946 resultados para Tumour cells


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Background The behaviour of tumour cells depends on factors such as genetics and the tumour microenvironment. The latter plays a crucial role in normal mammary gland development and also in breast cancer initiation and progression. Breast cancer tissues tend to be highly desmoplastic and dense matrix as a pre-existing condition poses one of the highest risk factors for cancer development. However, matrix influence on tumour cell gene expression and behaviour such as cell migration is not fully elucidated. Results We generated high-density (HD) matrices that mimicked tumour collagen content of 20 mg/cm3 that were ~14-fold stiffer than low-density (LD) matrix of 1 mg/cm3. Live-cell imaging showed breast cancer cells utilizing cytoplasmic streaming and cell body contractility for migration within HD matrix. Cell migration was blocked in the presence of both the ROCK inhibitor, Y-27632, and the MMP inhibitor, GM6001, but not by the drugs individually. This suggests roles for ROCK1 and MMP in cell migration are complicated by compensatory mechanisms. ROCK1 expression and protein activity, were significantly upregulated in HD matrix but these were blocked by treatment with a histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor, MS-275. In HD matrix, the inhibition of ROCK1 by MS-275 was indirect and relied upon protein synthesis and Notch1. Inhibition of Notch1 using pooled siRNA or DAPT abrogated the inhibition of ROCK1 by MS-275. Conclusion Increased matrix density elevates ROCK1 activity, which aids in cell migration via cell contractility. The upregulation of ROCK1 is epigenetically regulated in an indirect manner involving the repression of Notch1. This is demonstrated from inhibition of HDACs by MS-275, which caused an upregulation of Notch1 levels leading to blockade of ROCK1 expression.


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Cellular plasticity is fundamental to embryonic development. The importance of cellular transitions in development is first apparent during gastrulation when the process of epithelial to mesenchymal transition transforms polarized epithelial cells into migratory mesenchymal cells that constitute the embryonic and extraembryonic mesoderm. It is now widely accepted that this developmental pathway is exploited in various disease states, including cancer progression. The loss of epithelial characteristics and the acquisition of a mesenchymal-like migratory phenotype are crucial to the development of invasive carcinoma and metastasis. However, given the morphological similarities between primary tumour and metastatic lesions, it is likely that tumour cells re-activate certain epithelial properties through a mesenchymal to epithelial transition (MET) at the secondary site, although this is yet to be proven. MET is also an essential developmental process and has been extensively studied in kidney organogenesis and somitogenesis. In this review we describe the process of MET, highlight important mediators, and discuss their implication in the context of cancer progression.


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Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a feature of migratory cellular processes in all stages of life, including embryonic development and wound healing. Importantly, EMT features cluster with disease states such as chronic fibrosis and cancer. The dissolution of the E-cadherin-mediated adherens junction (AJ) is a key preliminary step in EMT and may occur early or late in the growing epithelial tumour. This is a first step for tumour cells towards stromal invasion, intravasation, extravasation and distant metastasis. The AJ may be inactivated in EMT by directed E-cadherin cleavage; however, it is increasingly evident that the majority of AJ changes are transcriptional and mediated by an expanding group of transcription factors acting directly or indirectly to repress E-cadherin expression. A review of the current literature has revealed that these factors may regulate each other in a hierarchical pattern where Snail1 (formerly Snail) and Snail2 (formerly Slug) are initially induced, leading to the activation of Zeb family members, TCF3, TCF4, Twist, Goosecoid and FOXC2. Within this general pathway, many inter-regulatory relationships have been defined which may be important in maintaining the EMT phenotype. This may be important given the short half-life of Snail1 protein. We have investigated these inter-regulatory relationships in the mesenchymal breast carcinoma cell line PMC42 (also known as PMC42ET) and its epithelial derivative, PMC42LA. This review also discusses several newly described regulators of E-cadherin repressors including oestrogen receptor-α and new discoveries in hypoxia- and growth factor-induced EMT. Finally, we evaluated how these findings may influence approaches to current cancer treatment.


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Breast cancer is a highly prevalent disease among women worldwide. While the expression of certain proteins within these tumours is used for prognosis and selection of therapies, there is a continuing need for additional markers to be identified. A considerable amount of current literature, based predominantly on cell culture systems, suggests that a major mechanism responsible for the progression of breast cancer is due to tumour cells losing their epithelial features and gaining mesenchymal properties. These events are proposed to be very similar to the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) process that has been well characterised in embryonic development. For the developmental and putative cancer EMT, the cell intermediate filament status changes from a keratin-rich network which connects to adherens junctions and hemidesmosomes, to a vimentin-rich network connecting to focal adhesions. This review summarises observations of vimentin expression in breast cancer model systems, and discusses the potential role of EMT in human breast cancer progression, and the prognostic usefulness of vimentin expression.


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A number of human cancer cell lines have been described as being invasive and metastatic in immune incompetent animals. However, it is difficult to assess metastatic spread of a subcutaneously injected or inoculated cell line, since an exact detection of all microfoci of human tumour cells in the animals by usual histological procedures would require extensive sectioning of the whole animal. To overcome this problem, we transduced human breast cancer cells with a replication-defective Moloney murine leukaemia retroviral vector (M-MuLV) containing both neo(R) (neomycin resistance) and lacZ genes. The resulting cell lines were selected for antibiotic (G418) resistance, and cell-sorted for lacZ expression. lacZ continued to be expressed in cultured cells for at least 20 passages without further G418 selection. The lacE gene codes for β-D-galactosidase, and cells expressing this gene stain blue with the chromogenic substrate X-gal. The lacZ-expressing cells retained the pre-transduction ability to traverse Matrigel in vitro, to form subcutaneous tumours in nude mice, and to grow invasively with the formation of metastases. X-gal staining showed high specificity, staining the tumour cells but not the surrounding mouse tissue on either whole tissue blocks or histological sections. The staining procedure was highly sensitive, allowing detection of microfoci of human cancer cells, and quantitative estimation of the metastatic capacity of the cells. These results indicate that lacZ transduction of human tumour cells is a powerful means of studying human cancer cell invasion and metastases in vivo.


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Metastasis, the passage of primary tumour cells throughout the body via the vascular system and their subsequent proliferation into secondary lesions in distant organs, represents a poor prognosis and therefore an understandably feared event for cancer patients. Despite considerable advances in cancer diagnosis and treatment, most deaths are the result of metastases resistant to conventional treatment [1]. Rather than being a random process, metastasis involves a series of organised steps leading to the growth of a secondary tumour. Malignant tumours stimulate the production of new vessels by the host, and this process is a prerequisite for the increase in size of a new tumour [2]. Angiogenesis, not only permits tumour expansion but also allows the entry of tumour cells into the circulation and is probably the most vital event for the metastatic process [3]. Metastasis and angiogenesis [4] have received much attention in recent years. A biological understanding of both phenomena seems to be an urgent priority towards the search for an effective prevention and treatment of tumour progression. Studies in vitro and in vivo have shown that one of the most important barriers to the passage of malignant cells is the basement membrane. The crossing of such barriers is a vital step in the formation of a metastasis [5].


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In human breast cancer (HBC), as with many carcinoma systems, most matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are largely expressed by the stromal cells, whereas the tumour cells are relatively silent in MMP expression. To determine the tissue source of the most relevant MMPs, we xenografted HBC cell lines and HBC tissues into the mammary fat pad (MFP) or bone of immunocompromised mice and measured the expression of human and mouse MMP-2, -9, -11, -13, membrane-type-1 MMP (MT1-MMP), MT2-MMP and MT3-MMP by species-specific real-time quantitative RT-PCR. Our data confirm a stromal origin for most tumour-associated MMPs and indicate marked and consistent upregulation of stromal (mouse) MMP-13 and MT1-MMP in all xenografts studied, irrespective of implantation in the MFP or bone environments. In addition, we show increased expression of both human MMP-13 and human MT1-MMP by the MDA-MB-231 tumour cells grown in the MFP compared to in vitro production. MMP protein and activity data confirm the upregulation of MMP mRNA production and indicate an increase in the activated MMP-2 species as a result of tumour implantation. These data directly demonstrate tumour induction of MMP production by stromal cells in both the MFP and bone environments. These xenografts are a valuable means for examining in vivo production of MMPs and suggest that MMP-13 and MT1-MMP will be relevant targets for inhibiting breast cancer progression.


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The aims of the present study are to investigate the clinicopathological correlations of JK-1(FAM134B) expression and its relationship to carcinogenesis in a colorectal adenoma-adenocarcinoma model. JK-1(FAM134B) protein expression was studied in a colon cancer cell line by Western blot and immunocytochemistry. JK-1(FAM134B) expression profiles at mRNA and protein levels were investigated in cancer tissues from 236 patients with colorectal adenocarcinoma and 32 patients with colorectal adenoma using real-time polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry. The findings were then correlated with the clinicopathological features of these tumours. JK-1(FAM134B) protein was demonstrated in the colon cancer cells by Western blot. The protein was located in the nuclei of the tumour cells at both cellular and tissue levels. In colorectal adenocarcinomas, lower levels of JK-1(FAM134B) protein expression were associated with younger age (p=0.032), larger tumour size (p=0.004), advanced cancer stages (p=0.016) and higher rates of cancer recurrence (p=0.04). Also, lower levels of JK-1(FAM134B) mRNA expression were associated with advanced cancer stages (p=0.02) and presence of lymphovascular invasion (p=0.014). Higher JK-1(FAM134B) mRNA and protein expression levels were identified in adenomas and non-neoplastic mucosae, compared to carcinomas (p=0.005). To conclude, JK-1(FAM134B) mRNA expression and JK1 (FAM134B) protein levels varied with the different stages of progression of colorectal tumours. The expression levels of the gene were associated with clinicopathological features in patients with colorectal adenocarcinoma suggesting that JK-1(FAM134B) gene has roles in controlling some steps in the development of the invasive phenotypes from colorectal adenoma to early staged as well as advanced staged colorectal adenocarcinomas.


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Telomerase is an extremely important enzyme required for the immortalisation of tumour cells. Because the gene is activated in the vast majority of tumour tissues and remains unused in most somatic cells, it represents a marker with huge diagnostic, prognostic and treatment implications in cancer. This article summarises the basic structure and functions of telomerase and considers its clinical implications in colorectal and other cancers.


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Theranostics offers an improved treatment strategy for prostate cancer by facilitating simultaneous targeting of tumour cells with subsequent drug delivery and imaging. In this report we describe the synthesis of hyperbranched polymers that are biocompatible, can specifically target and be internalised by prostate cancer cells (through targeting of prostate-specific membrane antigen – PSMA) and ultimately facilitate controlled delivery of a model drug. The theranostic also incorporates a far-red fluorescent dye that allows tracking of the polymer via optical imaging. Controlled synthesis of the polymer is achieved via reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer polymerisation of polyethylene glycol monomethyl methacrylate, with ethylene glycol dimethacrylate as the branching agent. Incorporation of 20 mol% of an hydrazide-methacrylate monomer allows post-ligation of a model drug, fluorene-2-carboxaldehyde, through a hydrolytically-degradable hydrazone linkage. The rate of degradation of this particular linker was enhanced at endosomal pH (pH = 5.5) where [similar]95% of the model drug was released in 4 hours compared to less than 5% released over the same period at physiological pH. The theranostic showed high uptake into prostate cancer cells expressing prostate-specific membrane antigen, while minimal uptake was observed in PC3 cells negative for PSMA, highlighting the enhanced efficacy of the targeting ligand.


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Epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) has gained widespread acceptance over recent years as a mechanism by which normally sessile epithelial tumour cells can move away from the primary tumour and metastasize. This review article examines the role of a number of growth factors in inducing EMT, and the reverse process mesenchymal to epithelial transition. Unique and common intracellular signalling pathways are highlighted. A comprehensive understanding of the regulation of EMT will be critical in manipulating this process to develop novel anti-metastasis therapies.


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We develop a hybrid cellular automata model to describe the effect of the immune system and chemokines on a growing tumor. The hybrid cellular automata model consists of partial differential equations to model chemokine concentrations, and discrete cellular automata to model cell–cell interactions and changes. The computational implementation overlays these two components on the same spatial region. We present representative simulations of the model and show that increasing the number of immature dendritic cells (DCs) in the domain causes a decrease in the number of tumor cells. This result strongly supports the hypothesis that DCs can be used as a cancer treatment. Furthermore, we also use the hybrid cellular automata model to investigate the growth of a tumor in a number of computational “cancer patients.” Using these virtual patients, the model can explain that increasing the number of DCs in the domain causes longer “survival.” Not surprisingly, the model also reflects the fact that the parameter related to tumor division rate plays an important role in tumor metastasis.


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Book description: "Over 50,000 new cases of head and neck cancer are diagnosed each year in the United States. The majority of these are squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), associated with human papillomavirus infection and carcinogenic behaviors such as tobacco use and alcohol consumption. Although these are more common, there are several other causes that this book addresses. This book examines the epidemiology of head and neck cancer. It discusses the management of head neck cancer as well as treatment outcomes."--publisher website


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Platinum chemotherapeutic agents such as cisplatin are currently used in the treatment of various malignancies such as lung cancer. However, their efficacy is significantly hindered by the development of resistance during treatment. While a number of factors have been reported that contribute to the onset of this resistance phenotype, alterations in the DNA repair capacity of damaged cells is now recognised as an important factor in mediating this phenomenon. The mode of action of cisplatin has been linked to its ability to crosslink purine bases on the DNA, thereby interfering with DNA repair mechanisms and inducing DNA damage. Following DNA damage, cells respond by activating a DNA-damage response that either leads to repair of the lesion by the cell thereby promoting resistance to the drug, or cell death via activation of the apoptotic response. Therefore, DNA repair is a vital target to improving cancer therapy and reduce the resistance of tumour cells to DNA damaging agents currently used in the treatment of cancer patients. To date, despite the numerous findings that differential expression of components of the various DNA repair pathways correlate with response to cisplatin, translation of such findings in the clinical setting are still warranted. The identification of alterations in specific proteins and pathways that contribute to these unique DNA repair pathways in cisplatin resistant cancer cells may potentially lead to a renewed interest in the development of rational novel therapies for cisplatin resistant cancers, in particular, lung cancer.


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Hyperbranched polymers conjugated to a peptide-aptamer were prepared using a combination of RAFT polymerisation and click chemistry for targeting tumour cells in vivo. The polymers showed enhanced cell-uptake in vitro (compared to unconjugated polymer)while excellent specificity for solid tumours was observed in vivo using a mouse model of melanoma.