849 resultados para theoretical perspectives


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Este trabalho discorre sobre as causas do fracasso do socialismo realmente existente e por extensão elabora uma crítica consistente ao marxismo tradicional. A crítica incide precisamente na ênfase que se dá às categorias de exploração, propriedade privada e mercado, tidas como essenciais na determinação do capitalismo. Seguindo a lógica, estas formulações críticas possibilitam certo cotejamento no interior da produção teórica do serviço social ao restaurar a dimensão efetivamente crítica do pensamento marxista. Nessa perspectiva, discutiremos as influências da corrente aqui criticada nas elaborações da categoria profissional a fim de explorar os debates manifestos dentro do universo marxista. Em último caso, busca oferecer outras perspectivas teóricas no interesse de contribuição epistemológica.


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Este estudo trata da atual Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, regulamentada pelo Decreto n 7.404/10, enfocando os mecanismos jurídicos garantidores da integração dos catadores de materiais recicláveis e reutilizáveis na responsabilidade compartilhada pelo ciclo de vida dos produtos, que historicamente tem um passado de exploração de trabalho e invisibilidade social. Com o objetivo de analisar as condições de aplicabilidade dos mecanismos presentes na Lei n 12.305/10 voltados para o reconhecimento social e ambiental, como também para a proteção legal dos direitos desse grupo social, iremos inicialmente esclarecer os aspectos conceituais basilares para a compreensão da temática das iniquidades sociais, bem como verificar a importância da utilização da teoria das necessidades humanas fundamentais, como sendo um instrumento adequado para a interpretação dessa forma de exclusão social. Ademais, este trabalho se propõe a discutir as principais correntes teóricas contemporâneas utilizadas no estudo da otimização da satisfação das necessidades humanas fundamentais, como também teorizar, filosoficamente, que tais necessidades funcionam como pressuposto de justificação para atribuição de direitos específicos e obrigações institucionais. Do ponto de vista metodológico, trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, tendo sido realizado, de forma dedutiva, levantamentos de dados por meio de revisão bibliográfica envolvendo consultas a jornais, revistas, livros, dissertações, teses, projetos, leis, decretos e pesquisas via internet em sites institucionais. O método de procedimento adotado foi o descritivo-analítico, ressaltando-se ainda que, de forma indutiva, foi igualmente desenvolvida uma pesquisa de campo em duas cooperativas de reciclagem da cidade de Campina Grande-PB. Os estudos desenvolvidos revelaram que o grupo social em análise se enquadra no contexto de pessoas que necessitam de otimização para satisfação das necessidades fundamentais, havendo uma consistente e sustentável argumentação teórica nesse sentido. Concluiu-se que, apesar do compromisso expresso na Lei n 12.305/10, para com a valorização do trabalho dos catadores, deve ocorrer um esforço interpretativo dos mecanismos de inclusão social, empoderamento econômico e reconhecimento social e ambiental desta categoria. Foi igualmente concluído que as estratégias de integração dos catadores na responsabilidade compartilhada pelo ciclo de vida dos produtos, criadas pela legislação de resíduos sólidos, foram delineadas a partir do reconhecimento dos catadores pelo poder público na coleta seletiva e da inserção dos catadores na logística reversa, garantindo condições de mercado e acesso a recursos; contudo, o principal desafio parece ser o da inovação na própria forma de se pensar as políticas públicas para o setor.


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Cognitive neuroscience defines the sense of agency as the experience of controlling one's own actions and, through this control, affecting the external world. We believe that the sense of personal agency is a key factor in how people experience interactions with technology. This paper draws on theoretical perspectives in cognitive neuroscience and describes two implicit methods through which personal agency can be empirically investigated. We report two experiments applying these methods to HCI problems. One shows that a new input modality - skin-based interaction - can substantially increase users' sense of agency. The second demonstrates that variations in the parameters of assistance techniques such as predictive mouse acceleration can have a significant impact on users' sense of agency. The methods presented provide designers with new ways of evaluating and refining empowering interaction techniques and interfaces, in which users experience an instinctive sense of control and ownership over their actions. Copyright 2012 ACM.


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Social psychologists have long been interested in understanding the conditions under which attitudes influence behaviors, and they have formed two relatively independent theoretical perspectives in the attitude-behavior domain. One perspective, which we adopt in the present paper, focuses on investigating the effect of attitude strength on the attitude-behavior relationship. Specifically, the present research investigates the role of structural consistency, a dimension of attitude strength, on the attitude-behavior relationship. Structural consistency has typically been defined as the extent to which one aspect of individual’s attitude is consistent with either his or her overall attitude toward the object or the other aspect of the attitude, including affective-cognitive consistency (ACC), evaluative-cognitive consistency (ECC) and evaluative-affective consistency (EAC). The ECC and EAC can be integrated into the attitude base. Despite the evidence that structural consistency is associated with attitude-behavior relationship, there are some limitations in previous studies: (1) attitude base and ACC have been rarely studied together ;( 2) researchers often used the term behavior in a broad sense to encompass behavioral intentions as well as actual behaviors ;( 3) the effects were all investigated at individual level. The present research tried to explore the effects of ACC and attitude base on attitude-behavioral intention-actual behavior relationships at individual and group levels in different behavior areas including shopping, supportive behavior towards officials, and offensive behavior towards governors and central and local governments. The roles of affective and cognitive components of attitudes on general attitudes and following behaviors were also examined in this research. The results indicated that: A. At individual and group levels, the effect of structural consistency on attitude –intention relation is as the same as its effect on attitude-behavior relation, but it varies in different areas. On the other hand, the effect of structural consistency on explicit attitude-behavior relation is different from its effect on implicit attitude-behavior relation. B. The cognitive components of the individuals and groups’ implicit attitudes towards officials, the implicit and explicit attitudes towards governors, and the public’s attitudes towards central and local governments exert the stronger influence on general attitudes. Similarly, the cognitive components also exert the stronger influence on groups’ supportive behaviors towards officials and offensive behaviors towards governors and governments. C. Both group attitude and emotion can influence the group offensive behavior towards governors. The group attitude exerts its influence through the mediating effects of behavior intention and group emotion. The group emotion which is the core factor can exert the direct influence on group offensive behavior towards governors. D. At individual and group levels, the implicit and explicit measures should be used together to collect the attitude data, because the implicit and explicit attitudes can both predict behaviors under most conditions. It is the best implicit attitude measure to use the experts’ evaluations of listed words. And the emotion should be measured by the experts’ evaluations of listed words if the emotion data is used to predict the following behavior.


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Several recent high profile failures in the UK health care system have promoted strong debate on compassion and care in nursing. A number of papers articulating a range of positions within this debate have been published in this journal over the past two and a half years. These articulate a diverse range of theoretical perspectives and have been drawn together here in an attempt to bring some coherence to the debate and provide an overview of the key arguments and positions taken by those involved. In doing this we invite the reader to consider their own position in relation to the issues raised and to consider the impact of this for their own practice. Finally the paper offers some sense of how individual practitioners might use their understanding of the debates to ensure delivery of good nursing care.


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Urquhart, C. (2003). Applications of outsourcing theory to collaborative purchasing and licensing. VINE: The Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 32(4), 63-70.


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Gunning, J. (2004). Peace with Hamas? The transforming potential of political participation. International Affairs. 80(2) pp.233-255 RAE2008


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Second Language Processing examines the problems facing learners in the second language classroom from the theoretical perspectives of Processing Instruction (structured input) and Enhanced Input. These two theories are brought to bear on a variety of processing problems, such as the difficulty of connecting second language grammatical forms encoding tense and mood as well as noun-adjective agreement with their meaning. Empirical studies examine a range of languages including Japanese, Italian and Spanish, through which the authors suggest practical solutions to these processing problems.


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It is an axiom of good planning practice that procedure is informed by up-to-date research. Consequently, it is surprising to discover that there remains a dearth of specialised planning-enforcement literature relating to theory and implementation. In this paper an evaluation is given of the effectiveness of planning enforcement in Britain by reviewing existing legislative mechanisms and strategies employed by officials. Theoretical perspectives are drawn upon to suggest how the system might be improved through attention to the structural factors underpinning it.


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Compliance has emerged as a key component of regulatory control, but has been subject to limited research. This paper examines compliance in relation to planning control in the jurisdiction of Northern Ireland. It draws upon a review of practice and procedure used to deal with planning enforcement cases and interviews conducted with professional planners. Many of the options considered emerge from the Review of Planning Enforcement System in England published by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (2002). The findings are incorporated with theoretical perspectives of regulatory compliance and provide a platform for more effective control of development.


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Regulatory compliance has emerged as a central feature in the legitimisation of the planning system, yet it remains relatively marginalised from academic scrutiny. This paper investigates the relationship between regulatory compliance and projects subjected to Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs). It reviews, through empirical field study, the levels of conformity with EIA driven planning approvals and considers, with the assistance of inputs from experienced professionals and theoretical perspectives of regulatory compliance how these might be improved.


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El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en estudiar la evolución de los destinos turísticos litorales consolidados a partir del análisis comparado entre Balneario Camboriú y Benidorm. Se trata de dos destinos localizados en contextos territoriales y turísticos diferentes, en los que se contrastan de manera empírica los indicadores de evolución de los destinos y se vinculan las dinámicas evolutivas con el modelo territorial-turístico resultante en cada destino. El análisis realizado permite contrastar los postulados de los modelos evolutivos clásicos (Butler, 1980) e incorporar los nuevos planteamientos de la geografía económica evolutiva. La investigación delimita cronológicamente los periodos de desarrollo de ambos destinos para identificar los factores con mayor incidencia en la evolución de los mismos. Una evolución marcada, fundamentalmente, por la ubicación geográfica, la planificación y gestión urbanoturística a diferentes escalas, la dependencia de determinados mercados emisores y la influencia de factores macroeconómicos. Un conjunto de factores interrelacionados que dibujan trayectorias dispares para los destinos analizados.


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This broad-ranging new text introduces a wide range of theoretical perspectives with a central focus on their application to understanding key issues in global, state and human security in the contemporary world.


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In the 21st century the teaching of English to young learners (TEYL) has become a truly global phenomenon. It is therefore important to deepen our understanding of the lived experience of TEYL in the very different settings where it is being taught. The 11 research-led accounts included in this volume are by TEYL teachers, teacher educators and other important stakeholders in a range of contexts around the world. The accounts span a variety of topics and issues in TEYL, each of personal importance to the authors themselves, and resonant with TEYL educators everywhere. The fresh practical and theoretical perspectives on different facets of TEYL that the chapters offer provide teachers and researchers with a set of stimulating ideas which can inform debate and pedagogical innovation in all areas of language teaching and educational research.