111 resultados para bioindicadores


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Os frugívoros desempenham papel fundamental na manutenção das florestas ao dispersarem as sementes dos frutos que consomem. Dentre as aves tropicais, a família Trogonidae é uma importante representante de tal relação ecológica e por serem sensíveis a alterações no ambiente, são bioindicadores da qualidade do habitat. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo descrever o comportamento de forrageamento de Trogon surrucura no Parque Estadual da Cantareira, São Paulo, e registrar e levantar na literatura os itens alimentares consumidos pela espécie. Foi observado que T. surrucura capturou presas preferencialmente em folhas verdes, utilizou-se da manobra investir-pairar na maior parte dos eventos de forrageamento, e não retornou aos poleiros de partida em 92% dos casos. Entre os itens alimentares levantados, os mais registrados foram artrópodes (principalmente insetos da família Tettigoniidae e lepidópteros), seguidos de frutos (Eugenia uniflora, Euterpe edulis entre outros), além de vertebrados (anuros da família Hylidae) e flores (do gênero Ipomoea). Como já citado em literatura, a espécie mostrou-se comum na área de estudo


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OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of lead poisoning in children and to identify associated factors, as well as possible local sources of contamination. METHODS: A cross-sectional prevalence study conducted in 2006 with a random sample of 97 children age zero to five years from a neighborhood in Porto Alegre, Southern Brazil. Blood lead levels were measured and a questionnaire administered to collect information on sociodemographics, recycling and dwelling. A preliminary environmental evaluation was carried out with direct analysis of soil and indirect analysis of air pollution with bioindicators to identify possible sources of contamination. To analyze lead concentrations from the different collection sites, for each type of material studied, ANOVA was performed with a Brown-Forsythe adjustment for heteroscedasticity and with Dunnett's T3 procedure for multiple comparisons of unequal variances. RESULTS: Blood lead levels >= 10.0 mu g/dL was found in 16.5% of children. Recycling of waste at home, low father's education level, and increased age of children were associated with increase blood lead levels. High lead levels were found in soil, and there was little indication of lead air pollution. CONCLUSIONS: A high prevalence of lead poisoning was identified, and the potential sources of contamination in this community appear related to waste recylcing activities. Studies should be conducted with other populations of Brazilian children and evaluate potential sources of local and general contamination, to accurately characterize this issue in Brazil.


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This research aimed to describe the macroscopic and microscopic liver of tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum, Teleost freshwater Family Characidae, of great economic interest for the Amazon basin. We used six juveniles aged between six month and one year, from the small holding Esteio, Alta Floresta/MT, that develops mainly fish farming. The body was photographed in situ, described macroscopically, and fragments were removed and processed by routine histological techniques through paraffin embedding and HE staining. The liver, located ventrally to the swim bladder and craniodorsally to the stomach, is brownish red and consisted of three lobes, the right lateral, the left lateral and the ventral lobe. Microscopically, the parenchyma consists of hepatocytes varying from irregular rounded hexagonal to round forms with a large and central nucleus, and arranged in linear strings limited by sinusoids and radiating to central veins, but with absence of liver lobules. The central veins are distributed throughout the parenchyma, while the portal space consists in most cases only of a hepatic vein and bile duct; elsewhere exist artery and duct. Formation of portal triads was not founde. Melano macrophages were frequently seen dispersed throughout the central parenchyma. The morphofunctional study of the digestive system of fishes of the Amazon basin is important to obtain knowledge about their weight gain, large scale production for human consumption and preservation of the species, and has also its importance for being used as bioindicators today.


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The purpose of this work was to verify the benthic macroinvertebrates community responses through environmental factors along a headwater tropical reservoir. Samplings were taken with a Van-Veen grab along the reservoir in littoral and profundal regions and in the headwater, next to the dam and the middle of the reservoir. Samples were taken during both wet and dry seasons. Dissolved oxygen concentrations, electric conductivity, temperature and pH near the sediment have been performed in situ, at every sampling station by using a multiprobe and Secchi disc. Total water phosphorus and chlorophyll a concentrations were analyzed to determine the trophic state index. Sediment's organic matter, total phosphorus, nitrogen concentrations and granulometric composition were measured. In order to verify which environmental variables would have more influence over the benthic macroinvertebrates community, a canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was performed. The total number of recorded taxa was 28. Among them, the family Chironomidae (Diptera) was the richest group (19 taxa). It can be proposed that the benthic macroinvertebrates community may be influenced by environmental conditions such as nutrient and organic matter availability, as well as dissolved oxygen concentration. Macroinvertebrates are adequate bioindicators of water quality due to their sensibility to environmental changes mentioned before. Chironomus sp, Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri and Branchiura sowerbyi comprises a group that can be considered bio-indicators of eutrophic conditions. A second group can be considered as indicator of mesotrophic conditions. The presence of two or more members from that group which comprises Tanytarsini spp, Fissimentum sp, Pelomus sp and Goeldichironomus sp, like predominant taxa, may indicates mesotrophic conditions.


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Programa de doctorado: Ecología y Gestión de los Recursos Vivos Marinos


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Máster Universitario International en Acuicultura. Trabajo presentado como requisito parcial para la obtención del Título de Máster Universitario Internacional en Acuicultura, otorgado por la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), el Instituto Canario de Ciencias Marinas (ICCM), y el Centro Internacional de Altos Estudios Agronómicos Mediterráneos de Zaragoza (CIHEAM)


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La siguiente es una experiencia didáctica sobre el uso de la estadística para el análisis de los líquenes como bioindicadores de contaminación atmosférica. Se propuso la realización de un trabajo de modelización intermatemática que permitiese al alumno de 1º Año de la Escuela Secundaria la aplicación de la estadística sobre datos obtenidos en el muestreo de líquenes epífitos y su posterior análisis como bioindicadores de la calidad del aire. Se buscó favorecer de esta manera el análisis crítico del uso de la estadística por parte de los alumnos. Los resultados mostraron eficiencia en los alumnos al momento de tomar criterio por las herramientas estadísticas pertinentes para realizar el análisis de datos obtenidos y poder tomar así conclusiones válidas con respecto a las hipótesis planteadas


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La siguiente es una experiencia didáctica sobre el uso de la estadística para el análisis de los líquenes como bioindicadores de contaminación atmosférica. Se propuso la realización de un trabajo de modelización intermatemática que permitiese al alumno de 1º Año de la Escuela Secundaria la aplicación de la estadística sobre datos obtenidos en el muestreo de líquenes epífitos y su posterior análisis como bioindicadores de la calidad del aire. Se buscó favorecer de esta manera el análisis crítico del uso de la estadística por parte de los alumnos. Los resultados mostraron eficiencia en los alumnos al momento de tomar criterio por las herramientas estadísticas pertinentes para realizar el análisis de datos obtenidos y poder tomar así conclusiones válidas con respecto a las hipótesis planteadas


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La siguiente es una experiencia didáctica sobre el uso de la estadística para el análisis de los líquenes como bioindicadores de contaminación atmosférica. Se propuso la realización de un trabajo de modelización intermatemática que permitiese al alumno de 1º Año de la Escuela Secundaria la aplicación de la estadística sobre datos obtenidos en el muestreo de líquenes epífitos y su posterior análisis como bioindicadores de la calidad del aire. Se buscó favorecer de esta manera el análisis crítico del uso de la estadística por parte de los alumnos. Los resultados mostraron eficiencia en los alumnos al momento de tomar criterio por las herramientas estadísticas pertinentes para realizar el análisis de datos obtenidos y poder tomar así conclusiones válidas con respecto a las hipótesis planteadas


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E utrophication in continental aquatic ecosystems and the following deterioration of water quality are some of the greatest problems to be solved in this century. Due to their own peculiarities reservoirs from semi - arid regions constitute a great challenge to water management because of their greater vulnerability to eutrophication process. I dentification of biolo gical community components that may be used as bioindicators is important to allow an early detection of adverse changes, and also to provide subsidies for management and conservation actions. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the potential of zo oplankton community as bioindicator of the trophic state of two reservoirs belonging to the Piranhas - Açu basin, RN, Brazil: Boqueirão de Parelhas and Passagem das Traíras. Monthly sampling s of both systems were carried out in both systems during the period of January to December. Measurements were performed for temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and water electrical conductivity besides water samples collection for nutrients, suspended solids, chlorophyll - a and zooplankton analyses. T axonomic composition of zooplankton , density and biomass were analysed. Trophic state index, ABC curves , W statistic and the Calanoida: Cyclopoida ratio were also obtained. The results evidenced that Boqueirão de Parelhas reservoir was a mesotrophic sy stem, and Passagem das Traíras r eservoir was eutrophic. In both reservoirs zooplankton community had low species richness, mostly constituted by tolerant species which have wide geographical distribution, as well the dominance of the rotifers Brachionus havanaensis , B. calyciflo rus and Keratella tropica ; of the calanoid copepods Notodiaptomus cearensis and N. iheringi ; cyclopoid copepod Thermocyclops decipiens, and of the cladocerans Ceriodaphnia cornuta and Diaphanosoma spinulosum . Among the biological indices the ABC curves fo r the zooplankton community indicated a moderate dis turbance in both reservoirs, th e Calanoida: Cyclopoida ration indicated not impacted environments , e xcept during the end of the study to the reservoir Passagem das Traíras . It was concluded that the indices used are good indicators of disturbance and alteration in the community, however they are not good indicators for monitoring the trophic state of the studied reservoirs due to the simultaneous occurrence of other factors selecting species, as the c oncentration of ions and high turbidity, which are part of the reservoir characteristics of semiarid.


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Colêmbolos são pequenos artrópodes extremamente abundantes na natureza. São semelhantes a insetos em seu padrão de tagmose, ecologicamente muito importantes e podem ser usados como bioindicadores. Mais de 8.300 espécies já foram descritas no mundo, mas se estima que a riqueza real corresponda a um número muito maior. A Mata Atlântica corresponde ao domínio fitogeográfico mais alterado pela ação antrópica no Brasil, restando menos de 8,5% de sua cobertura original. No Rio Grande do Norte a Mata Atlântica cobre apenas 0,27% do território do Estado. Assim, considerando a importância de se conhecer a fauna de Collembola, sobretudo num ambiente ameaçado como a Mata Atlântica, este trabalho objetivou estudar a riqueza de colêmbolos Entomobryoidea e Symphypleona ocorrentes em dois remanescentes de Mata Atlântica do Rio Grande do Norte através de coletas ativas com aspirador entomológico e passivas com pitfall, durante os períodos de chuva e seca. Foram identificadas 22 espécies de colêmbolos, sendo que destas 19 (mais de 85% do total) são novas para a ciência, incluindo um novo gênero da família Sminthuridae. As coletas realizadas no período chuvoso apresentaram praticamente o dobro de espécies em relação às realizadas no período seco. Este fato possivelmente está associado à dependência dos colêmbolos de umidade, assim como estratégias de resistência a período secos. São descritas quatro novas espécies, incluindo o novo gênero (Trogolaphysa sp.nov., Gen.nov. sp.nov., Szeptyckitheca sp.nov. e Sminthurinus sp.nov.). Este expressivo número de espécies novas identificadas, os novos registros para o gêneros e famílias para a Mata Atlântica do Rio Grande do Norte e a descoberta de um novo gênero corroboram o pressuposto que motivou este trabalho: o Rio Grande do Norte apresenta uma fauna de Collembola desconhecida e potencialmente diversificada. Além disso, foram geradas informações importantes sobre a morfologia das espécies descritas, que por sua vez são de grande importância para a sistemática dos Collembola. O novo gênero descrito faz parte de um visível subgrupo dentro da família Sminthuridae (aqueles com o unguis com cavidade) que aparentemente tem potencial para ser reconhecido futuramente em alguma categoria taxonômica supragenérica.


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Este protocolo tiene por objeto establecer los requisitos y medidas sanitarias de prevención y control de la dispersión de enfermedades de alto impacto y para el uso adecuado y racional de fármacos de uso específico en la acuicultura, específicamente para la producción camaronera y de los laboratorios de producción de nauplios y post larvas del país. Este documento es resultado del proyecto de investigación denominado Muestreo y diagnóstico de la calidad microbiológica del agua durante un ciclo de cultivo de camarón marino en estanques de cooperativas de San Hilario, Bahía de Jiquilisco, Usulután, ejecutado por la Escuela Especializada en Ingeniería ITCA-FEPADE, Centro Regional La Unión. En este proyecto se determinó cualitativa y cuantitativamente la presencia de coliformes totales, coliformes fecales (Es-cherichia coli) y bacterias Heterótrofas que constituyen los bioindicadores estándar de contaminación orgánica del agua. Se determinó además la presencia de Vibrio sp., Pseudomonas sp., y Aeromonas sp. en el área de estudio identificados como los principales agentes causantes de enfermedades infecciosas en el camarón marino. El muestreo ayudó a conocer la influencia de parámetros físico-químicos en la presencia de los microorganismos estudiados y servirá de marco para elaborar una propuesta para un programa de monitoreo de la acuicultura en todas sus etapas del encadenamiento productivo. Se realizó un taller con la Cooperativa Senderos de Paz sobre los resultados de TCBS de la calidad del agua en el canal reservorio y el estanque número 3 de dicha cooperativa.


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Over time, humanity began to realize the negative impact that the modern world has caused to the environment. The Atlantic Forest is one of the richest biomes in biodiversity, covering more than 60% of all species on the planet. This biome covered about 15% of the Brazilian territory, leaving currently only 7% of its fully fragmented forest remnants. This was the biome that suffered most from modernization and strong anthropogenic pressures in Brazil. For the account of environmental degradation, in the second half of the nineteenth century there was a shift in thinking, giving greater emphasis on conservation of some natural landscapes, with the intention of removing the man still preserved nature. Based on American models of conservation there were created the Nature Conservation Units. This study aimed to analyze the environmental quality of the State Park Vitório Piassa, a Conservation Unit located in the city of Pato Branco - PR. The environmental quality was measured by use of bio-indicators and some environmental pressures that the Park has suffered over the years also were identified. Beetles of the familiy Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) were used as the bioindicators. To compare the most conserved areas and the most degraded areas of the Park, three specific sites were defined within the Atlantic Forest fragment, these insects were captured with pitfall traps and identified as to their species and genera. There were two collections in February and March 2015, which resulted in 945 individuals in 22 species and nine different genus. Then the population of beetles in each area were classified based on ecological measures such as species richness, abundance of individuals of each species through diversity index (Shannon and Simpson) to identify the differences between the sampled groups and equitability (Pielou) to measure the distribution of the total abundance of the species in each area. To meet the objective of identifying the environmental pressures that occur in PEVP, evidence were collected through photographs, watching the field, aerial images and conversations with the resident population in the park. Similarly, if made relevant to build on the project running by the municipality for the construction of infrastructure for public viewing. These data served as subsidies to confront the current situation of the park and the current Brazilian legislation for UC's of full protection, highlighting the existing socio-environmental conflicts in the park, involving political issues and the proximity of the Conservation Unit with the urban area of the city.


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Tese de Doutoramento, Biologia (Ciências do Mar), 5 de Julho de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.