705 resultados para Fragility


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This paper reports investigation of Na2O and ZnO modified borovanadate glasses in the highly modified regime of compositions. These glasses have been prepared by microwave route. Ultraviolet (UV) and visible, infrared (IR), Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (MAS NMR) and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopies have been used to characterize the speciation in the glasses. Together with the variation of properties such as molar volume and glass transition temperatures, spectroscopic data indicate that at high levels of modification, ZnO tends to behave like network former. It is proposed that the observed variation of all the properties can be reasonably well understood with a structural model. The model considers that the modification and speciation in glasses are strongly determined by the hierarchy of group electronegativities. Further, it is proposed that the width of the transitions of glasses obtained under same condition reflects the fragility of the glasses. An empirical expression has been suggested to quantify fragility on the basis of width of the transition regions. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Molecular dynamic simulations of a strongly inhomogeneous system reveals that a single-component soft-sphere fluid can behave as a fragile glass former due to confinement. The self-intermediate scattering function, F-s(k,t), of a Lennard-Jones fluid confined in slit-shaped pores, which can accomodate two to four fluid layers, exhibits a two-step relaxation at moderate temperatures. The mean-squared displacement data are found to follow time-temperature superposition and both the self-diffusivity and late a relaxation times exhibit power-law divergences as the fluid is cooled. The system possesses a crossover temperature and follows the scalings of mode coupling theory for the glass transition. The temperature dependence of the self-diffusivity can be expressed using the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann equation, and estimates of the fragility index of the system indicates a fragile glass former. At lower temperatures, signatures of additional relaxation processes are observed in the various dynamical quantities with a three-step relaxation observed in the F-s(k,t).


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The breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein (SE) relation between diffusivity and viscosity at low temperatures is considered to be one of the hallmarks of glassy dynamics in liquids. Theoretical analyses relate this breakdown with the presence of heterogeneous dynamics, and by extension, with the fragility of glass formers. We perform an investigation of the breakdown of the SE relation in 2, 3, and 4 dimensions in order to understand these interrelations. Results from simulations of model glass formers show that the degree of the breakdown of the SE relation decreases with increasing spatial dimensionality. The breakdown itself can be rationalized via the difference between the activation free energies for diffusivity and viscosity (or relaxation times) in the Adam-Gibbs relation in three and four dimensions. The behavior in two dimensions also can be understood in terms of a generalized Adam-Gibbs relation that is observed in previous work. We calculate various measures of heterogeneity of dynamics and find that the degree of the SE breakdown and measures of heterogeneity of dynamics are generally well correlated but with some exceptions. The two-dimensional systems we study show deviations from the pattern of behavior of the three-and four-dimensional systems both at high and low temperatures. The fragility of the studied liquids is found to increase with spatial dimensionality, contrary to the expectation based on the association of fragility with heterogeneous dynamics.


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Although ultrathin Au nanowires (similar to 2 nm diameter) are expected to demonstrate several interesting properties, their extreme fragility has hampered their use in potential applications. One way to improve the stability is to grow them on substrates; however, there is no general method to grow these wires over large areas. The existing methods suffer from poor coverage and associated formation of larger nanoparticles on the substrate. Herein, we demonstrate a room temperature method for growth of these nanowires with high coverage over large areas by in situ functionalization of the substrate. Using control experiments, we demonstrate that an in situ functionalization of the substrate is the key step in controlling the areal density of the wires on the substrate. We show that this strategy works for a variety of substrates ranging like graphene, borosil glass, Kapton, and oxide supports. We present initial results on catalysis using the wires grown on alumina and silica beads and also extend the method to lithography-free device fabrication. This method is general and may be extended to grow ultrathin Au nanowires on a variety of substrates for other applications.


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DNA sequence and structure play a key role in imparting fragility to different regions of the genome. Recent studies have shown that non-B DNA structures play a key role in causing genomic instability, apart from their physiological roles at telomeres and promoters. Structures such as G-quadruplexes, cruciforms, and triplexes have been implicated in making DNA susceptible to breakage, resulting in genomic rearrangements. Hence, techniques that aid in the easy identification of such non-B DNA motifs will prove to be very useful in determining factors responsible for genomic instability. In this study, we provide evidence for the use of primer extension as a sensitive and specific tool to detect such altered DNA structures. We have used the G-quadruplex motif, recently characterized at the BCL2 major breakpoint region as a proof of principle to demonstrate the advantages of the technique. Our results show that pause sites corresponding to the non-B DNA are specific, since they are absent when the G-quadruplex motif is mutated and their positions change in tandem with that of the primers. The efficiency of primer extension pause sites varied according to the concentration of monovalant cations tested, which support G-quadruplex formation. Overall, our results demonstrate that primer extension is a strong in vitro tool to detect non-B DNA structures such as G-quadruplex on a plasmid DNA, which can be further adapted to identify non-B DNA structures, even at the genomic level.


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It is frequently assumed that in the limit of vanishing cooling rate, the glass transition phenomenon becomes a thermodynamic transition at a temperature T-K. However, with any finite cooling rate, the system falls out of equilibrium at temperatures near T-g(> T-K), implying that the very existence of the putative thermodynamic phase transition at T-K can be questioned. Recent studies of systems with randomly pinned particles have hinted that the thermodynamic glass transition may be observed for liquids with randomly pinned particles. This expectation is based on the results of approximate calculations that suggest that the thermodynamic glass transition temperature increases with increasing concentration of pinned particles and it may be possible to equilibrate the system at temperatures near the increased transition temperature. We test the validity of this prediction through extensive molecular dynamics simulations of two model glass-forming liquids in the presence of random pinning. We find that extrapolated thermodynamic transition temperature T-K does not show any sign of increasing with increasing pinning concentration. The main effect of pinning is found to be a rapid decrease in the kinetic fragility of the system with increasing pin concentration. Implications of these observations for current theories of the glass transition are discussed.


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Integrity in entirety is the preferred state of any organism. The temporal and spatial integrity of the genome ensures continued survival of a cell. DNA breakage is the first step towards creation of chromosomal translocations. In this review, we highlight the factors contributing towards the breakage of chromosomal DNA. It has been well-established that the structure and sequence of DNA play a critical role in selective fragility of the genome. Several non-B-DNA structures such as Z-DNA, cruciform DNA, G-quadruplexes, R loops and triplexes have been implicated in generation of genomic fragility leading to translocations. Similarly, specific sequences targeted by proteins such as Recombination Activating Genes and Activation Induced Cytidine Deaminase are involved in translocations. Processes that ensure the integrity of the genome through repair may lead to persistence of breakage and eventually translocations if their actions are anomalous. An insufficient supply of nucleotides and chromatin architecture may also play a critical role. This review focuses on a range of events with the potential to threaten the genomic integrity of a cell, leading to cancer.


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Resumen: Esta conferencia propone una puesta en perspectiva sociohistórica del simposio “Riesgos, desigualdades y fragmentaciones sociales vinculados al trabajo”. Eso recuerda primero que los fenómenos de fragmentación social y de vulnerabilidad adulta estuvieron, desde 1895, en el origen y la gestación de las principales corrientes de la psicología. Posteriormente se cambia a la lógica “fragmentación-vulnerabilidad” a través de los conceptos de precariedad y de vulnerabilidad psicológica. Finalmente se sugiere que, distinguiendo la fragilidad humana de la vulnerabilidad adulta, la psicología puede por un lado entender mejor la actual obsesión de prevención de los riesgos y por otra parte la oscilación adulta entre fragmentación “vulnerabilizante” y conciliación fatigante


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Contributed to: "Measuring the Changes": 13th FIG International Symposium on Deformation Measurements and Analysis; 4th IAG Symposium on Geodesy for Geotechnical and Structural Enginering (Lisbon, Portugal, May 12-15, 2008).


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A pesquisa analisou a psicodinâmica do reconhecimento no trabalho de informática da Câmara dos Deputados investigando a organização do trabalho, as contradições entre o trabalho prescrito e o trabalho real e as vivências de prazer e sofrimento dos concursados e terceirizados. O método utilizado foi da psicodinâmica do trabalho com apoio da análise de discurso. Os dados coletados foram classificados como: organização do trabalho; vivências de prazer e sofrimento; e reconhecimento. Após a investigação os resultados comprovaram a precarização e fragilidade sócio-econômica dos terceirizados, apesar da visibilidade e reconhecimento de suas tarefas e, por parte dos concursados, sobrecarga e características de narcisismo.


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[ES] La calificación crediticia externa es un elemento clave para el buen fin de las operaciones de titulización. No obstante, las agencias de calificación han sido objeto de una intensa controversia, cuestionándose su fiabilidad y objetividad. En este trabajo abundamos en esta cuestión, analizando la distribución de los ratings otorgados a las emisiones de bonos de titulización llevadas a cabo en España (1993-2011), uno de los países más activos en cuanto al volumen de emisiones, llegaron a ocupar el segundo puesto a nivel europeo y el tercero a nivel mundial. Aportamos evidencia sobre ciertas anomalías entre las que cabe destacar la estructura oligopolística del mercado del rating, la fragilidad desde una perspectiva histórica de las calificaciones otorgadas, y la existencia de patrones no homogéneos en la elección de la agencia de calificación, tanto si se tiene en cuenta la sociedad gestora, como el colateral de respaldo.


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This is the first report and record of the determination whether mudfish Clarias were infected with the larvae of the nematode Eustrongylides. Also, documented the assessment of the socio-economic perceptions of three groups of fisher folks on the economy of infected mudfish Clarias fishing activities. Fifty-six (67.5%) of 83 mudfish Clarias caught by artisanal fisher folks were examined for the presence of the larvae of the nematode Eustrongylides. All the 8 sampled fishing localities in Bida floodplain of Nigeria had a mean intensity and abundance of at least 3 and 1 worm per fish per site, respectively. Two hundred and one (96.2%) of 209 worms recovered were from the musculatures at different depths resulting in undulations on the skin surfaces as grub-like presentations. The three groups of fisher folks assessed encountered economic losses from nematode infected mudfish Clarias which attract much debates or rejections during marketing due to its aesthetically displeasing appearance, faster deterioration, higher fragility in smoked form coupled with poorer taste compared to the wholesome ones. Infected female mudfish Clarias had higher worm burden than the males, for each fishing locality


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Metallic glass has since its debut been of great research interest due to its profound scientific significance. Magnetic metallic glasses are of special interest because of their promising technological applications. In this thesis, we introduced a novel series of Fe-based alloys and offer a holistic review of the physics and properties of these alloys. A systematic alloy development and optimization method was introduced, with experimental implementation on transition metal based alloying system. A deep understanding on the influencing factors of glass forming ability was brought up and discussed, based on classical nucleation theory. Experimental data of the new Fe-based amorphous alloys were interpreted to further analyze those influencing factors, including reduced glass transition temperature, fragility, and liquid-crystal interface free energy. Various treatments (fluxing, overheating, etc.) were discussed for their impacts on the alloying systems' thermodynamics and glass forming ability. Multiple experimental characterization methods were discussed to measure the alloys' soft magnetic properties. In addition to theoretical and experimental investigation, we also gave a detailed numerical analysis on the rapid-discharge-heating-and-forming platform. It is a novel experimental system which offers extremely fast heating rate for calorimetric characterization and alloy deformation.


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Os gêneros de peixes fósseis Oshunia e Placidichthys são holósteos pertencentes à Ordem Ionoscopiformes e provenientes do Cretáceo Inferior do Brasil, das bacias do Araripe e de Tucano. No clado Ionoscopiformes sensu Grande & Bemis (1998) estão incluídas as famílias Ionoscopidae e Ophiopsidae, todavia as relações internas deste grupo ainda são duvidosas. Oshunia e Placidichthys fazem parte das famílias Ionoscopidae e Ophiopsidae, respectivamente, sendo o gênero Oshunia considerado como mono-específico (cf., O. brevis), enquanto que Placidichthys apresenta duas espécies nominais (cf., P. bidorsalis e P. tucanensis). Em função destas espécies terem sido descritas a partir de poucos espécimes, ainda existiam várias lacunas no conhecimento em relação as mesmas, como, por exemplo, a possibilidade da existência de outras espécies no gênero Oshunia e a falta de informações anatômicas, especialmente do crânio, da região occipital, dos ossos da face e da nadadeira caudal das espécies de Placidichthys. Outro ponto em aberto na literatura era a posição filogenética dos dois gêneros. Frente a estas questões, o objetivo da presente dissertação foi realizar uma revisão anatômica dos gêneros Oshunia e Placidichthys, a fim de ampliar o conhecimento anatômico e taxonômico acerca dos mesmos, além realizar uma análise filogenética da Ordem Ionoscopiformes, baseada em matrizes de caracteres existentes na literatura, para se obter um melhor posicionamento dessas espécies brasileiras. Em função da facilidade de acesso a material mexicano, também foram incluídos nesta revisão os gêneros Teoichthys e Tuetzalichthys provenientes do Cretáceo da Formação Tlayúa, estes também peixes fósseis holósteos pertencentes à Ordem Ionoscopiformes. Do ponto de vista taxonômico, não foi possível confirmar a existência de novas espécies para o gênero Oshunia, entretanto ficou clara a presença de uma nova espécie pertencente ao gênero mexicano Teoichthys. A presente revisão proporcionou uma série de novas informações sobre a anatomia destas espécies de Ionoscopiformes, tais como a descrição dos ossos circumorbitais e do teto craniano e uma reinterpretação acerca da nadadeira dorsal de Placidichthys bidorsalis, ou ainda sobre a forma do rostral de Teoichthys kallistos. Da mesma maneira, esta revisão também ofereceu novos dados para a construção de uma nova hipótese filogenética para Ionoscopiformes, a qual se mostrou consideravelmente distinta das hipóteses filogenéticas anteriores (cf., relações internas de Ionoscopidae e o posicionamento do gênero Teoichthys). O baixo suporte para grande parte dos clados torna evidente a fragilidade das hipóteses de relacionamento interno do clado Ionoscopiformes, bem como a necessidade de uma revisão mais aprofundada das outras espécies deste grupo e dos caracteres a serem utilizados em futuras análises filogenéticas.


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The Gainesville Florida Reef, a satellite of the Worldwide Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef, project not only shows the beauty of reefs but serves to: • Foster scientific communication through the visual arts • Raise awareness of the fragility of our coral reefs and the entire ecosystem • Support learning by creating physical models of geometric principles • Connect several areas on campus, including fine arts, mathematics and ecology and environmental sciences through collaboration and mutual interest • Encourage local community and alumni involvement through creating, observing and learning