985 resultados para Zhu Jiang


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GaN films grown on sapphire substrate with an emphasis on epitaxial lateral overgrown (ELOG) layers with an array of rhombic shaped mask area as well as InGaN/GaN MQW laser diode layer structures were investigated by cathodoluminescence (CL) spectroscopy and CL imaging at room and low temperatures. The microscopic imaging with a high-spatial resolution clearly reveals the distribution of threading dislocations and point defects in ELOG GaN films. The secondary electron and CL data measured on cleaved faces of laser diodes are analyzed in consideration with luminescence mechanisms in semiconductor heterostructures and around the p - n junction, providing important information on the defects and carrier dynamics in laser diode devices.


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The unexpected decrease in measured responsivity observed in a specific GaN Schottky barrier photodetector (PD) at high reverse bias voltage was investigated and explained. Device equivalent transforms and small signal analysis were performed to analyse the test circuit. On this basis, a model was built which explained the responsivity decrease quantitatively. After being revised by this model, responsivity curves varying with bias voltage turned out to be reasonable. It is proved that the decrease is related to the dynamic parallel resistance of the photodiode. The results indicate that with a GaN Schottky PD, the choice of load resistance is restricted according to the dynamic parallel resistance of the device to avoid responsivity decay at high bias voltage.


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A heterojunction structure photodetector was fabricated by evaporating a semitransparent Ni/Au metal film oil the InGaN/GaN structure. The photocurrent (PC) spectra show that both the Schottky junction (NiAu/InGaN) and the InGaN/GaN isotype heterojunction contribute to the PC signal which suggests that two junctions are connected in series and result in a broader spectral response of the device. Secondary electron, cathodoluminescence and electron-beam-induced current images measured from the same area of the edge surface clearly reveal the profile of the layer structure and distribution of the built-in electric field around the two junctions. A band diagram of the device is drawn based oil the consideration of the polarization effect at the InGaN/GaN interface. The analysis is consistent with the physical mechanism of a tandem structure of two junctions connected in series.


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This paper presents a study of the transformation of high-temperature AlN (HT-AlN) interlayer (IL) and its effect on the strain relaxation of Al0.25Ga0.75N/HT-AlN/GaN. The HT-AlN IL capped with Al0.25Ga0.75N transforms into AlGaN IL in which the Al composition increases with the HT-AlN IL thickness while the total Ga content keeps nearly constant. During the HT-AlN IL growth on GaN, the tensile stress is relieved through the formation of V trenches. The filling up of the V trenches by the subsequent Al0.25Ga0.75N growth is identified as the Ga source for the IL transformation, whose effect is very different from a direct growth of HT-AlGaN IL. The a-type dislocations generated during the advancement of V trenches and their filling up propagate into the Al0.25Ga0.75N overlayer. The a-type dislocation density increases dramatically with the IL thickness, which greatly enhances the strain relaxation of Al0.25Ga0.75N. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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InGaN/GaN-multiple-quantum-well-based light emitting diode ( LED) nanopillar arrays with a diameter of approximately 200nm and a height of 700nm are fabricated by inductively coupled plasma etching using Ni self-assembled nanodots as etching mask. In comparison to the as-grown LED sample an enhancement by a factor of four of photoluminescence ( PL) intensity is achieved after the fabrication of nanopillars, and a blue shift and a decrease of full width at half maximum of the PL peak are observed. The method of additional wet etching with different chemical solutions is used to remove the etch-induced damage. The result shows that the dilute HCl ( HCl:H2O=1:1) treatment is the most effective. The PL intensity of nanopillar LEDs after such a treatment is about 3.5 times stronger than that before treatment.


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An interesting GaN photodetector structure, which can be used for characterizing the wavelength of incident ultraviolet light, is proposed. It is composed of two back-to-back integrated diodes, i.e. p-n and p-i-n GaN ultraviolet photodiodes with different spectral response. The wavelength of monochromatic ultraviolet light could be identified by measuring the photocurrent ratio value through a simple electronic circuit.


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We have investigated MOCVD growth of InN oil sapphire with and without a GaN buffer between 490 and 520 degrees C. The buffer significantly improves the surface morphological uniformity and electrical properties of InN epilayers. Characterization of the as-grown epilayers with the buffer reveals that kinetics-limited islands are formed at lower temperatures, whereas islands with equilibrium shape are obtained at higher temperatures. Below 520 degrees C, increasing temperature improves structural quality but degrades electrical properties. Hall data from this study Suggest that V-N-related defects/impurities are the possible donor species and compensation varies with charged dislocation acceptors. We believe that reducing carrier concentration and dislocation density is effective to increase the Hall mobility of InN. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work presents a study of the correlation between the electrical properties and the structural defects in nominally undoped InN films. It is found that the density of edge-type threading dislocations (TDs) considerably affects the electron concentration and mobility in InN films. The Hall-effect measured electron concentration increases, while the Hall mobility decreases with the increase in the edge-type TD density. With the combination of secondary ion mass spectrometry and positron annihilation analysis, we suggest that donor-type point defects at the edge-type TD lines may serve as dominant donors in InN films and affect the carrier mobility.


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The effect of the growth temperature on the surface and interface quality for the GaN/AlN multiquantum well (MQW) layer grown by metal-organic vapour chemical deposition is investigated. The obtained GaN/AlN MQW structure is almost coherent to the underlying AlGaN layer at improved growth conditions. With a relatively low growth temperature, the GaN/AlN MQW growth rate increases, the surface roughness reduces considerably and no macro steps are observed, resulting in a better periodicity of MQW.


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Room-temperature operation of cw GaN based multi-quantum-well laser diodes (LDs) is demonstrated. The LD structure is grown on a sapphire (0001) substrate by metalorganic chemical vapour deposition. A 2.5 mu m x 800 mu m ridge waveguide structure is fabricated. The electrical and optical characteristics of the laser diode under direct current injection at room temperature are investigated. The threshold current and voltage of the LD under cw operation are 110mA and 10.5V, respectively. Thermal induced series resistance decrease and emission wavelength red-shift are observed as the injection current is increased. The full width at half maximum for the parallel and perpendicular far field pattern (FFP) are 12 degrees and 32 degrees, respectively.


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We report a study on the micro-structural changes in GaN due to neon ion implantation using the x-ray diffraction and Raman scattering techniques. An implantation dose of 10(14) cm(-2) was found unable to produce lattice deformation observable by Raman measurements. For higher doses of implantation several disorder activated Raman scattering centers were observed which corroborate the literature. A new dose dependent feature has been recorded at 1595 cm(-1) for higher implantation doses which is suggested to be the vibrational mode of microcavities produced in the lattice.


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The effect of thermal annealing on the luminescence properties of neon implanted GaN thin films was studied. Low temperature photoluminescence (PL) measurements were carried out on the samples implanted with different doses ranging from 10(14) to 9 x 10(15) cm(-2) and annealed isochronally at 800 and 900 degrees C. We observed a new peak appearing at 3.44 eV in the low temperative PL spectra of all the implanted samples after annealing at 900 degrees C. This peak has not been observed in the PL spectra of implanted samples annealed at 800 degrees C except for the samples implanted with the highest dose. The intensity of the yellow luminescence (YL) band noticed in the PL spectra measured after annealing was observed to decrease with the increase in dose until it was completely suppressed at a dose of 5 x 10(15) cm(-2). The appearance of a new peak at 3.44 eV and dose dependent suppression of the YL band are attributed to the dissociation of VGaON complexes caused by high energy ion implantation.


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It is studied whether there is any regular relationship between the yellow luminescence band and electron mobility of n-type GaN. For a series of GaN samples grown with the same Si doping, it is found that the electron mobility decreases with an increase of relative intensity of yellow luminescence, accompanied by an increase of edge dislocation density. Further research indicates that it is acceptors introduced by edge dislocations which lead to the concomitant changes of yellow luminescence and electron mobility. Similar changes are induced by Si doping in the n-type GaN samples with relatively low edge dislocation density. However, the relationship between the yellow luminescence and electron mobility of n-type GaN is not a simple one. A light Si doping may simultaneously increase yellow luminescence and electron mobility when Si doping plays a dominant role in reducing the carrier scattering. This means that even the intensity of yellow luminescence is often used as an indicator of material quality for GaN, it does not have any monotonous correlation with the electron mobility of GaN. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Nanostructured hexagonal InN overlayers were heteroepitaxially deposited on vertically oriented c-axis GaN nanorods by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. InN overlayers grown in radial directions are featured by a nonpolar heteroepitaxial growth mode on GaN nanorods, showing a great difference from the conventional InN growth on (0001) c-plane GaN template. The surface of InN overlayers is mainly composed of several specific facets with lower crystallographic indices. The orientation relationship between InN and GaN lattices is found to be [0001](InN) parallel to [0001](GaN) and [1100](InN)parallel to[1100](GaN). A strong photoluminescence of InN nanostructures is observed. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI 10.1063/1.3177347]


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A close relationship is found between the blue and yellow luminescence bands in n-type GaN films, which are grown without intentional acceptor doping. The intensity ratio of blue luminescence to yellow luminescence (I-BL/I-YL) decreases with the increase in edge dislocation densities as demonstrated by the (102) full width at half maximum of x-ray diffraction. In addition, the I-BL/I-YL ratio decreases with the increase in Si doping. It is suggested that the edge dislocation and Si impurity play important roles in linking the blue and yellow luminescence.