132 resultados para fundraising


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Presentation of the Alumni Association cheque at the sod turning ceremonies for the Science Complex in 1982. Pictured here from left to right are: R. Misener, Chancellor; Geoff Borland, president, Alumni Assocation; Ginny Gilbert, Alumni Officer; and Don Bethune, honorary chairman for Alumni Association Fundraising.


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An Entrepreneurship Centre was established at Brock University in 1988 as a joint venture between the University and the City of St. Catharines. In Januaray 1989, a generous donation was made to the Centre by the Burgoyne family, proprietors of the St. Catharines Standard. The Centre subsequently became known as the Burgoyne Centre for Entrepreneurship (BCE). The Centre’s mission was to “promote excellence in research, education and training for entrepreneur development and new venture creation”. To achieve this objective, it was necessary for the BCE to become a community focal point and serve as a link between academic, private and government sectors in the Niagara Region that were involved in entrepreneurial activities. This was primarily done with the provision of educational programs offered through cooperating organizations. Funding for the Centre came from multiple sources, including fees for services and contract research, endowments and grants, as well as Brock University. An Advisory Council, composed of local prominent businesspeople and chaired by Henry Burgoyne, assisted the Centre with promotion and fundraising. The partnerships established by the BCE with other community bodies such as the Lincoln County Board of Education and the Niagara Region Development Corporation resulted in important collaborative community initiatives such as the Niagara Enterprise Agency and the New Enterprise Store. Such collaborations increased the Centre’s profile without duplicating or competing with services offered by existing agencies. The BCE was also instrumental in establishing an entrepreneurship curriculum for secondary school students, and collaborated with the Faculty of Education at Brock University to offer an Ontario Secondary School Entrepreneurship Specialist Teaching Certificate Program to teachers. As the BCE became more prolific in the community, and the iniatives it fostered in the community began to thrive, the Centre’s leadership required the authority to make instantaneous decisions. This was at odds with the hierarchical structure of the University, to which the BCE was accountable. Ultimately, this situation led to the demise of the Centre. The university focused its efforts on academic research and undergraduate courses, while the community partners took responsibility for any joint programs.


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Campus News for Niagara College, August 2002, focusing on the expansion of the Glendale campus for the hospitality and tourism program. The article gives details about the cost of the building, number of students the facility will house and fundraising efforts. Also a photo of the groundbreaking with Donald Ziraldo and several others. The second article on page two is focused on the fundraising efforts for the expansion, specifically the efforts of Donald Ziraldo as the head of the Niagara College Foundation's FutureReady Campaign.


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This study focuses on the engagement of children and youth in their communities and the ways they are included in and excluded from community life. Using a content analysis of a small town United States newspaper over a one-year period, examples of engagement were identified and classified into 12 categories: programs, clubs and special events; fundraising and community service; business and community support; participation in community events; school events; athletic and other performances; employment; involvement in local planning and decision making; serving as a community representative; visibility and recognition; criminal activity and accidents; and use of public space. Examples of community exclusion were identified as well. Young people were engaged primarily through activities that were adult-directed or supervised, or organized through schools, churches, and youth clubs. There was little involvement in local planning, decision making, or activism. Some evidence existed of peer teaching, leadership, and self-initiated activities, as well as intentional efforts by adults to give youth a greater voice in community activities. Implications include several ethical issues regarding the role of young people in community life, particularly young children, and the need for greater awareness on the part of communities of the contributions young people can make.


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Esta monografía tiene como objetivo analizar los efectos de la transferencia de ayuda internacional para el desarrollo en el proceso de consolidación de Somalia. Dicha ayuda surgió como política pública en el contexto de la Guerra Fría y su instrumentalización dependió de los conflictos e intereses de las potencias de la época. En la década de los 60, Somalia fue receptora de millones de dólares en ayuda, que minaron el proceso de state-building dado que las transferencias no dependieron del desempeño económico, social ni político del Estado. El cual, dirigido por el General Barre, se convirtió en un ente cuyo único fin era la captación de la ayuda y cuyo control era la única forma de asegurar la supervivencia física. Los enfrentamientos entre clanes por el poder llevaron no sólo al colapso del Estado, sino también al surgimiento del período de anarquía más largo conocido por un Estado moderno.


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The African Technology Policy Studies Network (ATPS) is a multidisciplinary network of researchers, private sector actors, policymakers and civil society. ATPS has the vision to become the leading international centre of excellence and reference in science, technology and innovation (STI) systems research, training and capacity building, communication and sensitization, knowledge brokerage, policy advocacy and outreach in Africa. It has a Regional Secretariat in Nairobi Kenya, and operates through national chapters in 29 countries (including 27 in Africa and two Chapters in the United Kingdom and USA for Africans in the Diaspora) with an expansion plan to cover the entire continent by 2015. The ATPS Phase VI Strategic Plan aims to improve the understanding and functioning of STI processes and systems to strengthen the learning capacity, social responses, and governance of STI for addressing Africa's development challenges, with a specific focus on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). A team of external evaluators carried out a midterm review to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of the Strategic Plan for the period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2010. The evaluation methodology involved multiple quantitative and qualitative methods to assess the qualitative and quantitative inputs (human resources, financial resources, time, etc.) into ATPS activities (both thematic and facilitative) and their tangible and intangible outputs, outcomes and impacts. Methods included a questionnaire survey of ATPS members and stakeholders, key informant interviews, and focus group discussions (FGDs) with members in six countries. Effectiveness of Programmes Under all six strategic goals, very good progress has been made towards planned outputs and outcomes. This is evidenced by key performance indicators (KPIs) generated from desk review, ratings from the survey respondents, and the themes that run through the FGDs. Institutional and Programme Cost Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness: assessment of institutional effectiveness suggests that adequate management frameworks are in place and are being used effectively and transparently. Also technical and financial accounting mechanisms are being followed in accordance with grant agreements and with global good practice. This is evidenced by KPIs generated from desk review. Programme Cost Effectiveness: assessment of cost-effectiveness of execution of programmes shows that organisational structure is efficient, delivering high quality, relevant research at relatively low cost by international standards. The evidence includes KPIs from desk review: administrative costs to programme cost ratio has fallen steadily, to around 10%; average size of research grants is modest, without compromising quality. There is high level of pro bono input by ATPS members. ATPS Programmes Strategic Evaluation ATPS research and STI related activities are indeed unique and well aligned with STI issues and needs facing Africa and globally. The multi-disciplinary and trans-boundary nature of the research activities are creating a unique group of research scientists. The ATPS approach to research and STI issues is paving the way for the so called Third Generation University (3GU). Understanding this unique positioning, an increasing number of international multilateral agencies are seeking partnership with ATPS. ATPS is seeing an increasing level of funding commitments by Donor Partners. Recommendations for ATPS Continued Growth and Effectiveness On-going reform of ATPS administrative structure to continue The on-going reforms that have taken place within the Board, Regional Secretariat, and at the National Chapter coordination levels are welcomed. Such reform should continue until fully functional corporate governance policy and practices are fully established and implemented across the ATPS governance structures. This will further strengthen ATPS to achieve the vision of being the leading STI policy brokerage organization in Africa. Although training in corporate governance has been carried out for all sectors of ATPS leadership structure in recent time, there is some evidence that these systems have not yet been fully implemented effectively within all the governance structures of the organization, especially at the Board and National chapter levels. Future training should emphasize practical application with exercises relevant to ATPS leadership structure from the Board to the National Chapter levels. Training on Transformational Leadership - Leading a Change Though a subject of intense debate amongst economists and social scientists, it is generally agreed that cultural mindsets and attitudes could enhance and/or hinder organizational progress. ATPS’s vision demands transformational leadership skills amongst its leaders from the Board members to the National Chapter Coordinators. To lead such a change, ATPS leaders must understand and avoid personal and cultural mindsets and value systems that hinder change, while embracing those that enhance it. It requires deliberate assessment of cultural, behavioural patterns that could hinder progress and the willingness to be recast into cultural and personal habits that make for progress. Improvement of relationship amongst the Board, Secretariat, and National Chapters A large number of ATPS members and stakeholders feel they do not have effective communications and/or access to Board, National Chapter Coordinators and Regional Secretariat activities. Effort should be made to improve the implementation of ATPS communication strategy to improve on information flows amongst the ATPS management and the members. The results of the survey and the FGDs suggest that progress has been made during the past two years in this direction, but more could be done to ensure effective flow of pertinent information to members following ATPS communications channels. Strategies for Increased Funding for National Chapters There is a big gap between the fundraising skills of the Regional Secretariat and those of the National Coordinators. In some cases, funds successfully raised by the Secretariat and disbursed to national chapters were not followed up with timely progress and financial reports by some national chapters. Adequate training in relevant skills required for effective interactions with STI key policy players should be conducted regularly for National Chapter coordinators and ATPS members. The ongoing training in grant writing should continue and be made continent-wide if funding permits. Funding of National Chapters should be strategic such that capacity in a specific area of research is built which, with time, will not only lead to a strong research capacity in that area, but also strengthen academic programmes. For example, a strong climate change programme is emerging at University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN), with strong collaborations with Universities from neighbouring States. Strategies to Increase National Government buy-in and support for STI Translating STI research outcomes into policies requires a great deal of emotional intelligence, skills which are often lacking in the first and second generation universities. In the epoch of the science-based or 2GUs, governments were content with universities carrying out scientific research and providing scientific education. Now they desire to see universities as incubators of new science- or technology-based commercial activities, whether by existing firms or start-ups. Hence, governments demand that universities take an active and leading role in the exploitation of their knowledge and they are willing to make funds available to support such activities. Thus, for universities to gain the attention of national leadership they must become centres of excellence and explicit instruments of economic development in the knowledge-based economy. The universities must do this while working collaboratively with government departments, parastatals, and institutions and dedicated research establishments. ATPS should anticipate these shifting changes and devise programmes to assist both government and universities to relate effectively. New administrative structures in member organizations to sustain and manage the emerging STI multidisciplinary teams Second Generation universities (2GUs) tend to focus on pure science and often do not regard the application of their know-how as their task. In contrast, Third Generation Universities (3GUs) objectively stimulate techno-starters – students or academics – to pursue the exploitation or commercialisation of the knowledge they generate. They view this as being equal in importance to the objectives of scientific research and education. Administratively, research in the 2GU era was mainly monodisciplinary and departments were structured along disciplines. The emerging interdisciplinary scientific teams with focus on specific research areas functionally work against the current mono-disciplinary faculty-based, administrative structure of 2GUs. For interdisciplinary teams, the current faculty system is an obstacle. There is a need for new organisational forms for university management that can create responsibilities for the task of know-how exploitation. ATPS must anticipate this and begin to strategize solutions for their member institutions to transition to 3Gus administrative structure, otherwise ATPS growth will plateau, and progress achieved so far may be stunted.


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This study looks at the historical context in which PACs developed, as well as the current legal environment in which they operate. It will also briefly discuss the legal and procedural challenges that candidates face and the ways in which PACs alleviate some of these pressures in ways that presidential committees cannot. An understanding of the strategic dilemmas which cause candidates to seek extraneous structures through which to establish campaign networks is essential to extrapolating the potential future of campaign finance strategy. Furthermore, this study provides an in-depth analysis of the state Commonwealth PACs both in terms of fundraising and spending, and discusses the central issues this state PAC strategy raises with respect to campaign finance law. The study will conclude with a look into the future of campaign financing and the role these state-level PACs may play if current rules are not revised.


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A análise sobre se a existência de comitês de investimentos que concedam poderes de ingerência aos cotistas é uma variável levada em consideração pelos potenciais investidores de fundos de investimento em participação (“FIPs”) utilizados como veículos de investimento em Private Equity (“FIPs PE”) no mercado brasileiro é o objeto do presente trabalho, cujo objetivo é verificar se há competição entre gestores de FIPs PE pela inclusão de tais comitês em seus regulamentos, com vistas a prospectar um maior número de cotistas. Por meio da realização de pesquisa empírica, na qual serão analisados os regulamentos de FIPs PE que foram registrados desde o ano de 2006 até o ano de 2011 perante a Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (“CVM”), com vistas a examinar se houve aumento no número de regulamentos que previssem comitês de investimento e no número de gestores que adotam comitês de investimento usualmente nos fundos que gerem, se pretende comprovar a hipótese de que os comitês de investimento são uma variável que interfere na decisão dos investidores sobre em qual FIP PE investirão seus recursos e, portanto, que os gestores de FIPs PE tendem a estabelecer este mecanismo nos regulamentos dos fundos que gerem. Os pressupostos teóricos que justificam a adoção de mecanismos de governança pelos FIPs PE, com base na literatura sobre a teoria da agência – enfatizando-se os temas da assimetria de informação, risco moral, seleção adversa e custos de agência - e, ainda, os mecanismos de governança mais usuais na indústria de FIPs PE são apresentados de forma a conferir ao tema o devido embasamento teórico. A relevância deste trabalho decorre da importância que a indústria de Private Equity possui na economia, por atuar em determinado estágio de um empreendimento onde o acesso ao financiamento é via de regra escasso. Além disso, o tema se revela atual, já que houve, apenas no ano de 2011, captações recordes de fundos de Private Equity no Brasil, que somaram um montante de US$ 8,1 bilhões.


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This thesis aims to identify how teams of at job municipality Natividade influence in raising funds through projects. Was employed research descriptive, explanatory literature and content analysis focused on a qualitative approach, which led to the interpretation of elements detected in field research, aligning them with researched theoretical material . The survey results indicate that the municipal administrators in their departments work of non-integrated form, complicating and compromising the execution of agreements and contracts and causing delays in the progress of processes. It was found that it is necessary investment in technical training, preventive actions and daily monitoring, targeting the correct fulfillment of the requirements for capturing public resources. It is essential to adopt the merit of legitimacy organizational as a mechanism to be able to retain, develop, attract and motivate city officials to work in Project Teams. The main contributions of this study are to provoke reflections on the dynamics of raising public resources for development projects and programs. Was identified a lack of trained technicians and municipal managers to present suitable projects, to identify problems in the implementation of agreements and correct irregularities pointed out in the Ancillary Service Information for Voluntary Transfers - Cauc. It was found that managerial failure causes impacts both in teams of job, as in the progress of the municipality. Keywords: work teams, fundraising, projects.


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It is well documented the positive impact of the Private Equity and Venture Capital (PE/VC) industry on the creation and development of highly successful innovative companies in a few countries, mainly in the United States. PE/VC firms provide not only capital to startups and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that usually have financing gap, especially in emerging markets, but also strategic resources that enable these enterprises to commercialize innovation. As consequence, government incentive and nurture of local PE/VC industries would be expected in emerging economies due to innovation‟s importance to economic growth. This paper aims to identify if the Brazilian government has supported local PE/VC industry throughout the years in order to foster favorable conditions to creating and developing successful innovative businesses. It also analyzes Brazil‟s main public policies towards PE/VC and if they encompass all the three stages of its cycle – fundraising, investing and exiting. I conducted an empirical research which collected primary data from a sample of 127 PE/VC firms (90% of the population) operating in Brazil as of June, 2008. All firms answered a webbased questionnaire that collected quantitative data regarding their investment vehicles, portfolio companies, investments and exits. I compared the data obtained from the survey with the main local governmental PE/VC support programs. First, I confirmed the hypothesis that the Brazilian government has been using the PE/VC industry as a public policy towards entrepreneurship and innovation. Second, I identified that although PE/VC public policies in Brazil are mostly concentrated in fundraising phase, they have been able to positively impact the whole cycle. Third, it became clear that the Brazilian government became more concerned about Seed and Venture Capital (VC) Early stages due to their importance to the entire PE/VC value chain. As consequence, I conclude that those public policies have been very important to build a dynamic and strong local PE/VC industry, whose committed capital grew 50% per year between 2005 and 2008 to achieve US$27 billion, which invested US$ 11 billion, which employs 1,400 professionals (75% with postgraduate degrees) and maintains 482 portfolio companies, mostly SMEs. In addition, PE/VCbacked companies represented one third of the Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) that occurred in Brazil between 2004 and 2008 (approximately US$15 billion).


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Nessa tese, é buscado um maior entendimento sobre a importância das funções operacionais nas startups francesas. Uma grande flexibilidade das tarefas a ser coberta e uma gestão horizontal caracterizam as startups. Desse jeito, não é muito comum para as empresas recentemente criadas como as startups ter uma politica clara de recursos humanos. Na verdade, cada participante na start-up pode ser levado a pensar de forma diferente em termos de vendas desenvolvimento de negócios, comercialização, marketing, tecnologia ou desenvolvimento de produto. Essa tese não vai explorar cada uma dessas tarefas. Mas vai procurar para identifcar a percepção sobre a alocação ótima de recursos para cada função chave da nova empresa. Qualquer seja o setor de mercado em consideração ou o estágio de amadurecimento da startup, funções chaves que são percebidas como sendo a base para start-ups bem sucedidas são pesquisa & desenvolvimento e comercialização. Funções de liderança não são tão importantes. Somente a startup focada na tecnologia tem uma "função de chefe executivo" com maior importância do que as startups médias. Além disso, empreendedores em série, bem sucedidos ou não, focam predominantemente aspectos relacionados ao marketing e à captação de recursos em detrimento de aspectos ligados à gestão do negócio. No final, os empresários, muitas vezes tem um preconceito ao respeito da sua formação acadêmica porque ele sobrestimam funções que eles pensam poder fazer em comparação das funções que eles são capazes de fazer. Nessa tese, intent-se demonstrar a relação entre as funções ocupadas por um sócio e as ações que ele possui na startup. Essa relação depende do número de sócios (conhecido como acionistas), o tipo de sócios (acionistas principais ou acionistas segundarias) e o impacto na administração corporativa a respeito da distribuição do capital próprio.


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Ao longo de muitos anos os recursos orçamentários destinados às instituições federais de ensino no Brasil vêm se tornando cada vez mais insuficientes para a manutenção e o desenvolvimento do ensino. Diante desse cenário nacional, as IFES foram estimuladas pelo Governo de FHC a buscarem fontes alternativas de recursos em outras empresas públicas e privadas visando amenizar as crises financeiras por estas enfrentadas. Seguindo o que preceitua a Teoria Contingencial, as organizações tiveram que se adaptar aos ambientes externos buscando diversos mecanismos de captação de recursos, sobretudo por meio dos órgãos de fomento, a UFPA se insere nesse cenário. Neste estudo analisa-se o financiamento empreendido na UFPA, no período de 2005 a 2010. Referimo-nos aos recursos advindos do Tesouro/Ministério da Educação (MEC), como também os recursos oriundos de outras fontes adquiridos por meio de captação externa mediante a contribuição de outros órgãos federais e ou empresas privadas. Este trabalho pesquisou os aspectos da contabilidade pública, especificamente financiamento das IFES, com o foco nas verbas de outros custeios e capital (OCC) da UFPA, excluído o grupo de despesa de pessoal. Para esta análise, foi adotada uma abordagem qualitativa, caracterizada como uma pesquisa descritiva, realizada mediante análise de documentos oficiais envolvendo as formas de financiamento na UFPA. Portanto, foram analisadas as condicionalidades financeiras executadas no período supramencionado e que envolveram o processo de financiamento dos programas de ensino, pesquisa e extensão, e buscou-se compreender as aplicações dos recursos resultantes desse processo de financiamento externo como instrumento de diferenciação na UFPA. Deste total de financiamento, 77% representam os Recursos Externos, sendo que a FADESP, gerencia valores bastante consideráveis dentro do cenário de financiamento dos recursos captados, cujos valores vêm colaborando para o cumprimento da missão da UFPA, demonstrando com isso, que eles se relacionam e complementam os recursos advindos do Tesouro/MEC. A captação de recursos na UFPA é bastante expressiva, porém concentrada na área da pesquisa científica, que embora apresente reflexos positivos na UFPA contribuindo para a pesquisa, extensão e graduação, torna-as dependentes de tais recursos. Sendo assim, será necessário constituir uma nova forma de compor as receitas da universidade, captar recursos diretamente na sociedade, diversificando as fontes para que se proporcione suporte econômico à instituição, evitando-se com isso que a universidade vivencie sucateamento gradual de sua infraestrutura e obsolescência de equipamentos, comprometimento de suas ações e, em consequência, sua sustentabilidade não apenas financeira, mas também a econômica, não ficando assim dependente de uma fonte exclusiva de provimento de recursos.


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This study examined the practices of crowdfunding, collective vehicle of fundraising for the production of works of culture, education, social programs etc over the internet. Through the analysis of registered projects and finalized in Brazilian site funding col-laborative Catarse, we were able to list interesting points to be considered to deter-mine what lead people to cooperate or not with this kind of practice. It was noticed that the internet materialized in front of individuals as an important vehicle for social participation, enabling the concern to collaborate on projects, people and causes that have common characteristics or interests bring benefits to society


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This work points out innovative alternatives for increasing the visibility of nonprofits using the creative profile of the public relations professional through guerrilla marketing. By means of methodological literature and document the suggested proposal is that the public relations through a Strategic Planning, articulate actions of guerrilla marketing on behalf of third sector concerns increasing its visibility to the state's eyes, the private sector and company making the fundraising and the visibility of these entities increase with low cost, creativity and technique. How guerrilla marketing can encourage smaller competitor it is evident to face their opponents with great creative weapons, innovative and cost effective, providing improvement in the area of activity and easier to raise funds; especially in the third sector entities, which is moved without any profit, only for individual or collective will to solve social issues