918 resultados para wireless local area network


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Lähiverkkojen merkitys organisaatioiden toiminnassa on tänä päivänä tärkeämpi kuin koskaan aiemmin. Lähiverkot toimivat alustana useille tekniikoille ja palveluille. Lähiverkossa liikkuu dataliikenteen lisäksi myös puhetta ja kuvaa. Verkko mahdollistaa oheislaitteiden, kuten tiedostopalvelimien ja tulostimien, jakamisen ja käyttämisen koko verkon alueelta. Lähiverkkojen yhdistäminen voidaan toteuttaa teleoperaattoreiden toimesta, joten on vaikeaa enää määritellä lähiverkkoa tarkasti. Tämän diplomityön päätavoitteena oli muodostaa tehokas kytkentäinen lähiverkkoarkkitehtuuri. Keskeisenä osana työhön liittyy virtuaaliset lähiverkot, niiden käyttöönotto sekä reititys. Työn teoriaosassa käydään läpi lähiverkon ja tärkeimmän lähiverkkotekniikan, Ethernet-tekniikan peruselementit. Lisäksi käydään läpi TCP/IP- tekniikan periaate, sen keskeisimmät protokollat, VLAN-tekniikka sekä IP-reititys. Työosuudessa toteutettu Pilottiverkko muodostetaan Ciscon kytkin- ja reititinlaitteilla virtuaaliseen oppilaitosympäristöön. Pilottiverkon avulla esitetään vastaukset työn vaatimusmäärittelyihin, joita ovat verkon muunneltavuuden helppous, useiden broadcast-alueiden toteuttamisen mahdollisuus sekä käyttörajoituksiin perustuvan tietoturvan ja vikasietoisuuden mahdollistaminen verkossa.


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Diplomityön aiheena oli tutkia case-yrityksen prosessikehitystä, prosessijohtamista sekä lähiverkkopalveluketjua prosessinäkökulman kannalta. Tutkimuksen päätavoitteina oli selvittää, kuinka lähiverkkopalveluketjun toimintaa voisi tehostaa, ja minkälaisia kertakustannuksia yhdestä keskiverotoimituksesta syntyy. Tavoitteina oli myös selvittää yrityksen prosessikehittämisen tila sekä minkälaisia prosessijohtamismalleja yrityksessä käytetään ja millä tavoin sen pääprosesseja johdetaan. Tutkimus oli case-tyyppinen, eli siinä tutkittiin yhden yrityksen toimintaa ja prosesseja. Teoreettinen pohja tutkimukselle luotiin käsittelemällä liiketoimintaprosesseihin liittyviä ydinmääritelmiä, erilaisia prosessijohtamismalleja ja liiketoimintaprosessien mittaamista. Tutkimuksen peruselementit tiedon hankintaan olivat kirjallisuus ja haastattelut. Lisäksi tutkimus pohjasi vahvasti tutkijan tekemiin omiin havaintoihin yrityksessä ja sen toimintaympäristössä. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä vaiheessa kartoitettiin lähiverkkopalveluketjun senhetkinen tilanne, analysoitiin palveluketjun sisältämiä prosesseja ja kirjattiin ylös havaitut ongelmakohdat. Haastatteluista kerättyjen tietojen perusteella laskettiin yhdestä keskivertolähiverkkotoimituksesta case-yritykselle syntyvät kertakustannukset. Tämän lisäksi analysoitiin yrityksen senhetkistä prosessijohtamis- ja prosessikehitystasoa sekä peilattiin niitä yrityksen tulevaisuuden prosessikehittämistoimiin. Lopuksi johtopäätöksien kautta esitettiin kaksi toimintaehdotusta, joilla palveluketjun toimintaa voitaisiin parantaa. Ensimmäinen ehdotus oli radikaalimpi, ja siinä siirryttäisiin kokonaan pois palveluketjumallista tiimipohjaiseen malliin. Toisessa ehdotuksessa keskityttiin korjaamaan palveluketjun ongelmakohtia.


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A collection of slides from the authorpsilas seminar presentation is given


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Ethernet is becoming the dominant aggregation technology for carrier transport networks; however, as it is a LAN technology, native bridged ethernet does not fulfill all the carrier requirements. One of the schemes proposed by the research community to make ethernet fulfill carrier requirements is ethernet VLAN-label switching (ELS). ELS allows the creation of label switched data paths using a 12-bit label encoded in the VLAN TAG control information field. Previous label switching technologies such as MPLS use more bits for encoding the label. Hence, they do not suffer from label sparsity issues as ELS might. This paper studies the sparsity issues resulting from the reduced ELS VLAN-label space and proposes the use of the label merging technique to improve label space usage. Experimental results show that label merging considerably improves label space usage


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Nykyaikaisen verkon ominaisuuksia ovat osoitteiden dynaaminen jako verkkolaitteille, verkon käyttäjien ja laitteiden tunnistaminen ennen yhteyden avaamista sekä käytön estäminen tuntemattomilta käyttäjiltä. Diplomityössä toteutetaan LNET-verkkoon käyttäjä- ja laiterekisteröinti, jonka avulla käyttäjät voivat rekisteröidä itselleen verkkolaitteita ja näin avata itselleen Internet-yhteyden.


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Over-sampling sigma-delta analogue-to-digital converters (ADCs) are one of the key building blocks of state of the art wireless transceivers. In the sigma-delta modulator design the scaling coefficients determine the overall signal-to-noise ratio. Therefore, selecting the optimum value of the coefficient is very important. To this end, this paper addresses the design of a fourthorder multi-bit sigma-delta modulator for Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) receiver with feed-forward path and the optimum coefficients are selected using genetic algorithm (GA)- based search method. In particular, the proposed converter makes use of low-distortion swing suppression SDM architecture which is highly suitable for low oversampling ratios to attain high linearity over a wide bandwidth. The focus of this paper is the identification of the best coefficients suitable for the proposed topology as well as the optimization of a set of system parameters in order to achieve the desired signal-to-noise ratio. GA-based search engine is a stochastic search method which can find the optimum solution within the given constraints.


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A collection of slides from the authorpsilas seminar presentation is given


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Ethernet is becoming the dominant aggregation technology for carrier transport networks; however, as it is a LAN technology, native bridged ethernet does not fulfill all the carrier requirements. One of the schemes proposed by the research community to make ethernet fulfill carrier requirements is ethernet VLAN-label switching (ELS). ELS allows the creation of label switched data paths using a 12-bit label encoded in the VLAN TAG control information field. Previous label switching technologies such as MPLS use more bits for encoding the label. Hence, they do not suffer from label sparsity issues as ELS might. This paper studies the sparsity issues resulting from the reduced ELS VLAN-label space and proposes the use of the label merging technique to improve label space usage. Experimental results show that label merging considerably improves label space usage


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This paper presents the distributed environment for virtual and/or real experiments for underwater robots (DEVRE). This environment is composed of a set of processes running on a local area network composed of three sites: 1) the onboard AUV computer; 2) a surface computer used as human-machine interface (HMI); and 3) a computer used for simulating the vehicle dynamics and representing the virtual world. The HMI can be transparently linked to the real sensors and actuators dealing with a real mission. It can also be linked with virtual sensors and virtual actuators, dealing with a virtual mission. The aim of DEVRE is to assist engineers during the software development and testing in the lab prior to real experiments


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The relative fast processing speed requirements in Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) consumer based products are often in conflict with their low power and cost requirements. In order to solve this conflict the efficiency and cost effectiveness of these products and the underlying functional modules become paramount. This paper presents a low-cost, simple, yet high performance solution for the receiver Channel Estimator and Equalizer for the Mutiband OFDM (MB-OFDM) system, particularly directed to the WiMedia Consortium Physical Later (ECMA-368) consumer implementation for Wireless-USB and Fast Bluetooth. In this paper, the receiver fixed point performance is measured and the results indicate excellent performance compared to the current literature(1).


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A method to map all the variants of the IEEE 802.11 MAC frames into the Multiband OFDM based ECMA-368 Physical standard is proposed, without contravening the standard. The transportation of IEEE 802.11 MAC frames over ECMA-368 allows for the migration current of Wireless LAN applications towards a Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) solution. This system benefits the Consumer Electronics Market as the high data-rate WPAN is capable of transporting broadcast-quality video while the same system can also transport existing applications available today, maintaining existing effort, products and backward-compatibility(1).


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Due to its popularity, dense deployments of wireless local area networks (WLANs) are becoming a common feature of many cities around the world. However, with only a limited number of channels available, the problem of increased interference can severely degrade the performance of WLANs if an effective channel assignment scheme is not employed. In an earlier work, we proposed an improved asynchronous distributed and dynamic channel assignment scheme that (1) is simple to implement, (2) does not require any knowledge of the throughput function, and (3) allows asynchronous channel switching by each access point (AP). In this paper, we present extensive performance evaluation of the proposed scheme in practical scenarios found in densely populated WLAN deployments. Specifically, we investigate the convergence behaviour of the scheme and how its performance gains vary with different number of available channels and in different deployment densities. We also prove that our scheme is guaranteed to converge in a single iteration when the number of channels is greater than the number of neighbouring APs.


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Due to their popularity, dense deployments of wireless local area networks (WLANs) are becoming a common feature of many cities around the world. However, with only a limited number of channels available, the problem of increased interference can severely degrade the performance of WLANs if an effective channel assignment scheme is not employed. Previous studies on channel assignment in WLANs almost always assume that all access points (AP) employ the same channel assignment scheme which is clearly unrealistic. On the other hand, to the best of our knowledge, the interaction between different channel assignment schemes has also not been studied before. Therefore, in this paper, we investigate the effectiveness of our earlier proposed asynchronous channel assignment scheme in these heterogeneous WLANs scenarios. Simulation results show that our proposed scheme is still able to provide robust performance gains even in these scenarios.


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Wireless local area networks (WLANs) have changed the way many of us communicate, work, play and live. Due to its popularity, dense deployments are becoming a norm in many cities around the world. However, increased interference and traffic demands can severely limit the aggregate throughput achievable if an effective channel assignment scheme is not used. In this paper, we propose an enhanced asynchronous distributed and dynamic channel assignment scheme that is simple to implement, does not require any knowledge of the throughput function, allows asynchronous channel switching by each access point (AP) and is superior in performance. Simulation results show that our proposed scheme converges much faster than previously reported synchronous schemes, with a reduction in convergence time and channel switches by tip to 73.8% and 30.0% respectively.


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The popularity of wireless local area networks (WLANs) has resulted in their dense deployment in many cities around the world. The increased interference among different WLANs severely degrades the throughput achievable. This problem has been further exacerbated by the limited number of frequency channels available. An improved distributed and dynamic channel assignment scheme that is simple to implement and does not depend on the knowledge of the throughput function is proposed in this work. It also allows each access point (AP) to asynchronously switch to the new best channel. Simulation results show that our proposed scheme converges much faster than similar previously reported work, with a reduction in convergence time and channel switches as much as 77.3% and 52.3% respectively. When it is employed in dynamic environments, the throughput improves by up to 12.7%.