999 resultados para Face perception
Three studies (N=144) investigated how toddlers aged 18 and 24 months pass the surprise-mark test of self-recognition. In Study 1, toddlers were surreptitiously marked in successive conditions on their legs and faces with stickers visible only in a mirror. Rates of sticker touching did not differ significantly between conditions. In Study 2, toddlers failed to touch a sticker on their legs that had been disguised before being marked. In Study 3, having been given 30-s exposure to their disguised legs before testing, toddlers touched the stickers on their legs and faces at equivalent levels. These results suggest that toddlers pass the mark test based on expectations about what they look like, expectations that are not restricted to the face.
Os produtos de luxo são capazes de transmitir significados sociais e individuais, bem como sua carga simbólica e emocional. Por meio desses produtos, é possível conhecer um pouco dos valores, crenças e atitudes das pessoas que os consomem. O número de pessoas com deficiência no Brasil chega a 45 milhões da população brasileira, e o mercado brasileiro voltado para pessoas com deficiência ainda é pouco explorado pelas empresas. Esse trabalho objetiva analisar os efeitos dos fatores antecedentes da atitude face aos bens de luxo entre pessoas portadoras de deficiência física e pessoas sem deficiência. A pesquisa fundamenta-se em uma abordagem de investigação quantitativa, onde os dados foram coletados por meio de um instrumento de pesquisa com a obtenção de 239 questionários respondidos, possibilitando a análise dos relacionamentos entre os construtos Status, Influência Social, Autoestima, Não funcionalidade sobre a Atitude Face aos Bens de Luxo. Para realizar os testes das hipóteses do estudo, foi realizada a análise de equações estruturais, com base no PLS-PM (Partial Least Squares Path Modeling), onde foram apresentadas medidas satisfatórias para os construtos investigados e o modelo proposto, sendo significantes algumas relações entre os construtos. O estudo concluiu que a percepção de status influencia positivamente a Atitude face ao luxo, pois os indivíduos buscam aumentar seu status através do consumo de bens de luxo. Concluiu-se também que a influência social e autoestima impactam positivamente a Atitude face aos bens de luxo. Não foram encontradas influências significantes da não funcionalidade com a atitude face ao luxo e, além disso, não foi confirmado que a autoestima influencia a percepção de status e de influência social. Os resultados evidenciam também que pessoas sem deficiência possuem maior percepção de Status se comparados com as pessoas com deficiência física. O grupo de pessoas com deficiência física tem maior percepção de Funcionalidade atribuída aos produtos e maior Autoestima se comparado com o grupo de pessoas sem deficiência. De acordo com os resultados, o impacto da Autoestima sobre a Atitude Face ao Luxo é moderado pelo porte de deficiência.
Differential perception of innovation is a research area which has been advocated as a suitable topic for study in recent years. It developed from the problems encountered within earlier perception of innovation studies which sought to establish what characteristics of an innovation affected the ease of its adoption. While some success was achieved In relating perception of innovation to adoption behaviour, variability encountered Within groups expected - to fercelve innovation similarly suggested that the needs and experiences of the potential adopter were significantly affecting the research findings. Such analysis being supported by both sociological and psychological perceptual research. The present study sought to identify the presence of differential perception of innovation and explore the nature of the process. It was decided to base the research in an organisational context and to concentrate upon manufacturing innovation. It has been recognised that such adoption of technological innovation is commonly the product of a collective decision-making process, involving individuals from a variety of occupational backgrounds, both in terms of occupational speciality and level within the hierarchy. Such roles appeared likely to significantly influence perception of technological innovation, as gathered through an appropriate measure and were readily identifiable. Data vas collected by means of a face-to-face card presentation technique, a questionnaire and through case study material. Differential perception of innovation effects were apparent In the results, many similarities and differences of perception being related to the needs and experiences of the individuals studied. Phenomenological analysis, which recognises the total nature of experience in infiuencing behaviour, offered the best means of explaining the findings. It was also clear that the bureaucratic model of role definition was not applicable to the area studied, it seeming likely that such definitions are weaker under conditions of uncertainty, such as encountered in innovative decision-making.
Despite abundant literature on human behaviour in the face of danger, much remains to be discovered. Some descriptive models of behaviour in the face of danger are reviewed in order to identify areas where documentation is lacking. It is argued that little is known about recognition and assessment of danger and yet, these are important aspects of cognitive processes. Speculative arguments about hazard assessment are reviewed and tested against the results of previous studies. Once hypotheses are formulated, the reason for retaining the reportory grid as the main research instrument are outlined, and the choice of data analysis techniques is described. Whilst all samples used repertory grids, the rating scales were different between samples; therefore, an analysis is performed of the way in which rating scales were used in the various samples and of some reasons why the scales were used differently. Then, individual grids are looked into and compared between respondents within each sample; consensus grids are also discussed. the major results from all samples are then contrasted and compared. It was hypothesized that hazard assessment would encompass three main dimensions, i.e. 'controllability', 'severity of consequences' and 'likelihood of occurrence', which would emerge in that order. the results suggest that these dimensions are but facets of two broader dimensions labelled 'scope of human intervention' and 'dangerousness'. It seems that these two dimensions encompass a number of more specific dimensions some of which can be further fragmented. Thus, hazard assessment appears to be a more complex process about which much remains to be discovered. Some of the ways in which further discovery might proceed are discussed.
Over the last decade, television screens and display monitors have increased in size considerably, but has this improved our televisual experience? Our working hypothesis was that the audiences adopt a general strategy that “bigger is better.” However, as our visual perceptions do not tap directly into basic retinal image properties such as retinal image size (C. A. Burbeck, 1987), we wondered whether object size itself might be an important factor. To test this, we needed a task that would tap into the subjective experiences of participants watching a movie on different-sized displays with the same retinal subtense. Our participants used a line bisection task to self-report their level of “presence” (i.e., their involvement with the movie) at several target locations that were probed in a 45-min section of the movie “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.” Measures of pupil dilation and reaction time to the probes were also obtained. In Experiment 1, we found that subjective ratings of presence increased with physical screen size, supporting our hypothesis. Face scenes also produced higher presence scores than landscape scenes for both screen sizes. In Experiment 2, reaction time and pupil dilation results showed the same trends as the presence ratings and pupil dilation correlated with presence ratings, providing some validation of the method. Overall, the results suggest that real-time measures of subjective presence might be a valuable tool for measuring audience experience for different types of (i) display and (ii) audiovisual material.
In the visual perception literature, the recognition of faces has often been contrasted with that of non-face objects, in terms of differences with regard to the role of parts, part relations and holistic processing. However, recent evidence from developmental studies has begun to blur this sharp distinction. We review evidence for a protracted development of object recognition that is reminiscent of the well-documented slow maturation observed for faces. The prolonged development manifests itself in a retarded processing of metric part relations as opposed to that of individual parts and offers surprising parallels to developmental accounts of face recognition, even though the interpretation of the data is less clear with regard to holistic processing. We conclude that such results might indicate functional commonalities between the mechanisms underlying the recognition of faces and non-face objects, which are modulated by different task requirements in the two stimulus domains.
The idea of comparative performance assessment is crucial. Recent study findings show that in South Florida the use by most municipalities of external benchmarks for performance comparison is virtually non-existent. On one level this study sought to identify the factors impacting resident perceptions of municipal service quality. On a different and more practical level, this study sought to identify a core set of measures that could serve for multi jurisdictional comparisons of performance. ^ This study empirically tested three groups of hypotheses. Data were collected via custom designed survey instruments from multiple jurisdictions, representing diverse socioeconomic backgrounds, and across two counties. A second layer of analysis was conducted on municipal budget documents for the presence of performance measures. A third layer of analysis was conducted via face-to-face interviews with residents at the point of service delivery. Research questions were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistic methodologies. ^ Results of survey data yielded inconsistent findings. In absolute aggregated terms, the use of sociological determinants to guide inquiry failed to yield conclusive answers regarding the factors impacting resident perceptions of municipal service quality. At disaggregated community levels, however, definite differences emerged but these had weak predictive ability. More useful were the findings of performance measures reporting via municipal budget documents and analyses of interviews with residents at the point of service delivery. Regardless of socio-economic profile, neighborhood characteristics, level of civic engagement or type of community, the same aspects were important to citizens when making assessments of service quality. For parks and recreation, respondents most frequently cited maintenance, facility amenities, and program offerings as important while for garbage collection services timely and consistent service delivery mattered most. Surprisingly municipalities participating in the study track performance data on items indicated as important by citizen assessments but regular feed back from residents or reporting to the same is rarely done. ^ The implications of these findings suggest that endeavors, such as the one undertaken in this study, can assist in determining a core set of measures for cross jurisdictional comparisons of municipal service quality, improving municipal delivery of services, and to communicate with the public. ^
Ce mémoire propose une analyse de la réaction des intellectuels faisant la promotion de la survivance intégrale du fait français en Nouvelle-Angleterre face à l'assimilation progressive des communautés franco-américaines, entre 1945 et 1978. Principal organe dédié à cette cause après la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, le contenu du journal Le Travailleur montre bien l'évolution de la perception des élites intellectuelles face à la progression du processus d'anglicisation du groupe. Du ton virulent et accusateur utilisé à la fin des années 1940 pour dénoncer les responsables de la situation qu’ils déplorent, les artisans du journal s'ouvrent progressivement aux débats et véhiculent au milieu des années 1950 des idées normalement défendues par les promoteurs d'une plus grande intégration à la société américaine. S’ils restent muets quant aux phénomènes structuraux qui affectent l'ensemble de la population américaine à mesure qu'avancent les Trente Glorieuses, les solutions mises de l’avant par les intellectuels de la survivance, centrées sur l’unité, l’identification d’un idéal à atteindre et la valorisation du passé par la commémoration, n’auront que bien peu d’impact face aux grandes tendances alors en cours. Autrement, après y avoir accordé bien peu d’attention depuis sa création en 1931, Le Travailleur dirige son regard vers un Québec en pleine effervescence au cours des années 1960, sans toutefois tirer profit du contexte favorable aux revendications des minorités culturelles américaines au cours des mêmes années. Une nouvelle élite, en marge des promoteurs traditionnels de la survivance, prendra la relève au cours des années 1970 dans l'espoir de générer une renaissance culturelle franco-américaine chez une population de laquelle Le Travailleur se sera montré, au final, complètement déconnecté.
Problématique : L'allaitement, encouragé par l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) comme mode d'alimentation idéal pour les mères et leurs enfants, devient de plus en plus populaire (Statistique Canada, 2012). Au Canada, son initiation dépasse 90 %, cependant 19 % des mères sèvrent dès le premier mois. Un des avantages attribué à l'allaitement est qu'il favorise la relation mère-bébé (Smith et Ellwood, 2011), mais qu'en est-il si l'expérience d'allaitement est difficile? Peu d’études explorent ce thème et surtout elles restent vagues sur les impacts d’une telle expérience sur la relation mère-bébé. But : L'étude vise à décrire l'établissement de la relation mère-bébé selon la perspective de mères ayant sevré suite à une expérience d'allaitement difficile. Méthode : Un devis mixte a été utilisé. Douze mères ont répondu à des questionnaires et participé à une entrevue individuelle portant sur l’expérience d’allaitement difficile menant au sevrage et sur la relation mère-bébé en contexte d'allaitement difficile. Des analyses descriptives ont été faites pour les données quantitatives et de contenu pour les données qualitatives. Résultats : Les difficultés d’allaitement ont commencé dès l’initiation et ont perduré toute la durée de l’expérience d’allaitement. Dans ce contexte d'allaitement difficile, les participantes ont rapporté être moins prédisposées à connaitre leur bébé, à communiquer avec lui et elles ont vécu des échanges affectifs positifs et négatifs avec lui. Suite au sevrage, elles ont dit découvrir et communiquer davantage avec leur bébé. Avec les difficultés d’allaitement et le choix de sevrer, elles sont appelées à redéfinir leur rôle de mère auprès de leur bébé et elles ont ressenti une culpabilité passagère. Face à aux défis d’être attentive à la relation avec leur bébé, d’évoluer dans le rôle de mère et de dépasser la culpabilité vécue, les mères ont besoin de soutien. Retombées : En contexte d'allaitement difficile, la relation mère-bébé pourrait bénéficier du soutien des infirmières qui ont une proximité avec les dyades mère-bébé pour les aider à surmonter les défis relationnels. Suite au sevrage, les mères ont besoin d'être soutenues particulièrement face à la culpabilité ressentie.
Em Portugal observa-se um aumento de alunos diagnosticados com Perturbação do Espetro do Autismo (PEA), possivelmente devido à existência de maior sensibilização e informação dos diversos profissionais que contatam com estes alunos, bem como à sua inclusão nas classes regulares. Contudo, continuam a existir poucos estudos sobre a inclusão dos alunos com PEA nas turmas regulares, principalmente no que diz respeito à opinião dos colegas sem NEE. O presente estudo tem como objetivo geral conhecer a perceção dos alunos sem necessidades educativas especiais (NEE) sobre a inclusão dos alunos com PEA, nas turmas do terceiro ciclo do ensino básico, de uma escola pública. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo de cariz quantitativo, no qual foi utilizado um questionário que foi preenchido pela maior amostra possível, cinquenta alunos. Verificou-se que a maioria dos inquiridos pertencia ao sexo feminino, com idades compreendidas entre os doze e os dezasseis anos e frequentavam, na sua maioria, o nono ano de escolaridade, sem qualquer retenção. Pode-se concluir que os alunos sem NEE não reconhecem mudanças físicas e estruturais nas aulas do ensino regular quando estão presentes os seus colegas com PEA. Em termos ambientais, transmitem haver alguma perturbação das aulas devido ao comportamento dos colegas com PEA. No entanto, não se verifica qualquer relação entre os resultados académicos e a inclusão dos alunos com PEA.Ao nível social e emocional, os alunos sem NEE tendem a aproximar-se mais dos seus colegas com PEA e a demonstrar atitudes de cooperação e proteção para com estes. Por último, os alunos sem NEE consideram que apenas os alunos com PEA que apresentam necessidades/dificuldades ligeiras ou os que conseguem acompanhar o currículo é que devem frequentar algumas aulas do ensino regular mais práticas, mas ir com maior regularidade a um Estabelecimento de Educação Especial.
Notre intérêt pour la problématique du pouvoir de l'enseignante et de l'enseignant s'inscrit dans la foulée d'une démarche de croissance personnelle entreprise depuis une quinzaine d'années et alimentée par une remise en question de notre rôle d'enseignant universitaire initiée à peu près à la même époque suite à des déceptions d'ordre professionnel. Déçu en particulier par les élèves à qui nous faisions le reproche de ne pas suffisamment investir de temps dans la poursuite de leurs apprentissages, nous avons décidé de commencer à enseigner pour nous ou, si on veut, à nous centrer sur nos propres apprentissages. Et sans doute à force d'inviter nos élèves à se centrer sur leurs propres apprentissages en diminuant leurs attentes face au rôle que nous pouvions jouer sur ce plan, nous avons pu graduellement expérimenter que le pouvoir d'autorité est un pouvoir factice et que c'est en acceptant d'abandonner le pouvoir, que nous récupérions un pouvoir différent et certes beaucoup plus nourrissant, qui nous permettait finalement et presque paradoxalement, de maintenir une relation plus profonde avec ces mêmes élèves au-delà des moyens par lesquels s'exerçait ce pouvoir pédagogique: évaluation des connaissances, fixation des autres règles de gestion de classe pour ne citer que celles-là. Il est donc devenu pour nous impératif de concilier dans notre quotidien d'enseignant la réalité du pouvoir que nous détenions inévitablement en classe et celle d'une relation moins hiérarchique que nous désirions de plus en plus vivre avec nos élèves. C'est donc pour répondre à un besoin profond que nous avons décidé peu à peu d'entreprendre la présente démarche de réflexion.
Considered as a romantic incarnation of author’s ideas, L’Etranger put us in front of the absurd through the problematic character of Meursault, often studied and commented as subject of this philosophical attitude. The absurd presupposes a relationship between man and the world and is thus inevitably linked to perception: a sensory experience then founds the discourse of the novel, establishing Meursault as percipient/enunciator subject. We will use the resources offered by semiotics of discourse in its phenomenological version for analyzing the perceptual path of Meursault and especially to consider the question of Camus’s absurd under a new light
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação – Especialização em Supervisão Pedagógica.
The hospitalizatíon of a child carnes with it major changes, etther in the child's life or parent. lllness and hospttalizatíon constitute a crisis situation for both the child and the famHy as it incorporates financiai, psychotogical, relational and social changes. The purpose of this work and analyze the satísfactíon and parents' perception on the importance of nursing care during hospttalizatíon and feelings experienced by parents. Objectives: To know the opinions and feelings of the parents in relation to the admlsston of the child 1n the service of Pediatrics at North of Portugal. Methods: Integrated this study parents of chtldren hospttalized in the pediatric inpatíent at the Hospital Trás-os-Montes e alto Douro, Vila Real, whose children were in the service to at least more than 48 hours, In total 33 escorts that replied to the questionnaire. For such a study we chose the type quantitative deschptíve. We proceeded to collect data by conductíng a questíonnaire, and the results of it were drafted in the SPSS program through Quantitatíve model wtth exploratory qualitatíve approach. Results: The age ofthe partícipants is between the 21 and 46 years - old, 75. 8% of respondents were married, 78. 8% of chtldren was hospitalized in the first time. We conclude that the mother is who else accompanies the chtld in the hospital. We had positive feedback regarding the interactíon parent-nurses since many parents stressed the good relatíonship with the nursing team (It reported that "Nurses" and "Nurses and "auxiliaries" were who else helped them, with 30. 3% and 21. 2% respectively). The feelings more mentioned were: anxiety -21 answers, sadness-20, fear-15 and hope with 15. The conditions offered to the parents were considered goodfor60.6%.
Tese submetida como requisito parcial para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia Aplicada Especialidade em Psicologia Clínica