966 resultados para stakeholders.


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Water is the very essential livelihood for mankind. The United Nations suggest that each person needs 20-50 litres of water a day to ensure basic needs of drinking, cooking and cleaning. It was also endorsed by the Indian National Water Policy 2002, with the provision that adequate safe drinking water facilities should be provided to the entire population both in urban and in rural areas. About 1.42 million rural habitations in India are affected by chemical contamination. The provision of clean drinking water has been given priority in the Constitution of India, in Article 47 conferring the duty of providing clean drinking water and improving public health standards to the State. Excessive dependence of ground water results in depletion of ground water, water contamination and water borne diseases. Thus, access to safe and reliable water supply is one of the serious concerns in rural water supply programme. Though government takes certain serious steps in addressing the drinking water issues in rural areas, still there is a huge gap between demand and supply. The Draft National Water Policy 2012 also states that Water quality and quantity are interlinked and need to be managed in an integrated manner and with Stakeholder participation. Water Resources Management aims at optimizing the available natural water flows, including surface water and groundwater, to satisfy competing needs. The World Bank also emphasizes on managing water resources, strengthening institutions, identifying and implementing measures of improving water governance and increasing the efficiency of water use. Therefore stakeholders participation is viewed important in managing water resources at different levels and range. This paper attempts to reflect up on portray the drinking water issues in rural India, and highlights the significance of Integrated Water Resource Management as the significant part of Millennium Development Goals, and Stakeholders participation in water resources management.


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En la última década del siglo XX se comenzó a notar en el mundo cómo los valores y virtudes de la sociedad se veían opacados por el actuar de algunas compañías. Era normal escuchar cada semana noticias que hacían referencia a comportamientos antiéticos cometidos por los directivos de algunas prestigiosas empresas. Ante esta situación, el mundo empezó a despertar la necesidad de retomar los valores una vez más y a hacerlos parte no sólo de la enseñanza familiar sino también de la académica e incluso de la laboral. Surgieron seminarios en los cuales uno de los temas principales era la responsabilidad social empresarial y la relación con los stakeholders y el bien común. Sin embargo, estos temas no son nuevos; son conceptos utilizados en la literatura sobre administración para explicar el comportamiento de las organizaciones. Las teorías que tratan de fundamentar la responsabilidad social de las empresas se encuentran entre dos polos opuestos: aquel que reduce dicha responsabilidad a la consecución de beneficios para sus propietarios, y aquel que extiende la responsabilidad de las empresas para incluir a una amplia gama de actores que tienen intereses en ella. Aun cuando la teoría de los stakeholders es más atractiva, desde el punto de vista ético, carece de fundamentos sólidos que la hagan aceptable para diversas escuelas de pensamiento.


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¿Cómo pueden las organizaciones llevar prosperidad a los que aún no la han alcanzado? De acuerdo con Cardona (1962), identificar los intereses comunes de empresas e instituciones sociales es el camino para generar bien común para la sociedad. Y ese bien común será mayor cuando las organizaciones trabajan en colaboración con los individuos y grupos con los cuales tienen una relación recíproca que cuando actúan solas. ¿Cuál es la relación entre bien común, responsabilidad social y stakeholders? Crosby y Bryson (2005) dicen que bien común es el régimen actual o potencial de mutuo beneficio producido a través del cuidadoso análisis de los stakeholders. Pocos autores han estudiado la relación entre empresa y bien común (Ardangoña, 1998; Montushi, 2007); sus trabajos se encaminan a mostrar cómo el bien común impuesto por el Estado es la base de la teoría de los stakeholders. En este artículo se muestra cómo más allá de dicha teoría y de la responsabilidad social, las empresas, al ser parte de un contexto social, contribuyen a la conformación de un bien común con sus stakeholders, de manera conjunta, lo que les permite interactuar con la sociedad con la cual cohabitan.


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First of a two part set of lectureson Agile Envisioning. The lectures describe the process of starting up a project: building a shared understanding of the customer through Stakeholder Analysis and Personas


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El derecho internacional fue concebido como un derecho interestatal. Sin embargo, como consecuencia del desarrollo progresivo del derecho, nuevos actores y nuevos sujetos han ido surgiendo. El individuo es uno de ellos bajo diferentes perspectivas, bajo la perspectiva penal al asumir la responsabilidad de sus actos frente a los diferentes tribunales ad hoc y, ahora ante la Corte Penal Internacional. También se ha desarrollado la figura bajo la perspectiva de los derechos humanos. Este artículo analiza las formas como las políticas estatales relativas al derecho internacional se presentan a los individuos, a las personas jurídicas y a los demás actores.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación.


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Mobile internet represents a major new trend in communication technologies use and consumption, but few evidence exists that confirms claims of novelty and social change in association with this technology use. This paper characterizes the use of mobile internet in a southern European country and associated patterns of use, focusing both on users’ profiles, forms of access, motivations to use and most popular activities undertaken via this technology, from a diffusion of innovations and social adoption of technologies perspectives, and tries to compare mobile it with fixed access to the internet in order to validate possible transformations that point to new social configurations. We seek to understand the way stakeholders perceive and characterize the European context of mobile internet. The depicted study involved a qualitative stage consisting of a set of interviews with mobile communications industry representatives and market research community in the country. These interviews were analysed in Nvivo, leading to the following eleven main categories that are explored throughout the paper: smartphones in Europe, mobile internet in Europe, users profiles, obstacles to the spread, forms of access, forms of use, motivations to use mobile internet, limitations of smartphones, apps, digital divide VS digital union and predictions for the future, as well as several subcategories forming a tree categorization. According to the data collected, mobile phones’ sales are decreasing in Europe and worldwide but on the other hand smartphones are having an exponential growth which leads to the democratization of internet access via mobile devices. As a consequence of this, it is believed that mobile internet access will soon exceed the fixed one. Mobile internet users are multiplatform, they exploit all the possibilities of mobility and they are spending less time on computers. The main obstacles to the spread of mobile internet are the high prices of price plans and there is still a lack of information and knowledge regarding the service. Mobile internet users are developing new online surfing behaviours based on apps and less in browsers and social networks represent a very high share of internet traffic through mobile phones. With mobility, “dead time” is turning into useful time and users are more likely to be available to try new services and analyze products. Innovative services concerning geolocation, consumerism, share and relationships are growing and it is necessary to highlight that mobile internet allows calling and texting, which can turn telecommunications companies into the role of Dump Pipes. This exploratory design raises questions in relation with mobile internet access and its social consequences, and provides interesting indicative research results relevant for future research in this area.


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To understand what are the most significant factors for digital TV adoption by the Portuguese population in the switchover context is the main goal of the research project here presented. In April 26, 2012, the analogue terrestrial television switchoff is planned to occur in Portugal, according to the schedule published by the national telecommunication regulator Anacom. Digital terrestrial TV was launched in the country in April 2009, making Portugal one of the countries with a more ambitious schedule – or risky, depending on the perspective - for the full transition from analogue to digital terrestrial television. In this paper we will start by presenting the research project’s objectives, theoretical framework and research design. Next, we will present first results of the project focused on the barriers and drivers to digital TV adoption from two of the empirical studies which integrate it, namely, the quantitative inquiry administered to a representative sample of the Portuguese population and interviews with main stakeholders in the area of digital TV in Portugal. The perspectives of the television viewers are compared with other main stakeholders in this process. The paper will be concluded with a brief discussion of these results and a brief enumeration of next steps for the project.


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The success of the transition from analogical terrestrial television to digital terrestrial television – process also known as switch-over – requires the identification of barriers and drivers among the impacted population. Therefore, the study in which this article is based had as main purpose to understand exactly what are those barriers, in order to produce a valid contribution to the several decision makers, and to be able to contribute to a more inclusive television, accessible and transversal to the whole of the population. In that sense, one of the phases of the project consisted in several interviews to key stakeholders in the transition process, the results of which and subsequent recommendations are presented in this article.


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Requirements analysis focuses on stakeholders concerns and their influence towards e-government systems. Some characteristics of stakeholders concerns clearly show the complexity and conflicts. This imposes a number of questions in the requirements analysis, such as how are they relevant to stakeholders? What are their needs? How conflicts among the different stakeholders can be resolved? And what coherent requirements can be methodologically produced? This paper describes the problem articulation method in organizational semiotics which can be used to conduct such complex requirements analysis. The outcomes of the analysis enable e-government systems development and management to meet userspsila needs. A case study of Yantai Citizen Card is chosen to illustrate a process of analysing stakeholders in the lifecycle of requirements analysis.