319 resultados para reflexivity


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In our complex and incongruous professional worlds, where there is no blueprint for dealing with unpredictable people and events, it is imperative that individuals develop reflexive approaches to professional identity building. Notwithstanding the importance of disciplinary knowledge and skills, higher education has a crucial role to play in guiding students to examine and mediate self in relation to context for effective decision-making and action. This paper reports on a small-scale longitudinal project that investigated the ways in which ten undergraduate students over the course of a three-year Radiation Therapy degree shaped their professional identities. Theories of reflexivity and methods of discourse analysis are utilised to understand the ways in which individuals accounted for their professional identity projects at university. The findings suggest that, across time, the participants negotiated professional ‘becoming’ through four distinct kinds of reflexive modalities. These findings have implications for teaching strategies and curriculum design in undergraduate programs.


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While much has been written about the relationship between personal epistemologies and learning-teaching approaches, outcomes, and intentions, little has focused specifically on these relationships in the context of teacher education. This chapter addresses changes in preservice teachers’ personal epistemologies by overviewing this emerging body of research and arguing for a new approach to conceptualizing and supporting changes in personal epistemologies based on reflexivity. The overview includes definitions of key concepts and research traditions that have been used since the 1970s and a discussion of the emerging role of epistemic justification as a key mechanism of change in the process of belief development.


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While technology is often seen as a noisy, impatient and pervasive aspect of our lives, this practice-led research project investigated the counter proposition–that we might be able to evoke sensations of stillness through technology-mediated artworks. Investigations into stillness were informed by Buddhism, phenomenology, and experiences of meditation and the practice of archery. By combining visual art, performance, installation, video and interaction design, a series of experimental, interdisciplinary artworks were produced and exhibited to evoke a sense of stillness and to impel audiences to consider the form and nature of stillness in relation to time, space and motion.


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The four scientific articles comprising this doctoral dissertation offer new information on the presentation and construction of addiction in the mass media during the period 1968 - 2008. Diachronic surveys as well as quantitative and qualitative content analyses were undertaken to discern trends during the period in question and to investigate underlying conceptions of the problems in contemporary media presentations. The research material for the first three articles consists of a sample of 200 texts from Finland s biggest daily newspaper, Helsingin Sanomat, from the period 1968 - 2006. The fourth study examines English-language tabloid material published on the Internet in 2005 - 2008. A number of principal trends are identified. In addition to a significant increase in addiction reporting over time, the study shows that an internalisation of addiction problems took place in the media presentations under study. The phenomenon is portrayed and tackled from within the problems themselves, often from the viewpoint of the individuals concerned. The tone becomes more personal, and technical and detailed accounts are more and more frequent. Secondly, the concept of addiction is broadened. This can be dated to the 1990s. The concept undergoes a conventionalisation: it is used more frequently in a manner that is not thought to require explanation. The word riippuvuus (the closest equivalent to addiction in Finnish) was adopted more commonly in the reporting at the same time, in the 1990s. Thirdly, the results highlight individual self-governance as a superordinate principle in contemporary descriptions of addiction. If the principal demarcation in earlier texts was between us and them , it is now focused primarily on the individual s competence and ability to govern the self, to restrain and master one's behaviour. Finally, in the fourth study investigating textual constructions of female celebrities (Amy Winehouse, Britney Spears and Kate Moss) in Internet tabloids, various relations and functions of addiction problems, intoxication, body and gender were observed to function as cultural symbols. Addiction becomes a sign, or a style, that represents different significations in relation to the main characters in the tabloid stories. Tabloids, as a genre, play an important role by introducing other images of the problems than those featured in mainstream media. The study is positioned within the framework of modernity theory and its views on the need for self-reflexivity and biographies as tools for the creation and definition of the self. Traditional institutions such as the church, occupation, family etc. no longer play an important role in self-definition. This circumstance creates a need for a culture conveying stories of success and failure in relation to which the individual can position their own behaviour and life content. I propose that addiction , as a theme in media reporting, resolves the conflict that emanates from the ambivalence between the accessibility and the individualisation of consumer society, on the one hand, and the problematic behavioural patterns (addictions) that they may induce, on the other.


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In Finland, specialized studies in social work (professional licentiate education) were begun in the year 2000. The education is targeted at experienced social workers and leads to a licentiate degree (a degree between master s and doctorate). In this study, the experiences of members of the first study cohort, specializing in social work with children and young people, are examined. The study s theoretical frame of reference is based on the morphogenetic approach, developed by British sociologist Margaret Archer. In it, the potential powers of both an agent as well as social and cultural structures are considered important and worth taking into account. Archer sees reflexivity, a person s ability to analyze herself/himself, as an essential starting point for agency. Thanks to reflexivity, people are able to engage in internal conversations , discuss the concerns that are important to them and form agential projects . In Archer s theory, the social structures and traits of the cultural system are seen as having potential power in relation to people s agential projects; these powers can enable but also restrain the realization of the projects. On the other hand, individuals can try to review the factors affecting their agential projects and find ways of action that facilitate them. The research task is to study the self-understanding of social work professionals in the 21st century, the issues and goals professionally important for them, as well as the contexts framing the realization of these goals. The research questions are as follows: 1) What kind of internal conversations, concerns and agential projects related to their work did the professionals taking part in licentiate education bring to light? 2) What kind of enabling and restraining factors can be identified in their situations? And 3) What kind of social structures and traits related to the cultural system are connected to these factors? The research material was collected by interviewing the students in different phases of their education. In 2001 and 2004 all members of the study group (n = 25) were interviewed. In 2007, 13 students took part. The themes of the internal conversations brought to light in the interviews were divided into four broad thematic categories: professional development, the position of children in social work, multiprofessional work and structural social work. In relation to these themes the students formed different kinds of agential projects. In addition, the study reveals several cultural and social structures that have enabled but also restrained the realization of the agential projects. These structures are linked, for example, to the relations between employees and employers, students and teachers, children and adults as well as between the representatives of different professions. Working conditions which social workers often consider weak are discussed as a focal issue related to many themes. These working conditions become evident, for example, in the great imbalance which exists between the professional tasks and the amount of time that social workers have for them. Difficult situations arise when social workers feel they cannot reach the goals that are professionally important to them because of the strict external conditions of the work.


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The thesis focuses on one of the most dominant articulations of the relation between geographical place and development, clusters - internationally competing place-bound economic system of production in related industries. The dominant articulation of cluster discourse represents the subnational region as a system of production, and as a means for competitiveness for Western countries. Its reproduction in theories has become one of the most prolific exports of economic geography to other disciplines and for policymaking. By analysing cluster discourse the thesis traces how the languages and processes of globalization have over time altered the understandings of the relation between geographical place and the economy. It shows how in its latest incarnation of the cluster discourse, the language of mainstream economics is combined with ‘softer’ elements (e.g. community, learning, creativity) in the economic geographic discourse. This is typical for the idea of soft capitalism, wherein it is assumed that economic success emanates from soft characteristics, such as knowledge, learning and creativity, rather than straightforward technological or cost advantages. A reoccurring critique against the dominant understanding of the relationship between competitiveness and regions, as articulated in cluster discourse, has pinpointed the perspective’s inability to reconcile the respective and reciprocal roles of local standard of living with firm competitiveness. The thesis traces how such critique is increasingly appropriated through the fusion of the economic, social and cultural landscape into the language of capitalism. It shows how cluster discourse has appropriated its critique, by focusing on creativity, with its strong associations to arts, individual artists and the cultural sphere in general, while predominantly creating its meaning in relation to competitiveness. The thesis consists of six essays that each outlines the development of the cluster discourse. The essays show how meaning systems and strategies are created, accepted and naturalized in cluster discourse, how this affects individuals, the economic landscape and society at large, as well as showing which understandings are marginalized in the process. The thesis argues that clusters are a) inseparable from ideology and politics and b) they are the result of purposeful social practice. It calls for increased reflexivity within corporate and economic geographic research on clusters, and underlines the importance of placing issues of power at the centre of analysis.


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This paper proposes a novel and simple definition of general colored Petri nets. This definition is coherent with that of (uncolored) Petri nets, preserves the reflexivity of the original net and is extended to represent inhibitors. Also suggested are systematic and formal merging rules to obtain a well-formed structure of the extended colored Petri net by folding a given uncolored net. Finally, we present a technique to compute colored invariants by selecting colored RP-subnets. On the average, the proposed technique performs better than the existing ones. The analysis procedure is explained through an illustrative example of a three-level interrupt-priority-handler scheme.


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O estudo analisa os discursos de homens e da revista Mens Health acerca do corpo, saúde e sexualidade. Para a construção dos discursos dos homens, realizamos entrevistas semi-estruturadas com 19 homens leitores e nove não leitores. E dois eventos de grupos focais que reuniram 11 homens no total. Foi entrevistado também o editor da revista. Os principais conceitos norteadores deste trabalho foram os de gênero, sexualidade, poder e masculinidades hegemônicas e subalternas. Evidenciou-se que a revista está fortemente atrelada à sociedade de consumo ao estimular a inserção dos homens em um mercado de produtos e serviços até então estranhos a esse gênero. E que suas concepções sobre saúde estão relacionadas a de bem-estar e de individualização que se articulam com os discursos hegemônicos que vêm dando sentido às concepções de saúde e doença atualmente. A publicação investe fortemente na ideia de um corpo musculoso que proporcionará ganhos sociais, sexuais e profissionais aos sujeitos, nem sempre atrelado às questões de saúde. Ela ratifica a heterossexualidade do leitor projetado, expondo o corpo feminino e o sexo heterossexual e silenciando sobre outras formas de sexualidade. Por isso consideramos que a revista se vincula a uma concepção tradicional da masculinidade. Seus discursos, no entanto, não são monolíticos ou isentos de contradição, e também manifestam nuances relativas a um modelo mais contemporâneo de masculinidade, como quando apresenta a ideia de uma nova pedagogia da sexualidade e a valorização dos cuidados estéticos e de saúde com o corpo, aspectos considerados pouco próximos da masculinidade tradicional. Com relação aos discursos dos homens, evidenciou-se que a classe social e a geração são as variáveis mais importantes nas suas concepções sobre corpo, saúde e sexualidade masculina. Que, entre os não leitores, de modo geral, há evidências mais fortes de flexibilização com relação aos padrões mais tradicionais entre os homens mais jovens e/ou de classes mais altas. Enquanto os homens com idade acima dos 30 anos e das classes populares estão mais atrelados às concepções tradicionais. Entre os leitores, observou-se uma grande reflexividade com relação aos discursos da revista demonstrando que eles vêm se apropriando de forma importante dos discursos da revista e ressignificando suas concepções e práticas sobre os três temas da pesquisa a partir desses discursos. E, assim como os discursos da revista, os discursos dos homens, leitores ou não, também apresentaram aspectos contraditórios, ora demonstrando mais afiliação a um novo modelo de masculinidade, ora ao modelo mais tradicional.


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Esta tese apresenta uma proposta teórico-metodológica baseada no conceito de cultura profissional, visando à análise da dimensão cultural do trabalho técnico em gestão em saúde, que tem na categoria cultura profissional e nas suas subcategorias constitutivas trajetória, identidade social e reflexividade interativa as bases desta investigação. Neste sentido, busca compreender a dimensão cultural deste trabalho ao problematizar as questões que atravessam a vida laboral dos trabalhadores técnicos de saúde, ou seja, como eles compreendem a realidade em que vivem, quais trajetórias formativas e profissionais os levam a este lugar, quais os laços identitários os unem enquanto grupo, e também quais são seus espaços de decisão e de elaboração crítica das questões que atravessam seu cotidiano de trabalho. Num mesmo movimento, esta proposição reafirma o materialismo histórico dialético como o método de análise deste estudo, apresentando os pares dialéticos utilizados na interpretação dos dados coletados no trabalho empírico. A hipótese deste estudo é que a análise da dimensão cultural deste trabalho técnico, a partir do referencial marxista, permite captar a dinâmica interacional deste grupo e relacioná-la com as questões econômicas e políticas que afetam o trabalho na sociedade contemporânea. Os resultados encontrados indicam a pertinência desta proposta para compreensão dos conflitos e contradições que perpassam a dimensão cultural do referido trabalho, assim como o aprofundamento deste debate permite avançar num projeto de qualificação para estes trabalhadores, em torno do desenvolvimento de uma proposta de formação humana que permita criticar e transformar este trabalho, ao mesmo tempo em que reafirma o projeto de saúde pública universal


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A presente tese visa contribuir ao debate acerca da criatividade social na teoria sociológica. Considerando algumas questões a respeito da posição reflexiva do sujeito no terreno do imaginário, este trabalho aparece dividido em duas partes: primeiro, temos uma análise dos pressupostos mais elementares do behaviorismo social de George H. Mead sobre a ação; em seguida, desenvolvemos uma discussão a partir da perspectiva adotada por Cornelius Castoriadis em sua crítica aos determinismos da natureza, sociedade, psique, e o pensamento político e filosófico. Os dois autores foram escolhidos porque nos permitem entender o rompimento da causalidade (social) e a questão da determinação nas ciências sociais, bem como o aspecto teológico da ação dentro dos processos históricos. Em Mead, temos a criatividade confinada à interação através do que ele chama conduta inteligente, que é igualmente imprevisível devido ao uso prático da linguagem e as dimensões reflexivas do self. Em Castoriadis, a criatividade aparece inserida dentro do domínio do imaginário radical, onde a psique e isso seria o mesmo que falar a respeito das produções do inconsciente tem um papel fundamental para o entendimento do simbólico dentro das instituições sociais e as possibilidades de autonomia na democracia, tanto em seus aspectos coletivos quanto individuais. Ao final desta dupla exposição, pretende-se mostrar como estas diferentes abordagens podem nos ajudar em termos de pesquisa sobre a criatividade e o imaginário moderno. Neste sentido, não se trata de interpretar a criatividade como uma categoria residual, mas enquanto uma que se manifesta para além da ação individual. Por isso a ação não pode ser analisada do mesmo modo, sob formatos tradicionais, mas deve ser conectada a outras questões. E para fazer isto, tentamos inserir lateralmente outras noções ou abordagens como subjetividade, questões de psicanálise, mecanismos, tendências e o debate sobre a uniformidade da natureza.


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Francis, Matthew, Language and Community in the Poetry of W.S. Graham (Cambridge: Salt Publishing, 2004) RAE2008


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Theatre is a cultural and artistic form that involves a process of communication between creators and is received in a space and time located in the public sphere, which has meant that, over the centuries, it has acted as a space for expression, exchange and debate regarding all manner of ideas, causes and struggles. Implicit within this process are processes of expression, creation and reception, by way of which people demonstrate, analyse and question ways of seeing and understanding life, and ways of being and existing in the world. This gives rise to educational, cultural, social and political potential, which has been endorsed in numerous studies and investigations. In this work, in which theoretical orientation is established through a review of the relevant literature, we consider different intersections that occur between theatre and social work in order to also show that dramatic and theatrical expression offers substantive methodologies for achieving some objectives of social work, particularly in areas such as critical literacy, reflexivity and recognition, awareness raising, social participation, personal and/or community development, ownership of cultural capital and access to personal and social wellbeing.


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We study the continuity of the map Lat sending an ultraweakly closed operator algebra to its invariant subspace lattice. We provide an example showing that Lat is in general discontinuous and give sufficient conditions for the restricted continuity of this map. As consequences we obtain that Lat is continuous on the classes of von Neumann and Arveson algebras and give a general approximative criterion for reflexivity, which extends Arvesonâ??s theorem on the reflexivity of commutative subspace lattices.


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We study properties of subspace lattices related to the continuity of the map Lat and the notion of reflexivity. We characterize various “closedness” properties in different ways and give the hierarchy between them. We investigate several properties related to tensor products of subspace lattices and show that the tensor product of the projection lattices of two von Neumann algebras, one of which is injective, is reflexive.