987 resultados para Dismissal Protection Legislation
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a fidedignidade das informações sobre dados nutricionais declarados em rótulos de alimentos comercializados. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 153 alimentos industrializados habitualmente consumidos por crianças e adolescentes, comercializados no município de São Paulo (SP) entre os anos de 2001 e 2005. Os teores de nutrientes informados pelos rótulos foram confrontados com os resultados obtidos por métodos analíticos (físico-químicos) oficiais, considerando a variabilidade de 20% tolerada pela legislação vigente, para aprovar ou condenar as amostras. Foram calculadas médias, desvios-padrão e intervalos com 95% de confiança para os nutrientes analisados, assim como a distribuição da freqüência percentual de amostras condenadas. RESULTADOS: Todos os produtos salgados analisados apresentaram inconformidades relativamente ao conteúdo de fibra alimentar, sódio ou de gorduras saturadas. Os produtos doces apresentaram variação de zero a 36% de condenação relativamente ao teor de fibra alimentar. Mais da metade (52%) dos biscoitos recheados foram condenados quanto à quantidade de gorduras saturadas. Os nutrientes implicados com a obesidade e suas complicações para a saúde foram aqueles que apresentaram maiores proporções de inconformidade. A falta de fidedignidade das informações de rótulos nas amostras analisadas viola as disposições da Resolução da Diretoria Colegiada 360/03 da ANVISA e os direitos garantidos pela lei de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional e pelo Código de Defesa do Consumidor. CONCLUSÕES: Foram encontrados altos índices de não conformidade dos dados nutricionais nos rótulos de alimentos destinados ao público adolescente e infantil, indicando a urgência de ações de fiscalização e de outras medidas de rotulagem nutricional
Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), endemic in Latin America, is a progressive systemic mycosis caused by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (P. brasiliensis), which primarily attacks lung tissue. Dendritic cells (DCs) are able to initiate a response in naive T cells, and they also participate in Th-cell education. Furthermore, these cells have been used for therapy in several disease models. Here we transfected DCs with a plasmid (pMAC/PS-scFv) encoding a single chain variable fragment (scFv) of an anti-Id antibody that is capable of mimicking gp43, the main antigenic component of P. brasiliensis. First, Balb/c mice were immunized subcutaneously with pMAC/PS-scFv and, after seven days, scFv protein was presented to the regional lymph nodes cells. Moreover, we showed that the DCs transfected with scFv were capable of efficiently activating proliferation of total lymph node cells and inducing a decrease in lung infection. Therefore, our results suggested that the use of scFv-transfected DCs may be a promising therapy in the paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) model.
Background: The greatest challenges in vaccine development include optimization of DNA vaccines for use in humans, creation of effective single-dose vaccines, development of delivery systems that do not involve live viruses, and the identification of effective new adjuvants. Herein, we describe a novel, simple technique for efficiently vaccinating mice against tuberculosis (TB). Our technique consists of a single-dose, genetic vaccine formulation of DNA-hsp65 complexed with cationic liposomes and administered intranasally. Results: We developed a novel and non-toxic formulation of cationic liposomes, in which the DNA-hsp65 vaccine was entrapped (ENTR-hsp65) or complexed (COMP-hsp65), and used to immunize mice by intramuscular or intranasal routes. Although both liposome formulations induced a typical Th1 pattern of immune response, the intramuscular route of delivery did not reduce the number of bacilli. However, a single intranasal immunization with COMP-hsp65, carrying as few as 25 mu g of plasmid DNA, leads to a remarkable reduction of the amount of bacilli in lungs. These effects were accompanied by increasing levels of IFN-gamma and lung parenchyma preservation, results similar to those found in mice vaccinated intramuscularly four times with naked DNA-hsp65 (total of 400 mu g). Conclusion: Our objective was to overcome the significant obstacles currently facing DNA vaccine development. Our results in the mouse TB model showed that a single intranasal dose of COMP-hsp65 elicited a cellular immune response that was as strong as that induced by four intramuscular doses of naked-DNA. This formulation allowed a 16-fold reduction in the amount of DNA administered. Moreover, we demonstrated that this vaccine is safe, biocompatible, stable, and easily manufactured at a low cost. We believe that this strategy can be applied to human vaccines to TB in a single dose or in prime-boost protocols, leading to a tremendous impact on the control of this infectious disease.
Conventional vaccines to prevent the pneumonia caused by Rhodococcus equi have not been successful. We have recently demonstrated that immunization with Salmonella enterica Typhimurium expressing the VapA antigen protects mice against R. equi infection. We now report that oral vaccination of mice with this recombinant strain results in high and persistent fecal levels of antigen-specific IgA, and specific proliferation of the spleen cells of immunized mice in response to the in vitro stimulation with R. equi antigen. After in vitro stimulation, spleen cells of immunized mice produce high levels of Th1 cytokines and show a prominent mRNA expression of the Th1 transcription factor T-bet, in detriment of the Th2 transcription factor GATA-3. Following R. equi challenge, a high H(2)O(2), NO, IL-12, and IFN-gamma content is detected in the organs of immunized mice. On the other hand, TNF-alpha and IL-4 levels are markedly lower in the organs of vaccinated mice, compared with the non-vaccinated ones. The IL-10 content and the mRNA transcription level of TGF-beta are also higher in the organs of immunized mice. A greater incidence of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells and B lymphocytes is verified in vaccinated mice. However, there is no difference between vaccinated and non-vaccinated mice in terms of the frequency of CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) T cells. Finally, we show that the vaccination confers a long-term protection against R. equi infection. Altogether, these data indicate that the oral vaccination of mice with S. enterica Typhimurium expressing VapA induces specific and long-lasting humoral and cellular responses against the pathogen, which are appropriately regulated and allow tissue integrity after challenge.
In this paper we provide a recipe for state protection in a network of oscillators under collective damping and diffusion. Our strategy is to manipulate the network topology, i.e., the way the oscillators are coupled together, the strength of their couplings, and their natural frequencies, in order to create a relaxation-diffusion-free channel. This protected channel defines a decoherence-free subspace (DFS) for nonzero-temperature reservoirs. Our development also furnishes an alternative approach to build up DFSs that offers two advantages over the conventional method: it enables the derivation of all the network-protected states at once, and also reveals, through the network normal modes, the mechanism behind the emergence of these protected domains.
Background: Schistosomiasis continues to be a significant public health problem. This disease affects 200 million people worldwide and almost 800 million people are at risk of acquiring the infection. Although vaccine development against this disease has experienced more failures than successes, encouraging results have recently been obtained using membrane-spanning protein antigens from the tegument of Schistosoma mansoni. Our group recently identified Sm29, another antigen that is present at the adult worm tegument surface. In this study, we investigated murine cellular immune responses to recombinant (r) Sm29 and tested this protein as a vaccine candidate. Methods and Findings: We first show that Sm29 is located on the surface of adult worms and lung-stage schistosomula through confocal microscopy. Next, immunization of mice with rSm29 engendered 51%, 60% and 50% reduction in adult worm burdens, in intestinal eggs and in liver granuloma counts, respectively (p<0.05). Protective immunity in mice was associated with high titers of specific anti-Sm29 IgG1 and IgG2a and elevated production of IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha and IL-12, a typical Th1 response. Gene expression analysis of worms recovered from rSm29 vaccinated mice relative to worms from control mice revealed a significant (q<0.01) down-regulation of 495 genes and up-regulation of only 22 genes. Among down-regulated genes, many of them encode surface antigens and proteins associated with immune signals, suggesting that under immune attack schistosomes reduce the expression of critical surface proteins. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that Sm29 surface protein is a new vaccine candidate against schistosomiasis and suggests that Sm29 vaccination associated with other protective critical surface antigens is the next logical strategy for improving protection.
Background Studies have shown that there is no safe level of secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure and there is a close link between SHS and the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke. Carbon monoxide (CO) is one of the most important components present in SHS. Objective To evaluate the impact of the smoking ban law in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, on the CO concentration in restaurants, bars, night clubs and similar venues and in their workers. Methods In the present study we measured CO concentration in 585 hospitality venues. CO concentration was measured in different environments (indoor, semi-open and open areas) from visited venues, as well as, in the exhaled air from approximately 627 workers of such venues. Measurements were performed twice, before and 12 weeks after the law implementation. In addition, the quality of the air in the city during the same period of our study was verified. Results The CO concentration pre-ban and pot-ban in hospitality venues was indoor area 4.57 (3.70) ppm vs 1.35 (1.66) ppm (p<0.0001); semi-open 3.79 (2.49) ppm vs 1.16 (1.14) ppm (p<0.0001); open area 3.31 (2.2) ppm vs 1.31 (1.39) ppm (p<0.0001); smoking employees 15.78 (9.76) ppm vs 11.50 (7.53) ppm (p<0.0001) and non-smoking employees 6.88 (5.32) ppm vs 3.50 (2.21) ppm (p<0.0001). The average CO concentration measured in the city was lower than 1 ppm during both pre-ban and post-ban periods. Conclusion Sao Paulos smoking-free legislation reduced significantly the CO concentration in hospitality venues and in their workers, whether they smoke or not.
A modular superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) consisting of 16 elements was constructed and tested in a 220 V line for a fault current between 1 kA to 7.4 kA. The elements are made up of second generation (2G) YBCO-coated conductor tapes with stainless steel reinforcement. For each element four tapes were electrically connected in parallel with effective length of 0.4 m per element, totaling 16 elements connected in series. The evaluation of SFCL performance was carried out under DC and AC tests. The DC test was performed through pulsed current tests and its recovery characteristics under load current were analysed by changing the shunt resistor value. The AC test performed using a 3 MVA/220 V/60 Hz transformer has shown the current limiting ratio achieved a factor higher than 10 during fault of up to five cycles without conductor degradation. The measurement of the voltage for each element during the AC test showed that in this modular SFCL the quench is homogeneous and the transition occurs similarly in all the elements.
The power transformer is a piece of electrical equipment that needs continuous monitoring and fast protection since it is very expensive and an essential element for a power system to perform effectively. The most common protection technique used is the percentage differential logic, which provides discrimination between an internal fault and different operating conditions. Unfortunately, there are some operating conditions of power transformers that can affect the protection behavior and the power system stability. This paper proposes the development of a new algorithm to improve the differential protection performance by using fuzzy logic and Clarke`s transform. An electrical power system was modeled using Alternative Transients Program (ATP) software to obtain the operational conditions and fault situations needed to test the algorithm developed. The results were compared to a commercial relay for validation, showing the advantages of the new method.
This paper presents a novel graphical approach to adjust and evaluate frequency-based relays employed in anti-islanding protection schemes of distributed synchronous generators, in order to meet the anti-islanding and abnormal frequency variation requirements, simultaneously. The proposed method defines a region in the power mismatch space, inside which the relay non-detection zone should be located, if the above-mentioned requirements must be met. Such region is called power imbalance application region. Results show that this method can help protection engineers to adjust frequency-based relays to improve the anti-islanding capability and to minimize false operation occurrences, keeping the abnormal frequency variation utility requirements satisfied. Moreover, the proposed method can be employed to coordinate different types of frequency-based relays, aiming at improving overall performance of the distributed generator frequency protection scheme. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work presents the development and implementation of an artificial neural network based algorithm for transmission lines distance protection. This algorithm was developed to be used in any transmission line regardless of its configuration or voltage level. The described ANN-based algorithm does not need any topology adaptation or ANN parameters adjustment when applied to different electrical systems. This feature makes this solution unique since all ANN-based solutions presented until now were developed for particular transmission lines, which means that those solutions cannot be implemented in commercial relays. (c) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tropical forests are characterized by diverse assemblages of plant and animal species compared to temperate forests. Corollary to this general rule is that most tree species, whether valued for timber or not, occur at low densities (<1 adult tree ha(-1)) or may be locally rare. In the Brazilian Amazon, many of the most highly valued timber species occur at extremely low densities yet are intensively harvested with little regard for impacts on population structures and dynamics. These include big-leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla), ipe (Tabebuia serratifolia and Tabebuia impetiginosa), jatoba (Hymenaea courbaril), and freijo cinza (Cordia goeldiana). Brazilian forest regulations prohibit harvests of species that meet the legal definition of rare - fewer than three trees per 100 ha - but treat all species populations exceeding this density threshold equally. In this paper we simulate logging impacts on a group of timber species occurring at low densities that are widely distributed across eastern and southern Amazonia, based on field data collected at four research sites since 1997, asking: under current Brazilian forest legislation, what are the prospects for second harvests on 30-year cutting cycles given observed population structures, growth, and mortality rates? Ecologically `rare` species constitute majorities in commercial species assemblages in all but one of the seven large-scale inventories we analyzed from sites spanning the Amazon (range 49-100% of total commercial species). Although densities of only six of 37 study species populations met the Brazilian legal definition of a rare species, timber stocks of five of the six timber species declined substantially at all sites between first and second harvests in simulations based on legally allowable harvest intensities. Reducing species-level harvest intensity by increasing minimum felling diameters or increasing seed tree retention levels improved prospects for second harvests of those populations with a relatively high proportion of submerchantable stems, but did not dramatically improve projections for populations with relatively flat diameter distributions. We argue that restrictions on logging very low-density timber tree populations, such as the current Brazilian standard, provide inadequate minimum protection for vulnerable species. Population declines, even if reduced-impact logging (RIL) is eventually adopted uniformly, can be anticipated for a large pool of high-value timber species unless harvest intensities are adapted to timber species population ecology, and silvicultural treatments are adopted to remedy poor natural stocking in logged stands. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In stored grains, smaller depositions and great variation with respect to theoretical insecticide doses are frequently found. The objective of this work was to study the effectiveness of the standard method (ISO 5682/1-1996) employed to evaluate hydraulic nozzles used in stored corn and wheat grain protection experiments. The transversal volumetric distribution and droplet spectrum of a model TJ-60 8002EVS nozzle were determined in order to calibrate a spraying system for an application rate of 5 L/t and to obtain theoretical concentrations of 10 and 0.5 mg/kg of fenitrothion and esfenvalerate, respectively. After treatment, the corn and wheat grains were processed and deposition was analyzed by gas chromatography. The type of grain did not have any influence on insecticide deposition and was dependent upon insecticide only. The insecticide deposits on the grains only reached 42.1 and 38.2% of the intended theoretical values for fenitrothion and esfenvalerate concentrations, respectively. These results demonstrate the ineffectiveness of the standard evaluation method for hydraulic nozzles employed in stored grain protection experiments.
Cell-mediated and innate immunity are considered the most important mechanisms of host defense against fungus infections. However, recent studies demonstrated that specific antibodies show different degrees of protection against mycosis. In a previous study, antigens secreted by Sporothrix schenckii induced a specific humoral response in infected animals, mainly against the 70-kDa molecule, indicating a possible participation of antibodies to this antigen in infection control. in the present study, an IgG1 mAb was produced against a 70-kDa glycoprotein of S. schenckii in order to better understand the effect of passive immunization of mice infected with S. schenckii. Results showed a significant reduction in the number of CFU in organs of mice when the mAb was injected before and during S. schenckii infection. Similar results were observed when T-cell-deficient mice were used. Moreover, in a second schedule treatment, the mAb was injected after infection was established, and again we observed a significant reduction in CFU associated with an increase of IFN-gamma production. Also, the 70-kDa antigen is shown to be a putative adhesin present on the surface of this fungus. In conclusion, we report for the first time the protective effect of a specific antibody against S. schenckii.
The Brazilian generic drugs policy was implemented in 1999 with the aim of stimulating competition in the market, improve the quality of drugs and improve the access of the population to drug treatment. The process of implementing this policy allowed the introduction and discussion of concepts that had never before been used in the context of drug registration in Brazil: bioavailability, bioequivalence, pharmaceutical equivalence, generic drugs, biopharmaceutical classification system, biowaiver. The present article provides definitions for these concepts in the context of Brazilian legislation as well as a historical and chronological description of the implementation of the generic drugs policy in Brazil, including a list of current generic drug legislation. This article contributes to the understanding of the Brazilian generic drugs policy and facilitates the search for information concerning the legal requirements for registration of drugs in Brazil.