987 resultados para Boyd, Jeanne, 1890-1968
This article reports on research carried out on 200 child welfare files from the largest welfare authority in Northern Ireland from 1950-1968. The literature review provides a commentary on some of the major debates surrounding child welfare and protection social work from the perspective of its historical development. The report of the research which follows offers an insight into one core, and less well-known period of child welfare history in Northern Ireland between the two Children and Young Persons Acts (1950 & 1968). Using a method of discourse analysis influenced by Michel Foucault, a detailed description of the nature of practice is offered. This paper is offered as a work in progress, with further work being planned for dissemination of more detailed analysis of the method and outcomes. The research seeks to ask a few core questions based on problems identified in the present with our current understandings of child welfare and protection histories. While recognising the limitations of this study and the need for broader analysis of the wider context surrounding child welfare practice at the moment, it is argued that some salient conclusions can be drawn about continuity and discontinuity in practice which are of interest to practitioners and students of child welfare social work.
SALT threatened to institutionalize a bipolar world order. NWS and NNWS alike feared that the US and SU will prioritize global security principles such as systemic stability and conflict stability to Atlantic and European security. Endangered was Europe’s security and position in the future world order. Parity in strategic weapons invalidated the US nuclear umbrella. An ABM deployment and a non-transfer regime threatened Europe’s nuclear defence options. The danger of a Limited War or a denuclearization of Central Europe led to a European co-ordination on nuclear arms control to assure the preservation of the West and the future of Europe.
In this paper I follow trails in the memory of work by reading the books and papers of Jeanne Bouvier, a French seamstress, ardent trade-unionist and passionate writer, who left a rich body of labour literature including four published historical studies, as well as the memoirs of her life, work and struggles. Work, action and creativity are three interrelated planes on which Bouvier situates herself, while memory and imagination are interwoven in the way she seeks to understand herself in the world with others. What emerges as a particularly striking theme from Bouvier’s papers is a material matrix of mnemonic and imaginary practices, wherein bodies, places and objects are entangled in the narrative constitution of the self of the woman worker/writer.
The goal of this thesis is to look at the critical and dissenting value of exhibitions through the examination of four cases studies, based on six exhibitions taking place between 1968 and 1998 in Latin and North America. The exhibitions belong to the history of modern and contemporary exhibitions and curating, a field of research and study that has only started to be written about in the last two decades. This investigation contributes to it, in its creation of new genealogies by connecting previously overlooked antecedents, or by proposing new relations within established lineages, at the intersection of a specific historiography; to address exhibitions, a tradition of artists acting as curators and an emerging history of curating. The examined exhibitions were put together by artists or artist collectives and were placed in a liminal position between artistic and curatorial practice. All the cases presented a distinct proposal in relation to art and social change, a fact that connects them, in their aims and modus operandi, to a Marxist and neo-Marxist critical and transformative legacy. The cases address the following connections: exhibition as political site (Tucumán Arde, 1968); exhibition as social space (The People’s Choice (Arroz con Mango), 1981); exhibition as encounter (Rooms with a view, We the People, Art/Artifact, 1987-88); and exhibition as an exchange situation (El Museo de la Calle, 1998-2001). Key to their analysis is the concept of dissensus, as put forward by Jacques Rancière. Within this theoretical framework, these exhibitions put into practice particular cases of dissensus in a given distribution of the sensible. All of them tried to deal with their thematic concerns by performing them as a praxis. They dissent with the way in which reality was formatted in their historical moment and challenge the exhibition medium itself opening new ways of doing and making in the exhibition field. Therefore, in this thesis the dissenting value of exhibitions is closely related to its main features as a medium, namely their temporality, heterogeneity and flexibility, which contribute to their potential for creative analysis and propositioning. In the case of these exhibitions, this capability is brought into play for institutional interrogation, for offering alternative cultural narratives and also for inspiring new imaginary realms.
This letter is from G. W. Winstead and A. M. Scales to G. W. Spencer regarding Reverend Dr. J. W. Blosser.
Concert program for The Contemporary Group, April 21, 1968
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em História Contemporânea
O tema de análise neste trabalho é o fenómeno da transculturação em Angola no século XIX. É uma pesquisa centrada na história de vida do sertanejo António Francisco Ferreira da Silva Porto, entre 1839 e 1890, no meio sócio-cultural umbundu. Transculturação é um termo polissémico que integra aspectos da aculturação sendo aqui utilizado no âmbito da História de vida de Silva Porto. Descodifica-se a narrativa no Diário de viagem que Silva Porto redigiu acerca da sua percepção sobre África e do seu percurso de convivência no processo da sua integração em África Central. A transculturação está nessa narrativa e reflecte múltiplas vivências, sobretudo, a visão social do “Outro” em relação à sua própria identidade de origem. Silva Porto é encarado neste trabalho como sujeito, autor, actor principal e protagonista do fenómeno da transculturação, na região do Viye em Angola. Identificaram-se cinco variáveis do fenómeno transcultural, presentes na trajectória de Silva Porto: o casamento, a língua, as viagens, a alimentação e a religião, com particular destaque para o casamento enquanto variável determinante na integração de Silva Porto na sociedade umbundu. Estas variáveis são apresentadas num iceberg de transculturação de Silva Porto que, por sua vez, permitem avaliar as diferenças culturais e o cruzamento entre as culturas sob um processo de alteridade, em confluência com um olhar distanciado. É um estudo onde perpassa o crivo das construções e representações de Silva Porto tendo em conta o seu contexto cultural de origem, predominantemente português, a sua adaptação e inserção nas culturas africanas, particularmente nas práticas sócio-culturais umbundu. A questão de partida deste estudo foi: Quem é Silva Porto depois de 50 anos de vivências em Angola?
O mercado da edição de livros convoca no seu entorno uma série de atores sociais que cumprem funções e papéis distintos, mas interconectados, que confluem num ponto: o da divulgação e disponibilização de conteúdos culturais a um determinado público. Este objetivo resulta sempre numa certa configuração geográfica conforme os grupos que se pretendem alcançar, bem como as estratégias que lhe subjazem. Assim, os conteúdos que são disponibilizados não se revestem de um caráter de neutralidade, procurando, ao invés, uma intervenção (ainda que não explícita ou consciente) na opinião pública. Deste modo, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo a caracterização do mercado editorial lisboeta no período final da Monarquia e o aferimento da ligação existente entre aquele e algumas questões que afetavam a opinião pública de então, constituindo debates sociais e culturais de relevo. O ângulo de análise escolhido é o do religioso, porquanto este se constitui como elemento nodal de estudo da sociedade portuguesa, na transição entre os séculos XIX e XX.