195 resultados para Championship


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La construcción es una de las industrias que mayores accidentes laborales genera, en esta investigación se realizó un análisis retrospectivo para determinar si existe alguna relación entre la ocurrencia de accidentes y la fecha de entrega de una meta, debido al incremento en la cantidad de trabajo expresado por la cantidad de días y horas extras trabajados, se cuenta con información de la accidentalidad de cinco empresas constructoras de un gran proyecto vial en Colombia en los años de 2012 y 2013. Se analizó la información correspondiente a la nómina de las mismas empresas, con el valor de la nómina mensual, el valor de las incapacidades mensuales y la cantidad de trabajadores por cada empresa en cada periodo. El manejo de los datos se hizo con EXCEL y el análisis estadístico con STATA 11.1, se usó la correlación de Spearman para encontrar la relación entre la cantidad de accidentes acumulados y: la cantidad acumulada de días trabajados en cada mes, la cantidad acumulada de horas extras trabajadas mensualmente y el costo acumulado en porcentaje de la nómina mensual, encontrándose en todos los casos una relación lineal. Por otra parte, se realizó una prueba binomial para establecer la relación de la fecha de entrega de la meta con la accidentalidad 30 días antes y después, encontrando que la accidentalidad aumenta en la proximidad previa a la entrega de la meta


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Chess endgame tables should provide efficiently the value and depth of any required position during play. The indexing of an endgame’s positions is crucial to meeting this objective. This paper updates Heinz’ previous review of approaches to indexing and describes the latest approach by the first and third authors. Heinz’ and Nalimov’s endgame tables (EGTs) encompass the en passant rule and have the most compact index schemes to date. Nalimov’s EGTs, to the Distance-to-Mate (DTM) metric, require only 30.6 × 10^9 elements in total for all the 3-to-5-man endgames and are individually more compact than previous tables. His new index scheme has proved itself while generating the tables and in the 1999 World Computer Chess Championship where many of the top programs used the new suite of EGTs.


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Chess endgame tables should provide efficiently the value and depth of any required position during play. The indexing of an endgame’s positions is crucial to meeting this objective. This paper updates Heinz’ previous review of approaches to indexing and describes the latest approach by the first and third authors. Heinz’ and Nalimov’s endgame tables (EGTs) encompass the en passant rule and have the most compact index schemes to date. Nalimov’s EGTs, to the Distance-to-Mate (DTM) metric, require only 30.6 × 109 elements in total for all the 3-to-5-man endgames and are individually more compact than previous tables. His new index scheme has proved itself while generating the tables and in the 1999 World Computer Chess Championship where many of the top programs used the new suite of EGTs.


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This article reviews the KQPKQP endgame of the ROOKIE-BARON game of the World Computer Chess Championship, 2011. It also reviews the decisive KRNPKBP endgame in the second Anand-Gelfand rapid game of the World Chess Championship 2012. There is a review of parts 2-3 of the Bourzutschky-Konoval 7-man endgame series in EG, of the new endgame software tool FinalGen, and of the 'Lomonosov' endgame table generation programme in Moscow.


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The 'Turing 100' Conference in Manchester was the main event of the Turing Centenary Year in 2012. This is a report and reflection on Kasparov's popular talk. Within it, he explained how Turing and influenced computer chess, his career and the chess community. Kasparov also played Chessbase's 'TURING' emulation of Turing's second paper chess engine, here labelled 'AT2'. Quasi Turing-tests, computer contributions to world championship chess, and suspected cheating in chess are also mentioned.


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This note includes some endgame reflections on the last World Chess Championship, an update on the search for the longest decisive games between computers, and a brief mention of the sets of endgame table (EGT) statistics recently received from Yakov Konoval (2013) and from Victor Zakharov (2013) for the Lomonosov team.


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Samhället blir allt mer digitaliserat, vilket lett till att en stor mängd företagbehövt förändra sin marknadsföring. Många företag marknadsför sig idaggenom digitala kanaler, en av dessa är e-post. Ett sätt att marknadsföra sig viae-post är med nyhetsbrev. Forskningen om e-postmarknadsföring är betydligtmer omfattande än den specifikt om nyhetsbrev, vilket gör nyhetsbrev till ettintressant ämne att studera närmre. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vad rådangående utformningen av nyhetsbrev behandlar och om råden som finns äranpassade specifikt för sportevenemangs nyhetsbrev. Studiens syfte är även attgranska om Skid-VM:s allmänna nyhetsbrev följer några av de generella rådensom valts ut och om tillämpningen av råden föredras av mottagarna eller inte.För att besvara studiens frågeställningar har en kartläggning, en jämförelse ochen enkätundersökning genomförts. Kartläggningen gjordes genom eninformationssökning och 65 råd hittades. Sex generella råd valdes ut ochjämfördes mot Skid-VM:s allmänna nyhetsbrev. Nya modifierade varianter pådelar av nyhetsbrevet formgavs utifrån om den ursprungliga delen av Skid-VM:s nyhetsbrev följde det generella rådet eller inte. De modifieradevarianterna och de ursprungliga sattes ihop till bildpar. I enkätundersökningensom publicerades på Facebook-sidor och grupper administrerade av Skid-VMfick deltagarna sedan välja vilken variant de föredrog. Kartläggningenresulterade i slutsatserna att många av råden behandlade utformningen avnyhetsbrevets texter och att råd om utformningen av nyhetsbrev specifiktanpassade för sportevenemang var sällsynta. Slutsatserna blev även att Skid-VM:s nyhetsbrev följde fyra av de sex generella råden och att varianten avnyhetsbreven som följde det generella rådet föredrogs i tre av sex fall.


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Michael Weinstein (left) and George Wallace (right), respectively Chairman and Secretary of the Victorian Soccer Federation, flank Sepp Blatter (then General Secretary of FIFA) and Harry Cavan of Northern Ireland and Vice President of FIFA, during a 1980 planning meeting for the forthcoming World Youth Cup to be hosted by Australia in 1981.


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Engineering asset management organisations (EAMOs) are increasingly motivated to implement business intelligence (BI) systems in response to dispersed information environments and compliance requirements. However, the implementation of a business intelligence (BI) system is a complex undertaking requiring considerable resources. Yet, so far, there are few defined critical success factors (CSFs) to which management can refer. Drawing on the CSFs framework derived from a previous Delphi study, a multiple-case design was used to examine how these CSFs could be implemented by five EAMOs. The case studies substantiate the construct and applicability of the CSFs framework. These CSFs are: committed management support and sponsorship, a clear vision and well-established business case, business-centric championship and balanced team composition, a business-driven and iterative develop ment approach, user-oriented change management, a business-driven, scalable and flexible technical framework, and sustainable data quality and integrity. More significantly, the study further reveals that those organisations which address the CSFs from a business orientation approach will be more likely to achieve better results.


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The implementation of a BI system is a complex undertaking requiring considerable resources. Yet there is a limited authoritative set of CSFs for management reference. This article represents a first step of filling in the research gap. The authors utilized the Delphi method to conduct three rounds of studies with 15 BI system experts in the domain of engineering asset management organizations. The study develops a CSFs framework that consists of seven factors and associated contextual elements crucial for BI systems implementation. The CSFs are committed management support and sponsorship, business user-oriented change management, clear business vision and well-established case, business-driven methodology and project management, business-centric championship and balanced project team composition, strategic and extensible technical framework, and sustainable data quality and governance framework. This CSFs framework allows BI stakeholders to holistically understand the critical factors that influence implementation success of BI systems.


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A presente dissertação busca analisar como o Campeonato Brasileiro de Clubes de Futebol – desde sua gênese - está correlacionado com o projeto político do governo militar que chegou ao poder através do golpe civil-militar de 1964. A criação do mesmo está intimamente relacionada à busca de legitimidade do regime, através do crescimento econômico e da formulação de uma intensa propaganda ufanista. A compreensão do cenário político das décadas de 1960 e 1970 é fundamental, uma vez que este tem ligações diretas com as estratégias escolhidas pelos atores envolvidos no processo de criação e consolidação do Campeonato Brasileiro, além de abrir caminhos para questionamentos sobre a relação entre eventos esportivos e seus usos por políticos, já que envolve o entendimento de fenômenos de representação . Com a falência do modelo econômico posto em prática até então, e o consequente início do projeto de distensão, eram necessários novos mecanismos de legitimação do regime, ampliando-se a participação política da população. Nestes dois momentos portanto, – de auge do crescimento econômico e de crise do regime - de forma diferenciada, o Campeonato Nacional pode ser usado para analisar tentativas de cooptação da opinião pública ou mesmo de votos. Como veremos, nem sempre esta tentativa foi bem sucedida.


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Brazilian Law n° 9.615 of 24 March, 1998 established new paradigms in the employment relations existent between the soccer athlete and the sport association, both of whom are accustomed to the former legislation. They do not seem to have organized themselves in the sense of understanding the practical effects of the legal precepts currently in force, raising doubts that hinder the professional practice of the former and the performance of the latter in relation to managing these human resources. The purpose of this study is to analyze the degree of knowledge displayed by the professional soccer athlete about the legal recourses at his disposal in relation to the employment relations established in his work contract, as well as investigating the stress habits and stress situations that he most often experiences. This descriptive study consisted of a sample of 105 players under contract with clubs participating in the final phase of the state soccer championship. A questionnaire was used as the data collection instrument, whose analysis allows us to verify the lack of knowledge, on the part of the subjects studied, about the laws that regulate their profession, as well as identifying the stress habits and stress situations that are most reflected in their lifestyle. The lack of knowedge of regulate norms of their profession influences, in a negative way, in the lifestyle of soccer professional athlete from Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil