base disilicato di litio (IPS e.max® Press e IPS e.max® CAD) ed esaminarne gli effetti sia sull’adesione con un cemento resinoso che sulla resistenza alla flessione. Materiali e metodi: Settanta dischetti (12 mm di diametro, 2 mm di spessore) di ogni ceramica sono stati preparati e divisi in 5 gruppi: nessun trattamento (G1), HF 5% 20s (G2), HF 5% 60s (G3), HF 9.6% 20s (G4), HF 9.6% 60s (G5). Un campione per ogni gruppo è stato analizzato mediante profilometro ottico e osservato al SEM. Per gli altri campioni è stato determinato lo shear bond strength (SBS) con un cemento resinoso. Dopo l’SBS test, i campioni sono stati caricati fino a frattura utilizzando il piston-on-three-ball test per determinarne la resistenza biassiale alla flessione. Risultati: L’analisi morfologica e microstrutturale dei campioni ha rivelato come diversi trattamenti di mordenzatura producano delle modifiche nella rugosità superficiale che non sono direttamente collegate ad un aumento dei valori di adesione e dei cambiamenti microstrutturali che sono più rilevanti con l’aumento del tempo di mordenzatura e di concentrazione dell’acido. I valori medi di adesione (MPa) per IPS e.max® CAD sono significativamente più alti in G2 e G3 (21,28 +/- 4,9 e 19,55 +/- 5,41 rispettivamente); per IPS e.max® Press, i valori più elevati sono in G3 (16,80 +/- 3,96). La resistenza biassiale alla flessione media (MPa) è più alta in IPS e.max® CAD (695 +/- 161) che in IPS e.max® Press (588 +/- 117), ma non è non influenzata dalla mordenzatura con HF. Conclusioni: il disilicato di litio va mordenzato preferibilmente con HF al 5%. La mordenzatura produce alcuni cambiamenti superficiali e microstrutturali nel materiale, ma tali cambiamenti non ne influenzano la resistenza in flessione.


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The aim was to compare eight types of luting agents when used to bond six indirect, laboratory restorative materials to dentin. Cylinders of the six restorative materials (Esteticor Avenir [gold alloy], Tritan [titanium], NobelRondo [feldspathic porcelain], Finesse All-Ceramic [leucite-glass ceramic], Lava [zirconia], and Sinfony [resin composite]) were ground and air-abraded. Cylinders of feldspathic porcelain and glass ceramic were additionally etched with hydrofluoric acid and were silane-treated. The cylinders were luted to ground human dentin with eight luting agents (DeTrey Zinc [zinc phosphate cement], Fuji I [conventional glass ionomer cement], Fuji Plus [resin-modified glass ionomer cement], Variolink II [conventional etch-and-rinse resin cement], Panavia F2.0 and Multilink [self-etch resin cements], and RelyX Unicem Aplicap and Maxcem [self-adhesive resin cements]). After water storage at 37°C for one week, the shear bond strength of the specimens (n=8/group) was measured, and the fracture mode was stereomicroscopically examined. Bond strength data were analyzed with two-factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Newman-Keuls' Multiple Range Test (?=0.05). Both the restorative material and the luting agent had a significant effect on bond strength, and significant interaction was noted between the two variables. Zinc phosphate cement and glass ionomer cements produced the lowest bond strengths, whereas the highest bond strengths were found with the two self-etch and one of the self-adhesive resin cements. Generally, the fracture mode varied markedly with the restorative material. The luting agents had a bigger influence on bond strength between restorative materials and dentin than was seen with the restorative material.


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Einleitung: Die Anzahl zahnärztlicher Zemente sowie Restaurationsmaterialien steigt stetig. Die richtige Zementwahl für einen zuverlässigen Haftverbund zwischen Restaurationsmaterial und Zahnsubstanz ist von Interesse für den Kliniker. Ziel der vorliegenden in vitro-Studie war es daher, den Dentinhaftverbund von verschiedenen Zementen in Kombination mit verschiedenen indirekten Restaurationsmaterialien zu untersuchen. Material und Methoden: Zylindrische Probekörper aus sechs Restaurationsmaterialien (Goldlegierung, Titan, Feldspat-Keramik, Leuzit-Glaskeramik, Zirkon sowie Komposit) wurden an einem Ende plangeschliffen und sandgestrahlt. Die Zylinder aus Feldspat-Keramik und Leuzit-Glaskeramik wurden zusätzlich mit Flusssäure geätzt und silanisiert. Die Zylinder wurden anschliessend mit acht Zementen auf plangeschliffenes Dentin extrahierter menschlicher Zähne zementiert (ein Zink-Phosphatzement (DeTrey Zinc), ein konventioneller Glasionomerzement (Fuji I), ein kunststoffmodifizierter Glasionomerzement (Fuji Plus), ein "etch-&-rinse" Kompositzement (Variolink II), zwei "self-etch" Kompositzemente (Panavia F2.0 und Multilink) und zwei "self-adhesive" Kompositzemente (RelyX Unicem Aplicap und Maxcem)). Nach einwöchiger Wasserlagerung bei 37°C wurden die Dentinhaftwerte der Zylinder (n=8 pro Gruppe) mittels Scherkraft-Test gemessen. Zusätzlich wurde das Frakturmuster unter dem Lichtmikroskop bestimmt. Die Haftwerte wurden mittels zweifaktorieller ANOVA und einem post hoc-Test analysiert (Signifikanzniveau α = 0.05). Resultate: Sowohl das Restaurationsmaterial wie auch der Zement hatten einen statistisch signifikanten Effekt auf den Haftverbund. Der Zink-Phosphatzement sowie beide Glasionomerzemente zeigten die niedrigsten Haftwerte. Die höchsten Haftwerte wurden mit beiden "self-etch" und einem der zwei "self-adhesive" Kompositzementen erzielt. Im Allgemeinen variierte das Frakturmuster deutlich je nach Zement und Restaurationsmaterial. Schlussfolgerungen: Der Dentinhaftverbund wurde stärker vom Zement beeinflusst als vom Restaurationsmaterial. Die Kompositzemente erzielten im Grossen und Ganzen die höchsten Haftwerte.


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A complexidade de desenvolver novas tecnologias para aplicações em reconstituição óssea se deve à necessidade de combinar várias propriedades químicas e físicas para que o material proporcione o desempenho almejado. Particularmente, em aplicações que visam osteogênese, os enxertos sintéticos devem ser bioativos, possuir porosidade com volume, geometria e interconectividade de poros controlados, além de ter boas propriedades mecânicas, dentro de limites relativamente rígidos. Por essa razão, o recobrimento de materiais bioinertes com cerâmicas bioativas se tornou o foco da presente pesquisa. O objetivo desse estudo foi desenvolver um novo método de produção de enxertos cerâmicos com macroporosidade funcionalizada, onde a formação e o revestimento dos poros são realizados em uma única etapa. Foi realizado o estudo de recobrimento com vidro bioativo e fosfato de cálcio. Para isso, agentes porogênicos na forma de grânulos (de 600 μm a 2 mm de diâmetro) foram sintetizados pelo método da gelificação de uma solução aquosa de alginato de sódio gotejada em solução de nitrato de cálcio (0,5 M), com incorporação de outros elementos para a formação de biovidro ou fosfato de cálcio. Esses grânulos foram conglomerados a um vidro ou alumina em pó, formando um compósito, que foi tratado termicamente para sinterização e formação de poros. No caso da matriz vítrea, a sinterização ocorreu com cristalização simultânea e concorrente. As cerâmicas resultantes foram caracterizadas por microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura, sendo possível observar a formação de macroporos aproximadamente esféricos (de 600 μm a 2 mm de diâmetro) revestidos internamente por uma camada de material com possível composição bioativa.


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This study evaluated the effect of three surface conditioning methods on the microtensile bond strength of resin cement to a glass-infiltrated zirconia-reinforced alumina-based core ceramic. Thirty blocks (5×5×4 mm) of In-Ceram Zirconia ceramics (In-Ceram Zirconia-INC-ZR, VITA) were fabricated according to the manufacturer's instructions and duplicated in resin composite. The specimens were polished and assigned to one of the following three treatment conditions (n=10): (1) Airborne particle abrasion with 110 μm Al2O3 particles + silanization, (2) Silica coating with 110 μm SiOx particles (Rocatec Pre and Plus, 3M ESPE) + silanization, (3) Silica coating with 30 μm SiOx particles (CoJet, 3M ESPE) + silanization. The ceramic-composite blocks were cemented with the resin cement (Panavia F) and stored at 37 °C in distilled water for 7 days prior to bond tests. The blocks were cut under coolant water to produce bar specimens with a bonding area of approximately 0.6 mm2. The bond strength tests were performed in a universal testing machine (cross-head speed: 1 mm/min). The mean bond strengths of the specimens of each block were statistically analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey's test (α≤0.05). Silica coating with silanization either using 110 μm SiOx or 30 μm SiOx particles increased the bond strength of the resin cement (24.6±2.7 MPa and 26.7±2.4 MPa, respectively) to the zirconia-based ceramic significantly compared to that of airborne particle abrasion with 110-μm Al2O3 (20.5±3.8 MPa) (ANOVA, P<0.05). Conditioning the INC-ZR ceramic surfaces with silica coating and silanization using either chairside or laboratory devices provided higher bond strengths of the resin cement than with airborne particle abrasion using 110 μm Al2O3. © 2005 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: To evaluate the fatigue resistance of the bond between dentin and glass-infiltrated alumina ceramic, using different luting protocols. Materials and Methods: The null hypothesis is that the fatigue resistance varies with the luting strategy. Forty blocks of In-Ceram Alumina were prepared, and one surface of each block was abraded with 110-μm aluminum oxide particles. Then, the blocks were luted to flat dentin surfaces of 40 human third molars, using 4 different luting strategies (luting system [LS]/ceramic surface conditioning [CSC]) (n=10): (G1) [LS] RelyX-Unicem/[CSC] airborne abrasion with 110-μm Al2O3 particles; (G2) [LS] One-Step + Duo-Link (bis-GMA-based resin)/[CSC] etching with 4% hydrofluoric acid + silane agent; (G3) [LS] ED-Primer + Panavia F (MDP-based resin)/[CSC] Al2O 3; (G4) [LS] Scotchbond1+RelyX-ARC (bis-GMA-based resin)/[CSC] chairside tribochemical silica coating (air abrasion with 30-μm SiO x particles + silane). After 24 h of water storage at 37°C, the specimens were subjected to 106 fatigue cycles in shear with a sinusoidal load (0 to 21 N, 8 Hz frequency, 37°C water). A fatigue survivor score was given, considering the number of the fatigue cycles until fracture. The failure modes of failed specimens were observed in a SEM. Results: G3 (score = 5.9, 1 failure) and G4 (score = 6, no failures) were statistically similar (p = 0.33) and had significantly higher fatigue resistance than G1 (score = 3.9, 5 failures) and G2 (score = 3.7, 6 failures) (p < 0.03). SEM analysis of fractured specimens of G1 and G2 showed that almost all the failures were between ceramic and cement. Conclusion: The MDP-based resin cement + sandblasting with Al2O3 particles (G3) and bis-GMA-based resin cement + tribochemical silica coating (G4), both using the respective dentin bonding systems, were the best luting protocols for the alumina ceramic. The null hypothesis was confirmed.


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This study compared the bond strength durability of a feldspathic veneering ceramic to glass-infiltrated reinforced ceramics in dry and aged conditions. Disc shaped (thickness: 4 mm, diameter: 4 mm) of glass-infiltrated alumina (In-Ceram Alumina) and glass-infiltrated alumina reinforced by zirconia (In-Ceram Zirconia) core ceramic specimens (N=48, N=12 per groups) were constructed according to the manufacturers' recommendations. Veneering ceramic (VITA VM7) was fired onto the core ceramics using a mold. The core-veneering ceramic assemblies were randomly divided into two conditions and tested either immediately after specimen preparation (Dry) or following 30000 thermocycling (5-55 oC±1; dwell time: 30 seconds). Shear bond strength test was performed in a universal testing machine (cross-head speed: 1 mm/min). Failure modes were analyzed using optical microscope (x20). The bond strength data (MPa) were analyzed using ANOVA (α=0.05). Thermocycling did not decrease the bond strength results for both In-Ceram Alumina (30.6±8.2 MPa; P=0.2053) and In-Ceram zirconia (32.6±9 MPa; P=0.3987) core ceramic-feldspathic veneering ceramic combinations when compared to non-aged conditions (28.1±6.4 MPa, 29.7±7.3 MPa, respectively). There were also no significant differences between adhesion of the veneering ceramic to either In-Ceram Alumina or In-Ceram Zirconia ceramics (P=0.3289). Failure types were predominantly a mixture of adhesive failure between the veneering and the core ceramic together with cohesive fracture of the veneering ceramic. Long-term thermocycling aging conditions did not impair the adhesion of the veneering ceramic to the glass-infiltrated alumina core ceramics tested.


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PURPOSE To determine the best-performing combination of three core buildup materials and three bonding materials based on their bond strength to ceramic blocks in vitro. MATERIALS AND METHODS The materials used for core buildup were a composite (Tetric EvoCeram), a compomer (Compoglass F), and a glass-ionomer cement (Ketac Fil Plus), and for bonding, a three-step etch-and-rinse adhesive (Syntac), a two-step etch-and-rinse adhesive (ExciTE), and a single-step system (RelyX Unicem). Bond strength to ceramic blocks was determined by shear bond strength testing. Fracture behavior was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy. RESULTS The highest adhesive values between buildup and ceramic were obtained using the materials Compoglass F and Syntac, followed by Compoglass F and ExciTE. Among the two other core buildups, Tetric EvoCeram performed better than Ketac Fil Plus, which was independent of the bonding materials. Adhesive fractures were characteristically observed with Syntac and ExciTE, and cohesive fractures were characteristically observed with RelyX Unicem. CONCLUSION These data show that compomers bonded with a multistep adhesive system achieved statistically significantly higher shear bond strength than composites and glass-ionomer cements. Within the limitations inherent to this in vitro study, the use of compomers for core buildup can be recommended.