778 resultados para policy, citizen participation
O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de discutir os fundamentos que possibilitam um novo relacionamento entre Estado e Cidadão em torno da tributação, superando um ambiente de litigiosidade necessária. Para tanto, em uma perspectiva instrumental, se vale da democracia participativa e deliberativa para fundamentar maior participação do cidadão em torno da tributação e criação e reinvenção de novos espaços em que se possa realizar um diálogo entre ambos, antes de se procurar uma via litigiosa. O trabalho se vale, também, da descrição de fenômenos da realidade que possibilitam o relacionamento baseado na cooperação. Finaliza por reconhecer que a participação do cidadão na tributação ainda é incipiente, embora já dê sinais de seu surgimento.
In the framework of the European project Platform of Local Authorities and Communicators Engaged in Science (PLACES), we analyse the articulations between scientifi c communication, public perception of science, processes of citizen participation and apropiation of space, based on a case study of the inhabitants of Teruel city, Autonomous Community of Aragon, Spain. On the interrelationships between these issues, there are a number of contradictions, such as the difference between a high interest for information about science and technology and a low level of recognition and interaction with local institutions involved in those activities, the complex conceptualization of scientifi c space in relation to the “public-private” pair, or an articulation of a claiming civic rethoric and an insuffi cient co-responsibility. We conclude that, in a local context, the dimension of territoriality and, in particular, the identifi cation with the town, is a central mediation for activating citizen participation as part of processes of appropriation of space for setting up cities of scientifi c culture.
A major concern in recent political discourse is that government has become both isolated from and unresponsive to its citizens. Democracy, by definition, demands a two-way flow of communication between government and civil society and it is now commonly argued that ICTs have the potential to facilitate such improved flows of communication--hence, e-democracy and e-consultation. The preliminary research findings presented here are part of a larger ongoing research project on e-consultation on the island of Ireland (see http://e-consultation.org). The paper initially draws on focus group discussions on the theme of (e)consultation conducted amongst activist citizens. High levels of frustration, scepticism and cynicism were expressed on the form, nature and process of extant consultation processes. The main focus addressed in this paper, however, is on how these citizens envisage ICT being used in future e-consultations. In general, most focus group participants were open to the use of ICT in future e-consultation processes but the consensus was that community groups did not currently have access to an appropriate level or range of infrastructure, technologies or skills. As a follow up to the focus group findings the research group ran a number of demonstrations on e-consultation technologies with invited activist citizens. Technologies introduced included chat room, video-conferencing, WikiPedia, WebIQ, Zing and others. The main preliminary findings and feedback from one such demonstration, and our own observations, are then presented which suggest that the potential does exist for using e-consultation technologies in local democracy and in local government to drive positive change in the government-citizen relationship. We present no na�¯ve solutions here; we merely point to some possibilities and we acknowledge that ICT alone is very unlikely to be a panacea for the declining levels of citizen participation in most democratic societies.
This paper focuses on the specific example of the newly operational Regulation on Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products to explore the potential for biopolitics, an arena in which biocitizens can demand and contest the exercise of EU power over life. The paper shows how the discourses producing, organizing and orchestrating citizen participation in the EU’s governance of advanced therapies from above figure a ‘deficit model’ of citizens in need of education inter alia through their membership of patients’ associations who have membership of the Committee on Advanced Therapies established by the Regulation. Biocitizens are shown to be incorporated to service the EU’s legitimacy needs. The paper then warns against assuming biocitizens’ (self-) reflexivity ensures they do not reiterate and reinforce their construction within the ‘deficit model’ by unwittingly deploying the terms of their subjection. After which the paper highlights some elements that provide a rhetorical and operational opening for participation, and which therefore can be used by biocitizens to reconstruct their engagement with EU governance from below, the wider governance of advanced therapies, as well as in their self-governance.
Sport Mega-event hosting faces opposition that is manifested with different intensity during the different phases of the event, from its inception as an idea to its delivery and legacy. Some Social Movements Organisations (SMOs) have acted as indefatigable monitors of the Sustainable Development (SD) dimension of sporting events in general and, in some of the most recent sport mega-events, in particular the Olympics, they have served as important advisors and facilitators. Nevertheless, in many cases we see enthusiastic supporters turning to vehemently challenging whatever positives have been associated with hosting the event. In addition, there is opposition to sport Mega-events in their entirety. That type of opposition tends to employ a holistic prism that manages to identify multiple interconnected negative aspects of hosting a sport mega-event and incorporate them into an anti-systemic discourse. It is important to bear in mind that irrespective of many proclamations to the opposite as far as megas are concerned (projects and/or events), a number of studies have demonstrated that citizen participation and democratic accountability in decision-making have been notoriously absent. After all, the idea of citizen participation in the planning of sport mega-event is essentially the public response to a plan conceived by others. There were, of course, some notable cases of democratic consultation at the early stages of bidding to host a sport mega-event but these more democratic approaches resulted in the failure of the bid (for e.g. Toronto 1996). The knowledge of this by the groups that initiated the hosting idea and the bidding process has led to discouraging in depth public consultation that may fit perfectly to the democratic process but not to the tight schedules of associated projects completion. That produces ‘autocracy against which opposition may arise’ (Hiller, 2000, p. 198). It is this democratic deficit that has led to important instances of social contestation and protest mobilizations by citizen groups as well as the more regular corps of social activists. From a perspective borrowed from the sociology of protest and social movements, sport mega-events hosting can operate as an issue that stimulates protest activities by an existing protest milieu and new actors as well as an important mobilizing resource. In fact, some scholars have also argued that the Olympic Games were an important frame for the transnational activism that was marked by anti-globalization protest in Seattle in 1999 (Cottrell & Nelson, 201; Lenskyj, 2008). In addition, it’s important not to lose sight of other acts dissent that take place in relatively close proximity, about a year before the event when most infrastructural and societal changes brought by hosting the event and impact start to become apparent by the host communities, like the rioting of August 2011 in the London Olympic Boroughs and the 2012 riots of June 2013 in Sao Paulo and other Brazilian cities. This paper starts by outlining the SD claims made in the bidding to host the summer Olympic Games by five prospective hosts (Sydney; Athens; Beijing; London and Rio) proceeds towards examining the opposition and challenges that was manifested in relation to these claims. In Particular it provides an assessment of protest-events over the aforementioned different phases of sport mega-events hosting. A different picture emerges for each of the host nation that is partly explained by local, national and global configuration of protest politics. Whereas the post-event legacy of the first two hosts of the Games can be assessed and that way see the validity of claims made by challengers in the other phases, in the other three cases, the implementation of Olympic Games Impact (OGI) studies offers the tool for discussing the post-event phase for Beijing and London and engage in a speculative exercise for the case of Rio. Judging by available findings, the paper concludes that the SD aspiration made in the bid documents are unlikely to be met and social contestation based on the same issues is likely to increase due to the current global economic crisis and BRICS, like China and Brazil, having entered the process of becoming global economic hegemons.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências Sociais na especialidade de Sociologia
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Un intérêt grandissant pour le rôle du citoyen dans la prise de décision concernant la vie publique se développe depuis les dernières années. Le développement et la mise en oeuvre de divers mécanismes de participation citoyenne, comme les conférences citoyennes, témoignent de cet intérêt. Nombre de ces expériences ont fait l'objet d'une évaluation, mais essentiellement au niveau de l'efficacité ou du succès de l'exercice. Peut-on les évaluer sur le plan de l’éthique? Quels sont les défis éthiques posés par les mécanismes de participation citoyenne? Ce mémoire évalue une expérience de conférence citoyenne portant sur les avancées de la biologie humaine à l’ère de la génomique mise sur pied par le Groupe de recherche en bioéthique (GREB) de l’Université de Montréal en 2005. À l’aide du concept de l’éthique de la discussion, telle que proposée par quatre auteurs québécois, une analyse qualitative est effectuée sur six documents rédigés dans le cadre de la conférence. Deux catégories de résultats sont discutées. D’abord, les divers éléments relatifs à la conférence citoyenne qui ont soulevé notre attention. Ensuite, les préoccupations des participants en lien avec la science, la société et la participation. Une meilleure compréhension des aspects éthiques auxquels on devrait accorder une attention particulière contribuera à l’amélioration du mécanisme de conférence citoyenne et à son utilisation à long terme.
Cette thèse est une réflexion d’épistémologie sociale sur la construction des savoirs professionnels et expérientiels portant sur les problèmes de santé mentale ainsi qu’une exploration de leurs rapports à partir d’un projet de recherche montréalais. Ce projet fédéral de recherche et de démonstration visait à évaluer l’impact de l’approche Logement d’abord auprès de personnes avec des problèmes de santé mentale en situation d’itinérance. À Montréal, des pairs, avec une expérience vécue des réalités de la santé mentale et de l’itinérance, ont été impliqués dans le projet de recherche aux côtés d’intervenants, de gestionnaires et de chercheurs. Au fil des mois, leur présence a eu des effets contrastés, contribuant parfois à renforcer les barrières entre les savoirs et les hiérarchies professionnelles en présence dans le projet, et, à d’autres occasions, à les surmonter et entrer dans un processus de co-production de nouveaux savoirs et pratiques. L’analyse des rapports entre les savoirs en présence dans le projet souligne leur caractère complémentaire dans l’intervention publique dans le domaine des services sociaux et de la santé et les forces de l’approche expérimentale mise en oeuvre. La thèse offre également une contribution à la littérature sur la participation citoyenne en proposant une réflexion sur la capacité des citoyens à transformer les institutions publiques. Les données analysées sont issues d’un terrain de deux ans mêlant observations de la participation des pairs et une cinquantaine d’entretiens individuels et collectifs réalisés auprès de pairs aidants, intervenants, chefs d’équipe, psychiatres, gestionnaires et chercheurs.
Partiendo del escenario de democracia participativa que establece la Constitución del 91 en Colombia, esta investigación se preocupa por identificar los factores que han determinado la participación en Cali en ejercicios de control ciudadano durante el periodo 2001 - 2007. Para ello se recurre principalmente a los conceptos de Cultura Política de Almond y Verba, y Democracia Fuerte de Benjamin Barber como categorías analíticas que permiten evaluar los niveles de participación registrados durante el periodo de estudio, y así concluir que la existencia de orientaciones cognitivas, afectivas y evaluativas de carácter negativo respecto al sistema político local, los rezagos de una configuración de dominación patrimonial, y las lógicas particularistas que promueve el liberalismo a ultranza, entre otros, han provocado un bajo nivel de participación ciudadana en ejercicios de control, que a su vez se caracteriza por ser predominantemente contestatario.
En la Unión Europea la relación entre el desarrollo e identidad territorial permite fortalecer la gobernanza democrática en el proceso de ampliación en la medida en que las estrategias de cohesión territorial estén acompañadas por mecanismos de cooperación entre el gobierno local y las instituciones supranacionales que permitan la participación activa del ciudadano en dichos procesos.
La presente monografía examina los alcances reales del Control Social a la Gestión Pública estatal desde el análisis de factores de éxito y fracaso, tomando como caso de estudio a la Red ciudadana de control social en Bienestar componente discapacidad en Bogotá D.C. Este tipo de control fue concebido en marco normativo del país para prevenir actos corruptos y para que contribuyera al mejoramiento de la administración pública, haciéndola más acorde a las necesidades de la ciudadanía. Ahora bien, por lo que implica cumplir estas funciones, el control social se enfrenta a múltiples circunstancias que lo influyen positiva y negativamente, que determinan los efectos que pueda producir a nivel estatal y ciudadano. Para cumplir con este objetivo y a la luz del Enfoque Sistémico, se diseñó un modelo que permitiera identificar factores de éxito y fracaso basado en tres elementos básicos (organización, conocimiento y comunicación) que posibilitan caracterizar factores reconocidos en la bibliografía y otros nuevos que los provee el análisis de la experiencia, y que resultan hallazgos importantes por cuanto no se habían incluido hasta el momento en ningún recurso bibliográfico. En conclusión, se demuestra que mediante ciertas prácticas y acciones concretas los ciudadanos pueden incidir lícitamente en las actividades estatales, transformando la gestión pública y produciendo una mayor apropiación de lo público por parte de los ciudadanos.
Los fenómenos que produce la Televisión Comunitaria no se han estudiado ha profundidad en la academia. Sin embargo, la incidencia que produce este tipo de medio de comunicación va más allá de transmitir información, cuando la televisión comunitaria se usa de forma adecuada puede incidir en la conformación de espacios de participación ciudadana, lo que da como resultado una nueva relación entre medios de comunicación y comunidad. En esta monografía se intenta demostrar estos fenómenos a través de ejemplos de televisión comunitaria en Colombia, teniendo en cuenta preceptos teóricos de comunicación participativa.
Bay 9 are hoping to pioneer a way to encourage postgrads and staff in the lab to get over the fear of presenting their work to the group. The members of the bay will each give a 6m40s Pecha Kucha explaining their current research work through pictures. The topics of the pecha kuchas are: - Citizen Participation in News: An analysis of the landscape of online journalism (Jonny) - Argumentation on the Social Web (Tom) - From Narrative Systems to Ubiquitous Computing for Psychology - and everything in between (Charlie) - Is it worth sharing user model data? (Rikki)
El objetivo central de este trabajo es examinar la dinámica sociopolítica y territorial en la implementación de nuevas intervenciones públicas en el ámbito local. Para ello, se consideran distintas iniciativas locales en materia de participación ciudadana y descentralización, desarrolladas en tres distritos de la Región Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Morón y San Miguel). Se busca dar cuenta así de las particularidades territoriales e institucionales que marcan diferencias en los procesos de construcción y reproducción del orden político local, en cada caso, y en las dinámicas y resultados de estas intervenciones públicas desarrolladas en los últimos años.