945 resultados para Case-method Teaching


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O estudo trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, com o objetivo de avaliar as contribuições e dificuldades sentidas pelos alunos, na utilização do Modelo Operacional do Estudo de Caso, proposto pelas autoras como uma das estratégias de ensino utilizada pela disciplina de Enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica. Para instrumentalizar e operacionalizar a análise de conteúdo das respostas concedidas pelos alunos, utilizamos da análise temática, segundo Bardin. Com a realização desta investigação concluímos que os alunos reconhecem o modelo como estratégia de ensino na formação dos mesmos, principalmente, quanto ao conhecimento teórico-prático da assistência (70%) que este oferece, estimulando-os à autonomia na tomada de decisões e solução de problemas na área, além de incentivá-los na utilização do acervo da biblioteca. A outra contribuição está relacionada ao conhecimento referente à metodologia científica (30%), onde o modelo emerge a eles como uma estratégia de iniciação a esta atividade. As dificuldades sentidas pelos alunos na elaboração do estudo de caso ocorreram nas seguintes etapas: - no levantamento bibliográfico (58%), principalmente, quanto a falta de bibliografia específica e recente na área de enfermagem e ao não acesso dos alunos da graduação aos índices informatizados: - na redação do trabalho(27%), porém ao mesmo tempo revelando que o estudo de caso propiciou conhecimentos básicos de como elaborar e escrever um trabalho científico; dentre outras (15%).


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Background: The large vestibular aqueduct syndrome (LVAS) is characterized by the enlargement of the vestibular aqueduct associated with sensorioneural hearing loss. The level of hearing loss varies and may be fluctuant, progressive or sudden. Vestibular symptoms may be present. The diagnosis is reached by imaging methods. Aim: To report an LVAS case. Method: A female infant was submitted to a computerized tomography of the ears and to audiologic tests. Results: Enlargement of the vestibular aqueduct of more than 1.5mm and sensorioneural hearing loss in the right ear were observed. Conclusion: With an early hearing evaluation it is possible to diagnose hearing loss, even in children were this loss is unilateral. Although the literature indicates that the diagnosis of LVAS occurs at a later age, in this case time etiologic diagnosis was enabled by computerized tomography.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Entrepreneurs responsible for the housing project “Vale do Sol III”, (claim of deployment), proposed a technique, in order to resolve conflicts of interest arising in respect Vale do Sol I residents (already implemented). Conflicts taken place in accordance with environmental problems that originated (past) in poor drainage of rainwater from Água Fria stream. This work, based on study case method with deductive approach, analyzed the environmental aspects of the area in order to contribute to the process of sustainable management of medium-sized cities (present), as well as analyzing the prospects for adequate outcome environmental demand (future) . In terms of technical and methodological procedures, was used geoprocessing softwares for the purpose of supporting analysis. It was concluded that, technique proposed at Vale do Sol III enterprise, don’t have necessary, sufficient and satisfactory solution in order to, at least, mitigate the problems of area sustainability. In terms of future prospects, it was concluded that, good sustainable environmental management, with preventive measures, from the point of view of mitigating the environmental and urban conflicts, and corrective measures.


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Responsible entrepreneurs responsible for housing project "Vale do Sol III" (claim of deployment) had proposed technique in order to solve conflicts of interest, arising with respect to residents of Vale do Sol I (already implemented). Conflicts gave up due to environmental and urban problems, originated in a notification of responsible concessionaire for the administration of Marechal Rondon highway (entry and exit of people on the road, in the city of Botucatu, Sao Paulo state). This work, based on study case method, within a deductive approach, analyzed urban and environmental aspects of the area in order to contribute to sustainable management of medium-sized cities. There was, moreover, use of GIS software for purpose of supporting this technical analysis. Investigations were carried out within environmental and urban viewpoints about Água Fria watershed, as well as technical and legal basis arising devices both municipal and federal regulations. It was concluded that proposed project of Vale do Sol III, about containment of stormwater and alternative technical and locational traffic, not presented as necessary solution, sufficient and satisfactory in the sense of, at least, mitigate sustainability problems of surrounding area (Água Fria watershed, into which could insert even Vale do Sol I condominium, subject to notification).


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This dissertation is a report on a collaborative project between the Computer Science and the Humanities Departments to develop case studies that focus on issues of communication in the workplace, and the results of their use in the classroom. My argument is that case study teaching simulates real-world experience in a meaningful way, essentially developing a teachable way of developing phronesis, the reasoned capacity to act for the good in public. In addition, it can be read as a "how-to" guide for educators who may wish to construct their own case studies. To that end, I have included a discussion of the ethnographic methodologies employed, and how it was adapted to our more pragmatic ends. Finally, I present my overarching argument for a new appraisal of the concept of techné. This reappraisal emphasizes its productive activity, poiesis, rather than focusing on its knowledge as has been the case in the past. I propose that focusing on the telos, the end outside the production, contributes to the diminishment, if not complete foreclosure, of a rich concept of techné.


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La expansión experimentada por la informática, las nuevas tecnologías e internet en los últimos años, no solo viene dada por la evolución del hardware subyacente, sino por la evolución del desarrollo de software y del crecimiento del número de desarrolladores. Este incremento ha hecho evolucionar el software de unos sistemas de gestión basados en ficheros, prácticamente sin interfaz gráfico y de unos pocos miles de líneas a grandes sistemas distribuidos multiplataforma. El desarrollo de estos grandes sistemas, requiere gran cantidad de personas involucradas en el desarrollo, y que las herramientas de desarrollo hayan crecido también para facilitar su análisis, diseño, codificación, pruebas, implantación y mantenimiento. La base de estas herramientas software las proveen las propias plataformas de desarrollo, pero la experiencia de los desarrolladores puede aportar un sinfín de utilidades y de técnicas que agilicen los desarrollos y cumplan los requisitos del software en base a la reutilización de soluciones lo suficientemente probadas y optimizadas. Dichas herramientas se agrupan ordenadamente, creando así frameworks personalizados, con herramientas de todo tipo, clases, controles, interfaces, patrones de diseño, de tal manera que se dan soluciones personalizadas a un amplio número de problemas para emplearlas cuantas veces se quiera, bien marcando directrices de desarrollo mediante el uso de patrones, bien con la encapsulación de complejidades de tal modo que los desarrolladores ya dispongan de componentes que asuman cierta lógica o cierta complejidad aliviando así la fase de construcción. En este trabajo se abordan temas sobre las tecnologías base y plataformas de desarrollo para poder acometer la creación de un framework personalizado, necesidades a evaluar antes de acometerlo, y técnicas a emplear para la consecución del mismo, orientadas a la documentación, mantenimiento y extensión del framework. La exposición teórica consiste en mostrar y evaluar los requisitos para crear un framework, requisitos de la plataforma de desarrollo, y explicar cómo funcionan las grandes plataformas de desarrollo actuales, que elementos los componen y su funcionamiento, así como marcar ciertas pautas de estructuración y nomenclatura que el desarrollo de un framework debe contemplar para su mantenimiento y extensión. En la parte metodológica se ha usado un subconjunto de Métrica V3, ya que para el desarrollo de controles no aplica dicha metodología en su totalidad, pero contempla el catálogo de requisitos, los casos de uso, diagramas de clase, diagramas de secuencia, etc… Aparte de los conceptos teóricos, se presenta un caso práctico con fines didácticos de cómo parametrizar y configurar el desarrollo bajo la plataforma .NET. Dicho caso práctico consiste en la extensión de un control de usuario genérico de la plataforma .NET, de tal modo que se aplican conceptos más allá del hecho de crear funciones como las funcionalidades que puede brindar un API. Conceptos sobre como extender y modificar controles ya existentes, que interactúan por medio de eventos con otros controles, con vistas a que ese nuevo control forme parte de una biblioteca de controles de usuario personalizados ampliamente divulgada. Los controles de usuario son algo que no solo tienen una parte funcional, sino que también tienen una parte visual, y definiciones funcionales distintas de las típicas del software de gestión, puesto que han de controlar eventos, visualizaciones mientras se dan estos eventos y requisitos no funcionales de optimización de rendimiento, etc… Para el caso práctico se toma como herramienta la plataforma de desarrollo .Net Framework, en todas sus versiones, ya que el control a extender es el control ListView y hacerlo editable. Este control está presente en todas las versiones de .NET framework y con un alto grado de reutilización. Esta extensión muestra además como se puede migrar fácilmente este tipo de extensiones sobre todos los frameworks. Los entornos de desarrollo usados son varias versiones de Visual Studio para el mostrar dicha compatibilidad, aunque el desarrollo que acompaña este documento esté realizado sobre Visual Studio 2013. ABSTRACT The expansion in computer science, new technologies and the Internet in recent years, not only is given by the evolution of the underlying hardware, but for the evolution of software development and the growing number of developers. This increase has evolved software from management systems based on files almost without graphical interface and a few thousand of code lines, to large multiplatform distributed systems. The development of these large systems, require lots of people involved in development, and development tools have also grown to facilitate analysis, design, coding, testing, deployment and maintenance. The basis of these software tools are providing by their own development platforms, but the experience of the developers can bring a lot of utilities and techniques to speed up developments and meet the requirements of software reuse based on sufficiently proven solutions and optimized. These tools are grouped neatly, creating in this way custom frameworks, with tools of all types, classes, controls, interfaces, design patterns,… in such a way that they provide customized solutions to a wide range of problems to use them many times as you want to occur, either by dialing development guidelines by using patterns or along with the encapsulation of complexities, so that developers already have components that take some logic or some complexity relieving the construction phase. This paper cover matters based on technologies and development platforms to undertake the creation of a custom framework, needs to evaluate before rush it and techniques to use in order to achieve it, a part from techniques oriented to documentation, maintenance and framework extension. The theoretical explanation consists in to demonstrate and to evaluate the requirements for creating a framework, development platform requirements, and explain how large current development platforms work, which elements compose them and their operation work, as well as mark certain patterns of structure and nomenclature that the development of a framework should include for its maintenance and extension. In the methodological part, a subset of Métrica V3 has been used, because of, for the development of custom controls this methodology does not apply in its entirety, but provides a catalogue of requirements, use cases, class diagrams, sequence diagrams, etc ... Apart from the theoretical concepts, a study case for teaching purposes about how to parameterize and configure the development under the .NET platform is presented. This study case involves the extension of a generic user control of the .NET platform, so that concepts apply beyond the fact of creating functions as the functionalities that can provide an API. Concepts on how to extend and modify existing controls that interact through events with other controls, overlooking that new control as a part of a custom user controls library widely publicized. User controls are something that not only have a functional part, but also have a visual part, and various functional definitions of typical management software, since that they have to control events, visualizations while these events are given and not functional of performance optimization requirements, etc ... For the study case the development platform .Net Framework is taken as tool, in all its versions, considering that control to extend is the ListView control and make it editable. This control is present in all versions of .NET framework and with a high degree of reuse. This extension also shows how you can easily migrate these extensions on all frameworks. The used development environments are several versions of Visual Studio to show that compatibility, although the development that accompanies this document is done on Visual Studio 2013.


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Der vorliegende Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit afrikaspezifischen Veranstaltungen der entwicklungspolitischen Bildungsarbeit und den durch Referent/inn/en vermittelten Inhalten über den Lebensalltag in afrikanischen Ländern. Es wird aufgezeigt, dass der Prozess der Herausbildung des vermittelten Wissens in den Veranstaltungen durch das Zusammenspiel verschiedener Aspekte charakterisiert ist. Dazu gehören die institutionelle und diskursive Einordnung entwicklungspolitischer Bildungsarbeit in die Gesellschaft, die biographischen Hintergründe der Referent/inn/en und ihre Wahrnehmung gesellschaftlicher Wirklichkeit. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Mestrado em Gestão e Empreendedorismo


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Instrumental or vocal teaching in music schools and general music education in compulsory schools represents primary elements of German music education. Both directions are combined on a professional basis by string, wind, singing or band classes. Music pedagogical theories describing instrumental teaching and school music, respectively, have evolved differently in the past - a fact that is scarcely addressed in the literature. In this article both problem-centered interview and video-assisted thought- reconstruction techniques are employed to use differences in the corresponding theories for building empirically grounded explanations of string classes. Major findings indicate that the instrumental teacher's background in traditional teaching structures strongly influences the realization of certain characteristics of aesthetic practice. (DIPF/Orig.)


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O desenvolvimento da ciência organizacional tem sido marcado pelo desdobramento de modas e modelos nas mais diversas áreas. O presente artigo reflecte sobre o seu papel, particularmente, por via dos estudos de caso. Sendo as escolas de negócios e de gestão um dos actores importantes na difusão destes modismos, o método dos casos, enquanto estratégia pedagógica, é entendido aqui como um importante veículo de coordenação entre a investigação científica organizacional e a sua realidade. Contribui para a aproximação entre os vários intervenientes neste processo (professores, alunos, gestores, líderes e empresários). Advoga-se a sua importância por estabelecer uma ponte entre a academia e a o mundo organizacional, entre o conhecimento teórico dos académicos e o conhecimento tácito dos agentes empresariais.


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Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design de Comunicação, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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The Curwen method (Tonic Sol-fa) was developed by the Rev. John Cunven in England from the 1840s originally as a means of teaching music reading from staff notation. However, in the 1872 Standard Course, staff notation was dispensed with altogether in favour of Tonic Sol-fa "letter" notation. By the end of the century, Tonic Sol-fa had spread from Britain to many overseas countries. Although aspects were later incorporated into staff-based teaching
systems such as the Kodaly approach and the "New Curwen Method", Tonic Sol-fa in its late nineteenth century ' form has been "extinct" in Britain for several decades. Nevertheless, it is "alive and well", indeed flourishing, in certain African, Asian and Pacific countries. This paper analyses the Tonic Sol-fa system in terms of contemporary pedagogical practice and notational theory. The paper also reports on the use of Tonic Sol-fa in two countries - South Africa and Fiji - where it is now the mainstay of community choral music. It is argued that, particularly for developing countries, the Curwen method and its letter notation should be seriously considered as an alternative to staff notation methods as a highly effective means of promoting school and community choral singing.