998 resultados para protocolo verbal


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O biomonitoramento de corpos hídricos através do uso de macroinvertebrados bentônicos é cada vez mais usado e aceito como uma importante ferramenta na avaliação da qualidade da água. Embora seja uma ferramenta utilizada desde o início do século XX na Europa e na América do Norte, no Brasil esta técnica tem apenas algumas décadas e não existem publicações de protocolos específicos para a coleta de macroinvertebrados em rios tropicais. Na América do Norte, em particular, a publicação de Rosenberg & Resh (1993) constitui uma das principais obras sobre o tema, sendo uma boa fonte de consulta para os iniciantes no estudo do biomonitoramento da qualidade das águas. Por ser uma metodologia de baixo custo e de aparato técnico simples, é interessante que se estabeleça um protocolo padrão para utilização em riachos nos países em desenvolvimento, a fim de que estudos futuros possam ser comparados, desde que desenvolvidos em áreas de clima e geografia semelhantes. Esta metodologia apresenta várias vantagens quando empregada em associação à tradicional análise de parâmetros físicos, químicos e físico-químicos da água.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo relatar, de forma simplificada, a partir de resultados de pesquisas realizadas no Laboratório de Biotecnologia da Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental, Manaus, as melhores condições de produção in vitro de mudas da banana cv. Prata Zulu, cultivar que tem sobressaído às demais pela alta resistência à sigatoka-negra e pelos bons resultados fitotécnicos apresentados.


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Sistemas de transporte. Sistema fechado. Sistema aberto. Condicionamento pré-transporte (período de depuração). Densidade e tempo de transporte. Qualidade da água durante o transporte. Transporte de juvenis. Transporte de juvenis para o abate.


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Considerando o alto valor comercial do safrol, bem como a ocorrência natural de pimenta longa no Acre, esta espécie poderá constituir-se em mais uma alternativa econômica de produção para os pequenos, médios e grandes produtores do Estado. Sendo uma espécie pouco conhecida geneticamente, desenvolveu-se um protocolo de análise isoenzimática com o objetivo de avaliar a estrutura genética e distribuição da variabilidade genética entre as populações nativas da espécie, visando traçar uma estratégia de coleta de material vegetal mais adequada para conservação da variabilidade ex situ e detectar populações superiores com relação aos teores de safrol, rendimento em base livre de umidade, resistência a pragas e/ou doenças e outros parâmetros de interesse.


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Neste protocolo, são relatadas as informações necessárias para a avaliação da qualidade química e física em cebola, baseadas em adaptações e modificações realizadas no laboratório de pós-colheita da Embrapa Hortaliaças.


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Instytut Filologii Angielskiej


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Unpublished paper, written in 1996.


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Monografia apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa para obtenção do grau de Licenciado em Medicina Dentária


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Background: There is evidence that student nurses are vulnerable to experiencing verbal abuse from a variety of sources and under-reporting of verbal abuse is prevalent throughout the nursing profession. The objective of the study is to explore the reporting behaviours of student nurses who have experienced verbal abuse. Method: For this study a definition of verbal abuse was adopted from current Department of Health (England) guidelines. Questionnaires were distributed in 2005 to a convenience sample of 156 third year nursing students from one pre-registration nursing programme in England. A total of 114 questionnaires were returned, giving an overall response rate of 73.0%. Results: Fifty one students (44.7% of responses) reported verbal abuse; all of these completed the section exploring reporting behaviours. The incidents involved patients in thirty three cases (64.7%); eight cases (15.7%) involved visitors or relatives and ten cases (19.6%) involved other healthcare workers. Thirty two students (62.7%) stated that they did report the incident of verbal abuse they experienced and nineteen (37.3%) of respondents reported that they did not. Only four incidents developed from an oral report to being formally documented. There was a statistically significant association (P = 0.003) between the focus of verbal abuse (patient/visitor or colleague) and the respondents reporting practices with respondents experiencing verbal abuse from colleagues less likely to report incidents. Most frequent feelings following experiences of verbal abuse from colleagues were feelings of embarrassment and hurt/shock. Most frequent consequences of experiencing verbal abuse from patients or relatives were feeling embarrassed and feeling sorry for the abuser. When comparing non reporters with reporters, the most frequent feelings of non reporters were embarrassment and hurt and reporters, embarrassment and feeling sorry for the abuser. When considering levels of support after the incident the mean rating score of respondents who reported the incident was 5.40 (standard deviation 2.89) and of those that did not, 4.36 (standard deviation 2.87) which was not statistically significant (p = 0.220). Conclusions: 1. Not documenting experiences of verbal abuse formally in writing is a prevalent phenomenon within the sample studied and reporting practices are inconsistent. 2. Both Higher Education Institutions and health care providers should consider emphasising formal reporting and documenting of incidents of verbal abuse during student nurse training and access to formal supportive services should be promoted. 3. Effective incident reporting processes and analysis of these reports can lead to an increased awareness of how to avoid negative interactions in the workplace and how to deal with incidents effectively.


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Aim: This paper is a report of a study to describe the nature, severity, frequency and sources of verbal abuse experienced by nursing students while gaining clinical experience. Background: Verbal abuse of healthcare workers is currently receiving considerable attention and nursing students have been identified as a group vulnerable to experiencing workplace verbal abuse. Method: Questionnaires were distributed in 2005 to a convenience sample of 156 third year nursing students from one pre-registration nursing programme in England. A total of 114 questionnaires were returned, giving a response rate of 73.0%. Findings: Experience of verbal abuse was reported by 45.1% of respondents, 34.5% had witnessed other students experiencing this and 65.5% reported that they were aware of other students experiencing verbal abuse. The incidents involved patients in 64.7% of cases, 15.7% involved visitors or relatives and 19.6% involved other healthcare workers. Students reported experiencing threats to kill them, racial abuse and sexually oriented verbal abuse, with the majority of incidents occurring in general medical, mental health and general surgical clinical areas. Conclusion: Education and healthcare providers should prepare students to manage negative verbal exchanges during nursing education, and policies and support networks relating to managing verbal abuse in clinical practice should be available to nursing students.


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Clinical placement experience has a key role to play in the socialisation and preparation of future members of the nursing profession. Aggression experienced by healthcare workers is currently receiving considerable attention and student nurses have been identified as a group vulnerable to experiencing workplace abuse (Little 1999). The primary aim of the study is to gain a greater understanding of the nature, severity, frequency and sources of verbal abuse experienced by student nurses in health care settings in the south east of England, using as a definition, “the use of inappropriate words… causing distress” (Department of Health 2003). A convenience sample of 156 third year student nurses of all four branches of one preregistration nursing programme in the south east of England was studied with questionnaires distributed retrospectively; 11 4 student nurses returned the questionnaires equating to a response rate of 73%. Results 46% of respondents reported experiencing verbal abuse, 39% had witnessed other students experiencing verbal abuse and 61% reported that they were aware of other students experiencing verbal abuse. Students reported experiencing threats to kill, racial abuse, sexually orientated verbal abuse and bullying while gaining placement experience. Student nurses are a high risk group for experiencing verbal abuse whilst gaining placement experience.In the literature, mental health and learningdisability settings are viewed as high risk areasfor experiencing aggression (Beech and Leather 2003); this study suggests that student nurses experience verbal abuse in a variety of settings and verbal abuse may be more prevalent on general medical and surgical wards than previously expected.