415 resultados para 1498


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Banco del conocimiento


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The present thesis study is a systematic investigation of information processing at sleep onset, using auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) as a test of the neurocognitive model of insomnia. Insomnia is an extremely prevalent disorder in society resulting in problems with daytime functioning (e.g., memory, concentration, job performance, mood, job and driving safety). Various models have been put forth in an effort to better understand the etiology and pathophysiology of this disorder. One of the newer models, the neurocognitive model of insomnia, suggests that chronic insomnia occurs through conditioned central nervous system arousal. This arousal is reflected through increased information processing which may interfere with sleep initiation or maintenance. The present thesis employed event-related potentials as a direct method to test information processing during the sleep-onset period. Thirteen poor sleepers with sleep-onset insomnia and 1 2 good sleepers participated in the present study. All poor sleepers met the diagnostic criteria for psychophysiological insomnia and had a complaint of problems with sleep initiation. All good sleepers reported no trouble sleeping and no excessive daytime sleepiness. Good and poor sleepers spent two nights at the Brock University Sleep Research Laboratory. The first night was used to screen for sleep disorders; the second night was used to investigate information processing during the sleep-onset period. Both groups underwent a repeated sleep-onsets task during which an auditory oddball paradigm was delivered. Participants signalled detection of a higher pitch target tone with a button press as they fell asleep. In addition, waking alert ERPs were recorded 1 hour before and after sleep on both Nights 1 and 2.As predicted by the neurocognitive model of insomnia, increased CNS activity was found in the poor sleepers; this was reflected by their smaller amplitude P2 component seen during wake of the sleep-onset period. Unlike the P2 component, the Nl, N350, and P300 did not vary between the groups. The smaller P2 seen in our poor sleepers indicates that they have a deficit in the sleep initiation processes. Specifically, poor sleepers do not disengage their attention from the outside environment to the same extent as good sleepers during the sleep-onset period. The lack of findings for the N350 suggest that this sleep component may be intact in those with insomnia and that it is the waking components (i.e., Nl, P2) that may be leading to the deficit in sleep initiation. Further, it may be that the mechanism responsible for the disruption of sleep initiation in the poor sleepers is most reflected by the P2 component. Future research investigating ERPs in insomnia should focus on the identification of the components most sensitive to sleep disruption. As well, methods should be developed in order to more clearly identify the various types of insomnia populations in research contexts (e.g., psychophysiological vs. sleep-state misperception) and the various individual (personality characteristics, motivation) and environmental factors (arousal-related variables) that influence particular ERP components. Insomnia has serious consequences for health, safety, and daytime functioning, thus research efforts should continue in order to help alleviate this highly prevalent condition.


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Tesis (Maestría en Enseñanza Superior) UANL


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La version intégrale de cette thèse est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal (http://www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU).


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Personnage central du néoconfucianisme contemporain, Mou Zongsan (1909-1995) a écrit un nombre impressionnant de livres philosophiques. Loin d’ignorer les penseurs d’autres courants, il les intègre à ses théories pour en utiliser les forces. Ainsi, il s’intéresse au concept d’enseignement parfait (yuanjiao圓教). Cette notion fut introduite par l’école bouddhique Tiantai (Tiantai天台). Après une classification de tous les enseignements bouddhiques, il fut conclu que l’enseignement parfait consiste en un enseignement complet reflétant parfaitement l’intention ultime du Bouddha. Mou considère quatre critères pour déterminer quelle doctrine est conforme à cette idée : la préservation de tout ce qui existe, la possibilité pour tous d’atteindre l’illumination, englober tout sans distinction et utiliser un langage qu’il qualifie de non analytique. Dans cette étude, nous allons examiner l’utilisation faite par Mou du concept d’enseignement parfait. Il démontre la nécessité pour l’être humain d’avoir un esprit qui saisit à la fois la sphère phénoménale et nouménale. De cette façon, tout ce qui compose la réalité, pur et impur, est conservé. Il emprunte ensuite le concept du summum bonum kantien, c’est-à-dire le ratio proportionnel entre la vertu et le bonheur, et le révise à l’aide de l’enseignement parfait. Le résultat est tout à fait étonnant : l’être humain possède l’intuition intellectuelle, normalement réservé à Dieu chez Kant, et est ainsi responsable de son propre bonheur grâce à l’accomplissement d’actions morales. Cependant, le bouddhisme ne fournirait pas le cadre théorique idéal pour la notion très importante du summum bonum puisque l’aspect moral n’y serait pas assez développé. Mou affirme que, malgré leur origine bouddhique, les critères qui définissent un enseignement parfait peuvent être appliqués à d’autres courants de pensée. Il propose donc le confucianiste Wang Longxi王龍溪 (Wang Ji王畿 1498- 1583), dont les théories correspondent aux caractéristiques de l’enseignement parfait, pour établir un concept du summum bonum novateur.


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La información contenida en este folleto pretende enfocar el problema del SIDA de una manera objetiva, basándose en las directrices de los organismos internacionales competentes, OMS, UNESCO, OIT y organizaciones docentes de carácter internacional. El gran impacto del SIDA ha tenido su reflejo en los centros de enseñanza, siendo imprescindible informar de esta enfermedad para evitar prejuicios y fomentar actitudes positivas ante la misma. Se informa del incremento en el número de niños infectados que se prevé para los próximos años y se recomiendan las medidas higienico-sanitarias para el medio educativo.


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Aquest treball neix de l’interès per conèixer quin és el funcionament dels Plans Locals de Joventut (PLJ), com a instrument per treballar les polítiques de joventut, i el paper de la participació juvenil entorn aquest context. La temàtica principal és els PLJ però en relació amb la participació, el jovent i les polítiques de joventut actuals


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Se presenta desde el punto de vista histórico-jurídico, el papel de los Actos Políticos o de Gobierno en la formación constitucional de la República de Colombia y su tratamiento y control en las Constituciones colombianas de 1821 a 1991.


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Analizar comparativamente las características morfo-funcionales de las Unidades motoras reclutadas durante la realización de una RM en el músculo recto anterior (cuadriceps bilateral) en futbolistas entre 15 a 20 años del equipo de fútbol de la división sub-21 de Santa fe por medio de la electromiografia. La medición electromiográfica ha demostrado que el reclutamiento de fibras es mayor, en deportistas en comparación con personas sedentarias debido a que tienen un manejo diferente de la potencia, entendiendo esta como la integración de la velocidad con fuerza máxima, una cualidad determinante en cualquier tipo de salto, o cambios rápidos de dirección, como en la potencia de despegue, arranque, aceleración y/o desaceleración.


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Previous research has shown that often there is clear inertia in individual decision making---that is, a tendency for decision makers to choose a status quo option. I conduct a laboratory experiment to investigate two potential determinants of inertia in uncertain environments: (i) regret aversion and (ii) ambiguity-driven indecisiveness. I use a between-subjects design with varying conditions to identify the effects of these two mechanisms on choice behavior. In each condition, participants choose between two simple real gambles, one of which is the status quo option. I find that inertia is quite large and that both mechanisms are equally important.


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Attitudes toward risk influence the decision to diversify among uncertain options. Yet, because in most situations the options are ambiguous, attitudes toward ambiguity may also play an important role. I conduct a laboratory experiment to investigate the effect of ambiguity on the decision to diversify. I find that diversification is more prevalent and more persistent under ambiguity than under risk. Moreover, excess diversification under ambiguity is driven by participants who stick with a status quo gamble when diversification among gambles is not feasible. This behavioral pattern cannot be accommodated by major theories of choice under ambiguity.