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Financial support: This research was supported by grants to MDS from the NCI (2R01CA105304), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (MOP79308) and the US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command Prostate Cancer Research Program (E81XWH-11-1-0551). Research by IJM’s group was supported by the Chief Scientist’s Office of the Scottish Government (ETM-258 and -382). We are grateful to Country Meadows Senior Men’s Golf Charity Classic for financial support of this research.


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Transient simulations are widely used in studying the past climate as they provide better comparison with any exisiting proxy data. However, multi-millennial transient simulations using coupled climate models are usually computationally very expensive. As a result several acceleration techniques are implemented when using numerical simulations to recreate past climate. In this study, we compare the results from transient simulations of the present and the last interglacial with and without acceleration of the orbital forcing, using the comprehensive coupled climate model CCSM3 (Community Climate System Model 3). Our study shows that in low-latitude regions, the simulation of long-term variations in interglacial surface climate is not significantly affected by the use of the acceleration technique (with an acceleration factor of 10) and hence, large-scale model-data comparison of surface variables is not hampered. However, in high-latitude regions where the surface climate has a direct connection to the deep ocean, e.g. in the Southern Ocean or the Nordic Seas, acceleration-induced biases in sea-surface temperature evolution may occur with potential influence on the dynamics of the overlying atmosphere. The data provided here are from both accelerated and non-accelerated runs as decadal mean values.


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The purpose of this study was to examine if the effects of exposure to educational videos on climate change and exposure to a view of nature could elicit environmentalist behaviours and increase one’s environmental identity. It was predicted that participants who were exposed to a view of nature and saw a video on climate change would have a higher likelihood to plant a seed and experience greater connectedness to nature. Fifty-four students (38 females, 15 males, and 1 gender fluid) with ages ranging from 18 to 47 were recruited for the experiment. A 2 (type of video) x 2 (type of view) factorial design was conducted, in which participants were randomly assigned to watch either an educational video on climate change or on popsicles, and they either had a view of outdoors or indoors. There was no significant interaction for setting and video (p = .172) on whether participants chose to plant a seed or not. Likewise, there was no significant interaction for setting and video (p = .262) on planting intentions. There was a significant effect for the video on experiencing connection to nature (p = .039, ηp2 = .08). These findings suggest that this video could change one’s perception of nature.


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Nowadays there is a huge evolution in the technological world and in the wireless networks. The electronic devices have more capabilities and resources over the years, which makes the users more and more demanding. The necessity of being connected to the global world leads to the arising of wireless access points in the cities to provide internet access to the people in order to keep the constant interaction with the world. Vehicular networks arise to support safety related applications and to improve the traffic flow in the roads; however, nowadays they are also used to provide entertainment to the users present in the vehicles. The best way to increase the utilization of the vehicular networks is to give to the users what they want: a constant connection to the internet. Despite of all the advances in the vehicular networks, there were several issues to be solved. The presence of dedicated infrastructure to vehicular networks is not wide yet, which leads to the need of using the available Wi-Fi hotspots and the cellular networks as access networks. In order to make all the management of the mobility process and to keep the user’s connection and session active, a mobility protocol is needed. Taking into account the huge number of access points present at the range of a vehicle for example in a city, it will be beneficial to take advantage of all available resources in order to improve all the vehicular network, either to the users and to the operators. The concept of multihoming allows to take advantage of all available resources with multiple simultaneous connections. This dissertation has as objectives the integration of a mobility protocol, the Network-Proxy Mobile IPv6 protocol, with a host-multihoming per packet solution in order to increase the performance of the network by using more resources simultaneously, the support of multi-hop communications, either in IPv6 or IPv4, the capability of providing internet access to the users of the network, and the integration of the developed protocol in the vehicular environment, with the WAVE, Wi-Fi and cellular technologies. The performed tests focused on the multihoming features implemented on this dissertation, and on the IPv4 network access for the normal users. The obtained results show that the multihoming addition to the mobility protocol improves the network performance and provides a better resource management. Also, the results show the correct operation of the developed protocol in a vehicular environment.


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Desde cedo que a ligação de Portugal ao mar é reconhecida como sendo de extrema importância. Olhando para a geografia do país e ao percurso histórico observa-se uma ligação natural ao mar e tal facto pode-se comprovar através de dados de fácil acesso e conhecimento geral: 100% do petróleo chega ao nosso país através do mar, 70% das importações usam a via marítima, 90% do turismo procura o litoral, 95% da internet circula por cabos submarinos. Não distante destes números, encontra-se a abundante riqueza geológica e biológica presente nas águas de soberania ou jurisdição portuguesa – ou seja, na 3ª maior Zona Económica Exclusiva da União Europeia e a 11ª do mundo, num total de cerca de1,727,408 km² – riqueza essa que desperta interesse cientifico em diversos estados internacionais, como abordado ao longo da presente dissertação. Neste sentido, é importante entender quais os recursos presentes nas águas sob jurisdição portuguesa, qual o tipo de missões efetuadas por intervenientes internacionais ao nível dos cruzeiros científicos e, tomando uma investigação e estudo mais estreito, o papel da Alemanha como um dos Estados internacionais presentes em águas Portuguesas para investigação cientifica. A presente dissertação começa por abordar, portanto, o quadro legal que regula toda a matéria dos cruzeiros de investigação cientifica a nível nacional assim como todo o processo de pedidos de autorização para a realização de cruzeiros científicos, por parte de entidades estrangeiras, procedendo-se de seguida à apresentação dos recursos presentes em águas de soberania ou jurisdição portuguesa. É então explicada a definição de cruzeiro cientifico e diversos tipos de cruzeiros existentes e por fim, o caso particular da Alemanha no contexto dos cruzeiros científicos na ZEE Portuguesa.


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This paper presents research insights on the challenges that Australian Aboriginal communities living within the South East Queensland (SEQ) metropolitan region face in seeking to exercise their contemporary responsibilities to care for Country in land-use and national park planning. A case study design was adopted to analyse the incorporation of two Aboriginal communities connections to Country in state-based planning systems, and to explore the responsibilities Aboriginal communities ethically seek to adhere to in maintaining Country from their own understandings.
Country, from an Aboriginal understanding, involves a deep ecological, cultural, economic and social comprehension of ‘law’ guided by a responsibility for Country. Otherwise known as customary law and custom, Country is that which both Aboriginals and their communities are intrinsically connected to. Country is the moral value that guides Aboriginal obligation to care and this obligation could well conflict
with mainstream contemporary Western management policy and legislation.
This research draws on insights from Quandamooka Country (North Stradbroke Island) and Jagera Country (Brisbane City and Ipswich), located within the Brisbane metropolitan region in South East Queensland of Australia. During this research, it was concluded that, in both Quandamooka Country and Jagera Country, the respective Owners are operating within a sphere of increasingly complex challenges that impact upon their ability to conserve and have recognized the values of their obligations to Country care in planning. Common themes occurring on Country identified in this research included issues relating to a neglect of care to maintain Country by planners and government officials, and interactions that prevent Traditional Owners from having their obligation of caring for Country on their terms expressed through land-use planning legislation. Political agendas of the Queensland State that influences the interactions of planners and government with Traditional Owners were also concluded to be detrimental, and to damaging trust, ongoing discussions and understandings. These insights indicate that Aboriginal communities are facing an increasing conflicting range of perceptions and comprehensions that are hindering the expression and execution of their moral responsibility embodied in their deep ecological law to care for Country in Western planning legislative obligations. It illustrates that the responsibilities given to practicing planners and government officials to care for Country under Western law are commonly not adhered to It concludes with the suggestion that for some progress to recognize an Aboriginal responsibility to Country in planning, state-Traditional Owner relations and collaboration is now needed to help transcend the legislative challenges underpinning Western planning law.


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Shrinkage porosity as a volume change related casting defect in lamellar cast iron was reported in theliterature to form during solidification in connection to the dendrite coherency. The present work includesan experimental study on dendrite coherency – also called columnar-to-equiaxed transition in lamellar castiron using thermal analysis and expansion force measurements. Investigation was carried out in order tostudy the mechanism of dendrite coherency formation. Cylindrical test bars were cast from the same alloywith different pouring temperature, amount of inoculant and time between the addition of inoculant andstart of pouring the samples. Cooling rate and expansion force was recorded as a function of time. Anumerical algorithm based on temperature differences measured under solidification was used to inter-pret the solidification process. Three different methods have been compared to determine the columnarto equiaxed transition. The compared methods were based on registered temperature differences, basedon registered expansion forces during the volume change of the solidifying samples and based on the cal-culated released latent heat of crystallization. The obtained results indicate a considerable influence on theformation and progress of coherency due to variation of casting parameters. It has been shown that thecoherency is not a single event at a defined time moment rather a process progressing during a timeinterval.


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En este artículo se pretende rescatar el análisis de redes independientemente del enfoque aureolar, destacando sus virtudes en un mundo globalizado, en donde cada vez más el concepto de distancia es sustituido por de tiempo, hasta llegar al extremo de que el costo, de algunos productos o la información, ya no depende de la distancia como el caso de las tarifas planas de Internet. Se aborda un enfoque teórico metodológico que cuestiona  el  análisis  regional,  debido  a  que,  éste  enfoque  en  algunos  aspectos  ya  no puede  resolver  los  problemas  que  la  sociedad  actual  demanda.   En  el  espacio  red,la noción de  localización absoluta pierde vigencia, mientras se refuerza  la  importancia de la  conexión  a  las  redes. Las metodologías  propuestas,  podrían mejorar  la  ejecución  y operación  de  las  redes    presentes  en  los planes  de  ordenamiento  del  territorio,  tan  en boga, en nuestro país. Abstract:In  this article  it  is  tried  to rescue  the analysis of networks  independently of the approach  to  aureole, emphasizing  its  virtues  in a globalized world,  in where more and more the distance concept is replaced by the time, until arriving at the end of which the cost, no  longer depends on  the distance as  the case of  the  flat  tariffs of Internet. A theoretical/ methodological approach  that questions  the regional analysis, because,  this one approach  in some aspects no longer can solve the problems that the present society demand.  In  the  space  network,  the  notion  of  absolute  location  loses  use  while  the importance  of  the  connection  to  the  networks  is  reinforced.  The  proposed methodologies  could  improve  the  boarding  of  the  present  networks  in  the  regulating plans, so in rows, our country.


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The issue of whether improved building services such as air quality, provision of daylight, thermal comfort etc, have a positive impact on the health and productivity of building occupants is still an open question. There is significant anecdotal evidence supporting the notion that health and productivity of building occupants can be improved by improving the quality of the indoor environment, but there are actually few published quantitative studies to substantiate this contention. This paper reports on a comprehensive review of the worldwide literature which relates health of building occupants with the different aspects of the indoor environment which are believed to impact of these issues, with a particular focus on studies in Australia, The paper analyses the existing research and identifies the key deficiencies in our existing understanding of this problem. The key focus of this research is office and school buildings, but the scope of the literature surveyed includes all commercial buildings, including industrial buildings. There is a notable absence of detailed studies on this link in Australian buildings, although there are studies on thermal comfort, and a number of studies on indoor air quality in Australia, which do not make the connection to health and productivity. Many international studies have focused on improved lighting, and in particular the provision of daylight in buildings, but again there are few studies in Australia which focus in this area.


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The shortage of donor hearts for patients with end stage heart failure has accelerated the development of ventricular assist devices (VAD) that act as a replacement heart. Mechanical devices involving pulsatile, axial and centrifugal devices have been proposed. Recent clinical developments indicate that centrifugal devices are not only beneficial for bridge to transplantation applications, but may also aid myocardial recovery. The results of a recent study have shown that patients who received a VAD have extended lives and improved quality of life compared to recipients of drug therapy. Unfortunately 25% of these patients develop right heart failure syndrome, sepsis and multi-organ failure. It was reported that 17% of patients initially receiving an LVAD later required a right ventricular assist device (RVAD). Hence, current research focus is in the development of a bi-ventricular assist device (BVAD). Current BVAD technology is either too bulky or necessitates having to implant two pumps working independently. The latter requires two different controllers for each pump leading to the potential complication of uneven flow dynamics and the requirements for a large amount of body space. This paper illustrates the combination of the LVAD and RVAD as one complete device to augment the function of both the left and right cardiac chambers with double impellers. The proposed device has two impellers rotating in counter directions, hence eliminating the necessity of the body muscles and tubing/heart connection to restrain the pump. The device will also have two separate chambers with independent rotating impeller for the left and right chambers. A problem with centrifugal impellers is the fluid stagnation underneath the impeller. This leads to thrombosis and blood clots.This paper presents the design, construction and location of washout hole to prevent thrombus for a Bi-VAD centrifugal pump. Results using CFD will be used to illustrate the superiority of our design concept in terms of preventing thrombus formation and hemolysis.


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Contractor selection is a crucial element in construction procurement (Drew & Skitmore 1993, p. 363). Contractors are selected through the tender process, which varies according to country, state and contracting organisation and is subject to individual differences. This paper reviews a range of international tender processes, highlighting the ethical features that govern these guidelines. The paper is part of a project to develop ethical guidelines for procurement for major contracting authorities. By reviewing tender guidelines we are able to gain an indication of the type of ethical standards reserved for procurement. The need for good business ethics in the tender process stems from the belief that ‘good ethical practice’ is critical in meeting organisational goals (Vee & Skitmore 2003, p. 125). Hence, an ethical tender process will select ethical contractors who are viewed as beneficial to the contracting authority.


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It's hard to be dispassionate about Reyner Banham. For me, and for the plethora of other people with strong opinions about Banham, his writing is compelling, and one’s connection to him as a figure quite personal. For me, frankly, he rocks. As a landscape architect, I gleaned most of my knowledge about Modern architecture from Banham. His Theory and Design in the First Machine Age, along with Rowe and Koetter’s Collage City and Venturi’s Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture were the most influential books in my library, by far. Later, as a budding “real scholar”, I was disappointed to find that, while these authors had serious credibility, the writings themselves were regarded as “polemical” – when in fact what I admired about them most was their ability and willingness to make rough groupings and gross generalizations, and to offer fickle opinions. It spoke to me of a real personal engagement and an active, participatory reading of the architectural culture they discussed. They were at their best in their witty, cutting, but generally pithy, creative prose, such as in Rowe’s extrapolation of the modern citizen as the latest “noble savage”, or Banham railing against conservative social advocates and their response to high density housing: “those who had just re-discovered ‘community’ in the slums would fear megastructure as much as any other kind of large-scale renewal program, and would see to it that the people were never ready.” Any reader of Banham will be able to find a gem that will relate, somehow, personally, to what they are doing right now. For Banham, it was all personal, and the gaps in his scholarship, rather, were the dispassionate places: “Such bias is essential – an unbiased historian is a pointless historian – because history is an essentially critical activity, a constant re-scrutiny and rearrangement of the profession.” Reyner Banham: Historian of the Immediate Future, Nigel Whiteley’s recent “intellectual biography” (the MIT Press, 2002), allowed me to revisit Banham’s passionate mode of criticism and to consider what his legacy might be. The book examines Banham’s body of work, grouped according to his various primary fascinations, as well as his relationship to contemporaneous theoretical movements, such as postmodernism. His mode of practice, as a kind of creative critic, is also considered in some depth. While there are points where the book delves into Banham’s personal life, on the whole Whiteley is very rigorous in considering and theorizing the work itself: more than 750 articles and twelve books. In academic terms, this is good practice. However, considering the entirely personal nature of Banham’s writing itself, this separation seems artificial. Banham, as he himself noted, “didn’t mind a gossip”, and often when reading the book I was curious about what was happening to him at the time. Banham’s was an amazing type of intellectual practice, and one that academics (a term he hated) could do well to learn from. While Whiteley spends a lot of time arguing for his practice to be regarded as such, and makes strong points about both the role of the critic, and the importance of journalism, rather than scholarly publishing, I found myself wondering what his study looked like. What books he had in his library. Did he smoke when he wrote? What sort of teaching load did he have? He is an inspiration to design writers and thinkers, and I, personally, wanted to know how he did it.


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Since the industrial revolution, the development of a lifestyle lived predominantly indoors has resulted in less contact with nature. Research over the last twenty years has gradually been identifying the human health benefits attributed to re-connecting with the natural environment. The significance of feeling connected to natural environments, families and friends are described as a foundational requirement for human health and wellbeing (Maller et al., 2008). Also, the early findings of Schultz‟s (2002) work indicated that by feeling connected to the natural world a person is more likely to be committed to positively interact with and protect the natural world. Research on young people has indicated that young people are even more disconnected from the natural world. Leading some writers to call this disconnection a crisis termed “Nature Deficit Disorder.” Participants (n = 131) from 1st year university Physical Education and Human Movement Studies were asked to complete two questionnaires the Connectedness to Nature scale (CNS) (Mayer & Frantz, 2004) and the New Ecological Paradigm Scale (NEP) (Dunlap, Van Liere, Mertig, & Jones, 2000). The NEP and CNS are two scales most commonly used to explore beliefs and feelings of connectedness to the natural world (Schultz, 2002). The NEP was developed over thirty years ago by Dunlap and Van Liere (1978) and originally termed the New Environmental Paradigm. The NEP is now the foremost International tool for measuring beliefs about the natural world (Dunlap, 2008). The CNS measures an individual‟s trait levels of emotional connection to the natural world. It is a relatively new tool for understanding ecological behaviour based on ecopsychology theory and employed to predict behaviour (Mayer and Frantz, 2004). Both questionnaires are based on a 1-5 scale (Strongly disagree to Strongly agree). By combing both scales the researchers aim to develop a snap shot of beliefs and emotional feelings towards the natural world and therefore an idea of intended behaviour. The two questionnaires were combined as one online survey with additional material asking for demographics and self assessments of type of leader included before the surveys. An email inviting outdoor leaders to participate was sent out to networks and interest groups. A basic descriptive statistical analysis was used to interpret data.


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Research on extreme sports has downplayed the importance of the athletes' connection to the natural world. This neglect stems, in part, from the assumption that these activities derive their meaning primarily from risk. The authors' long-term research reveals that the interplay between adventure athletes and the natural world is, in fact, crucial for many participants. This study used hermeneutic and phenomenological analysis of first-hand accounts of these sports and interviews with 15 veteran participants. These included BASE jumpers, big-wave surfers, extreme skiers, waterfall kayakers, extreme mountaineers and solo rope-free climbers. Participants spoke extensively about developing a deep relationship with the natural world akin to an intimate 'dance' between actively engaged partners. Our experience-based analysis has found that extreme sports aficionados do not simply view the natural world as a commodity, a stage for risk taking, or vehicle for self-gratification. On the contrary, for veteran adventure athletes the natural world acts as a facilitator to a deeper, more positive understanding of self and its place in the environment. For some, nature was described as omnipresent and ubiquitous, and a source of innate power and personal meaning. The authors explore how these findings may augment the delivery of more 'ecocentric' programmes in the outdoor adventure field.


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Computer vision is much more than a technique to sense and recover environmental information from an UAV. It should play a main role regarding UAVs’ functionality because of the big amount of information that can be extracted, its possible uses and applications, and its natural connection to human driven tasks, taking into account that vision is our main interface to world understanding. Our current research’s focus lays on the development of techniques that allow UAVs to maneuver in spaces using visual information as their main input source. This task involves the creation of techniques that allow an UAV to maneuver towards features of interest whenever a GPS signal is not reliable or sufficient, e.g. when signal dropouts occur (which usually happens in urban areas, when flying through terrestrial urban canyons or when operating on remote planetary bodies), or when tracking or inspecting visual targets—including moving ones—without knowing their exact UMT coordinates. This paper also investigates visual serving control techniques that use velocity and position of suitable image features to compute the references for flight control. This paper aims to give a global view of the main aspects related to the research field of computer vision for UAVs, clustered in four main active research lines: visual serving and control, stereo-based visual navigation, image processing algorithms for detection and tracking, and visual SLAM. Finally, the results of applying these techniques in several applications are presented and discussed: this study will encompass power line inspection, mobile target tracking, stereo distance estimation, mapping and positioning.