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Introduction: Degradative enzymes, such as A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs (ADAMTS) and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), play key roles in osteoarthritis (OA) development. The aim of the present study was to investigate if cross-talk between subchondral bone osteoblasts (SBOs) and articular cartilage chondrocytes (ACCs) in OA alters the expression and regulation of ADAMTS5, ADAMTS4, MMP-1, MMP-2, MMP-3, MMP-8, MMP-9 and MMP-13, and also to test the possible involvement of mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway during this process. Methods: ACCs and SBOs were isolated from normal and OA patients. An in vitro co-culture model was developed to study the regulation of ADAMTS and MMPs under normal and OA joint cross-talk conditions. MAPK-ERK inhibitor, PD98059 was applied to delineate the involvement of specific pathway during this interaction process. Results: Indirect co-culture of OA SBOs with normal ACCs resulted in significantly increased expression of ADAMTS5, ADAMTS4, MMP-2, MMP-3 and MMP-9 in ACCs, whereas co-culture of OA ACCs led to increased MMP-1 and MMP-2 expression in normal SBOs. The upregulation of ADAMTS and MMPs under these conditions was correlated with activation of the MAPK-ERK1/2 signaling pathway and the addition of the MAPK-ERK inhibitor, PD98059, reversed the overexpression of ADAMTS and MMPs in co-cultures. Conclusion: In summary, we believe, these results add to the evidence that in human OA, altered bi-directional signals transmitted between SBOs and ACCs significantly impacts the critical features of both cartilage and bone by producing abnormal levels of ADAMTS and MMPs. Furthermore, we have demonstrated for the first time that this altered cross-talk was mediated by the phosphorylation of MAPK-ERK1/2 signaling pathway.


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This paper sets out to contribute to the literature on the design and the implementation of management control systems. To this end, we question what is discussed when a management control system is to be chosen and on what decision-making eventually rests. This study rests upon an ethnomethodology of the Salvation Army’s French branch. Operating in the dual capacity of a researcher and a counsellor to management, between 2000 and 2007, we have unrestricted access to internal data revealing the backstage of management control: discussions and interactions surrounding the choosing of control devices. We contribute to understanding the arising of a need for control, the steps and process followed to decide upon a management control system, and controls in nonprofits. [Cet article vise à contribuer à la littérature sur la mise en place des systèmes de contrôle de gestion. À cette fin, nous questionnons ce qui est discuté lors du choix d’un système de contrôle et sur quoi repose in fine la décision. Cet article est fondé sur une approche ethnométhodologique de l’Armée du Salut en France permise par notre double qualité de chercheurs mais également de conseiller auprès de la direction de l’organisation entre 2000 et 2007. Un accès illimité à des données internes nous permet ainsi de mettre en lumière les aspects méconnus et invisibles du contrôle de gestion : les discussions et interactions entourant le choix d’outils. Nous contribuons à la compréhension de l’émergence du besoin de contrôle, des étapes et du processus de choix d’outils et enfin du contrôle de gestion dans une organisation à but non lucratif.]


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Aujourd'hui, techniques et technologies interagissent avec le corps humain et donnent aux personnes la possibilité de reconstruire leur corps, mais aussi de l'améliorer et de l'augmenter. L'hybridation est un processus technologique visant à compenser les défaillances humaines. L'augmentation de la puissance d'être est exaltée (santé, sexualité, performance, jeunesse), pourtant son accès n'est pas pour tous. Ce livre propose de démêler les différentes représentations du corps hybride et les projets qui les sous-tendent.


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O estudo teve o objetivo de identificar os contextos de vulnerabilidade e autonomia de mulheres vivendo com HIV/Aids antes e depois do diagnóstico. Essas mulheres são participantes do Grupo Parceiras da Vida, atendidas pelo Núcleo de Epidemiologia e pelo Serviço Social do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto/UERJ. O referido grupo tem como proposta oferecer suporte e informação além de estimular o exercício da autonomia feminina. Nossa análise teve como referência os Direitos Humanos, entendendo que as desigualdades de gênero, propiciam uma série de violações de direitos das mulheres, que nos permitem refletir acerca dos processos de vulnerabilidade e autonomia vivenciados pelas mesmas. Foi utilizada a metodologia qualitativa, através do uso da história de vida de mulheres vivendo com HIV/Aids, bem como a observação participante das atividades do grupo de mulheres. Sendo assim, foram abordados os eixos temáticos da seguinte forma: Percepção social da doença na ótica de Gênero; Acesso e Política de Assistência as Pessoas vivendo com HIV/Aids e a Dinâmica de rede sócio familiar: o grupo Parceiras da Vida. Identificamos que as inserções de classe, etnia, escolaridade, associados as particularidades do processo histórico vivido pelas mulheres, podem definir maiores ou menores magnitudes de situações de vulnerabilidade e autonomia. Constatamos, ainda, que o grupo Parceiras da Vida é referenciado enquanto grupo de apoio, bem como contribui para o fortalecimento e para a construção de sujeitos mais autônomos no processo de adoecimento pelo vírus HIV/Aids.


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Esta dissertação apresenta práticas emancipatórias produzidas em comunidades de dificílimo acesso do município de Duque de Caxias (RJ). Ao considerar que essas comunidades são invisibilizadas em função, não apenas da nomenclatura que as qualifica, mas também da distância que possuem do centro do município e das especificidades nos modos de vida de seus moradores, afirmo que essas mesmas comunidades se organizam de maneiras próprias para garantir umpouco de visibilidade, procurando assegurar além da vida digna para as pessoasque nelas vivem, a possibilidade de existirem, de serem contempladas nas políticaspúblicas e de alcançarem o reconhecimento de suas especificidades. Para enunciaressas práticas e promover um debate acerca de sua validação, recorro àscontribuições de Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Michel de Certeau, José de SouzaMartins, Nilda Alves, entre outros, que, em seus textos, consideram oquestionamento acerca do paradigma moderno de validação dos conhecimentos.Compreendendo que a experiência social em todo mundo é bem maior do que sepode supor, que o conceito de prática cidadã ultrapassa os limites definidos nacidadania burguesa e que os próprios modos de pesquisar essas experiênciassociais e práticas cidadãs muitas vezes são limitados em razão da valorização evalidação de algumas metodologias, é que consigo fazer emergir exemplos desolidariedade, coletividade e ações democráticas. A identificação dessas ações sóme foi possível a partir da pesquisa nos/dos/com os cotidianos realizada nas escolassituadas no interior dessas comunidades, afinal, como em muitas das vezes a escolaé o único espaçotempo com possibilidade de promover o diálogo entre ascomunidades e o poder instituído, reivindicações e reinvenções cotidianasatravessam esse espaçotempo e trazem para ele funções que ultrapassam asfronteiras do que historicamente se construiu como sendo seu âmbito de ação.


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本论文制备了三类新型壳聚糖衍生物,并对其抑菌及抗氧化活性进行了筛选与研究,具体结果如下。 通过在不同分子量的壳聚糖上引入1,3,5-噻二嗪硫酮首次合成壳聚糖噻二嗪硫酮衍生物(N-2-对氨基苯磺酰噻二嗪硫酮-壳聚糖(SATTCS), N-2-邻甲基苯噻二嗪硫酮-壳聚糖(TITTCS), N-2-邻氯苯噻二嗪硫酮-壳聚糖(CITTCS));通过将羟丙基壳聚糖与不同的醛反应首次合成了羟丙基壳聚糖希夫碱(羟丙基壳聚糖水杨醛希夫碱(HHPCS), 羟丙基壳聚糖5-氯水杨醛希夫碱(HCHPCS), 羟丙基壳聚糖5-硝基水杨醛希夫碱(HNHPCS), 羟丙基壳聚糖5-溴水杨醛希夫碱(HBHPCS), 羟丙基壳聚糖糠醛希夫碱(FHPCS));通过将不同分子量的壳聚糖与乙酰芳香胺反应首次合成了壳聚糖乙酰芳香胺衍生物(壳聚糖乙酰苯胺(ABCS), 壳聚糖乙酰芳邻氯苯胺(ACCS),壳聚糖乙酰芳对甲苯胺(TDCS), 壳聚糖乙酰甲萘胺(MDACS))。采用红外、元素分析等方法进行了结构鉴定。 通过对金黄色葡萄球菌、八叠菌、大肠杆菌、绿脓杆菌,芦笋茎枯病菌等一些真菌的抑菌活性研究表明:壳聚糖噻二嗪硫酮衍生物、壳聚糖乙酰芳香胺衍生物具有较好的抑制细菌的活性,且衍生物对金黄色葡萄球菌的抑制效果最好。分子量不同,抑菌活性也不同。其中,SATTCS和 LMANCS对细菌的抑制效果最好, SATTCS和TDCS的对真菌的抑菌活性最为显著。 抗氧化活性筛选结果表明:壳聚糖噻二嗪硫酮衍生物和羟丙基壳聚糖希夫碱具有很强的清除羟自由基的能力,清除能力全部优于Vc: 壳聚糖噻二嗪硫酮衍生物还具有较强的还原能力,其中TITTCS的还原能力比Vc强;并且,低分子量的壳聚糖噻二嗪硫酮衍生物的清除羟自由基的能力以及还原能力略强于高分子量的壳聚糖噻二嗪硫酮衍生物。 通过本研究工作制备了三类新型壳聚糖衍生物;生物活性研究表明:壳聚糖噻二嗪硫酮衍生物和壳聚糖乙酰芳香胺衍生物在抑菌方面具有应用潜力。研究成果对深入开发利用甲壳质资源,促进我国海洋药物的发展具有重要的意义。


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Consumer demand is revolutionizing the way products are being produced, distributed and marketed. In relation to the dairy sector in developing countries, aspects of milk quality are receiving more attention from both society and the government. However, milk quality management needs to be better addressed in dairy production systems to guarantee the access of stakeholders, mainly small-holders, into dairy markets. The present study is focused on an analysis of the interaction of the upstream part of the dairy supply chain (farmers and dairies) in the Mantaro Valley (Peruvian central Andes), in order to understand possible constraints both stakeholders face implementing milk quality controls and practices; and evaluate “ex-ante” how different strategies suggested to improve milk quality could affect farmers and processors’ profits. The analysis is based on three complementary field studies conducted between 2012 and 2013. Our work has shown that the presence of a dual supply chain combining both formal and informal markets has a direct impact on dairy production at the technical and organizational levels, affecting small formal dairy processors’ possibilities to implement contracts, including agreements on milk quality standards. The analysis of milk quality management from farms to dairy plants highlighted the poor hygiene in the study area, even when average values of milk composition were usually high. Some husbandry practices evaluated at farm level demonstrated cost effectiveness and a big impact on hygienic quality; however, regular application of these practices was limited, since small-scale farmers do not receive a bonus for producing hygienic milk. On the basis of these two results, we co-designed with formal small-scale dairy processors a simulation tool to show prospective scenarios, in which they could select their best product portfolio but also design milk payment systems to reward farmers’ with high milk quality performances. This type of approach allowed dairy processors to realize the importance of including milk quality management in their collection and manufacturing processes, especially in a context of high competition for milk supply. We concluded that the improvement of milk quality in a smallholder farming context requires a more coordinated effort among stakeholders. Successful implementation of strategies will depend on the willingness of small-scale dairy processors to reward farmers producing high milk quality; but also on the support from the State to provide incentives to the stakeholders in the formal sector.


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BACKGROUND: The MitoChip v2.0 resequencing array is an array-based technique allowing for accurate and complete sequencing of the mitochondrial genome. No studies have investigated mitochondrial mutation in salivary gland adenoid cystic carcinomas. METHODOLOGY: The entire mitochondrial genome of 22 salivary gland adenoid cystic carcinomas (ACC) of salivary glands and matched leukocyte DNA was sequenced to determine the frequency and distribution of mitochondrial mutations in ACC tumors. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Seventeen of 22 ACCs (77%) carried mitochondrial mutations, ranging in number from 1 to 37 mutations. A disproportionate number of mutations occurred in the D-loop. Twelve of 17 tumors (70.6%) carried mutations resulting in amino acid changes of translated proteins. Nine of 17 tumors (52.9%) with a mutation carried an amino acid changing mutation in the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase (NADH) complex. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Mitochondrial mutation is frequent in salivary ACCs. The high incidence of amino acid changing mutations implicates alterations in aerobic respiration in ACC carcinogenesis. D-loop mutations are of unclear significance, but may be associated with alterations in transcription or replication.


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Modern scientific world-view has undermined traditional myths, the functional survival of which seems to depend today in the West on a positivist justification. This would place them in the field of real History, through their study and revitalization by pseudoscientific disciplines such as the Atlantis and the ancient astronaut hypotheses. These have inspired new epic poems in (regular) verse that combine classic and/or biblical myths with a (pseudo)scientific modern world-view. For example, the critical rewriting of Noah’s myth by using the ancient astronaut hypothesis as a fictional device to produce a contemporary kind of plausibility allowed Abel Montagut to renew epic poetry, updating it also by adopting science fiction chronotopes in order to structure his fictional construction and to generate a high ethical sense for our time. Thus, his Poemo de Utnoa (1993) / La gesta d’Utnoa (1996), which has become a major classic of the literature in Esperanto thanks to its original version in this language, is a landmark of both science fiction and neo-biblical epics. This poem is written from a secular and purely literary perspective.


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Margaret Atwood’s novella The Penelopiad (2005) seemingly celebrates Penelope’s agency in opposition to Homer’s myth in The Odyssey. However, the twelve murdered maids steal the book to suggest the possibility of what Janice Raymond calls gyn/affection, a female bonding based on the logic of emotion that, in Atwood’s revision, verges on Kristevan abjection, the sinister and the fantastic, and serves a cathartic effect not only in the maids but also in the reader. This essay aims to question the generally accepted empowerment of Atwood’s Penelope and celebrates the murdered maids as the locus of emotion, where marginal aspects of gender and class merge to weave a powerful metaphorical tapestry of popular and traditionally feminized literary genres that, in plunging into and embracing the semiotic realm, ultimately solidify into an eclectic but compact alternative tradition of women’s writing and myth-making.


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This article aims to reassess F. Scott Fitzgerald’s classic The Great Gatsby (1925), taking into consideration the myth-critical hypotheses of philosopher René Girard. Specifically, this essay will analyse the concepts of mimetic desire, resentment and reprisal violence as emotional components of myth, paying close attention to how the reinterpreted mythical pattern of the novel influences the depiction of such emotions as social traits of corruption. Finally, this article will challenge interpretations that have regarded Gatsby as a successful scapegoat-figure, examining instead how the mythical meanings and structures of the text stage an emotional crisis of frustrated desire and antagonism that ultimately offers no hope of communal restoration.


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Historically the central area of the city of Iquique has been established as residential space migrants choosing from different backgrounds , however since the late 2000s migration flows are diversified being mostly Latin American immigrants who live in precarious conditions , accessing tugurizados properties , deteriorated in an increasingly growing informal market. The results presented here are derived from quantitative residential location of migrants , as well as the implementation of 13 in-depth interviews . From these results emerge that Latin American migrants access to the same places where once lived internal migrants, however they inhabit a restrictive market , uneven and inadequate living conditions lease, but allows them to articulate residence and proximity to industrial networks , social and popular trade.