963 resultados para chloroplast genetic engineering


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In Uganda, a significant proportion of the population depends on the micronutrient poor East African highland banana as a food staple. Consequently, micronutrient deficiencies such as vitamin A deficiency are an important health concern in the country. To reach most vulnerable rural poor populations, staple crops can be biofortified with essential micronutrients though conventional breeding or genetic engineering. This thesis provided proof of concept that genetically modified East African highland bananas with enhanced provitamin A levels can be generated and fully characterised in Uganda. In addition, provitamin A levels present in popular banana varieties was documented.


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Genetic engineering is an attractive method for changing a single characteristic of ‘Smooth Cayenne’ pineapple, without altering its other desirable attributes. Techniques used in pineapple transformation, however, such as tissue culture and biolistic-mediated or Agrobacterium-mediated gene insertion are prone to somaclonal variation, resulting in the production of several morphological mutations (Smith et al., 2002). Fruit mutations can include distortion in fruit shape (round ball, conical, fan-shaped), reduced fruit size, multiple crowns, crownless fruit, fruitless crowns, and spiny crown leaves (Dalldorf, 1975; Sanewski et al., 1992). The present paper describes the variability in fruit-shape mutations between transgenic and non-transgenic fruit, and its subsequent impact on organoleptic characteristics.


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PIP: A delphi study was conducted to identify or envision health scenarios in India by the year 2000. Questionnaires consisting of 48 questions on 5 areas (diagnosis and therapy; family planning; pharmaceuticals and drugs; biochemical and biomedical research; health services) were mailed to 250 experts in India. 36 responded. Results were compiled and mailed back to the respondents for changes and comments. 17 people responded. Results of the delphi study shows that policy decisions with respect to compulsory family planning as well as health education at secondary school level will precede further breakthroughs in birth control technology. Non operation reversible sterilization procedures, immunological birth control, Ayurvedic medicines for contraception and abortion, and selection of baby's sex are all possible by 2000 thereafter. Complete eradication of infectious diseases, malnutrition and associated diseases is considered unlikely before 2000, as are advances in biomedical research. Changes in health services (e.g., significant increases in hospital beds and doctors, cheap bulk drugs), particularly in rural areas, are imminent, leading to prolonging of life expectancy to 70 years. Genetic engineering may provide significant breakthroughs in the prevention of malignancies and cardiac disorders. The India delphi study is patterned after a similar delphi study conducted in the U.S. by Smith, Kline and French (SKF) Laboratories in 1968. The SKF study was able to predict some breakthroughs with basic research which have been realized.


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The banana industry worldwide is under threat from a fungal disease known as Fusarium wilt, a disease for which there is no chemical control. Conventional breeding approaches to generate resistant banana varieties are lengthy and very difficult. As such, genetic engineering for disease resistance is considered the most viable control option. In this PhD thesis, genetically modified banana plants were generated using several different stress tolerance genes. When challenged with Fusarium wilt in glasshouse trials, some lines showed increased resistance to the disease. The promising elite lines generated in this study will now require testing in field trials.


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The development of biotechnology techniques in plant breeding and the new commercial applications have raised public and scientific concerns about the safety of genetically modified (GM) crops and trees. To find out the feasibility of these new technologies in the breeding of commercially important Finnish hardwood species and to estimate the ecological risks of the produced transgenic plants, the experiments of this study have been conducted as a part of a larger project focusing on the risk assessment of GM-trees. Transgenic Betula pendula and Populus trees were produced via Agrobacterium mediated transformation. Stilbene synthase (STS) gene from pine (Pinus sylvestris) and chitinase gene from sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) were transferred to (hybrid) aspen and birch, respectively, to improve disease resistance against fungal pathogens. To modify lignin biosynthesis, a 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase (4CL) gene fragment in antisense orientation was introduced into two birch clones. In in vitro test, one transgenic aspen line expressing pine STS gene showed increased resistance to decay fungus Phellinus tremulae. In the field, chitinase transgenic birch lines were more susceptible to leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza betulicola) than the non-transgenic control clone while the resistance against birch rust (Melampsoridium betulinum) was improved. No changes in the content or composition of lignin were detected in the 4CL antisense birch lines. In order to evaluate the ecological effects of the produced GM trees on non-target organisms, an in vitro mycorrhiza experiment with Paxillus involutus and a decomposition experiment in the field were performed. The expression of a transgenic chitinase did not disturb the establishment of mycorrhizal symbiosis between birch and P. involutus in vitro. 4CL antisense transformed birch lines showed retarded root growth but were able to form normal ectomycorrhizal associations with the mycorrhizal fungus in vitro. 4CL lines also showed normal litter decomposition. Unexpected growth reductions resulting from the gene transformation were observed in chitinase transgenic and 4CL antisense birch lines. These results indicate that genetic engineering can provide a tool in increasing disease resistance in Finnish tree species. More extensive data with several ectomycorrhizal species is needed to evaluate the consequences of transgene expression on beneficial plant-fungus symbioses. The potential pleiotropic effects of the transgene should also be taken into account when considering the safety of transgenic trees.


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Genetic engineering of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Cry proteins has resulted in the synthesis of various novel toxin proteins with enhanced insecticidal activity and specificity towards different insect pests. In this study, a fusion protein consisting of the DI–DII domains of Cry1Ac and garlic lectin (ASAL) has been designed in silico by replacing the DIII domain of Cry1Ac with ASAL. The binding interface between the DI–DII domains of Cry1Ac and lectin has been identified using protein–protein docking studies. Free energy of binding calculations and interaction profiles between the Cry1Ac and lectin domains confirmed the stability of fusion protein. A total of 18 hydrogen bonds was observed in the DI–DII–lectin fusion protein compared to 11 hydrogen bonds in the Cry1Ac (DI–DII–DIII) protein. Molecular mechanics/Poisson–Boltzmann (generalized-Born) surface area [MM/PB (GB) SA] methods were used for predicting free energy of interactions of the fusion proteins. Protein–protein docking studies based on the number of hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic interactions, aromatic–aromatic, aromatic–sulphur, cation–pi interactions and binding energy of Cry1Ac/fusion proteins with the aminopeptidase N (APN) of Manduca sexta rationalised the higher binding affinity of the fusion protein with the APN receptor compared to that of the Cry1Ac–APN complex, as predicted by ZDOCK, Rosetta and ClusPro analysis. The molecular binding interface between the fusion protein and the APN receptor is well packed, analogously to that of the Cry1Ac–APN complex. These findings offer scope for the design and development of customized fusion molecules for improved pest management in crop plants.


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The developing seeds of Actinodaphne hookeri were investigated to delineate their ability to synthesize large amounts of trilaurin. Until 88 days after flowering the embryos contained 71% neutral lipids (NL) and 29% phospholipids (PL) and both these components contained C-16:0, C-18:0, C-18:2, and C-18:3 as the major fatty acids (FA). At 102 days after flowering the seeds began to accumulate triacylglycerols (TAG) and to synthesize lauric acid (C-12:0). By 165 days after flowering, when the seeds were mature, they contained about 99% NL and 1% FL. At this stage the TAG contained exclusively C-12:0, while the PL consisted of long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) only. Leaf lipids in contrast did not contain any C-12:0. Experiments on [1-C-14]acetate incorporation into developing seed slices showed that at 88 days after flowering only 4% of the label was in TAG, 1% in diacylglycerols (DAG), and 87% in FL. One hundred two days after flowering seeds incorporated only 2% of the label into TAG, 30% into DAG, and 64% into FL. In contrast at 114 days after flowering 71% of the label was incorporated into TAG, 25% into DAG, and only 2% into FL. Analysis of labeled FA revealed that up to 102 days after flowering it was incorporated only into LCFA, whereas at 114 days after flowering it was incorporated exclusively into C-12:0. Furthermore, 67% of the label in PL at 114 days after flowering was found to be dilaurylglycerophosphate. Analysis of the label in DAG at this stage showed that it was essentially in dilaurin species. These observations indicate the induction of enzymes of Kennedy pathway for the specific synthesis of trilaurin at about 114 days after flowering, Homogenates of seeds (114 days after flowering) incubated with labeled FA in the presence of glycerol-3-phosphate and coenzymes A and ATP incorporated 84% of C-12:0 and 61% of C-14:0, but not C-16:0, C-18:2, and C-18:3, into TAG. In contrast the LCFA were incorporated preferentially into FL. It is concluded that, between 102 and 114 days after flowering, a switch occurs in A. hookeri for the synthesis of C-12:0 and trilaurin which is tissue specific. Since the seed synthesizes exclusively C-12:0 at 114 days after flowering onwards and incorporates specifically into TAG, this system appears to be ideal for identifying the enzymes responsible for medium-chain fatty acid as well as trilaurin synthesis and for exploiting them for genetic engineering. (C) 1994 Academic Press, Inc.


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Sugars perform two vital functions in plants: as compatible solutes protecting the cell against osmotic stress and as mobile source of immediate and long-term energy requirement for growth and development. The two sugars that occur commonly in nature are sucrose and trehalose. Sucrose comprises one glucose and one fructose molecule; trehalose comprises two glucose molecules. Trehalose occurs in significant amounts in insects and fungi which greatly outnumber the plants. Surprisingly, in plants trehalose has been found in barely detectable amounts, if at all, raising the question `why did nature select sucrose instead of trehalose as the mobile energy source and as storage sugar for the plants'? Modelling revealed that when attached to the ribbon-shaped beta-1,4 glucan a trehalose molecule is shaped like a hook. This suggests that the beta-1,4 glucan chains with attached trehalose will fail to align to form inter-chain hydrogen bonds and coalesce into a cellulose microfibril, as a result of which in trehalose-accumulating plant cells, the cell wall will tend to become leaky. Thus in plants an evolutionary selection was made in favour of sucrose as the mobile energy source. Genetic engineering of plant cells for combating abiotic stresses through microbial trehalose-producing genes is fraught with risk of damage to plant cell walls.


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Resumen: En este trabajo examino aspectos filosóficos del transhumanismo, en particular en lo que se refiere a su antropología filosófica y la filosofía de la tecnología que se halla implicada en esta. Me enfoco en la ingeniería genética y la “evolución dirigida”, una narrativa central en la promoción de un futuro “posthumano” que –según el transhumanismo– traerá beneficios en gran escala para la humanidad. Argumento que el transhumanismo avanza una teoría deliberativa de los valores en un contexto que favorece la lógica de mercado para la comercialización y distribución de los bienes prometidos por la reprogenética. Esta teoría deliberativa, a su vez, se basa en una visión antropológica con fuertes raíces humanistas. Argumento que esta estrategia del transhumanismo nos lleva a profundas contradicciones, dado que la lógica individualista-mercantilista no conlleva lógicamente a un beneficio global en lo que concierne a la “naturaleza” humana.


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A presente dissertação é fruto de uma investigação filosófica, inserida na linha de pesquisa de Ética. Esse trabalho aprofunda uma discussão polêmica no contexto da Bioética, a saber: a manipulação de células embrionárias. Contudo, o autor não envereda seus esforços nas conse-quências éticas advindas das novas tecnologias produzidas pela Engenharia Genética, mas adentra na causa do problema, isto é, pretende antes saber se o embrião humano é ser vivo, ser humano e, principalmente, pessoa. Assim, o autor tem como objetivo principal investigar o status ontológico e moral do embrião humano. Nesse contexto, investiga o conceito de identidade pessoal, examinando-o - brevemente - à luz de duas teorias da Filosofia da Mente: internalista, que defende a construção do eu por bases internas; e a externalista, que advoga a construção do eu por bases externas. Elenca e analisa os atributos essenciais que concebe uma pessoa. Também pesquisa o conceito de dignidade humana e sua vinculação ao conceito de pessoa, tendo como base a filosofia moral de Immanuel Kant, através de sua obra Fundamentação da Metafísica dos Costumes. Além desta e da bibliografia utilizada sobre o tema, a fonte principal dessa discussão é a obra Ética Prática, do filósofo Peter Singer. Vale destacar que existem três posições dominantes dentro dessa temática: a) Teoria Concepcionalista, a qual argumenta que o embrião é pessoa desde a concepção e, por isso, desautoriza qualquer manipulação; b) Teoria Genético-Desenvolvimentista, a qual defende a pessoalidade do embrião a partir de diferentes etapas do seu desenvolvimento biológico e, desse modo, defende as pesquisas biomédicas; c) Teoria da Potencialidade da Pessoa, a qual advoga que o embrião ainda não tem a pessoalidade, no entanto, é um potencial ser humano e pessoa, e, por essa razão, sua integridade deve ser preservada. Ao final, o autor enumera as principais implicações éticas, psicológicas, sociais e jurídicas, uma vez determinados os estatutos ontológico e moral do embrião humano.


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作为植物界广泛存在的一类酚类聚合物,木质素是陆生植物正常生长发育过程中非常重要的生物大分子,而且与人类的生活息息相关。利用分子生物学手段和基因工程方法,从小麦中分离木质素生物合成途径的关键酶-肉桂酰辅酶A还原酶基因(CCR),研究肉桂酰辅酶A还原酶基因在木质素代谢途径中的调控规律,从其催化的限速步骤入手,来调控木质素的合成,有效的改变木质素的组成、含量和结构,是改善木质素在植物生长发育中的作用乃至开发木质素资源的关键所在。本文就小麦肉桂酰辅酶A还原酶基因的分离、表达特征及其在木质素合成途径中的作用开展了研究工作。 首先用RACE方法从小麦中克隆了CCR的两个cDNA的部分序列,序列分析表明它们编码的蛋白具有CCR的典型特点,GC含量高于均60%,两者在核酸水平和蛋白水平的同源性为76%和 69%,证明在小麦中至少存在着两个CCR基因。通过 RT-PCR和Northern 杂交确定W-cr6和W-cr19在小麦的发育中具有不同的表达特征,W-cr6主要在茎中表达,而W-cr19的表达集中在根中。以W-cr6为探针,从cDNA文库中筛选到一个全长1317bp的cDNA,命名为TaCCR1。TaCCR1包括开放阅读框 (ORF) 1047bp、5′端侧翼 72bp和3′端侧翼198bp的非翻译序列。TaCCR1能够编码由349个氨基酸组成的蛋白质,预期的分子量为37.4kD。同源性比较显示TaCCR1基因在核酸水平和蛋白质水平与其他物种的CCR基因的同源性高于60%。 为了分析CCR在木质素合成中的作用,用TaCCR1构建了用于转化烟草的正义和反义表达载体pStCCR和pAtCCR、用于转化小麦的正义和反义表达载体pBSC1和pBAC1。通过农杆菌介导得到了30株反义转基因烟草和12株正义转基因烟草。由于外源基因的抑制作用,转基因烟草在形态、木质素组成和含量、木质部显微结构上都程度不同的发生了变化。正义和反义的转基因株系呈现出株型矮化、木质素含量下降、木质部导管细胞壁受到破坏等现象。同时利用花粉管通道法转化小麦种子5000多粒,部分处理经过初步的PCR和 Southern分子鉴定获得了1株转基因株系,需要对其遗传、生理和形态特征做进一步的研究。 本文还对木质素对小麦茎杆的机械强度的影响做了初步的探讨,得到的结果是小麦茎杆的木质素含量、维管束的数量、茎杆有效的横界面积与其最大弯曲应力存在着正相关,而维管束的结构、密度对茎杆的最大弯曲应力没有明显的影响,从而为通过CCR基因来改善小麦茎杆的抗倒特性建立了生理学基础。


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本文通过根农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumfaciens)介导法分别将Signal和KDEL修饰的豇豆胰蛋白酶抑制剂(Cowpea trypsin inhibitor, CpTI)基因、豌豆外源凝集素(Pea lectin, P-Lec)和大豆Kunitz型胰蛋白酶抑制剂(Soybean Kunitz typsin inhibitor, SKTI)双价抗虫基因、雪花莲外源凝集素(Galanthus nivals agglutinin, GNA)基因以及高效复合启动子OM控制的苏云金杆菌(Bacillus thuringiensis, B.t.)杀虫毒蛋白基因导入了陆地棉(Gossypium hirsutum L.)栽培品种新陆早1号、新陆中2号、晋棉7号、冀合321、辽9和晋棉12号,并获得了大批转基因再生植株。 实验中对影响棉花转化和再生的一些条件进行了研究,从根农杆菌培养、棉花无菌苗的制备、转化操作和共培养等方面对转化条件进行了探讨;从激素配化、植物表达载体、外植体类型、基因型等方面对抗性愈伤组织的诱导进行了摸索;从激素、从碳源、培养容器、pH值、抗褐化剂及固化剂的选择等方面对影响植株再生的条件进行了优化。 本文开创性地采用嫁接代替移栽,从而极大地提高了转化植株定植成活率,缩短了缓苗时间并增加了转化植株当代的繁殖系数。 在建立了一套较为高效的陆地棉转化及再生系统基础上,本文还进行了其它转化方式和转化体系的初步探讨。利用棉花幼嫩种子无菌苗下胚轴作为外植体,通过改变愈伤组织诱导培养基配方面提高胚性愈伤组织的诱导频率,进而得到更多的体细胞胚状和再生植株,缩短再生周期;尝试用胚性愈伤组织作为外植体的根农杆菌介导法转化,确定了一些与转化有关的条件;建立了一套棉花茎尖培养程序,为运用基因枪法轰击棉花茎尖分生组织或用根农杆菌直接转化茎尖分生组织,以克服根农杆菌转化棉花时体胚发生的基因型局限开辟了一条新途径。 本文还建立了一种快速鉴定转化植株后代的方法。这一简便方法还有助于进行转基因棉纯合系的筛选以及外源基因的遗传稳定性研究。 转基因植株经Npt-II ELISA、PCR、PCR Southern 检测证明外源抗虫基因CpTI、SKTI、P-lec、GNA以及B.t.基因已存在于转化植株基因组内。修饰的CpTI转基因植株抗棉铃虫(Heliothis armigera Hubner)试验结果表明,其杀虫效果显著优于前期未修饰的CpTI转化植株。P-lec和SKTI双价转基因植株抗棉铃虫试验结果表明,转基因植株对棉铃虫幼虫具有较强的杀虫活力。 目前,已获得转以上抗虫基因棉花T1代植株。为今后进一步将植物基因工程技术应用于棉花遗传改良打下了基础。


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以陆地棉(Gossypium hirsutum L.)栽培品种新陆早4号、系550、冀资492、衡无89-30、邯93-2、冀资123等为材料,进行了组织培养及植株再生研究,建立了一套陆地棉体细胞植株再生速成体系。通过调整激素种类与比例以及改善培养条件,降低了畸形胚发生频率(从80%降为41%),并可将畸形苗转化为正常苗(转化率约为78%);通过水培和嫁接,结合试管扦插、扩繁技术,解决了棉花生根及移栽难题,为农杆菌介导法转化棉花奠定了基础。 用绿色荧光蛋白基因(gfp)作为报告基因,构建了pBGb1m(含Bt和gfp二价基因)、pBGbf(含Bt-gfp融合基因)和pBGbfg(含Bt-gfp融合基因和gna基因)等三种植物表达载体。通过农杆菌介导法转化烟草,转基因再生植株经过荧光、虫试、PCR、Southern blot和Western blot等检测,表明三种植物表达载体能够在转基因植物中有效表达,同时,绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)的检测表现出了简便、经济、快速、可靠等优点,为大量棉花转基因苗的检测提供了一种有效方法。 采用花粉管通道法将携带细胞间隙定位信号肽的Bt基因的pBin438-S1m质粒导入棉花品种冀资492,经过田间卡那霉素筛选、虫试、PCR、PCR-Southern blot和Southern blot检测,证明Bt基因已整合至棉花基因组中,而且可能是以单拷贝形式插入。 同时,通过农杆菌介导法将三种植物表达载体(pBGb1m、pBGbf和pBGbfg)转化陆地棉栽培品种新陆早4号、冀资492、衡无89-30和邯93-2等材料,获得了大量转化再生棉株。经过PCR和PCR-Southern blot检测,转基因阳性植株为转为再生植株总数的89.45%。目前,虫试、Southern blot及Western blot正在进行之中。


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系统获得性抗性(Systematic acquired resistance, SAR)是植物抵御病原菌侵染的最有效手段,利用基因工程技术导入SAR信号发生过程中的关键基因后,植物的SAR基因表达量提高并且对病原菌侵染的反应速度加快,因此植物的抗病性得以增强,与传统的抗病基因工程技术相比它对病原菌没有专一性,许多学者称之为广谱抗病基因工程,该领域已成为目前抗病基因工程研究的热点和前沿。 NDR1和NPR1基因在植物的SAR发生中起着重要的作用,前者功能定位在ROS(reactive oxygen species)的激活和随后的水杨酸(SA)诱导合成之间,突变株病原菌诱导后SA合成能力降低,SAR发生减弱,目前还没有对该基因进行过量表达分析的报道;后者功能定位在SAR信号转导级联反应之中的SA积累和随后的SAR基因表达之间。该突变株在病原菌侵染时不产生病程相关蛋白(PRs),表现为感病,而对照抗病;过量表达该基因的转基因拟南芥对多种病原菌的侵染产生抗性,PR1等PRs蛋白的表达量也提高,异源表达该基因的水稻对白叶枯病的抗性也提高。本研究利用RT-PCR方法从拟南芥中克隆了这两种基因,序列分析表明拟南芥Wassilewskija生态型的NDR1基因与Columbia生态型相比,共有7处碱基不同,引起编码氨基酸变化4处,而NPR1基因与报道的Wassilewskija生态型来源的NPR1基因完全相同。 我们构建了35S启动子驱动的NDR1和NPR1基因的植物组成型高效表达载体,利用农杆菌介导法转化烟草,PCR和Southern鉴定外源基因已经整合到植物基因组中。抗病性分析显示过量表达NDR1和NPR1基因的烟草对晚疫病和赤星病的抗性都有明显提高,说明这两个基因的在其它植物中异源表达后,都能提高植物对多种病原菌的抗性。 本论文提出了利用这两个基因来培育抗黄萎病棉花的设想,一方面为解决这个“世纪性”难题积累新的资料,另一方面也为其它作物的抗病基因工程提供新的经验。利用35S启动子驱动的NDR1和NPR1基因的植物组成型表达载体分别对陆地棉品种石远321进行花粉管通道法转化。同时,还探讨了这两个基因在棉花中的共转化实验,希望它们的“协同增效”能进一步提高棉花的抗病性。对其中2001年夏天在南京注射所获得的5,000粒种子在三亚进行100 g/ml卡那霉素筛选,初步鉴定分别获得转NDR1和NPR1基因株系26和24棵,PCR进一步鉴定其中分别有12和7棵为转基因阳性,转基因频率分别为0.50%和0.27%,目前利用营养钵蘸根法对其二代进行抗枯、黄萎病鉴定,结果显示有转基因植株对枯、黄萎病的抗性都明显增强,进一步的鉴定正在进行中。2002年初海南注射分别获得转NDR1和NPR1基因以及共转化种子22,000、10,500和12,500粒种子,2002年夏在中国农科院植保所黄萎菌病圃筛选抗黄萎病单株,并利用100 g/ml卡那霉素初步筛选出了一批抗性植株,每种转基因株系随机挑选5株进行PCR鉴定,结果显示为阳性。进一步的抗黄萎病鉴定和筛选以及分子分析正在进行中。 同时,本文还探讨了病原菌诱导型启动子在广谱抗病基因工程应用的可能性。根据烟草的Pr1-a启动子已知序列设计引物,PCR扩增启动子序列后,构建病原菌诱导型NPR1基因植物表达载体,并对棉花进行转化,获得种子11,500粒,利用同上的筛选方法,获得了一致的结果,目前抗黄萎病鉴定、分子检测以及生物学分析正在进行中。 最后,鉴于抗生素标记在转基因植物的应用引起了许多“安全性”争论的事实,还构建了无筛选标记的表达载体对抗虫棉进行转化,这样在生产上可以直接获得抗虫棉抗黄萎病棉花新材料,也为其它作物抗病基因工程积累经验。 本研究还提出了一种较为有效的提取高质量棉花总RNA的方法,与原来一些棉花RNA纯化方法相比,该方法所用都为常规试剂,易于重复,质量高。并且利用获得的总RNA构建了黄萎菌激发子诱导的cDNA文库,滴度测定为1╳107pfμ/μg,插入片段大小在5 00~2 000 bp范围内。 鉴于NPR1基因研究的重要性,本研究还利用简并引物PCR技术从海岛棉和陆地棉的基因组中都分离到了NPR1基因的同源片段,大小都为208 bp,与拟南芥NPR1基因的相应部分的同源性分别为66%和65%,它们之间的同源性为87%,目前该基因的全长正在分离鉴定中。 多聚半乳糖醛酸酶抑制蛋白(PGIPs)在植物的防御反应中起着重要的作用,通过分析已知20余种pgip基因序列的保守区,设计简并引物,PCR扩增海岛棉(Gossypium barbadense)7124 cDNA文库,得到一条长561 bp的片段,序列测定后分析确认为pgip基因的一部分。根据此序列和棉花病原菌诱导的cDNA文库载体中已知部分设计RACE引物,扩增后,5’和3’RACE分别得到666bp和906 bp的片段。序列分析表明它具有完整的编码框,产物为330 aa的蛋白质。序列分析该蛋白具有10个串联的LRR(leucine-rich repeat)区,与柑桔(Citrus)和枳(Poncirus)的pgip基因的同源性分别为69.2%和68.7%。进一步PCR扩增得到该基因的全长阅读框,并且获得了相应的基因组片段,序列分析发现该基因没有内含子。这是从棉属植物中克隆的第一个pgip基因。


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:探索以Lentivirus为载体,构建同时表达绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)和神经营养因子一3(NT一3)的基因工程化鼠胚神经于细胞(NSC)的可行性。方法:体外分离培养鼠胚NSC,用同时携带NT一3和GFP的lentivirus转染构建工程化NSC;用荧光显微镜、鼠胚背根神经结培养(Dorsal Root Ganglion,DRG)、Westem blot等方法检测基因工程NSC 的转基因表达。结果:荧光显微镜观察到几乎100%的工程化NSC表达GFP:DRG培养和Westem blot检测到基因工程化NSC能高效分泌NT一3蛋白。结论:以IJentivirus为载体,构建同时携带并稳定表达GFP和N‘r_3的基因工程化鼠胚NSC是可行的,可为脊髓损伤基础研究提供有价值的细胞资源。