962 resultados para traffic flow stability


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La presente investigación pretende analizar la incidencia de la problemática del narcotráfico en México sobre la consolidación de la cooperación bilateral con Estados Unidos, en el lapso de tiempo entre 2000 y 2009. Para alcanzar dicho objetivo, en el primer capítulo se describen las principales dinámicas del narcotráfico en México, evidenciando las principales organizaciones criminales que se dan al interior del país y las actividades que promueven, así mismo, los principales flujos del tráfico de drogas hacia Estados Unidos. Posteriormente, en el segundo capítulo, se explican las consecuencias que esta problemática ha dejado en México y en Estados Unidos y a continuación, en el tercer y último capítulo, se lleva a cabo un análisis sobre la cooperación que se ha dado entre ambos países en pro de eliminar esta problemática. De igual manera, las fuentes que se emplean para el desarrollo de la presente investigación son de tipo secundarias, se emplean técnicas bibliográficas y documentos no académicos, páginas web, artículos de prensa, entre otros. En términos teóricos se toma como referencia la postura funcionalista expuesta por David Mitrany, y algunos elementos de la teoría de la Interdependencia compleja expuesta por Robert Keohane y Joseph Nye. De igual manera, se hace referencia a la reflexión de Buzan, quien hace énfasis en el concepto de seguridad regional y cómo ésta condiciona la agenda de los Estados.


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La feina feta en aquest treball de tesis s'ha desenvolupat a partir de tres objectius vertebradors, que fonamentalment són: ·El primer dels objectius d'aquest treball de tesis és presentar un recull dels factors que intervenen en l'acústica urbanística: soroll produït pels diferents vehicles, fórmules de predicció de soroll, geometria dels edificis... , tot estudiant els seus efectes en la ciutat de Girona. ·Un altre objectiu ha estat desenvolupar uns mètodes numèrics propis, contrastats experimentalment i extrapolables a qualsevol entorn urbanístic, que permetin predir els valors de les pertorbacions acústiques produïdes pels diferents vehicles en diferents situacions, entre els que es destaquen: -Fórmula de predicció del soroll en un entorn urbà i la seva aplicació a Girona. -Càlcul de l'increment de soroll en un carrer provocat per les reflexions de les ones sonores en les façanes dels edificis. -Estudi del nivell de soroll en la boca de la cavitat d'un túnel produït pel pas del ferrocarril. -Determinació del soroll provocat pel pas d'un tren sobre un viaducte. -Mètode de distribució i planificació del trànsit urbà per disminuir l'impacte acústic sobre la zona. ·El darrer objectiu consisteix en fer una descripció analítica de les principals fonts de soroll que afecten a la ciutat: el trànsit viari i el ferrocarril. Per realitzar aquests objectius s'ha disposat d'un banc de dades amb més de 2.000 mesures sonores de Girona (nivells equivalents de 10 minuts de durada). La metodologia seguida i els principis en que es fonamenta es detallen a l'inici de cada apartat. La finalitat de tots aquests estudis, no és altre que millorar el confort acústic, i la qualitat de vida, de les ciutats. Gairebé tots els grans nuclis de població del planeta es veuen afectats per una gravíssima problemàtica mediambiental, doncs a l'anomenada contaminació acústica cal afegir uns alts índexs de pol·lució atmosfèrica (altes concentracions de biòxid de carboni, generació d'illes de calor...). Aquesta situació, generalitzada arreu del planeta, ha propiciat l'aparició de mesures dràstiques consistents fonamentalment en restringir l'accés dels vehicles motoritzats als nuclis i zones centrals de les àrees urbanes. Precisament aquesta opció s'ha proposat per les zones interiors de Girona on l'elevada densitat de les edificacions deixa un escàs marge per plantejar la construcció de noves rutes o vies alternatives. Cal esmentar que tots els càlculs i teories que es desenvolupen en aquest treball de tesis reflecteixen la realitat acústica actual provocada pels diferents mitjans de transport. Molt possiblement, en un futur no massa llunyà, els nivells de soroll (dB) enregistrats en situacions de tràfic similar seran força menors. Són molts els factors que poden contribuir a aquesta disminució de la intensitat de les emissions sonores: reducció del fregament mecànic, augment del coeficient aerodinàmic, nous materials pels pneumàtics i l'asfalt ... Sense cap mena de dubte, però, una millora transcendental, i no només pel que fa al confort acústic sinó per l'ecosistema en general, seria potenciar la construcció de motors elèctrics o d'hidrogen. Aquests últims per exemple, a diferència dels motors de combustió, funcionen mitjançant piles de combustible que converteixen, amb molta netedat, el gas hidrogen en electricitat i possibiliten l'existència de vehicles no contaminants propulsats per motors elèctrics menys sorollosos. Així, al haver-hi menys fregament entre les parts mòbils del motor (no hi ha pistons ni cilindres) el soroll generat es reduiria considerablement.


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Smooth flow of production in construction is hampered by disparity between individual trade teams' goals and the goals of stable production flow for the project as a whole. This is exacerbated by the difficulty of visualizing the flow of work in a construction project. While the addresses some of the issues in Building information modeling provides a powerful platform for visualizing work flow in control systems that also enable pull flow and deeper collaboration between teams on and off site. The requirements for implementation of a BIM-enabled pull flow construction management software system based on the Last Planner System™, called ‘KanBIM’, have been specified, and a set of functional mock-ups of the proposed system has been implemented and evaluated in a series of three focus group workshops. The requirements cover the areas of maintenance of work flow stability, enabling negotiation and commitment between teams, lean production planning with sophisticated pull flow control, and effective communication and visualization of flow. The evaluation results show that the system holds the potential to improve work flow and reduce waste by providing both process and product visualization at the work face.


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Rising demands for agricultural products will increase pressure to further intensify crop production, while negative environmental impacts have to be minimized. Ecological intensification entails the environmentally friendly replacement of anthropogenic inputs and/or enhancement of crop productivity, by including regulating and supporting ecosystem services management in agricultural practices. Effective ecological intensification requires an understanding of the relations between land use at different scales and the community composition of ecosystem service-providing organisms above and below ground, and the flow, stability, contribution to yield, and management costs of the multiple services delivered by these organisms. Research efforts and investments are particularly needed to reduce existing yield gaps by integrating context-appropriate bundles of ecosystem services into crop production systems.


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Ambient concentrations of trace elements with 2 h time resolution were measured in PM10–2.5, PM2.5–1.0 and PM1.0–0.3 size ranges at kerbside, urban background and rural sites in London during winter 2012. Samples were collected using rotating drum impactors (RDIs) and subsequently analysed with synchrotron radiation-induced X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (SR-XRF). Quantification of kerb and urban increments (defined as kerb-to-urban and urban-to-rural concentration ratios, respectively), and assessment of diurnal and weekly variability provided insight into sources governing urban air quality and the effects of urban micro-environments on human exposure. Traffic-related elements yielded the highest kerb increments, with values in the range of 10.4 to 16.6 for SW winds (3.3–6.9 for NE) observed for elements influenced by brake wear (e.g. Cu, Sb, Ba) and 5.7 to 8.2 for SW (2.6–3.0 for NE) for other traffic-related processes (e.g. Cr, Fe, Zn). Kerb increments for these elements were highest in the PM10–2.5 mass fraction, roughly twice that of the PM1.0–0.3 fraction. These elements also showed the highest urban increments (~ 3.0), although no difference was observed between brake wear and other traffic-related elements. All elements influenced by traffic exhibited higher concentrations during morning and evening rush hours, and on weekdays compared to weekends, with the strongest trends observed at the kerbside site, and additionally enhanced by winds coming directly from the road, consistent with street canyon effects. Elements related to mineral dust (e.g. Al, Si, Ca, Sr) showed significant influences from traffic-induced resuspension, as evidenced by moderate kerb (3.4–5.4 for SW, 1.7–2.3 for NE) and urban (~ 2) increments and increased concentrations during peak traffic flow. Elements related to regional transport showed no significant enhancement at kerb or urban sites, with the exception of PM10–2.5 sea salt (factor of up to 2), which may be influenced by traffic-induced resuspension of sea and/or road salt. Heavy-duty vehicles appeared to have a larger effect than passenger vehicles on the concentrations of all elements influenced by resuspension (including sea salt) and wearing processes. Trace element concentrations in London were influenced by both local and regional sources, with coarse and intermediate fractions dominated by traffic-induced resuspension and wearing processes and fine particles influenced by regional transport.


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We consider the dynamics of cargo driven by a collection of interacting molecular motors in the context of ail asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP). The model is formulated to account for (i) excluded-volume interactions, (ii) the observed asymmetry of the stochastic movement of individual motors and (iii) interactions between motors and cargo. Items (i) and (ii) form the basis of ASEP models and have already been considered to study the behavior of motor density profile [A. Parmeggiani. T. Franosch, E. Frey, Phase Coexistence in driven one-dimensional transport, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (2003) 086601-1-086601-4]. Item (iii) is new. It is introduced here as an attempt to describe explicitly the dependence of cargo movement on the dynamics of motors in this context. The steady-state Solutions Of the model indicate that the system undergoes a phase transition of condensation type as the motor density varies. We study the consequences of this transition to the behavior of the average cargo velocity. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Accurate speed prediction is a crucial step in the development of a dynamic vehcile activated sign (VAS). A previous study showed that the optimal trigger speed of such signs will need to be pre-determined according to the nature of the site and to the traffic conditions. The objective of this paper is to find an accurate predictive model based on historical traffic speed data to derive the optimal trigger speed for such signs. Adaptive neuro fuzzy (ANFIS), classification and regression tree (CART) and random forest (RF) were developed to predict one step ahead speed during all times of the day. The developed models were evaluated and compared to the results obtained from artificial neural network (ANN), multiple linear regression (MLR) and naïve prediction using traffic speed data collected at four sites located in Sweden. The data were aggregated into two periods, a short term period (5-min) and a long term period (1-hour). The results of this study showed that using RF is a promising method for predicting mean speed in the two proposed periods.. It is concluded that in terms of performance and computational complexity, a simplistic input features to the predicitive model gave a marked increase in the response time of the model whilse still delivering a low prediction error.


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The current system of controlling oil spills involves a complex relationship of international, federal and state law, which has not proven to be very effective. The multiple layers of regulation often leave shipowners unsure of the laws facing them. Furthemore, nations have had difficulty enforcing these legal requirements. This thesis deals with the role marine insurance can play within the existing system of legislation to provide a strong preventative influence that is simple and cost-effective to enforce. In principle, insurance has two ways of enforcing higher safety standards and limiting the risk of an accident occurring. The first is through the use of insurance premiums that are based on the level of care taken by the insured. This means that a person engaging in riskier behavior faces a higher insurance premium, because their actions increase the probability of an accident occurring. The second method, available to the insurer, is collectively known as cancellation provisions or underwriting clauses. These are clauses written into an insurance contract that invalidates the agreement when certain conditions are not met by the insured The problem has been that obtaining information about the behavior of an insured party requires monitoring and that incurs a cost to the insurer. The application of these principles proves to be a more complicated matter. The modern marine insurance industry is a complicated system of multiple contracts, through different insurers, that covers the many facets of oil transportation. Their business practices have resulted in policy packages that cross the neat bounds of individual, specific insurance coverage. This paper shows that insurance can improve safety standards in three general areas -crew training, hull and equipment construction and maintenance, and routing schemes and exclusionary zones. With crew, hull and equipment, underwriting clauses can be used to ensure that minimum standards are met by the insured. Premiums can then be structured to reflect the additional care taken by the insured above and beyond these minimum standards. Routing schemes are traffic flow systems applied to congested waterways, such as the entrance to New York harbor. Using natural obstacles or manmade dividers, ships are separated into two lanes of opposing traffic, similar to a road. Exclusionary zones are marine areas designated off limits to tanker traffic either because of a sensitive ecosystem or because local knowledge is required of the region to ensure safe navigation. Underwriting clauses can be used to nullify an insurance contract when a tanker is not in compliance with established exclusionary zones or routing schemes.


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The Noise Pollution causes degradation in the quality of the environment and presents itself as one of the most common environmental problems in the big cities. An Urban environment present scenario and their complex acoustic study need to consider the contribution of various noise sources. Accordingly to computational models through mapping and prediction of acoustic scene become important, because they enable the realization of calculations, analyzes and reports, allowing the interpretation of satisfactory results. The study neighborhood is the neighborhood of Lagoa Nova, a central area of the city of Natal, which will undergo major changes in urban space due to urban mobility projects planned for the area around the stadium and the consequent changes of urban form and traffic. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the noise impact caused by road and morphological changes around the stadium Arena das Dunas in the neighborhood of Lagoa Nova, through on-site measurements and mapping using the computational model SoundPLAN year 2012 and the scenario evolution acoustic for the year 2017. For this analysis was the construction of the first acoustic mapping based on current diagnostic acoustic neighborhood, physical mapping, classified vehicle count and measurement of sound pressure level, and to build the prediction of noise were observed for the area study the modifications provided for traffic, urban form and mobility work. In this study, it is concluded that the sound pressure levels of the year in 2012 and 2017 extrapolate current legislation. For the prediction of noise were numerous changes in the acoustic scene, in which the works of urban mobility provided will improve traffic flow, thus reduce the sound pressure level where interventions are expected


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This paper describes a methodology for solving efficiently the sparse network equations on multiprocessor computers. The methodology is based on the matrix inverse factors (W-matrix) approach to the direct solution phase of A(x) = b systems. A partitioning scheme of W-matrix , based on the leaf-nodes of the factorization path tree, is proposed. The methodology allows the performance of all the updating operations on vector b in parallel, within each partition, using a row-oriented processing. The approach takes advantage of the processing power of the individual processors. Performance results are presented and discussed.


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This paper presents a tool that combines two kinds of Petri Net analyses to set the fastest routes to one vehicle in a bounded area of traffic urban. The first analysis consists of the discovery of possible routes in a state space generated from an IOPT Petri net model given the initial marking as the vehicle position. The second analysis receives the routes found in the first analysis and calculates the state equations at incidence matrix created from the High Level Petri net model to define the fastest route for each vehicle that arrive in the roads. It was considered the exchange of information between vehicle and infrastructure (V2I) to get the position and speed of all vehicles and support the analyses. With the results obtained we conclude that is possible optimizing the urban traffic flow if this tool is applied to all vehicles in a bounded urban traffic. © 2012 IEEE.


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The development of medium-sized cities in recent decade, caused, partly, by the industrial deconcentration process generated, beyond benefits, several problems for these cities population. The unplanned rapid growth of these cities, together with the capitalist model of production collaborated for the increase of socioeconomics questions in these locations. The urban mobility became one of these problems, embarrassing citizen’s lives, especially in downtown area. Therefore, the State began looking for solutions to improve urban mobility of the population, contributing to their quality of life and also to adapt the city to new market demand. In these work, we analyzed the situation of Brazilian medium-sized cities downtown area, as well as its growth process, tanking as an example the case of the city of Rio Claro – SP and it´s Public Administration proposal to improve the flow and urban mobility in a particular street in the town´s commercial centre


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Thema: Quantifizierung von Steinschlagrisiken an Straßen Die Einschätzung eines bestehenden Steinschlagrisikos an Verkehrswegen ist in Gebirgs- und Mittelgebirgsregionen seit jeher eine Aufgabe, die mit verschiedensten Methoden und unterschiedlichem Aufwand bearbeitet wird. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung werden die maßgebenden Parameter zur Beschreibung einer Böschung aufgenommen und bewertet. Es wurde ein Arbeitsblatt entwickelt, in dem festgelegte Parameter erfasst werden, die teils mit Ankreuztechnik, teils mit der Eingabe von Daten, im Computer notiert werden. Das Arbeitsblatt umfasst vier Themenbereiche: Allgemeine Daten, Angaben zur Geometrie der Böschung, Angaben zum Verkehr und Angaben zum Gestein und Gebirge. Ein Computerprogramm, das auf der Basis der Software Excel von Microsoft erstellt wurde, vergibt nach der Dateneingabe Bewertungspunkte (1. Bewertungsschritt). Es werden Summen gebildet und die Teilbereiche bewertet (2. Bewertungsschritt). Jeder Teilbereich besitzt drei Bewertungsklassen. Die Verknüpfung der Bewertung der Teilbereiche Geometrische Angaben und Angaben zum Gestein und Gebirge stellt die eigentliche Risikoeinschätzung dar (3. Bewertungsschritt). Es gibt drei Einstufungen zur Beschreibung des Risikos: ð Der Verkehr ist durch Steinschlag sehr gering gefährdet. ð Der Verkehr ist durch Steinschlag gering gefährdet. Eine Detailüberprüfung muss erfolgen, da eine Gefährdung nicht auszuschließen ist. ð Der Verkehr ist gefährdet. Es besteht ein hohes Steinschlagrisiko. Bewertungen und Hinweise zu den Teilbereichen Allgemeine Daten und Angaben zum Verkehr kann der Anwender nach eigenem Ermessen zusätzlich nutzen. Die abschließende Risikoeinschätzung erfolgt durch den Anwender bzw. einen Sachverständigen.


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Space-based (satellite, scientific probe, space station, etc.) and millimeter – to – microscale (such as are used in high power electronics cooling, weapons cooling in aircraft, etc.) condensers and boilers are shear/pressure driven. They are of increasing interest to system engineers for thermal management because flow boilers and flow condensers offer both high fluid flow-rate-specific heat transfer capacity and very low thermal resistance between the fluid and the heat exchange surface, so large amounts of heat may be removed using reasonably-sized devices without the need for excessive temperature differences. However, flow stability issues and degradation of performance of shear/pressure driven condensers and boilers due to non-desirable flow morphology over large portions of their lengths have mostly prevented their use in these applications. This research is part of an ongoing investigation seeking to close the gap between science and engineering by analyzing two key innovations which could help address these problems. First, it is recommended that the condenser and boiler be operated in an innovative flow configuration which provides a non-participating core vapor stream to stabilize the annular flow regime throughout the device length, accomplished in an energy-efficient manner by means of ducted vapor re-circulation. This is demonstrated experimentally. Second, suitable pulsations applied to the vapor entering the condenser or boiler (from the re-circulating vapor stream) greatly reduce the thermal resistance of the already effective annular flow regime. For experiments reported here, application of pulsations increased time-averaged heat-flux up to 900 % at a location within the flow condenser and up to 200 % at a location within the flow boiler, measured at the heat-exchange surface. Traditional fully condensing flows, reported here for comparison purposes, show similar heat-flux enhancements due to imposed pulsations over a range of frequencies. Shear/pressure driven condensing and boiling flow experiments are carried out in horizontal mm-scale channels with heat exchange through the bottom surface. The sides and top of the flow channel are insulated. The fluid is FC-72 from 3M Corporation.


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The physical processes controlling the mixed layer salinity (MLS) seasonal budget in the tropical Atlantic Ocean are investigated using a regional configuration of an ocean general circulation model. The analysis reveals that the MLS cycle is generally weak in comparison of individual physical processes entering in the budget because of strong compensation. In evaporative regions, around the surface salinity maxima, the ocean acts to freshen the mixed layer against the action of evaporation. Poleward of the southern SSS maxima, the freshening is ensured by geostrophic advection, the vertical salinity diffusion and, during winter, a dominant contribution of the convective entrainment. On the equatorward flanks of the SSS maxima, Ekman transport mainly contributes to supply freshwater from ITCZ regions while vertical salinity diffusion adds on the effect of evaporation. All these terms are phase locked through the effect of the wind. Under the seasonal march of the ITCZ and in coastal areas affected by river (7°S:15°N), the upper ocean freshening by precipitations and/or runoff is attenuated by vertical salinity diffusion. In the eastern equatorial regions, seasonal cycle of wind forced surface currents advect freshwaters, which are mixed with subsurface saline water because of the strong vertical turbulent diffusion. In all these regions, the vertical diffusion presents an important contribution to the MLS budget by providing, in general, an upwelling flux of salinity. It is generally due to vertical salinity gradient and mixing due to winds. Furthermore, in the equator where the vertical shear, associated to surface horizontal currents, is developed, the diffusion depends also on the sheared flow stability.