771 resultados para Cultura organizacional de aprendizagem
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Analyze possible relationships between the bankruptcy and the family structure of informal micro-enterprises in Fortaleza city, Brazil. The analysis began with a research among micro-entrepreneurs who were beneficiaries of PROFITEC loans in bankruptcy and non-bankruptcy situation in 1997-1999 period. Evaluate whether the overlap of family and professional relationship inside the organizational structure of those micro-enterprises is a factor leading to bankruptcy. The comparative analysis divides the micro-enterprises into two groups: one that which had complied with the loan obligations (abiding firms) and another which had not (non-abiding firms). The analysis pointed out the familiar structure as having positive and negative influences over organizational work in both groups. The research also realized that those groups of family informal micro-enterprises do not recognize the professional problems related to the family, giving room for managerial conflicts related to the compliance, work time and use of profit. We cannot say that family structure of the informal microenterprises is the decisive cause for non-abidance, since there are also family firms which have the same disadvantages of both groups, but are complying with their obligations. The personal relationships in the informal family firms, however, define good practices and behaviors that definitely affect their operations.
Corporate governance can be understood like a management model that aims to build a good relationship between managers, controllers, minority shareholders and other stakeholders. Implement corporate governance in an organization often requires a cultural change. Corporate governance as an organizational model needs reinforce cultural behaviors of its members so as which support the principles and values that increment the relationship between the organization and its stakeholders. The process of corporate structuring of an organization is largely determined by culture. Being the culture a set of organizational values that distinguishes one organization of other, it is natural that these organizations find adjustment difficulties during the implementation of international values. The organizations in the context of corporate governance can t think and act over themselves, but instead must think and take action on a set of actors who are strongly linked with them in order to achieve the same goals and objectives planned.
In a supplier of building products were identified difficulties in communication between the Product Development area and other areas of the company that could spoil projects and processes. The process of product development is important in placing the company in the market, and through research and planning, design new products and seek to comply with the costumer in relation to deadlines, quality and cost-effective. The development of a product involves many areas in the company and communication is essential in this process. The goal of this study was to identify possible communication problems permeated by organizational culture and structure of project management working in the company. A survey was applied using a Likert scale in three different areas of the company, with questions including the topics: communication, culture and organizational structure of project management and subsequently conducted the median test and the Spearman test to analysis of responses. With the understanding and analysis of the survey it was confirmed the difficulties of communication between people and the areas of the company, besides there is an influence of the type of culture acting in the company and the current management structure of the project in a good performance of internal communication
The Organizational Culture has been in the spotlight in the last 25 years, studies show the influence of the culture in the production processes and in the strategy decisions of the companies. Changes in the organizational culture is necessary in key-moments of the corporation and this transformation moment influences directly the personal life and the professional life of the employees. The objective of this monograph is to verify the application of the “Transformation Program”, which is the changing program of a technology enterprise, and to attest the acceptation degree and the knowledge of the employees about the program, as well the main difficulties found by the company while implementing the project. Using a quantitative pool, the acceptation degree, the knowledge of the employees and their engagement with the Transformation Program were analyzed by checking the favorability of the answers and comparing the percentage of the whole company and its locations, besides with the results an understanding change curve was created, it identifies the stage that he employees are during the changing process. An interview with the actual and the previous program officers and two project managers was done, in order to identify their alignment with the theory and their perception about the difficulties found while applying the program. It was noted that the employees have heard about the Transformation Program and the majority is in the exploration phase of the understanding change curve, although it is necessary an special attention with the leaders, because the researches showed that the leaders are acting like a bottleneck in the communications by keeping the information that should be shared
The main purpose of this article is to relate two among the most important themes of the current organizational dynamic: organizational culture, innovation and environmental management. Great part of the literature about environmental management and environmental innovation refers to organizational culture as the most arduous wall or the most significant element to develop effective practices of business environmental management. However, relationship among such concepts is, many times, superficial or camouflaging the necessary analytic depth. To solve this challenge, this article integrates the levels of the organizational culture (workmanships, values and presupposed unconscious), the typologies of environmental innovation (total productivity of resources, innovations for the segregation of materials and articulation of bio-systems), and the environmental technologies (end-of-pipe, environmental measurement, pollution prevention and zero-impact technology). Recommendations and challenges for the continuity of this research are registered.
La Administración Pública Nacional y Provincial en el intento de sobrevivir a esta nueva realidad contextual, han implementado, a lo largo de las dos últimas décadas, progresivas políticas de modernización de gestión con la incorporación de nuevas TIC’s y la preparación del personal y de la ciudadanía para abordar eficientemente estos cambios. Prueba de ello es la situación en la Dirección de Registros Públicos y Archivo Judicial 1°, 3° y 4° Circunscripción Judicial del Poder Judicial de Mendoza, analizada en el Capítulo III, según el tercer objetivo específico planteado. Como lo indica el Plan Estratégico “Hacia el Registro Digital", fueron introduciéndose cambios tecnológicos que impactaron fuertemente en las tareas habituales y en los canales de comunicación con la sociedad, todo ello en línea con el paradigma de la NGP y los principios de Gobierno Electrónico. Esta organización, que hasta ese momento se caracterizaba por una cultura y estructura burocrática tradicional, fue eje de un fuerte acompañamiento en el proceso de cambio, mediante técnicas de reculturización que fueron disipando la resistencia al cambio del personal registral.
En el presente trabajo, se intenta analizar el impacto que genera la implementación del sistema de gestión de calidad en la cultura organizacional de la Municipalidad de la capital de Mendoza, a fin de afianzarlo y fortalecerlo. Se trata de una investigación descriptiva, en la que se ha recurrido a fuentes de información primaria y secundaria, documental y normativa para el marco teórico; y a través de entrevistas a diverso personal, el que presta servicios en sectores que han certificado procesos de gestión de calidad 2011-2012, se obtuvo información acerca de la cultura organizacional y de aspectos referidos a la implementación de las normas ISO 9001-2008.
Enmarcado en la perspectiva cultural de Edgard Schein, este trabajo intenta transformarse en un ejercicio de investigación centrado en la problemática de la relación entre el actor y en el sistema dentro de las Organizaciones Modernas. Con este fin es que nos hemos propuesto analizar, a través de la confección de un diagnóstico, cuáles son las variables culturales que, ocultas tras los enunciados de misión manifiestos, operan inconscientemente conformando la identidad de los grupos humanos al interior de las Organizaciones. La importancia de su comprensión reside en la certeza de que sólo reconociendo la existencia de su modelo cultural específico, una Organización logra enfrentar un proceso de transformación y cambio con vistas a un crecimiento futuro. No es este el caso de nuestro objeto en estudio, ya que el proceso de cambio llevado a cabo por esta Organización consistió sólo en una modificación cualicuantitativa de las estructuras formales que la sostenían, lo que explicará la limitación de dicho proceso
Enmarcado en la perspectiva cultural de Edgard Schein, este trabajo intenta transformarse en un ejercicio de investigación centrado en la problemática de la relación entre el actor y en el sistema dentro de las Organizaciones Modernas. Con este fin es que nos hemos propuesto analizar, a través de la confección de un diagnóstico, cuáles son las variables culturales que, ocultas tras los enunciados de misión manifiestos, operan inconscientemente conformando la identidad de los grupos humanos al interior de las Organizaciones. La importancia de su comprensión reside en la certeza de que sólo reconociendo la existencia de su modelo cultural específico, una Organización logra enfrentar un proceso de transformación y cambio con vistas a un crecimiento futuro. No es este el caso de nuestro objeto en estudio, ya que el proceso de cambio llevado a cabo por esta Organización consistió sólo en una modificación cualicuantitativa de las estructuras formales que la sostenían, lo que explicará la limitación de dicho proceso