1000 resultados para Assuntos Internos
Currently the organizations are passing for continuous cycles of changes due to necessity of survival in the work market. The administration of the future points a way to the organizations of today and tomorrow, the search of the competitiveness from loyalty and motivation of its staff. Of this form, the model of the Auditoria do Sistema Humano (ASH), developed for Spanish researchers and that now it is being applied in Brazil, contemplates a series of dimensions about Human Resources management quality in the companies and the organizational effectiveness, such as the environment where the company is inserted, the strategies, the organizational drawing, the psychological and psychosocial processes, e the reached results. In this direction, the present research analyzed the factors of job satisfaction and organizational commitment, making, also, a relation of causality between the same ones. The quantitative-descriptive research had as population the employees of twenty three nourishing industries of the State of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil), registered in the Federacy of the Industries of the state. The collection of the data occurred for the months of October of 2005 and March of 2006, by means of the application of questionnaire of model ASH. The sample was composed for 197 employees, however it was observed presence of five outliers, that they had been excluded from the analysis of the data. To extract the dimensions of the satisfaction and the commitment and identification the factorial analysis was used, with extraction method of principal components, rotation Varimax and normalization Kaiser. The gotten dimensions had been evaluated with the calculation of the coefficient Alpha of Cronbach. The factorial analysis of the pointers of the organizational commitment and identification had extracted ten factors. Of these, four had gotten significance of the analyses inside: affective commitment, values commitment, continuance commitment and necessity commitment. The result of the analysis of the pointers of job satisfaction indicated four factors: extrinsic, motivations, relation with the friends and auto-accomplishment. To deal with the data the relation between job satisfaction and organizational commitment it was used technique of multiple regression. The correlation between commitment and satisfaction was satisfactory, detaching the affective commitment with bigger index of correlation, followed of the affective one
This research aims at studying the formation of internal consultants in organizational setting in the joint resolution of problems, around the conversion of knowledge. The objective of research is to understand and explain the meanings attributed by Petrobras internal consultants to their practice and training for the conversion process of tacit knowledge into explicit, around the joint resolution of their problems with their collaborators. It has directed the next question: what the meanings assigned by the consultants of Unidade de Negócios Rio Grande do Norte e Ceara (UN-RNCE) in Knowledge Management (KM), for their interventionist and formative practices in problem solving, as well as conversion of tacit knowledge in explicit? This paper has assumed that there is a dual logic integrated into its daily practices: solving troubles and converting knowledge. The thesis has considered the daily practices of these consultants are characterized as epistemic spaces and permanent education through the conversion of knowledge. It has adopted the principles of multi-referential approach as foundations, regarding the translation of a variety of angles, perspectives and prospects which allow the interpretation and understanding of complex issues that are part of conversion of knowledge. The understanding and explanation of the senses are based on the methodology of the comprehensive interview; taking ownership is the sensitive listening for comprehensive interpretation of oral discourses of ten consultants, in addition to the autoscopy that putting into practice, thus, the stance of the researcher as an intellectual craftsman. Furthermore, it has assessed that the limits and possibilities for training and learning in the conversion of knowledge arise, on one hand from a predominantly driven training culture by the paradigm of technical rationality and one the other hand, from a set of relationship to knowledge and relation to know , revealed in the search for training in other dimensions. There are tensions between the local and global demands located in a situation marked by a systemic organization of knowledge. However, the context is perceived by researchers as impregnated by the discontinuity, unpredictability and uncertainty; mobilizing a number of elements necessary for the mediation in training practices of these consultants. Finally, it has set an instrumental and technological support, restricting the formation and undermining the position of the consultancy as nuclear function in Knowledge Management
Examinaram-se a adesão, a germinação, a penetração e a colonização de larvas e ninfas de Rhipicephalus sanguineus por Metarhizium anisopliae, assim como as lesões infringidas pelo fungo nas respectivas fases do ciclo de vida do ácaro. Realizaram-se infecções experimentais em 11 grupos contendo 250 larvas e 11 grupos contendo 75 ninfas de R. sanguineus, por meio de banho, durante três minutos sob agitação manual, em suspensão contendo 10(8) conídios/ml do fungo. Nos grupos-controles, o banho foi realizado usando o veículo da suspensão. Larvas e ninfas foram processadas para um estudo histopatológico e de microscopia eletrônica de varredura nos seguintes tempos após a infecção: uma e 18 horas, e um, dois, três, quatro, cinco, seis, sete, nove e 11 dias. A germinação dos conídios ocorreu em até 18 horas pós-inoculação, e o fungo penetrou nas larvas e ninfas através do tegumento, dois e três dias após a infecção, respectivamente. Após penetração, o fungo invadiu o corpo das larvas e ninfas, promovendo uma colonização difusa, sem preferência aparente por tecidos específicos. Lesões significativas não foram observadas. A morte das larvas e ninfas ocorreu no terceiro e quarto dias pós-infecção, e a esporulação do patógeno sobre o cadáver foi iniciada no sexto dia pós-infecção.
Quarenta bovinos machos, com peso médio de 371 kg, foram distribuídos em um delineamento em blocos casualizado com esquema fatorial 3x3, dos quais quatro foram abatidos no início do experimento como referência, para avaliar a biometria das carcaças e o peso de vísceras e órgãos internos quando alimentados com diferentes fontes protéicas (uréia, Amiferm e farelo de soja) e volumosos (cana-de-açúcar e a silagem de milho e pastagem de capim Brachiaria brizantha). Não houve interação significativa volumosos x fontes protéicas e não houve diferença significativa entre as fontes protéicas para os parâmetros estudados. Para os volumosos, os pesos (em porcentagem do peso do corpo vazio - % PCV) do conteúdo estomacal (CRROA) e do conteúdo gastrintestinal (CGI) foram significativamente maiores para os animais alimentados com cana-de-açúcar (7,52 e 8,59% PCV, respectivamente) e não diferiram entre os alimentados com silagem de milho e capim, com médias de 5,10% PCV, para CRROA, e 5,89% PCV para CGI. Os animais mantidos em pastagem não apresentaram compacidade das carcaças diferente dos animais alimentados com os outros volumosos, enquanto os alimentados com cana-de-açúcar mostraram ser menos compactos que os alimentados com silagem de milho. As fontes protéicas também influenciaram a compacidade, que foi menor nos animais que receberam Amiferm e iguais para os que receberam uréia e farelo de soja. Conclui-se que os animais alimentados com cana-de-açúcar apresentam maior enchimento dos compartimentos digestivos e carcaças menos compactas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Os efeitos do nível nutricional e da raça sobre o tamanho relativo dos órgãos internos foram estudados. Sessenta e três machos não-castrados, sendo 16 da raça Gir, 16 Guzerá, 16 Mocho de Tabapuã e 15 da raça Nelore, com idade média de 24 meses e pesos vivos médios iniciais de 376,4; 357,6; 362,0; e 368,6 kg, respectivamente, foram usados. Os animais de cada raça foram divididos, aleatoriamente, em cinco categorias. Uma categoria foi abatida imediatamente (AB); três categorias receberam ad libitum ração contendo 50% de concentrado na matéria seca (categoria 1, 2 e 3), em baias individuais; e uma categoria recebeu a mesma ração, em quantidade restrita, suprindo níveis de proteína e energia 15% acima da mantença (AR). Os animais das categorias 1, 2 e 3 foram abatidos ao atingirem pesos vivos individuais de 405, 450 e 500 kg, respectivamente. No abate, o peso de corpo vazio (PCVZ) foi determinado e os pesos dos órgãos internos e víscera foram registrados. Não houve diferenças entre raças nos pesos de fígado, baço, intestinos delgado e grosso, rúmen-retículo, omaso, estômagos e trato gastrintestinal (TGI), quando expressos em 100 kg de PCVZ. A restrição alimentar não influiu nos pesos do coração e dos pulmões, mas reduziu o peso do fígado e os componentes do TGI.
Six Atta bisphaerica, Forel, 1908 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) nests were excavated with the aim of studying the relationship between area and volume of the mound, the total volume and total number of chambers in the nest. Prior to excavation, the area and the volume of refused soil in the nests were measured. During excavation, all data referring to chambers were recorded, such as: length, depth and width. The nests named A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 and A6 presented 31.16; 40.87, 67.08, 35.04, 73.48 and 18,73m 2 of mound area, respectively. The mound area did not correlate either with the volume or with the total number of chambers. The mound volume correlated significantly with the mound area, total number and total volume of chambers. The total volume of chambers was correlated with the total number of chambers.
Times of in situ incubation (144 and 288h) for determination of internal markers IADF and INDF and the effects of differents procedures (wash or not the nylon bag every 72h incubation) was evaluated in samples of diet, duodenal digesta and cattle feces. The duodenal flow dry matter and fecal production utilizing the internal markers to compare with the external marker chromium oxide there was estimated. The animals were fed with sorgum silage, concentrate or urea. In this experiment, a latin square design was used, in a factorial scheme (two times of incubation × two processing nylon bag). No was observed effect of the incubation time or processing in the internal markers INDF and IADF concentration and the in situ incubation after 144h is adequate to reproduce the indigestible markers fraction in samples. For fecal production estimation, the external marker chromium oxide presented similar result (1.26 kg day-1) as the total fecal collection (1.49 kg day-1). Both the internal markers overestimate the duodenal flow dry matter when compared with the external marker chromium oxide.
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