256 resultados para Cosme, Eusebia


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TiTanate NanoTubes (TTNT) were synthesized by hydrothermal alkali treatment of TiO2 anatase followed by repeated washings with distinct degrees of proton exchange. TTNT samples with different sodium contents were characterized, as synthesized and after heattreatment (200-800ºC), by X-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction, thermal analysis, nitrogen adsorption and spectroscopic techniques like FTIR and UV-Vis diffuse reflectance. It was demonstrated that TTNTs consist of trititanate structure with general formula NaxH2−xTi3O7·nH2O, retaining interlayer water in its multiwalled structure. The removal of sodium reduces the amount of water and contracts the interlayer space leading, combined with other factors, to increased specific surface area and mesopore volume. TTNTs are mesoporous materials with two main contributions: pores smaller than 10 nm due to the inner volume of nanotubes and larger pores within 5-60 nm attributed to the interparticles space. Chemical composition and crystal structure of TTNTs do not depend on the average crystal size of the precursor TiO2-anatase, but this parameter affects significantly the morphology and textural properties of the nanostructured product. Such dependence has been rationalized using a dissolution-recrystallization mechanism, which takes into account the dissolution rate of the starting anatase and its influence on the relative rates of growth and curving of intermediate nanosheets. The thermal stability of TTNT is defined by the sodium content and in a lower extent by the crystallinity of the starting anatase. It has been demonstrated that after losing interlayer water within the range 100-200ºC, TTNT transforms, at least partially, into an intermediate hexatitanate NaxH2−xTi6O13 still retaining the nanotubular morphology. Further thermal transformation of the nanostructured tri- and hexatitanates occurs at higher or lower temperature and follows different routes depending on the sodium content in the structure. At high sodium load (water washed samples) they sinter and grow towards bigger crystals of Na2Ti3O7 and Na2Ti6O13 in the form of rods and ribbons. In contrast, protonated TTNTs evolve to nanotubes of TiO2(B), which easily convert to anatase nanorods above 400ºC. Besides hydroxyls and Lewis acidity typical of titanium oxides, TTNTs show a small contribution of protonic acidity capable of coordinating with pyridine at 150ºC, which is lost after calcination and conversion into anatase. The isoeletric point of TTNTs was measured within the range 2.5-4.0, indicating behavior of a weak acid. Despite displaying semiconductor characteristics exhibiting typical absorption in the UV-Vis spectrum with estimated bandgap energy slightly higher than that of its TiO2 precursor, TTNTs showed very low performance in the photocatalytic degradation of cationic and anionic dyes. It was concluded that the basic reason resides in its layered titanate structure, which in comparison with the TiO2 form would be more prone to the so undesired electron-hole pair recombination, thus inhibiting the photooxidation reactions. After calcination of the protonated TTNT into anatase nanorods, the photocatalytic activity improved but not to the same level as that exhibited by its precursor anatase


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A 3D binary image is considered well-composed if, and only if, the union of the faces shared by the foreground and background voxels of the image is a surface in R3. Wellcomposed images have some desirable topological properties, which allow us to simplify and optimize algorithms that are widely used in computer graphics, computer vision and image processing. These advantages have fostered the development of algorithms to repair bi-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) images that are not well-composed. These algorithms are known as repairing algorithms. In this dissertation, we propose two repairing algorithms, one randomized and one deterministic. Both algorithms are capable of making topological repairs in 3D binary images, producing well-composed images similar to the original images. The key idea behind both algorithms is to iteratively change the assigned color of some points in the input image from 0 (background)to 1 (foreground) until the image becomes well-composed. The points whose colors are changed by the algorithms are chosen according to their values in the fuzzy connectivity map resulting from the image segmentation process. The use of the fuzzy connectivity map ensures that a subset of points chosen by the algorithm at any given iteration is the one with the least affinity with the background among all possible choices


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Brazil is going through the process from analogical transmission to digital transmission. This new technology, in addition to providing a high quality audio and video, also allows applications to execute on television. Equipment called Set-Top Box are needed to allow the reception of this new signal and create the appropriate environment necessary to execute applications. At first, the only way to interact with these applications is given by remote control. However, the remote control has serious usability problems when used to interact with some types of applications. This research suggests a software resources implementation capable to create a environment that allows a smartphone to interact with applications. Besides this implementation, is performed a comparative study between use remote controle and smartphones to interact with applications of digital television, taking into account parameters related to usability. After analysis of data collected by the comparative study is possible to identify which device provides an interactive experience more interesting for users


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The human interference in the semiarid region of Seridó Potiguar has promoted the increase of degraded areas. The economic dynamic that was established in the Seridó territory, especially after the fall of the trinomial cattle-cotton-mining in the 70s and 80s of the 20th century as pillars of the regional economy, resulted in an accelerated process of erosion of natural resources. The municipalities of the Seridó region have been spatially reordered by this new economic dynamic, marked by the growth of existing enterprises, and the development of new agricultural practices. One of the municipalities in the region that restructured its territorial space with the emergence of new agro-industrial activities was the town of Parelhas. With the demise of the trinomial cattle-cotton-mining in the 1980s, other productive activities were intensified from the 1990s, amongst them, pottery, responsible for the vegetal extraction for use as energy source. This recent economic and spatial restructuring in the region, reflected in the Parelhense municipal territory, required new productive ingredients responsible for the modification of past production relations that were based on cattle, cotton and mining. By that a process of exploring the environment was unleashed, especially the native vegetation, in an uncontrolled manner. In this context, the objective of this study was to survey and detect deforestation in the areas of Caatinga vegetation, used indiscriminately as energy supply for new agricultural practices, using remote sensing techniques based on the quantification of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index / NDVI, Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index / SAVI, surface temperature and rainfall data in the years 1990 and 2010. The results indicated that SAVI values above 0.2 in 1990 and 2010 represent the areas with the highest density of vegetation that occur exclusively along the major drainages in the town and areas of higher elevations. The areas between the ranges of values from 0.5 to 0.15 SAVI are areas with poor vegetation. On the other hand the highest values of temperature are distributed in the western and southeastern parts of the township, usually in places where the soil is exposed or there is sparse vegetation. The areas of bare soil decreased in extension in 2010 at 11, 6% when related to 1990, this was caused by a higher rainfall intensity in the first half of 2010, but no regeneration of vegetation occurred in some places in the western and southeastern areas of the municipality today, due to the extraction of firewood to fuel the furnaces of industries in town


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A matrix approach is described for assessing the variance of effects in incomplete diallels designs. The method is illustrated by reference to simulated complete and incomplete diallels using different combinations of constraints, average degree of dominance and, for the incomplete diallel, number of hybrids. Our results showed that caution should be taken in working with incomplete diallels under conditions of overdominance because there were changes in the rank of the genotypes when the excluded hybrid had parents with a low frequency of the favorable allele (i.e. the allele which increases expression of a character). The expression described in this paper is a rapid and safe approach to estimate variances and covariances of the effects of contrasts of incomplete diallels. Copyright by the Brazilian Society of Genetics.


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The Ji-Paraná city (RO) it doesn't possess public system of collection and treatment of sewers, being the waters residuárias produced by the local population thrown at sewages. Traditionally, many inhabitants use wells amazon extracted underground water or tubular shallow in the urban zone. The study accomplished in the Nova Brasília neighborhood for Silva (2009) revealed that the local aquifer is strongly contaminated for nitrate, originated of the decomposition of the organic matter deposited at the sewages local maidservants. With the objective of detecting areas with high concentrations originating from organic compositions of septic sewages, geophysical risings were accomplished, later related with analyses physical-chemistries in samples of groundwaters obtained in several wells installed in the Nova Brasília neighborhood, besides of soil samples descriptions in zone not saturated obtained in wells. The results obtained by the geophysical rehearsals they reveal that the polluting feather not migrates through the zone saturated, arriving with relative easiness to the aquifer, reaching in some points, superior depth to 34 m reached by the geoelectrical profiling.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the interference of the radiopacifiers bismuth oxide (BO), bismuth carbonate (BC), bismuth subnitrate (BS), and zirconiun oxide (ZO) on the solubility, alkalinity and antimicrobial properties of white Portland cement (WPC). The substances were incorporated to PC, at a ratio of 1:4 (v/v) and subjected to a solubility test. To evaluate the pH, the cements were inserted into retrograde cavities prepared in simulated acrylic teeth and immediately immersed in deionized water. The pH of the solution was measured at 3, 24, 72 and 168 h. The antimicrobial activity was evaluated by a radial diffusion method against the microorganisms S. aureus (ATCC 25923), P. aeruginosa (ATCC 27853), E. faecalis (ATCC 29212) and C. albicans (ATCC 10231). The zone of microbial growth inhibition was measured after 24 h. The addition of BS and BC increased the solubility of the cement. The pH values demonstrated that all materials produced alkaline levels. At 3 h, BS showed lower pH than WPC (p<0.05). At 168 h, all materials showed similar pHs (p>0.05). The materials did not present antimicrobial activity for S. aureus, P. aeruginosas and E. faecalis (p>0.05). With regards to C. albicans, all materials formed an inhibition zone, mainly the mixture of WPC with ZO (p<0.05). The type of radiopacifier incorporated into WPC interfered with its physical and antimicrobial properties. ZO was found to be a viable radiopacifier that can be used with WPC.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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A estratégia de Atenção Integrada às doenças Prevalentes na Infância (AIDPI) consiste em reduzir a mortalidade e morbidade infantil mediante a adaptação de um enfoque que inclui, melhorar os sistemas de saúde, a capacidade dos trabalhadores de saúde, e as práticas familiares e comunitárias, por meio de educação dos pais ou responsáveis sobre o conhecimento dos sinais de alarme na doença diarréica. Com o objetivo de avaliar o conhecimento das mães ou responsáveis sobre os sinais de alarme na diarréia aguda, foram coletadas informações de 174 mães ou responsáveis por crianças menores de cinco anos com diarréia aguda no Hospital Infantil Cosme e Damião de Porto Velho - Rondônia, no período de março a maio de 2001, utilizando-se o formulário padrão do AIDPI. Os resultados mostraram que 64,36% das mães desconhecem os sinais de alarme na diarréia aguda, 59,20% das mães fornecem pouco alimento durante um processo diarréico, 92% das mães conhecem que se deve administrar maior quantidade de líquidos na diarréia aguda. Considerando os achados do presente trabalho consideramos válida a aplicação da estratégia do AIDPI no Hospital Infantil Cosme e Damião de Porto Velho.


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Esta dissertação analisa a presença da moralidade no conto "Cinco Mulheres", de Machado de Assis, publicado no Jornal das Famílias em agosto e setembro de 1865, para tanto considera a perspicácia do narrador na composição da personagem feminina e na construção do enredo. Objetivou-se ressaltar como Marcelina, Antônia, Carolina, Carlota e Hortência, mesmo delineadas para figurar em um jornal moralizante, revelam muito sutilmente a ruptura com a submissão que se esperava da mulher da época. Para isso, foram observados, no periódico, as seções, os expedientes, os editorias, as ilustrações, a fim de perceber cintilações da representação de subordinação alegórica da mulher do século XIX. A escassez de textos críticos sobre os primeiros escritos do autor revela o desinteresse com que essas obras têm sido tratadas e a leitura do conto em tela é uma maneira de resistir à compreensão de que somente os textos depois da década de 80 merecem complexidade, o que também é objetivo deste estudo. Com isso, o levantamento da fortuna crítica dos textos iniciais de Machado, em especial os direcionados aos seus contos, oportuniza discutir sobre a composição da figura feminina e como ela era apresentada à leitora do jornal casamenteiro. Ao invés de apresentar o casamento como sustentáculo da sociedade, o "Bruxo do Cosme Velho" apresenta as incongruências possíveis de ocorrer nos matrimônios: enlaces sem amor, infelicidade do casal, traição do marido e da esposa, o que possibilita à leitora da época refletir sobre sua condição subalterna diante da sociedade patriarcal e do cerceamento vivido.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Geophysical survey is an important method for investigation of contaminated areas used in the characterization of contrasting physical properties in the presence of pollutants. This work applied the geophysical methods of Electrical Resistivity and Self Potential in waste landfill, located in Caçapava do Sul city, RS. The landfill is located over fractured metamorphic rocks. Eight lines of electrical profiling with 288 measures of self potential were done. In addition, 83 measurements of direction and dip of fractures were taken. The application of spontaneous potential method permitted to detect the direction of groundwater flow. The electrical resistivity measurements allowed the identification of low-intensity anomalies associated with the presence of leachate. There is a relationship between anomalous zones and the directions of fractures.