655 resultados para Artistic Identity
Plácido Castro‘s work has aroused our interest, because it evolves around the question of Galician personality and identity. While working as a journalist and a translator or while writing essays on different literary issues, Plácido Castro has never forgotten his roots or his nation. One could even say that his whole life turns around Galicia. Our purpose is to make a critical analysis of his work, especially as a translator, and try to show how he used translation in order to develop national conscience and identity and to see how far his ideology interfered in the interpretation and translation of Rossetti‘s poetry, in which he found a great similarity with Rosalìa de Castro‘s work.
ABSTRACT - I will explore and present the portrayal of violence in some British plays that were staged between 1951 and 1965, in order to discuss the role, impact and aim of its representation. Thus, I will consider John Whiting’s Saint’s Day (1951), Ann Jelicoe’s The Sport of my Mad Mother (1956), Arnold Wesker (Chicken Soup with Barley (1958), Harold Pinter’s Birthday Party (1958), David Rudkin’s Afore Night Come (1962) and Edward Bond’s Saved (1965). My aim is to discuss the way how theatre in the post WWII changed the traditional ways of representing violence. On one hand, violence and reality became more and more familiar and domestic, permitting a representation of multiple and non-agonic violence; and, on the other hand, the violence that was depicted often changed the way one perceived reality itself, being part of a socially engaged artistic attitude.
Roots and rituals.The construction of ethnic identities, Ton Dekker, John Helsloot Carla Wijers editors, p. 267-268; Selected papers of the 6TH SIEF conference on 'Roots & rituals', Amsterdam 20-25 April 1998.
Trabalho de Projeto submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Teatro do Movimento.
Relatório de Estágio submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Teatro e Comunidade.
This essay analyses how the different types of memory may influence the process of identity formation. It shall be argued that not only memories formed upon the subject’s experiences play a key role in this process; intermediated, received narratives from the past, memories transmitted either symbolically or by elder members of the group, or, what has been meanwhile termed as “postmemory”, also play an important part in the development of an individual’s identitary map. This theoretical framework will be illustrated with the novelistic work of Austrian Israeli-born historian, writer and political activist Doron Rabinovici (*1961). As a representative of the so-called “second generation” of Holocaust writers, a generation of individuals who did not experience the nazi genocide violence, but who had to form their identities under the shadow of such a brutal past, Rabinovici addresses essential topics such as the intergenerational transmission of memory and guilt within survivor families, identity formation of second generation individuals (Jews and non-Jews) and the question of simultaneously belonging to different social, historical and linguistic contexts.
Una de las potencialidades del arte es devenir una herramienta para enfocar determinados conflictos desde nuevos ángulos y articular preguntas que impacten en la comunidad. Aquí el arte se funde con la filosofía, la sociología, la antropología, con el activismo, y con la propia vida. A partir de tales parámetros, se esbozarán diversas propuestas artísticas que ilustran cómo distintos creadores abordan –desde distintos ángulos– el fenómeno de la migración Dentro de la amplia miríada de perspectivas desde las que se puede tratar la migración es interesante resaltar el trabajo de varios artistas que se transforman en altavoces de las experiencias de otras personas, tal y como ejemplifican los proyectos de Pep Dardanyà, Marisa González, He Chengyue y Josep María Martín. Desde un ángulo radicalmente distinto, Santiago Sierra y el colectivo Yes lab reproducen y llevan al límite las mismas dinámicas de explotación que critican, y para finalizar, bajo el prisma de la experiencia vivida, la artista Fiona Tan explora su propio proceso migratorio e investiga la construcción de la identidad.
ABSTRACT - Derek Jarman was a multifaceted artist whose intermedial versatility reinforces a strong authorial discourse. He constructs an immersive allegorical world of hybrid art where different layers of cinematic, theatrical and painterly materials come together to convey a lyrical form and express a powerful ideological message. In Caravaggio (1986) and Edward II (1991), Jarman approaches two european historical figures from two different but concomitant perspectives. In Caravaggio, through the use of tableaux of abstract meaning and by focusing on the detailing of the models’ poses, Jarman re-enacts the allegorical spirit of Caravaggio’s paintings through entirely cinematic resources. Edward II was a king, and as a statesman he possessed a certain dose of showmanship. In this film Jarman reconstructs the theatrical basis of Christopher Marlowe’s Elizabethan play bringing it up to date in a successfully abstract approach to the musical stage. In this article, I intend to conjoin the practice of allegory in film with certain notions of existential phenomenology as advocated by Vivian Sobchack and Laura U. Marks, in order to address the relationship between the corporeality of the film and the lived bodies of the spectators. In this context, the allegory is a means to convey intradiegetically the sense-ability at play in the cinematic experience, reinforcing the textural and sensual nature of both film and viewer, which, in turn, is also materially enhanced in the film proper, touching the spectator in a supplementary fashion. The two corporealities favour an inter-artistic immersion achieved through coenaesthesia.
RESUMO: Desde 1640 até data extrema de 1834, os Irmãos Hospitaleiros de S. João de Deus foram os responsáveis, directa e indirectamente, pela administração e corpo de enfermagem dos Reais Hospitais Militares em Portugal, actividades que analisamos ao longo dos séculos, desenvolvendo pressupostos temáticos relativamente a sua actuação no tempo e no espaço. É durante o séc. XVII até ao séc. XIX, que vemos os cuidados da corte para com a assistência aos soldados enfermos e doentes, ao publicar inúmera legislação relativamente à complexidade assistencial na área militar, a qual foi por nós compilada para melhor contextualização da importância dos Hospitais Militares em Portugal. Os Regimentos, os Alvarás, os Regulamentos e as Ordens do Dia, constituem um objecto fundamental de pesquisa e análise para caracterizar o quotidiano nesses mesmos locais. Os Hospitais Militares desde a sua fundação, dos primórdios das Guerras da Aclamação em 1640, até ao advento do liberalismo em 1834, eram centros de conhecimento técnico e científico com um corpo assistencial especializado, onde um conjunto pluridisciplinar de profissionais zelava qualitativamente pelos assistidos, e onde os Irmãos Hospitaleiros de S. João de Deus desempenhavam funções de administradores, enfermeiros e capelães. Nesse sentido elaboramos uma listagem cronológica para inter relacionar os Irmãos Hospitaleiros e os Hospitais Militares, pois é impossível separar a Ordem de S. João de Deus da componente assistencial aos enfermos e doentes militares em Portugal. A importância urbana e arquitectónica, que os Reais Hospitais Militares tiveram no contexto orgânico e defensivo nas Praças de Guerra, é realçado pela forma como estes se encontravam implantados e construídos, demarcando-se esteticamente da globalidade edificada, pois constituíam parte integrante dos equipamentos militares, como era teorizado pelos técnicos militares. Assim analisamos a localização dos imóveis, para além do próprio edifício hospitalar, com o meio, ou seja com a urbanidade das Praças de guerra. A sobriedade arquitectónica dos Hospitais Militares, integrada nos grandes ciclos das correntes culturais europeia e nacional, associada à riqueza decorativa e iconoclasta desenvolvida nesses locais, dá-nos uma dimensão da importância científica que esses núcleos assistenciais tiveram, contribuindo para a difusão do culto e circulação da imaginária de S. João de Deus em Portugal e dos Santos venerados nos Hospitais Militares. Desta forma compreendemos o alicerçar devocional que o reino tinha por este Santo, como o fundador do conceito assistencial do hospital moderno. Estando intrinsecamente ligado a este facto vemos o proliferar do culto e da imaginária de S. João de Deus em Portugal, centrando-se a iconografia artística do Santo em torno das localidades onde se enraizaram os Hospitais Militares. Hoje, nos imóveis hospitalares, não é difícil analisar uma lenta evolução da funcionalidade dos seus espaços, gravitando o desenvolvimento estrutural assistencial em torno das enfermarias e salas de cirurgia, mantendo-se perene este arquétipo arquitectónico desde o séc. XVII até meados do séc. XIX, as quais foram levantadas, comparadas e analisadas. Foi com a exclaustração das Ordens Religiosas, pelo Decreto de 29 de Maio de 1834, que acabou a extraordinária e valorosa acção administrativa, tutelar e corpo de enfermagem dos Irmãos Hospitaleiros de S. João de Deus, na área específica da assistência militar em Portugal, extinguindo-se, nalguns casos, os Hospitais Militares, pois o reino não estava preparado para substituir esses profissionais de saúde. O nosso estudo desenvolve-se por cerca de 295 anos, espaço temporal em que os Hospitais Militares foram administrados e fundados pelos Irmãos de S. João de Deus em Portugal.---------ABSTRACT: Since 1640 until 1834 the Hospitaller Brothers of S. John of God were the responsibles, direct and indirectly, for the administration and nursing body of the Royal Military Hospitals in Portugal, activities that we analyse throughout the centuries, developing thematic presuppositions regarding its performance in time and in space. It is during the 17th century until the 19th century, that we see the court’s care with the assistance of the wounded and sick by the publishing of much legislation regarding the assistance complexity in the military area, which was compiled by us in order to achieve a better comprehension of the importance of the Military Hospitals in Portugal. The Regiments, Charters, Regulations and Orders of Day constitute a fundamental object of research and analysis to characterise the quotidian of these locations. The Military Hospitals, since its foundation, in the beginning of the Wars of Acclamation in 1640, until the advent of liberalism in 1834, were centres of technical and scientific knowledge with a specialized assistance body, were a multidisciplinary set of professionals took qualitatively care of the attended, and where the Hospitaller Brothers of S. John of God performed the tasks of administrators, nurses and chaplains. In this perspective, we created a chronological listing in order to relate the Hospitaller Brothers with the Military Hospitals, since it is impossible to separate the Hospitaller Order of S. John of God from the component of assistance to the military sick and wounded in Portugal. The urban and architectural importance that the Royal Military Hospitals had in the organic and defensive context of the War Fortifications is emphasized by the way these were implanted and built and by its architectural demarcation of the edified whole, since they constituted an integrant part of the military equipments, as it was theorized for the military architecture. Therefore we analyse the location of the real estate, analysing not only the hospital building itself, but also its relation with the environment, i. e. with the urbanism of the war fortifications. The architectural sobriety of Military Hospitals, integrated in the big cycles of cultural streams in Europe and Portugal, associated to the decorative and iconoclastic wealth developed in these locations, give us a dimension of the scientific importance that these hospitals had, contributing to the diffusion of the cult and circulation of sculptures and paintings of S. John of God in Portugal and of the Saints revered in the Hospitals. In this way, we understand the consolidation of the devotion that the kingdom had for this Saint, the founder of the assistance concept of the modern hospital. The proliferation of the cult and iconography of S. John of God is intrinsically connected to this fact, the artistic iconography concentrating itself around the localities were the Military Hospitals were built. Today, in the assistance buildings, it is not difficult to analyse a slow evolution of the functionality of its spaces, gravitating the structural assistance development around the infirmaries and surgery rooms, this architectural archetype being perennial from the 17th century until the middle of the 19th century. These infirmaries were pointed out, compared and analysed. It was the expulsion of the Religious Orders, by the Decree of May 29th 1834, that ended with the extraordinary and valorous administrative and tutelary action and nursing body of the Hospitaller Brothers of S. John of God, in the specific area of military assistance in Portugal, extinguishing, in some cases, the Military Hospitals, since the kingdom wasn’t prepared to substitute these health professionals. Our study is developed in a timeframe of 295 years, period in which the Military Hospitals were administrated and founded by the Brothers of S. John of God in Portugal.
A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Arts
Master Erasmus Mundus Crossways in European Humanities
This article wishes to contribute to the study of the historical processes that have been spotting Muslim populations as favourite targets for political analysis and governance. Focusing on the Portuguese archives, civil as well as military, the article tries to uncover the most conspicuous identity representations (mainly negative or ambivalent) that members of Portuguese colonial apparatus built around Muslim communities living in African colonies, particularly in Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique. The paper shows how these culturally and politically constructed images were related to the more general strategies by which Portuguese imagined their own national identity, both as ‘European’ and as ‘coloniser’ or ‘imperial people’. The basic assumption of this article is that policies enforced in a context of inter-ethnic and religious competition are better understood when linked to the identity strategies inherent to them. These are conceived as strategic constructions aimed at the preservation, the protection and the imaginary expansion of the subject, who looks for groups to be included in and out-groups to reject, exclude, aggress or eliminate. We think that most of the inter-ethnic relationships and conflicts, as well as the very experience of ethnicity, are born from this identity matrix.
This article wishes to contribute to the study of the historical processes that have been spotting Muslim populations as favourite targets for political analysis and governance. Focusing on the Portuguese archives, civil as well as military, the article tries to uncover the most conspicuous identity representations (mainly negative or ambivalent) that members of Portuguese colonial apparatus built around Muslim communities living in African colonies, particularly in Guinea- Bissau and Mozambique. The paper shows how these culturally and politically constructed images were related to the more general strategies by which Portuguese imagined their own national identity, both as ‘European’ and as ‘coloniser’ or ‘imperial people’. The basic assumption of this article is that policies enforced in a context of interethnic and religious competition are better understood when linked to the identity strategies inherent to them. These are conceived as strategic constructions aimed at the preservation, protection and imaginary expansion of the subject, who looks for groups to be included in and out-groups to reject, exclude, aggress or eliminate. The author argues that most of the inter-ethnic relationships and conflicts, as well as the very experience of ethnicity, are born from this identity matrix.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics