104 resultados para sacrifices


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A dissertação é dirigida a um especial e não resolvido problema na descrição do desenvolvimento religioso de Israel. Em textos do Antigo Testamento acerca do sacrifício de humanos, há uma unidades literárias autônomas relacionadas ao culto a mOlek. Porém, alguns pesquisadores sustentam que o culto a mOlek não tem esta característica. A dissertação aspira a investigar este argumento, concentrando-se em fontes históricas (2Reis 16,3; 17,17.31; 21,6; 23,10). Discutindo fontes ugaríticas duas listas de divindades e um texto funerário nós perguntares acerca das características das divindades mLlK nas culturas cananéias. Em síntese, mOlek é uma divindade ctônica mas não é destinatária de sacrifícios humanos.(AU)


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Esta pesquisa busca uma aproximação ao capítulo 11 da profecia atribuída a Oséias. Dedica-se, em especial, ao resgate da memória histórica das mulheres. Por isso não se limita apenas à percepção da sua presença, mas também busca perceber sua participação ativa, criativa e decisiva na caminhada histórica e profética do povo de Israel, no final do século oitavo a.C. A proposição que reside na recuperação desta memória é de que se reconheça as mulheres como sujeito teológico, enquanto co-participantes da produção dos textos bíblicos e, como sujeito social, na resistência ativa às relações de dominação e subordinação das mulheres camponesas e demais minorias oprimidas. Em destaque no cap.11 está o projeto de reconstrução da casa. Esta não é concebida como espaço idealizado, mas como lugar propício para a retomada do projeto libertador do êxodo. Ela torna-se espaço social onde acontece a articulação da oposição ao projeto monárquico, e de construção de alternativas sociais que viabilizam a esperança firmada no valor da vida. É a partir deste espaço concreto viabilizado pela casa, de confronto e resistência, que a história do povo e, da própria monarquia é avaliada. A denúncia profética enfoca a religião colocada a serviço do projeto econômico da monarquia, através da prática do sacrifício, apontada pela profecia com responsável pela desestruturação da casa e por levar Israel à ruína. A profecia também enfoca a denúncia das violências praticadas pelas estruturas de poder monárquico, firmadas na religião. É também neste espaço social da casa que a perspectiva teológica é re-significada e que permite a reconstrução da imagem de Deus. De uma imagem patriarcal monárquica, ela se move em direção a uma imagem feminina maternal, que manifesta a dinâmica diária do cuidado da mãe pelo filho ou pela filha. Nesta representação de Deus está implícita a prática da misericórdia que se concretiza nas relações comunitárias, necessária para a efetivação do projeto de reconstrução que privilegia a casa como espaço concreto que viabiliza perspectivas de esperança.(AU)


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Code division multiple access (CDMA) in which the spreading code assignment to users contains a random element has recently become a cornerstone of CDMA research. The random element in the construction is particularly attractive as it provides robustness and flexibility in utilizing multiaccess channels, whilst not making significant sacrifices in terms of transmission power. Random codes are generated from some ensemble; here we consider the possibility of combining two standard paradigms, sparsely and densely spread codes, in a single composite code ensemble. The composite code analysis includes a replica symmetric calculation of performance in the large system limit, and investigation of finite systems through a composite belief propagation algorithm. A variety of codes are examined with a focus on the high multi-access interference regime. We demonstrate scenarios both in the large size limit and for finite systems in which the composite code has typical performance exceeding those of sparse and dense codes at equivalent signal to noise ratio.


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Three questions on the study of NO Iberian Peninsula sweat lodges are posed. First, the new sauna of Monte Ornedo (Cantabria), the review of the one of Armea (Ourense), and the Cantabrian pedra formosa type are discussed. Second, the known types of sweat lodges are reconsidered underlining the differences between the Cantabrian and the Douro - Minho groups as these differences contribute to a better assessment of the saunas located out of those territories, such as those of Monte Ornedo or Ulaca. Third, a richer record demands a more specific terminology, a larger use of archaeometric analysis and the application of landscape archaeology or art history methodologies. In this way the range of interpretation of the sweat lodges is opened, as an example an essay is proposed that digs on some already known proposals and suggests that the saunas are material metaphors of wombs whose rationale derives from ideologies and ritual practices of Indo-European tradition.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Même si les Humanistes et les Lumières tentèrent de réhabiliter le personnage de Julien l’Apostat, leurs tentatives furent somme toute vaines. En effet, encore au début du siècle dernier on parlait de l’Apostat sans même qu’il soit nécessaire de nommer Julien. Systématiquement, il était qualifié de suppôt de Satan, de magicien, d’impie pratiquant des sacrifices humains. Le présent travail se propose d’analyser l’évolution de la figure de l’empereur Julien durant les deux siècles qui suivirent sa mort, en 363, et se divise en trois chapitres. Le premier se concentre sur les faits historiquement attestés dans les différentes sources (épigraphiques, numismatiques, littéraires) au sujet de l’homme et traite des épisodes principaux de sa vie - sa naissance, son césarat, sa proclamation - sous la forme d’une analyse historique. Le deuxième étudie l’évolution de son image à travers les sources littéraires païennes et chrétiennes du IVe au VIe siècle, en analysant, dans un premier lieu, le portrait-bilan que les auteurs ont peint (portrait de Julien par lui-même ; portrait physique ; portrait psychologique). Le troisième chapitre est consacré au Roman syriaque de Julien l’Apostat et à l’étude du personnage désormais légendaire, où des extraits illustrant les thèmes du deuxième chapitre sont analysés. Le mémoire sert principalement à mettre en place le contexte des siècles précédant la mise par écrit du Roman.


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L'État est une organisation qui revendique et réussit généralement à faire respecter un monopole ultime de la force sur un territoire donné. Un tel monopole se traduit par l’imposition de sanctions à quiconque utilise la force sans une permission spécifique ou générale du monopoleur. Certes, il y a des conditions d'existence de l’État que cette définition ne saisit pas -une certaine reconnaissance de sa légitimité, par exemple-; elle ne réussit pas la tâche difficile de formuler des conditions suffisantes de l'existence de l’État. Mais elle se rapproche suffisamment de l’acception ordinaire du terme et elle nous servira assez bien pour que l'on s’en satisfasse. La revendication et l'exercice habituel d’un monopole ultime de la force constituent certainement, à tout le moins, des conditions nécessaires de l’existence de l'État. En plus de sa compatibilité avec ce que l'usage général perçoit comme le plus petit commun dénominateur, l'expérience historique ou la nature de l'État, cette définition offre l'avantage important de ne rien présumer de la question de l'État, de son fonctionnement de sa finalité, de son utilité et de sa moralité, bref de sa justification. C'est une pétition de principe trop courante que d'inclure dans la définition de l'État les fondements de sa justification. Tel qu’il est vécu, l’État, et surtout l'État démocratique moderne, ressemble fort à un rituel, un ensemble d'actions, de gestes et d'incantations que l’on répète sans effet et dont la véritable valeur réside dans leur répétition même. On chante l’hymne national; on vote tous les deux , quatre ou sept ans; les projets de loi présentés par la majorité parlementaire sont votés en première, deuxième et troisième lecture; on répète que l'État c'est nous. Ces rites ne sont pas nécessairement inoffensifs : les dieux ont toujours aimé les sacrifices. Mais l'une des fonctions sociales du rite, suggère Kenneth Boulding, est de contrer la frustration agressive que les problèmes insolubles engendrent chez les hommes, en leur fournissant un placebo pour solution. Ainsi agiraient les rituels sociaux , la magie, les cérémonies religieuses et les techniques comptables mêmes. Ajoutons le rituel étatique, qui répond au problème redoutable de légitimer une organisation qui prétend employer la force pour imposer l'harmonie. […]


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The first section of this unfinished novel, titled Silk Butterflies is a diptych about a woman named Sarah, and her desire to acquire ancestral truth regarding her identity to negate the pain she feels from losing her unborn child. Her story, told in a guarded, first person point-of-view is paralleled with Ling’s story, an unconventional, ninety-two year old Shanghainese woman who, against her desires, had her feet bound in China during the early 1920’s. Ling’s story is also told from a lyrical first-person perspective that focuses especially on sensory details, and delves into the sacrifices we make to attain standards of beauty, and the loss Ling has never recovered from. As this historical fiction progresses, their stories overlap in an unexpected way, as both Sarah and Ling attempt to revitalize forgotten histories, including how Sarah’s grandparents fled to Shanghai in the 1930’s to escape Nazi persecution during World War II.


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Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) frequently operate in partially or entirely unknown environments. As the vehicle traverses the environment and detects new obstacles, rapid path replanning is essential to avoid collisions. This thesis presents a new algorithm called Hierarchical D* Lite (HD*), which combines the incremental algorithm D* Lite with a novel hierarchical path planning approach to replan paths sufficiently fast for real-time operation. Unlike current hierarchical planning algorithms, HD* does not require map corrections before planning a new path. Directional cost scale factors, path smoothing, and Catmull-Rom splines are used to ensure the resulting paths are feasible. HD* sacrifices optimality for real-time performance. Its computation time and path quality are dependent on the map size, obstacle density, sensor range, and any restrictions on planning time. For the most complex scenarios tested, HD* found paths within 10% of optimal in under 35 milliseconds.


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Este artigo visa testar um hexa-modelo dimensional do empenhamento organizacional sugerido em pesquisas anteriores de Rego (2002b, 2003). O modelo difere do esquema tri-dimensional mais comum (afectivo, normativo e instrumental) no que concerne a três aspectos: a) a faceta afectiva é desmembrada em duas (empenhamento afectivo; futuro comum); b) a faceta instrumental é dividida nas facetas “escassez de alternativas” e “sacrifícios elevados”; c) é sugerida uma nova dimensão, designada “ausência psicológica” e que representa o “grau zero” do empenhamento. A amostra é constituída por 366 indivíduos, com actividades profissionais bastante distintas. Análises factoriais confirmatórias sugerem que o modelo de seis dimensões se ajusta satisfatoriamente aos dados, embora os modelos de quatro e cinco dimensões denotem igualmente boas qualidades psicométricas.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Social e das Organizações.


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The aim of this paper is to propose a composite indicator to measure ‘familism’, conformed by two main dimensions: values on one hand (duty to take care of the family, importance of the family, sacrifices for the family...) and behaviours, on the other (predominance of married couples instead of cohabitant couples, high frequency of contact among members, family support…). In contrast to this idea of ‘familism’ we find that of individualism, that defends the independence of family members, tolerance to new family models, cohabitation instead of marriage,… , that implies less frequency of interaction among relatives and more governmental intervention towards children and elderly care. We observe that a higher degree of ‘familism’ does not always match with a lower degree of individualism when both dimensions, attitudes and behaviours, are considered. For instance, we find countries which are individualist in values but not in behaviours (such as Spain), whilst others, such as Japan, are ‘familist’ both in values and behaviours and finally, others, such as Sweden, are individualist with regards to both perspectives. We propose two different methodological approaches to the question. First, we use microdata from the Family, Work and Gender Roles module of the International Social Survey Programme-ISSP (years 1994, 2002 and 2012), in which 45 countries have participated. Information for the three rounds is collected for 17 countries with very different family values and welfare systems (for instance, Sweden, Japan, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom or the United States). From this data source, we create a first index on familism that can be related to individual sociodemographic characteristics. Second, we complete it through the inclusion of macro data (such as the divorce rate per country), in order to refine comparison at a country level by adding new variables to the previous index.


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The aim of this paper is to propose a composite indicator to measure ‘familism’, conformed by two main dimensions: values on one hand (duty to take care of the family, importance of the family, sacrifices for the family...) and behaviours, on the other (predominance of married couples instead of cohabitant couples, high frequency of contact among members, family support…). In contrast to this idea of ‘familism’ we find that of individualism, that defends the independence of family members, tolerance to new family models, cohabitation instead of marriage,… , that implies less frequency of interaction among relatives and more governmental intervention towards children and elderly care. We observe that a higher degree of ‘familism’ does not always match with a lower degree of individualism when both dimensions, attitudes and behaviours, are considered. For instance, we find countries which are individualist in values but not in behaviours (such as Spain), whilst others, such as Japan, are ‘familist’ both in values and behaviours and finally, others, such as Sweden, are individualist with regards to both perspectives. We propose two different methodological approaches to the question. First, we use microdata from the Family, Work and Gender Roles module of the International Social Survey Programme-ISSP (years 1994, 2002 and 2012), in which 45 countries have participated. Information for the three rounds is collected for 17 countries with very different family values and welfare systems (for instance, Sweden, Japan, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom or the United States). From this data source, we create a first index on familism that can be related to individual sociodemographic characteristics. Second, we complete it through the inclusion of macro data (such as the divorce rate per country), in order to refine comparison at a country level by adding new variables to the previous index.


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In this paper I aim to develop a largely non-empirical case for the compatibility of phenomenology and naturalism. To do so, I will criticise what I take to be the standard construal of the relationship between transcendental phenomenology and naturalism, and defend a ‘minimal’ version of phenomenology that is compatible with liberal naturalism in the ontological register (but incompatible with scientific naturalism) and with weak forms of methodological naturalism, the latter of which is understood as advocating ‘results continuity’, over the long haul, with the relevant empirical sciences. Far from such a trajectory amounting to a Faustian pact in which phenomenology sacrifices its soul, I contend that insofar as phenomenologists care about reigning in the excesses of reductive versions of naturalism, the only viable way for this to be done is via the impure and hybrid account of phenomenology I outline here.