758 resultados para rakennusala, construction industry


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau Mestre em Engenharia Civil – Perfil de Construção


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This paper analyzes the safety, environmental and occupational health of workers in the small construction industry in Brazil. In this sector there are still many unsafe practices, which are very common in small work sites. We used a qualitative approach to understand these problems by long interviews with people who work directly in small construction sites, including occupational physicians, civil engineers, safety engineers, safety technicians, general foremen, construction workers, labor unionists and auditors. This paper aims to demonstrate that the "invisibility" of the small sites workers makes them less safe and therefore more prone to accidents, also weakening their health. The results show that small constructions workers are less visible to society and supervision because of their short periods of work. Therefore, they are also uncovered to the rigorous applicability of principles of safety and accident prevention. Thus, it has been seen in this field of work a precarious application of NR - 18, which was specifically made for the construction sites and it needs simplification to meet normative characteristics of small construction sites. In the State of Rio de Janeiro, some laws on small sites were recently created and implemented. This study concludes that the rules to work are not being taken as seriously as the legislation determinates, remaining practically unknown by many professionals, from the plot command, supervisors, engineers, architects and technicians who work on construction sites. This ignorance creates space for the lack of safety and consequently to accidents, leading to by weakness in the workers health. Therefore, the work process needs to be modified, the safety regulation must be disseminated through safer practices, promoting employee health and ensure that the work of small sites can be visible, especially ensuring the construction workers health and safety.


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This study analyses the area of construction and demolition waste (C & D W) auditing. The production of C&DW has grown year after year since the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) first published a report in 1996 which provided data for C&D W quantities for 1995 (EPA, 1996a). The most recent report produced by the EPA is based on data for 2005 (EPA, 2006). This report estimated that the quantity of C&DW produced for that period to be 14 931 486 tonnes. However, this is a ‘data update’ report containing an update on certain waste statistics so any total provided would not be a true reflection of the waste produced for that period. This illustrates that a more construction site-specific form of data is required. The Department of Building and Civil Engineering in the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology have carried out two recent research projects (Grimes, 2005; Kelly, 2006) in this area, which have produced waste production indicators based on site-specific data. This involved the design and testing of an original auditing tool based on visual characterisation and the application of conversion factors. One of the main recommendations of these studies was to compare this visual characterisation approach with a photogrammetric sorting methodology. This study investigates the application of photogrammetric sorting on a residential construction site in the Galway region. A visual characterisation study is also carried out on the same project to compare the two methodologies and assess the practical application in a construction site environment. Data collected from the waste management contractor on site was also used to provide further evaluation. From this, a set of waste production indicators for new residential construction was produced: □ 50.8 kg/m2 for new residential construction using data provided by the visual characterisation method and the Landfill Levy conversion factors. □ 43 kg/m2 for new residential construction using data provided by the photogrammetric sorting method and the Landfill Levy conversion factors. □ 23.8 kg/m2 for new residential construction using data provided by Waste Management Contractor (WMC). The acquisition of the data from the waste management contractor was a key element for testing of the information produced by the visual characterisation and photogrammetric sorting methods. The actual weight provided by the waste management contractor shows a significant difference between the quantities provided.


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Hispanics make up a growing percentage of the craft workers entering the construction industry, and this has created several challenges for American construction companies. This study addresses the situation by investigating training needs for Hispanic construction craft workers and developing a training program for them within the industry. In order to evaluate current craft workers’ conditions within the construction industry, Iowa State University researchers conducted a survey, with 98 Hispanic craft workers as respondents from 10 construction companies, to determine current working conditions. The results confirm that the language barrier is an obstacle for both the Hispanic workers and the English-speaking employees involved in construction projects. As a part of this research, two training courses were designed to help both American construction companies and their Hispanic labor force to overcome the barriers that keep them from succeeding safely and productively. A training course titled English as a Second Language Survival Course was developed to facilitate basic communication between Hispanic workers and their American supervisors using construction-focused terminology. This course was delivered once as a trial run for a two-hour duration and twice for a full-length duration of eight hours. Important feedback was obtained from participants as part of the evaluations of the course. “How much of the course contents will be useful in your working environment” was asked; 40% of workers said “all of it” and 60% said “most of it.” Another question was “Was it worth taking the time to attend the course?” to which 94% answered “definitely” and 6% answered “yes.” A second training course titled Stepping Up to Supervisor Course for Hispanic Construction Workers was also developed to provide an effective tool to help companies promote those Hispanic craft workers whose willingness and skills meet the requirements to advance to a supervisory position in an American construction company. This course will be offered in the spring of 2004.


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This paper examines factors explaining subcontracting decisions in the construction industry. Rather than the more common cross-sectional analyses, we use panel data to evaluate the influence of all relevant variables. We design and use a new index of the closeness to small numbers situations to estimate the extent of hold-up problems. Results show that as specificity grows, firms tend to subcontract less. The opposite happens when output heterogeneity and the use of intangible assets and capabilities increase. Neither temporary shortage of capacity nor geographical dispersion of activities seem to affect the extent of subcontracting. Finally, proxies for uncertainty do not show any clear effect.


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"Metric Training For The Highway Industry", HR-376 was designed to produce training materials for the various divisions of the Iowa DOT, local government and the highway construction industry. The project materials were to be used to introduce the highway industry in Iowa to metric measurements in their daily activities. Five modules were developed and used in training over 1,000 DOT, county, city, consultant and contractor staff in the use of metric measurements. The training modules developed deal with the planning through operation areas of highway transportation. The materials and selection of modules were developed with the aid of an advisory personnel from the highway industry. Each module is design as a four hour block of instruction and a stand along module for specific types of personnel. Each module is subdivided into four chapters with chapter one and four covering general topics common to all subjects. Chapters two and three are aimed at hands on experience for a specific group and subject. This module includes: Module 1 - Basic Introduction to the Use of International Units of Measurement. This module is designed for use by all levels of personnel, primarily office staff, and provides a basic background in the use of metric measurements in both written and oral communications.


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"Metric Training For The Highway Industry", HR-376 was designed to produce training materials for the various divisions of the Iowa DOT, local government and the highway construction industry. The project materials were to be used to introduce the highway industry in Iowa to metric measurements in their daily activities. Five modules were developed and used in training over 1,000 DOT, county, city, consultant and contractor staff in the use of metric measurements. The training modules developed deal with the planning through operation areas of highway transportation. The materials and selection of modules were developed with the aid of an advisory personnel from the highway industry. Each module is design as a four hour block of instruction and a stand along module for specific types of personnel. Each module is subdivided into four chapters with chapter one and four covering general topics common to all subjects. Chapters two and three are aimed at hands on experience for a specific group and subject. This module includes: Module 3 - Road and Bridge Design. This module provides hands on examples of how to use metric measurements in the design of roads and structures.


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"Metric Training For The Highway Industry", HR-376 was designed to produce training materials for the various divisions of the Iowa DOT, local government and the highway construction industry. The project materials were to be used to introduce the highway industry in Iowa to metric measurements in their daily activities. Five modules were developed and used in training over 1,000 DOT, county, city, consultant and contractor staff in the use of metric measurements. The training modules developed deal with the planning through operation areas of highway transportation. The materials and selection of modules were developed with the aid of an advisory personnel from the highway industry. Each module is design as a four hour block of instruction and a stand along module for specific types of personnel. Each module is subdivided into four chapters with chapter one and four covering general topics common to all subjects. Chapters two and three are aimed at hands on experience for a specific group and subject. This module includes: Module 4 - Transportation Planning and Traffic Monitoring. Hands on examples of applications of metric measurements in the development of planning reports and traffic data collection are included in this module.


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"Metric Training For The Highway Industry", HR-376 was designed to produce training materials for the various divisions of the Iowa DOT, local government and the highway construction industry. The project materials were to be used to introduce the highway industry in Iowa to metric measurements in their daily activities. Five modules were developed and used in training over 1,000 DOT, county, city, consultant and contractor staff in the use of metric measurements. The training modules developed deal with the planning through operation areas of highway transportation. The materials and selection of modules were developed with the aid of an advisory personnel from the highway industry. Each module is design as a four hour block of instruction and a stand along module for specific types of personnel. Each module is subdivided into four chapters with chapter one and four covering general topics common to all subjects. Chapters two and three are aimed at hands on experience for a specific group and subject. This module includes: Module 5 - Motor Vehicle Enforcement. Examples from Iowa and Federal Motor Vehicle Codes are used as examples for hands on training for the vehicle enforcement type personnel using this module.


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Hispanics are a large and growing part of the United States workforce. Projections of the U.S. Census Bureau (2001) state that, by the year 2050, Hispanics will account for 25% of the population. For the Midwest in particular, the Hispanic population is expected to increase 35% by the year 2025. The construction industry is expected to experience a greater percentage increase of its Hispanic population, due to the labor-intensive nature of the industry. This study addresses the expected increase of Hispanic workers in the construction industry by testing the best approaches for delivering training to construction crews with Hispanic workers as well as American supervisors and laborers in the state of Iowa. The research methodology consisted of assessing the effects on communication, safety, work environment, and productivity as a result of the integration training. Results show that integration on-site training decreases workers’ desire to move and increases quality of work and productivity. Most importantly, experimental design was used to show the increasing levels of direct construction communication due to the Toolbox Integration Course for Hispanic Workers and American Supervisors (TICHA) designed as part of this project. This study recommends the creation of a quasi-governmental or association program that can offer continuous research and training that can benefit the construction industry as well as society as a whole. The industry involvement in this process is crucial for contractors. Not only do contractors benefit from reduced insurance premiums when workers act safely, but workers with better communication skills are more productive.


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In the construction industry, Hispanics have the highest rate of fatal work injuries among the racial/ethnic groups, and productivity in the field is limited by the language barrier between Hispanic workers and their supervisors and the level of education of many Hispanic craft workers. This research developed a training program designed to facilitate the integration process between American supervisors and Hispanic craft workers in a practical and cost-effective way, thus improving productivity and lowering fatality rates. The Iowa State University research team conducted a survey of 38 American supervisors, representing 14 Iowa construction companies. Survey results confirm that communication is the main problem experienced by American supervisors in the job site. Many American supervisors also use or depend on a link-person (an individual who interprets tasks to the rest of the Hispanic crew) to communicate to the Hispanic crew members. Research findings show that language differences affect productivity and workplace safety in the construction industry. Additionally, the educational levels of Hispanic workers indicate that they may not have the literacy skills necessary to understand training materials. This research developed two training courses designed to expand the Spanish communication skills of American supervisors. The research team modified the English-as-a-second-language course developed in Phase I into the Spanish as a Second Language (SSL) Survival Course. A series of technical training courses were also developed, titled Concrete Pavement Construction Basics (CPCB), that cover general practices in concrete pavement construction. They are much shorter and more specialized than the SSL course. The CPCB courses provide American supervisors simple and practical communication tools on a variety of topics to choose from according to their specific needs.


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Tämän työntavoitteena oli tutkia kiinteistöjen investointi- ja elinkaarikustannusten hallinnan tilannetta. Tavoitteeseen pääsemiseksi pyrin selvittämään, missä määrin rakennusala käyttää erilaisia ohjelmistoja, mitä nämä ohjelmistot ovat ja minkälaiset ovat mahdollisuudet kehittää tähän tarkoitukseen sopiva ohjelmistotyökalu. Teoriaosa koostuu kiinteistöliiketoimintaan liittyvistä peruskäsitteistäsekä laskentamenetelmistä. Empiirisessä osassa esitellään tutkimusmenetelmät jaanalysoidaan tulokset. Tutkimus toteutettiin käyttämällä kirjallista kyselyä sekä asiantuntijahaastatteluita. Kirjallinen kysely toimi runkona haastatteluille. Kyselyllä kartoitettiin olemassa olevien ohjelmistotyökalujen lukumäärä. Haastattelujen avulla pyrittiin saamaan selville, mitkä ohjelmistojen osiot ja ominaisuudet olisivat käyttäjän kannalta olennaisia. Tutkimuksen tärkeimpänä tuloksena voidaan pitää sitä, että olemassa olevien työkalujen lisäksi ei näyttänyt olevan juurikaan tarvetta kehittää uusia työkaluja kiinteistökustannusten hallintaan. Ohjelmistotyökaluja löydettiin kolmetoista, joista kaksitoista soveltui elinkaarikustannusten laskentaan. Sellaisia ohjelmatyökaluja, jotka olisivat vastanneet asiantuntijahaastateltavien tarpeita, ei löytynyt. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat kuitenkin selvästi, että kehitysmahdollisuudet ovat olemassa ja ongelmaon helposti ratkaistavissa yhdistelemällä eri ohjelmistojen ominaisuuksia.


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Logistiikan kehittämisen merkitys on suuri rakennusalan yritysten kilpailukyvylle. Tutkimuksen kohdeyrityksessä ei tunnettu logistiikkakustannuksia ja tämän takia eri toimitusketjuvaihtoehtojen kustannusvaikutuksia ei voitu vertailla. Ilman kustannustietoja toiminnan kehittäminen ja kilpailukyky kärsivät. Rakentamisen kehittämisen nopein tehostamis- ja kustannussäästöpotentiaali onkin logistiikassa. Tutkimuksen tavoite oli luoda helppokäyttöinen, nopea, ymmärrettävä ja luotettavaa informaatiota tarjoava toimitusketjuratkaisija, jonka avulla voidaan löytää kustannustehokkain toimitusketju projektitietojen perusteella. Alustava mallinnus ja testaus suoritettiin Excel-ohjelmalla. Malli laski logistiset kustannukset kustannustekijäkohtaisesti yhteen huomioiden tutkimuksen rajaukset. Osa rakennusalan tuotteista aiheuttaa huomattavan määrän kokonais- sekä logistisista kustannuksista, kun taas tiettyjen tuotteiden kustannukset ovat vain pieniä. Eri talotyypeille voidaan löytää yleisiä ohjesääntöjä toimitusketjujen käytöstä, mutta työmailla on aina myös tuotteita, jotka kannattaa tuoda joko terminaali- tai suorana toimituksena. Työmaiden olosuhteet ja toimitusmäärät ovatkin varsin ratkaisevassa asemassa toimitustapaa valittaessa. Edellä mainittuja tutkimustuloksia tukivat alan kirjallisuus sekä mallin testaustulokset.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää käänteisen arvonlisäverotuksen mahdollisen käyttöönoton vaikutuksia suomalaisille rakennusyrityksille. Käänteinen arvonlisäverotus liittyy rakennusalalla ilmenevän harmaan talouden hillitsemiseen. Vastaavanlainen menettely on käytössä muutamissa Euroopan maissa, joista verrokkimaaksi työhön valikoitui Ruotsi. Tutkielmassa on käyty läpi talousrikollisuutta rakennusalalla, rakennusalan erityispiirteitä, Suomen ja Ruotsin arvonlisäverojärjestelmiä sekä käännetyn menettelyn käytöstä saatuja kokemuksia. Lisäksi haluttiin selvittää ruotsalaisten tekemiä lainsäädännöllisiä valintoja sekä niiden vaikutuksia. Tutkielman empiirinen aineisto kerättiin haastatteluin sekä Suomesta että Ruotsista. Tutkimuksen tuloksena voidaan sanoa, että menettely aiheuttaa yrityksille ylimääräistä hallinnollista taakkaa, mutta siitä huolimatta sen käyttöönottoon on suhtauduttu Ruotsissa melko positiivisesti. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin myös, että yksityiskohdilla ja säännöksillä on huomattavan suuri merkitys käännetyn menettelyn yrityksille aiheuttamaan kuormitukseen.


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Rakennusteollisuus on ollut kasvava teollisuudenala Venäjällä, joka on kasvattanut kysyntää myös ikkunateollisuudessa. Vuoden 2008 syksyllä alkanut maailmanlaajuinen talouskriisi vaikutti merkittävästi myös Venäjän talouteen, jonka seurauksena rakennusala oli Venäjällä vaikeuksissa. Asuntojen kysyntä Venäjällä on kuitenkin lähtenyt kasvuun uudelleen vuoden 2009 loppupuolella ja markkinatilanne on paranemaan päin. Suomalaiset rakennusalan yritykset toimivat pääasiassa Pietarin ja Moskovan alueella, jonka vuoksi Fenestra Oy on suunnitellut ikkunatehtaan perustamista Pietarin lähistölle. Työssä esitellään Venäjän ikkunamarkkinat sekä Fenestra Oy:n lähtökohdat ja suunnitelmat kokoonpanotehtaan perustamiseksi. Ikkunoiden puiset komponentit on tarkoitus valmistaa Suomessa, josta ne kuljetetaan kasattaviksi Venäjällä sijaitsevaan kokoonpanotehtaaseen. Työn tarkoituksena on kuvata Venäjän tehtaan toimintamalli prosessikuvauksien avulla, selvittää tullauskäytäntö Venäjälle vietäessä sekä määrittää toimintamalliin sisältyvät riskit. Teolliseen toimintaan ja varsinkin Venäjälle suuntautuvaan toimintaan liittyy riskejä, joiden toteutumiseen on mahdollista varautua riskienhallinnan avulla. Riskien tunnistamiseksi on käytetty vaarojentunnistusmenetelmää, HAZOP –poikkeamatarkastelumenetelmää. Menetelmässä nimettiin mahdolliset poikkeamat, niiden syyt ja seuraukset. Poikkeamat luokiteltiin eri luokkiin niiden vakavuuden ja todennäköisyyden perusteella. Lisäksi tarkastelussa annettiin ehdotuksia varautumiseen ja toimenpiteiksi poikkeaman estämiseksi tai riskien pienentämiseksi.