998 resultados para Cella, Susana


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[ES] Desde hace varios años, el pequeño comercio en España y en otros países europeos viene enfrentándose a un entorno de creciente concurrencia, con la irrupción de nuevas formas comerciales más integradas vertical u horizontalmente, y mejor preparadas para competir en precio y variedad. Ante este hecho, las centrales de compra se ofrecen como una alternativa tendente a acortar distancias en estas dos cuestiones, a la vez que buscan la prestación de ciertos servicios que ayuden al pequeño comerciante a gestionar más eficaz y eficientemente su negocio.


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[ES] Emaús Bilbao Sociedad Cooperativa, es una entidad de Economía Social y Solidaria para la inserción sociolaboral, dedicada a la gestión integral de residuos sólidos urbanos (RSU), con sede en Bilbao y que desarrolla esta actividad en Bizkaia.


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MELECON 2012 - 2012 16th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, 25 Mar - 28 Mar 2012, Túnez


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MELECON 2012 - 2012 16th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, 25 Mar - 28 Mar 2012, Túnez


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[EN] This research provides a useful framework for identifying a small firms’ propensity to engage in entrepreneurial orientation. We examine the impact of the Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) as a main resource and capability on small firm’ growth. The growth seems to come out as an important demonstration of the entrepreneurial orientation of small firms (Davidsson, 1989; Green and Brown, 1997; Janney and Gregory, 2006). Thus, this research builds on prior conceptual research that suggests a positive integration between entrepreneurial orientation and resource-based view. In the first instance, the research will focus on reviewing literature in the emerging area of entrepreneurial orientation as it applies to growth oriented small firms and resource-based view of the firm. Secondly, an empirical study was developed based on a stratified sample of small firms of manufacturing industry. Data were submitted to a multivariate statistical analysis and a linear regression model was performed in order to predict the influence of the resources and capabilities on small firms’ growth. In this sense, we consider the construct growth as a dependent variable and the ones relates with resources and capabilities (entrepreneur resources, firm resources, networks and EO) as independent variables. The research results suggest a set of resources and capabilities that promote the growth of the small firms. Also, the EO seems to have a predictive value on growth. Explaining variables related with resources and capabilities and EO were identified as essential in growth oriented small firms. It was still possible to conclude that the entrepreneurial firms which grew seem to have resources and develop more capabilities and take advantage in the search for those competences. This attitude reflects on the EO of the firm. This study has important implication for both researchers and practitioners. It highlights the necessity of firms to develop superior EO of all their members and also to invest on better resources and consequently superior capabilities as a way of reaching higher levels of growth. While previous authors have attempted to analyse certain aspects of this process (linkage between entrepreneurial orientation and growth), this research developed a framework that combines these and others factors (resource-based view) pertinent to growth oriented small firms. The results support the necessity to identify explicative variables of multiple levels to explain the growth of small firms. The adoption of an entrepreneurial orientation as an indispensable variable to the growth oriented small firms seems pertinent.


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La familia de la Compuestas (=Asteraceae) es la más numerosa de todas las fanerógamas con aproximadamente 23000 especies y más de 1500 géneros ampliamente distribuidos en todos los continentes excepto en la Antártida. En la República Argentina es la familia más abundante con 222 géneros nativos y 1490 especies, en tanto que en la provincia de Buenos Aires, las compuestas representan la sexta parte de la flora de plantas vasculares con 113 géneros y 356 especies, de las cuales 55 son adventicias y el resto indígenas. Muchas de las especies de esta familia son utilizadas por el hombre como plantas alimenticias o medicinales. Algunas especies son tóxicas para el ganado. Otras son utilizadas como repelentes de insectos o son perjudiciales por ser malezas invasoras en los campos y competir con las plantas cultivadas.


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En España, la colaboración público-privada para la dinamización del comercio urbano es un fenómeno que comenzó a activarse a finales de los 90. A lo largo de esta última década y en torno a lo que se conocen como iniciativas de centro comercial abierto, han surgido experiencias muy diferentes en cuanto al modelo de colaboración desarrollado. En este documento presentamos los resultados de un estudio empírico, fundamentalmente descriptivo, basado en encuestas a responsables del área de comercio de las administraciones locales en municipios calificados como áreas y subáreas comerciales de todo el territorio español. El objetivo es identificar los factores que definen y enmarcan estos procesos de colaboración público-privada para la dinamización urbano-comercial en este país.


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Maia Duguine, Susana Huidobro and Nerea Madariaga (eds.)


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Helburuak: Liburu hau Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritza Titulazioan enborrezkoa den Dispositiboen Elektronika irakasgaian erabiltzen da. Ikasleek elektronikarekin duten lehenengo harremana hau izaten denez, irakasgaiaren helburu nagusia oinarrizko osagaien ezaugarriak eta funtzionamenduaren printzipioak ezagutaraztea da. Norentzat izan daiteke baliagarria: Testua Ingeniaritza Eskolako Lehenengo Ikasturteko ikasleentzat bereziki prestatu da, baina dispositiboen funtzionamendua eta anplikazio-sistema sinpleak azaltzen dituenez, oso baliagarria gerta daiteke, orobat, edozein maila eta titulazioko Elektronika-ikasleentzat -edota ikasle horiei irakatsi behar dietenentzat.


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Helburuak: Liburu honek Gailuen Elektronika irakasgaian azken urteotan egin diren azterketak jasotzen ditu. Hortaz, ikasleek azterketak prestatzeko eta, oro har, elektronika ikasteko oso baliagarritzat jotzen dugu. Irakasgaiaren helburu nagusia diren oinarrizko osagaien ezaugarriak eta funtzionamenduaren printzipioak lantzen dira. Norentzat izan daiteke baliagarria: Testua Ingeniaritza Eskolako Lehenengo Ikasturteko ikasleentzat bereziki prestatu da, baina gailuen funtzionamendua eta anplikazio-sistema sinpleak aztertzen dituzten ariketak jasotzen dituenez, oso baliagarria gerta daiteke, orobat, edozein maila eta titulazioko Elektronika-ikasleentzat -edota ikasle horiei irakatsi behar dietenentzat.


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Microbe-Associated Molecular Patterns and virulence effectors are recognized by plants as a first step to mount a defence response against potential pathogens. This recognition involves a large family of extracellular membrane receptors and other immune proteins located in different sub-cellular compartments. We have used phage-display technology to express and select for Arabidopsis proteins able to bind bacterial pathogens. To rapidly identify microbe-bound phage, we developed a monitoring method based on microarrays. This combined strategy allowed for a genome-wide screening of plant proteins involved in pathogen perception. Two phage libraries for high-throughput selection were constructed from cDNA of plants infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14, or from combined samples of the virulent isolate DC3000 of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato and its avirulent variant avrRpt2. These three pathosystems represent different degrees in the specificity of plant-microbe interactions. Libraries cover up to 26107 different plant transcripts that can be displayed as functional proteins on the surface of T7 bacteriophage. A number of these were selected in a bio-panning assay for binding to Pseudomonas cells. Among the selected clones we isolated the ethylene response factor ATERF-1, which was able to bind the three bacterial strains in competition assays. ATERF-1 was rapidly exported from the nucleus upon infiltration of either alive or heat-killed Pseudomonas. Moreover, aterf-1 mutants exhibited enhanced susceptibility to infection. These findings suggest that ATERF-1 contains a microbe-recognition domain with a role in plant defence. To identify other putative pathogen-binding proteins on a genome-wide scale, the copy number of selected-vs.-total clones was compared by hybridizing phage cDNAs with Arabidopsis microarrays. Microarray analysis revealed a set of 472 candidates with significant fold change. Within this set defence-related genes, including well-known targets of bacterial effectors, are over-represented. Other genes non-previously related to defence can be associated through this study with general or strain-specific recognition of Pseudomonas.


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Eterio Pajares, Raquel Merino y José Miguel Santamaría (eds.)


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Raquel Merino Álvarez, José Miguel Santamaría, Eterio Pajares (eds.)