957 resultados para virtual work


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My thesis concerns the notion of existence as an encounter, as developed in the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze (1925 1995). What this denotes is a critical stance towards a major current in Western philosophical tradition which Deleuze nominates as representational thinking. Such thinking strives to provide a stable ground for identities by appealing to transcendent structures behind the apparent reality and explaining the manifest diversity of the given by such notions as essence, idea, God, or totality of the world. In contrast to this, Deleuze states that abstractions such as these do not explain anything, but rather that they need to be explained. Yet, Deleuze does not appeal merely to the given. He sees that one must posit a genetic element that accounts for experience, and this element must not be naïvely traced from the empirical. Deleuze nominates his philosophy as transcendental empiricism and he seeks to bring together the approaches of both empiricism and transcendental philosophy. In chapter one I look into the motivations of Deleuze s transcendental empiricism and analyse it as an encounter between Deleuze s readings of David Hume and Immanuel Kant. This encounter regards, first of all, the question of subjectivity and results in a conception of identity as non-essential process. A pre-given concept of identity does not explain the nature of things, but the concept itself must be explained. From this point of view, the process of individualisation must become the central concern. In chapter two I discuss Deleuze s concept of the affect as the basis of identity and his affiliation with the theories of Gilbert Simondon and Jakob von Uexküll. From this basis develops a morphogenetic theory of individuation-as-process. In analysing such a process of individuation, the modal category of the virtual becomes of great value, being an open, indeterminate charge of potentiality. As the virtual concerns becoming or the continuous process of actualisation, then time, rather than space, will be the privileged field of consideration. Chapter three is devoted to the discussion of the temporal aspect of the virtual and difference-without-identity. The essentially temporal process of subjectification results in a conception of the subject as composition: an assemblage of heterogeneous elements. Therefore art and aesthetic experience is valued by Deleuze because they disclose the construct-like nature of subjectivity in the sensations they produce. Through the domain of the aesthetic the subject is immersed in the network of affectivity that is the material diversity of the world. Chapter four addresses a phenomenon displaying this diversified indentity: the simulacrum an identity that is not grounded in an essence. Developed on the basis of the simulacrum, a theory of identity as assemblage emerges in chapter five. As the problematic of simulacra concerns perhaps foremost the artistic presentation, I shall look into the identity of a work of art as assemblage. To take an example of a concrete artistic practice and to remain within the problematic of the simulacrum, I shall finally address the question of reproduction particularly in the case recorded music and its identity regarding the work of art. In conclusion, I propose that by overturning its initial representational schema, phonographic music addresses its own medium and turns it into an inscription of difference, exposing the listener to an encounter with the virtual.


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Mixed reality stories (MRS) unfold simultaneously in the physical and the virtual world. Advancements in digital technologies, which are now able to capture more contextual information about our physical environments, are enabling novel ways of blending the two worlds. To explore the process of creating stories from this perspective, we conducted a study with creative writers, in which we asked them to write a MRS script for outdoor running. While we saw instances of intentional connections between physical and virtual worlds in their work, we also observed the use of ambiguity or even deliberate contradiction with available contextual information. In this paper we discuss how these approaches can be beneficial for MRS and propose directions for future work.


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Undergraduate Medical Imaging (MI)students at QUT attend their first clinical placement towards the end of semester two. Students undertake two (pre)clinical skills development units – one theory and one practical. Students gain good contextual and theoretical knowledge during these units via a blended learning model with multiple learning methods employed. Students attend theory lectures, practical sessions, tutorial sessions in both a simulated and virtual environment and also attend pre-clinical scenario based tutorial sessions. The aim of this project is to evaluate the use of blended learning in the context of 1st year Medical Imaging Radiographic Technique and its effectiveness in preparing students for their first clinical experience. It is hoped that the multiple teaching methods employed within the pre-clinical training unit at QUT builds students clinical skills prior to the real situation. A quantitative approach will be taken, evaluating via pre and post clinical placement surveys. This data will be correlated with data gained in the previous year on the effectiveness of this training approach prior to clinical placement. In 2014 59 students were surveyed prior to their clinical placement demonstrated positive benefits of using a variety of learning tools to enhance their learning. 98.31%(n=58)of students agreed or strongly agreed that the theory lectures were a useful tool to enhance their learning. This was followed closely by 97% (n=57) of the students realising the value of performing role-play simulation prior to clinical placement. Tutorial engagement was considered useful for 93.22% (n=55) whilst 88.14% (n=52) reasoned that the x-raying of phantoms in the simulated radiographic laboratory was beneficial. Self-directed learning yielded 86.44% (n=51). The virtual reality simulation software was valuable for 72.41% (n=42) of the students. Of the 4 students that disagreed or strongly disagreed with the usefulness of any tool they strongly agreed to the usefulness of a minimum of one other learning tool. The impact of the blended learning model to meet diverse student needs continues to be positive with students engaging in most offerings. Students largely prefer pre -clinical scenario based practical and tutorial sessions where 'real-world’ situations are discussed.


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The aim of the present study was to investigate the challenges that relate to the implementation of virtual inquiry practises in middle school. The case was a school course in which a group of Finnish students (N = 14) and teachers (N = 7) completed group inquiries through virtual collaboration, using a web-based learning environment. The task was to accomplish a cross-disciplinary inquiry into cultural issues. The students worked mainly at home and took much responsibility for their course achievements. The investigators analysed the pedagogical design of the course and the content of the participants' interaction patterns in the web-based environment, using qualitative content analysis and social network analysis. The findings suggest that the students succeeded in producing distinctive cultural products, and both the students and the teachers adopted novel roles during the inquiry. The web-based learning environment was used more as a coordination tool for organizing the collaborative work than as a forum for epistemic inquiry. The tension between the school curriculum and the inquiry practises was manifest in the participants' discussions of the assessment criteria of the course.


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Brickwork Lecturer Chris Holland has created a resource that allows students to lay bricks on a computer screen. The former bricklayer has used the ActivInspire suite on the Promethean interactive whiteboard to draw various types of bricks, as well as other interactive tools from the building site. Students are now more engaged in the classroom as they can practise cavity walling, block work, and setting walls on foundation before they get out in the workplace. Learners using the resource range from 14–16-year-old school students and full-time 16–19-year-olds completing Diplomas in brickwork to apprentices completing NVQs.


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[ES] Este proyecto tuvo una continuación en 2008, cuando se documentó la muralla interior del castillo. Este trabajo también está disponible en este repositorio. Asimismo, algunos artículos y proyectos fin de carrera hacen referencia a los datos capturados en este proyecto. En concreto, los registros relacionados son los siguientes:


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[ES] Ribera es un pueblo abandonado dentro del parque natural de Valderejo, el único edificio que queda en pie es la antigua iglesia. La razón por la que este edificio no fue derribado es la presencia de un conjunto de pinturas murales de época medieval. Por lo demás, el edificio (de unos 25 x 12 metros en planta) se encontraba en un mal estado de conservación (de hecho, un par de años más tarde de la realización de este trabajo se derrumbó la sacristía).


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Este trabalho analisa a informação política disponibilizada nos blogs diante de um cenário competitivo a eleição para a Prefeitura de São Paulo em 2008. Como se pretendia avaliar a capacidade das páginas para atrair leitores e interferir na agenda da imprensa, foram escolhidos os blogs de dois jornalistas (Ricardo Noblat e Reinaldo Azevedo), dois políticos (José Dirceu e Paulo Renato) e dois candidatos (Gilberto Kassab e Marta Suplicy), além do blog Campanha no Ar, criado pela Folha de S. Paulo estes são atores com alta capacidade de interferir no cenário político devido ao capital simbólico que possuem neste campo. A Folha foi escolhida para fazer a comparação com a imprensa tradicional. Com esta seleção, o trabalho realizou uma análise de conteúdo das páginas e uma avaliação com critérios específicos da Internet. Com isso, os resultados confirmam a tese de que há uma espécie de elite dos blogs, cujos atores apresentam maior capacidade de atrair leitores e jornalistas; que a imprensa é a principal fonte de informação dos blogs, mas também sofre influência deles; que o formato jornalístico ainda é um modelo usado para gerar credibilidade, apesar de estar sofrendo transformações na Internet; e que a interação com os leitores ainda é, basicamente, reativa e seu uso é mais intenso para o marketing político, embora haja um potencial de vigilância dos cidadãos e de pluralização nos debates


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Recent research into the acquisition of spoken language has stressed the importance of learning through embodied linguistic interaction with caregivers rather than through passive observation. However the necessity of interaction makes experimental work into the simulation of infant speech acquisition difficult because of the technical complexity of building real-time embodied systems. In this paper we present KLAIR: a software toolkit for building simulations of spoken language acquisition through interactions with a virtual infant. The main part of KLAIR is a sensori-motor server that supplies a client machine learning application with a virtual infant on screen that can see, hear and speak. By encapsulating the real-time complexities of audio and video processing within a server that will run on a modern PC, we hope that KLAIR will encourage and facilitate more experimental research into spoken language acquisition through interaction. Copyright © 2009 ISCA.


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In the context of collaborative product development, new requirements need to be accommodated for Virtual Prototyping Simulation (VPS), such as distributed processing and the integration of models created using different tools or languages. Existing solutions focus mainly on the implementation of distributed processing, but this paper explores the issues of combining different models (some of which may be proprietary) developed in different software environments. In this paper, we discuss several approaches for developing VPS, and suggest how it can best be integrated into the design process. An approach is developed to improve collaborative work in a VPS development by combining disparate computational models. Specifically, a system framework is proposed to separate the system-level modeling from the computational infrastructure. The implementation of a simple prototype demonstrates that such a paradigm is viable and thus provides a new means for distributed VPS development. © 2009 by ASME.


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We report a room temperature study of the direct band gap photoluminescence of tensile-strained Ge/Si0.13Ge0.87 multiple quantum wells grown on Si-based germanium virtual substrates by ultrahigh vacuum chemical vapor deposition. Blueshifts of the luminescence peak energy from the Ge quantum wells in comparison with the Ge virtual substrate are in good agreement with the theoretical prediction when we attribute the luminescence from the quantum well to the c Gamma 1-HH1 direct band transition. The reduction in direct band gap in the tensile strained Ge epilayer and the quantum confinement effect in the Ge/Si0.13Ge0.87 quantum wells are directly demonstrated by room temperature photoluminescence.


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Semisupervised dimensionality reduction has been attracting much attention as it not only utilizes both labeled and unlabeled data simultaneously, but also works well in the situation of out-of-sample. This paper proposes an effective approach of semisupervised dimensionality reduction through label propagation and label regression. Different from previous efforts, the new approach propagates the label information from labeled to unlabeled data with a well-designed mechanism of random walks, in which outliers are effectively detected and the obtained virtual labels of unlabeled data can be well encoded in a weighted regression model. These virtual labels are thereafter regressed with a linear model to calculate the projection matrix for dimensionality reduction. By this means, when the manifold or the clustering assumption of data is satisfied, the labels of labeled data can be correctly propagated to the unlabeled data; and thus, the proposed approach utilizes the labeled and the unlabeled data more effectively than previous work. Experimental results are carried out upon several databases, and the advantage of the new approach is well demonstrated.


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The problem of automatic face recognition is to visually identify a person in an input image. This task is performed by matching the input face against the faces of known people in a database of faces. Most existing work in face recognition has limited the scope of the problem, however, by dealing primarily with frontal views, neutral expressions, and fixed lighting conditions. To help generalize existing face recognition systems, we look at the problem of recognizing faces under a range of viewpoints. In particular, we consider two cases of this problem: (i) many example views are available of each person, and (ii) only one view is available per person, perhaps a driver's license or passport photograph. Ideally, we would like to address these two cases using a simple view-based approach, where a person is represented in the database by using a number of views on the viewing sphere. While the view-based approach is consistent with case (i), for case (ii) we need to augment the single real view of each person with synthetic views from other viewpoints, views we call 'virtual views'. Virtual views are generated using prior knowledge of face rotation, knowledge that is 'learned' from images of prototype faces. This prior knowledge is used to effectively rotate in depth the single real view available of each person. In this thesis, I present the view-based face recognizer, techniques for synthesizing virtual views, and experimental results using real and virtual views in the recognizer.


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© 2015 IEEE.In virtual reality applications, there is an aim to provide real time graphics which run at high refresh rates. However, there are many situations in which this is not possible due to simulation or rendering issues. When running at low frame rates, several aspects of the user experience are affected. For example, each frame is displayed for an extended period of time, causing a high persistence image artifact. The effect of this artifact is that movement may lose continuity, and the image jumps from one frame to another. In this paper, we discuss our initial exploration of the effects of high persistence frames caused by low refresh rates and compare it to high frame rates and to a technique we developed to mitigate the effects of low frame rates. In this technique, the low frame rate simulation images are displayed with low persistence by blanking out the display during the extra time such image would be displayed. In order to isolate the visual effects, we constructed a simulator for low and high persistence displays that does not affect input latency. A controlled user study comparing the three conditions for the tasks of 3D selection and navigation was conducted. Results indicate that the low persistence display technique may not negatively impact user experience or performance as compared to the high persistence case. Directions for future work on the use of low persistence displays for low frame rate situations are discussed.