804 resultados para Transversal skills
Dissertao apresentada para obteno do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil, Perfil de Construo, pela Faculdade de Cincias e Tecnologias da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
INTRODUO: Estudos prvios, com tcnicas de imagem, documentam de forma consistente a existncia de alteraes da substncia branca cerebral relacionadas com o envelhecimento (ASBRE). Tais alteraes podero ter um papel importante no declnio funcional do idoso, reflectindose sobretudo no desempenho motor e cognitivo, com repercusso evidente na prtica clnica. Apesar disso, a caracterizao em definitivo dos fentipos clnicos e da evoluo das ASBRE continua por esclarecer, possivelmente pelas dificuldades metodolgicas de que se reveste o seu estudo, incluindo: a adequao das baterias neuropsicolgicas, a utilizao de amostras de doentes com diferentes graus de severidade e de envolvimento regional, as limitaes das diferentes escalas e a sensibilidade dos diferentes mtodos de imagem. A Ressonncia Magntica (RM) de difuso tem revelado grande sensibilidade para as alteraes isqumicas, admitindose que poder permitir uma melhor caracterizao das ASBRE e deste modo possibilitar uma correlao mais precisa com as variveis cognitivas e motoras, permitindo avaliar ainda a substncia branca aparentemente normal (SBAN). OBJECTIVOS: Descrever a evoluo imagiolgica das ASBRE no intervalo de um ano e analisar a sua expresso clnica e impacto funcional; identificar factores preditivos de progresso das ASBRE e de declnio funcional associado. Descrever a expresso clnica e perfil evolutivo dos doentes com ASBRE com envolvimento preferencial da regio parietooccipital; comparar este grupo de doentes com os doentes com ASBRE, sem envolvimento preferencial desta regio. Medir os coeficientes de difuso aparente (CDA), utilizando regies de interesse (RDI), em diferentes localizaes da substncia branca, incluindo substncia branca lesada e SBAN, descrever sua evoluo temporal no intervalo de um ano e determinar suas correlaes clnicas e imagiolgicas. MTODOS: Utilizando uma amostra de convenincia, foram estudados 30 doentes, com mais de 65 anos, sem incapacidade funcional ou com incapacidade mnima, avaliada pela escala de actividades instrumentais da vida diria (IADL), apresentando ASBRE em TC. Foi utilizado um protocolo exaustivo de avaliao clnica (com particular destaque para as funes motoras e cognitivas) e imagiolgica, em dois momentos de avaliao separados por um ano de intervalo (t0 e t1). As ASBRE foram avaliadas com escalas visuais, escala ARWMC e escala de Fazekas, e os doentes foram estudados em funo do grau de severidade (ligeiro versus moderado a grave na escala de Fazekas) e de um envolvimento preferencial posterior (definido como 2 ou mais pontos na escala ARWMC na regio parietooccipital por comparao com a regio frontal). Os CDA foram avaliados mediante estudo de RDI, na substncia branca frontal lesada (SBFL) e SBAN frontal, parietooccipital e dos pednculos cerebelosos. Para verificar diferenas na ordem de distribuio das variveis foi usado o teste de MannWhitney e para comparao de propores, o teste exacto de Fisher. Na comparao entre a avaliao em t0 e t1 foi usado o teste Wilcoxon Signed Ranks na comparao da distribuio da ordem das variveis e o teste McNemar na anlise de frequncias. Na anlise correlacional foram utilizados os testes de T para variveis emparelhadas e as correlaes entre estas foram efectuadas com o coeficiente de correlao de Spearman ou de Pearson. O trabalho foi aprovado pela Comisso de tica do hospital onde foi realizado e todos os doentes includos assinaram um consentimento informado. RESULTADOS: A idade mdia da populao estudada foi 72,5 anos (17 doentes eram do sexo masculino). No final de um ano, 1 doente tinha falecido e 3 doentes no completaram a avaliao imagiolgica. Registouse uma progresso significativa das ASBRE segundo a escala ARWMC (t0: 8,37 / t1: 9,65 ; p<0,001). Na anlise funcional, motora e cognitiva, no houve um agravamento significativo. Avaliando os doentes em t0 e t1 segundo o grau de severidade das ASBRE, o grupo com atingimento moderado a grave (ASBRE2) comparado com o grupo com atingimento ligeiro (ASBRE1) apresentava: maior extenso de leso da substncia branca (ARWMC t0: 11,9 / 4,8 ; p<0.001 ; t1: 14,0 / 5,9 ; p<0,001); tendncia a pior desempenho funcional (IADL t0: 90,7 / 99,2 ; p=0,023; t1: 86,4 / 96,7 ; p=n.s.) e motor (SPPB t0: 9,8 / 10,3 ; p=n.s. ; t1: 9,5 / 10,5 ; p=0,058); tendncia a maior compromisso do humor (Escala Cornell t0: 6,7 / 3,5 ; p=0,037; t1: 6,2 / 4,5 ; p=n.s.). Analisando a evoluo, de t0 para t1, de cada um dos grupos (ASBRE2 e ASBRE1) registouse: aumento da extenso da leso da substncia branca em ambos (ASBRE2: 12,0 / 14,0;z=2,687 ; p=0,007; ASBR1: 4,8 / 5,9 ; z=2,724 ; p=0,006); variao no significativa funcional e motora; tendncia ao agravamento em ambos na prova de Cancelamento de dgitos (ASBRE2: 17,5 / 17,4 ; p=n.s. ; ASBRE1: 19,9 / 16,9 ; z=2,096 ; p=0,036);tendncia melhoria em ambos no MMS (ASBRE2: 25,7 / 27,5 ; z=2,155 ; p=0,031; ASBRE1: 27,5 / 28,2 ; p=n.s). Avaliando os doentes em t0 e t1 em funo do padro de distribuio das ASBRE, os doentes com um envolvimento preferencial posterior (ASBREP) comparados com os restantes (ASBREnP), apresentavam: maior extenso da leso (ARWMC t0: 10,8 / 6,9 ; p=0,025; t1: 12,9 / 7,6 ; p=0,011); diferenas no significativas no desempenho motor; tendncia a melhor desempenho na prova dos Labirintos (t0: 8,1 / 11,8 ; p=0,06; t1: 8,7 / 9,5 ; p=n.s.) e Cancelamento de dgitos (t0: 20,9 / 17,4 ; p=0,045; t1: 18,5 / 16,3 ; p=n.s.); tendncia a maior compromisso depressivo na GDS (t0: 5,0 / 3,68 ; p=n.s. ; t1: 5,7 / 3,3 p=0,033). Analisando o perfil evolutivo de t0 para t1, registouse: aumento da extenso da leso nos dois grupos (ASBREP: 10,8 / 12,9 ; z=2,555 ; P=0,011; ASBREnP: 6,4 / 7,6 ; z=2,877 ; p=0,04); variao em sentidos diferentes com melhoria funcional no grupo ASBREP (91,0 / 95,5 ; z=0,926 ; p=0,036) e agravamento no grupo ASBREnP (96,7 / 89,8 ; z=2,032 ; p=0,042); variao sem sentidos diferentes, com agravamento significativo no grupo ASBREnP no item estao de p do SPPB (ASBREP 3,8/3,9 p=n.s.; ASBREnP 3,9/3,6; z=2,236 ; p=0,025); tendncia melhoria nos dois grupos no MMS (ASBREP: 27,2 / 28,2 ; p=n.s.; ASBREnP: 26,3 / 27,7 ; z=2,413 ; p=0,016) e tendncia em sentidos diferentes no Trail Making, com eventual melhoria no grupo ASBREP (113,9 / 91,6 ; p=n.s.) e agravamento no grupo ASBREnP (113,7 / 152,0 ; z=2,155 ; p=0,031). Na anlise da imagem, utilizando a escala ARWMC e o estudo dos CDA, na avaliao transversal na incluso, a comparao entre as pontuaes mdias da escala ARWML nas diferentes regies mostrava diferenas significativas (F=39,54 , p<0,0001). A anlise comparativa posthoc de Bonferroni mostrou valores significativamente mais altos para as regies frontais e parietooccipitais (p<0,0001). Os valores mdios dos CDA eram significativamente diferentes entre regies (F=44,56; p<0,0001), sendo mais altos na SBFL (p<0,0001). No existia diferena significativa entre os valores registados na SBAN nas regies frontais e parietooccipitais. As pontuaes regionais da escala ARWMC e os valores mdios dos CDA correlacionavamse todos de forma positiva. A pontuao da escala ARWMC na regio frontal correlacionavase significativamente com os valores do CDA da SBFL (r=0,467 ; p=0,012). Existia tendncia para uma correlao positiva entre as pontuaes da escala ARWMC na regio frontal e os valores mdios dos CDA na SBAN frontal (r=0,276 ; p=0,155). As pontuaes da escala ARWMC e os CDA correlacionavamse de forma positiva com a idade e com a tenso arterial (TA). Foram encontradas correlaes significativas entre: idade e SBAN frontal (r=0,440 ; p=0,019); TA diastlica e SBFL (r=0,386 ; p=0,034); TA sistlica e SBAN Parietooccipital (r=0,407 ; P=0,032). Na avaliao motora e cognitiva, dado elevado nmero de variveis, foi efectuada uma anlise de factor principal. Registouse uma tendncia global negativa na correlao entre as pontuaes da escala visual na regio frontal, os valores dos CDA, e o desempenho motor e cognitivo. Na anlise evolutiva, (n=19), registouse variao significativa dos CDA, com aumento na SBFL (Direita: z=2,875 ; p=0,004 ; Esquerda: z=2,113 ; p=0,035) e diminuio na SBAN dos pednculos cerebelosos (Direita: z=2,094 ; p=0,036 ; Esquerda: z=1,989 ; p=0,047). Foi observada uma correlao negativa entre a variao do CDA na SBAN dos pednculos cerebelosos e na SBFL contralateral (SBAN pednculo cerebeloso Esquerdo / SBFL Direita: r=0,133 ; p=n.s.; SBAN pednculo cerebeloso Direito / SBFL Esquerda: r=0,561 ; p=0,012). Os valores dos CDA direita correlacionavamse de forma positiva com a velocidade da marcha (r=0,562 ; p=0,012). CONCLUSES: A progresso das ASBRE pode ser observada com uma escala visual detalhada no intervalo de um ano. Contudo, o eventual agravamento da incapacidade funcional, motora e cognitiva, no parece ser aprecivel em igual intervalo de tempo. A maior severidade das ASBRE associase a uma tendncia para um maior compromisso funcional, motor e possivelmente do humor. A questo da progresso em escalas simplificadas, de um estdio ligeiro para um estdio moderado a grave, no elucidada pelos resultados do presente trabalho. Os doentes com um envolvimento preferencial da regio parietooccipital podero constituir um subgrupo distinto que, apesar de ter maior extenso de leso, parece ter um melhor desempenho motor e cognitivo. O perfil evolutivo destes doentes parece igualmente ser distinto, no se observando a tendncia ao agravamento funcional, motor e cognitivo (sobretudo em provas de funo executiva) que se encontra nos restantes doentes. A anlise transversal na incluso, utilizando uma escala visual e o estudo dos CDA, sugere que a severidade das ASBRE se correlaciona com o compromisso motor e cognitivo, bem como com a idade e com a TA. Uma maior vulnerabilidade da substncia branca frontal leso vascular parece ter um papel importante no compromisso motor e na disfuno executiva, (essencialmente custa do compromisso da ateno), possivelmente associada desconexo dos circuitos frontosubcorticais. A anlise dos CDA sugere que isso vlido igualmente para a SBAN e sublinha que, as imagens de RM convencional podero no traduzir a verdadeira extenso da leso e consequentemente do compromisso motor e cognitivo. A relao entre a progresso da doena vascular em leses frontais constitudas e a reduo do CDA no pednculo cerebeloso contralateral poder estar associada a um pior desempenho motor. A disrupo dos circuitos frontocerebelosos, determinando hipometabolismo e diminuio da perfuso no cerebelo, poder ser responsvel pela diminuio do CDA no cerebelo. ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Previous studies, with new imaging techniques, have consistently documented the presence of agerelated white matter lesions (ARWML), emphasizing their role in agerelated functional decline, mainly related to motor and cognitive impairment, and inherent consequences in clinical practice. However clinical significance of ARWML remains to be elucidated, probably on account of methodological difficulties such as: specific neuropsychological batteries, utilization of samples with different degrees of severity and regional involvement, utilization of different imaging scales and different sensitivity of imaging techniques. Recently, Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Ressonance imaging (DWI) has shown a higher sensitivity to ischemic lesions, suggesting it might be superior for characterization of ARWML, allowing more precise correlation with motor and cognitive variables, and evaluating also normal appearing white matter (NAWM). OBJECTIVES: To describe imagiologic evolution of ARWML within one year interval and to analyse its clinical and functional significance. To identify predictors of ARWML progression and associated functional impairment. To describe clinical characteristics and evolution profile of patients with predominantly posterior lesions; to compare this group of patients with patients without predominantly posterior lesions. To study average Apparent Diffusion Coeficcients (ADC) in different white matter regions using regions of interest (ROI); to analyse their evolution profile and to determine their clinical and imagiologic correlations. METHODS: A sample of 30 patients older than 65 years, without functional impairment or with minimal impairment, according to the Instrumental Activities of Daily Lliving scale, with ARWML on CT scan, were studied in a crosssectional design. An extensive clinical(with detailed motor and cognitive evaluation) and imagiologic protocol was applied in two oneyear interval separate moments (t0 and t1). ARWML were studied using visual scales, ARWMC and Fazekass scale, and patients were studied according to degree of severity (Fazekas scale mild versus moderate / severe) and preferential involvement of the posterior region (defined as 2 or more points in the ARWMC scale in the parietooccipital region compared with frontal region). Evaluation of ADC was performed using ROI in frontal lesioned white matter (FLWM) and NAWM (frontal, parietooccipital and cerebellar regions). To study differences in the distribution of variables the MannWhitney test was used and to compare proportions the exact Fisher Test was used. To compare temporal evolution profile between t0 and t1, the Wilcoxon Signed ranks Test was used to analyse the distribution of variables and the Mc Nemar Test to analyse frequencies. Correlation analysis was performed using Spearman or Pearson tests. The study was approved by the local Ethics Committee and all patients signed an informed consent. RESULTS: Mean age was 72.5 years (17 patients were male). By the end of the study, one patient was dead and 3 patients did not undergo brain imaging. There was a higher extent of ARWML evaluated with the ARWMC scale (t0: 8.37 / t1: 9.65 ; p<0.001). Functional, motor and cognitive performance did not progress significantly. Evaluating patients in t0 and t1 according to the degree of severity (Fazekas scale), the moderate / severe group of patients (WML2), compared with the mild group (WML1), showed: higher extent of lesion (ARWMC scale t0: 11.9 / 4.8 ; p<0.001 ; t1: 14.0 / 5.9 ; p<0.001); tendency to worse functional (IADL t0: 90.7 / 99.2 ; p=0.023; t1: 86.4 / 96.7 ; p=n.s.) and motor (SPPB t0: 9.8 / 10.3 ; p=n.s. ; t1: 9.5 / 10.5 ; p=0.058) performance; tendency to higher depressive scores (Cornell Scale t0: 6.7 / 3.5 ; p=0.037; t1: 6.2 / 4.5; p=n.s.). Analysing the evolution profile from t0 to t1 of each group (WML2 and WML1), there was a higher extent of lesion (ARWMC scale) in both (WML2: 12.0 / 14.0; z=2.687 ; p=0.007; WML1: 4.8 / 5.9 ; z=2.724 ; p=0.006); nonsignificant variation in functional and motor performances; tendency to worse performance on the Digit Cancelling (WML2: 17.5 / 17.4 ; p=n.s. ; WML1: 19.9 / 16.9 ; z=2.096 ; p=0,036) and to better performance on the MMS (WML2: 25.7 / 27.5 ; z=2.155 ; p=0.031; WML1: 27.5/ 28.2 ; p=n.s). Evaluating patients in t0 and t1 according to the regional distribution of ARWML, patients with predominantly posterior lesions (WMLP) compared with the rest of the group (WMLnP), showed: higher extent of lesion (ARWMC scale t0: 10.8 / 6.9 ; p=0.025; t1:12.9 / 7.6 ; p=0.011); non significant differences on motor evaluation; tendency to a better performance on Maze (t0: 8.1 / 11.8 ; p=0.06; t1: 8.7 / 9.5 ; p=n.s.) and Digit cancelling (t0: 20.9 / 17.4 ; p=0.045; t1: 18.5 / 16.3 ; p=n.s.) tests;tendency to higher scores on GDS (t0: 5.0 / 3.68 ; p=n.s. ; t1: 5.7 / 3.3 p=0.033). Analysing the evolution profile from t0 to t1 of each group (WMLP and WMLnP), there was: higher extent of lesion (ARWMC scale) in both groups (WMLP: 10.8 / 12.9 ;z=2,555 ; P=0,011; WMLnP: 6.4 / 7.6 ; z=2.877; p=0.04); variation in different directions with better functional performance in the group WMLP (91.0 / 95.5 ;z=0.926 ; p=0.036) and worse in WMLnP (96.7 / 89.8 ; z=2.032 ; p=0.042); variation in different directions with worse motor performance in one SPPB item (total stands) in the group WMLnP (WMLP 3.8/3.9 p=n.s.; ASBREnP 3.9/3.6; z=2.236 ; p=0.025);tendency to improvement in both groups in MMS (WMLP: 27.2 / 28.2 ; p=n.s.; WMLnP:26.3 / 27.7 ; z=2.413 ; p=0.016); tendency to a variation in different directions in the Trail Making Test, with possible improvement in the group WMLP (113.9 / 91.6 ;p=n.s.) and worsening in the group WMLnP (113.7 / 152.0 ; z=2.155 ; p=0.031). Imaging analysis in the inclusion, using the ARWMC scale and ADC evaluation, showed significant differences in different regions (F=39.54, p<0.0001). Comparative posthoc Bonferroni analysis showed significantly higher scores in the frontal and parietooccipital regions (p<0.0001. ADC values were significantly different between regions (F=44.56; p<0.0001), being higher in FLWM (p<00001). There was no significant difference between ADC in NAWM in frontal and parietooccipital regions. ARWMC scores and ADC values correlated positively. Significant correlations were found between frontal ARWMC score and FLWM ADC values (r=0.467 ; p=0.012). ARWMC scores and ADC values correlated positively with age and blood pressure. Significant correlations were: age and frontal NAWM (r=0.440 ; p=0.019); Diastolic blood pressure and FLWM (r=0.386 ; p=0.034); sistolic blood pressure and parietooccipital NAWM (r=0.407 ; P=0.032). Due to the higher number of motor and cognitive variables a preliminary study was done, using principal component analysis. A global tendency to a negative correlation was found between ARWMC scores, ADC values and motor and cognitive performances. Evolutive analysis of ADC (n=19), showed a significant variation, with higher values in t1 in FLWM (Right: z=2.875 ; p=0.004 ; Left: z=2.113 ; p=0.035) and lower values in t1 in cerebellar NAWM (Right: z=2.094 ; p=0.036 ; Left: z=1.989 ; p=0.047). A negative correlation was found between ADC variation in cerebellar NAWM and contralateral FLWM (Left cerebellar NAWM / Right FLWM: r=0.133 ; p=n.s.; Right cerebellar NAWM/ Left FLWM: r=0.561 ; p=0.012). ADC values on the right correlated positively with walking speed (r=0,562 ; p=0,012). CONCLUSIONS: Progression of ARWML can be documented with a detailed visual scale in a one year interval. However, functional, motor and cognitive impairment, do not seem to progress significantly within the same period. A higher severity of ARWML is associated with a tendency to a worse functional and motor performance (and possibly to higher scores in depression scales). The issue of progression in a simplified visual scale from a mild to a moderate / severe degree of ARWML is not further elucidated. Patients with predominantly posterior lesions may be a subset of ARWML patients, with a different profile, that despite higher extent of lesion, seem to fair better than the rest of the group, namely with better performance on motor and cognitive tests. Evolution profile of this subset of patients also seems to be different, without a clearcut tendency to worsening functional, motor and cognitive (particularly for executive function tests) performance that is observed in the rest of the group. Imaging analysis, with a visual scale and ADC evaluation, suggests that severity of ARWML correlates negatively with cognitive and motor performance and positively with age and blood pressure. A higher vulnerability of frontal white matter to vascular disease seems to play an important role in motor and cognitive dysfunction, mainly determined by impairment of attention skills associated with frontalsubcortical disconnection. DWI results, suggest that this may also be true for NAWM, underlining that conventional MR images may not represent the true extent of cognitive decline. The relation between vascular disease progression inside frontal lesions and ADC reduction in contralateral cerebellar peduncles, may be associated with a worse motor performance. Disruption of frontocerebellar cicuits, with associated regional hypometabolism, may be responsible for the reduction of cerebellar ADC.
The aim of this paper is the assessment of information literacy skills related to European topics, among a group of 234 users of 55 European Documentation Centres (EDCs), from 21 European Union Member- States. We will present the results of a survey European information. So we will analyse the answers given by the users of the EDCs relating to aspects like the best sources to access trustworthy and impartial Europe information. The factors determining access to information on the EU and the frequency of this access will equally be analysed. The reasons the users gave for the ease or difficulty in accessing European information are also included and pondered on. Parallel to this, we will evaluate the aspects most valued by the users of this kind of information. Our findings on the use of European information available on the Internet, especially the knowledge and making use of databases will be presented. Based on this analysis the paper will demonstrate the need to develop information literacy competencies to identify, use and access European information. Doing so, some potential components of information literacy skills adapted to European information will be introduced.
This paper focuses on the Portuguese results from an international survey on LIS students information literacy skills. The results analysis will be grounded on a literature review on the criteria application to evaluate information and determine the credibility by undergraduate students. The guidelines for the information evaluation, especially regarding credibility aspect, on three main information literacy frameworks will be presented. After an overall presentation of the main results, the analysis of the Portuguese survey results will focus on issues related to information evaluation skills, namely on criteria to assess information credibility and on difficulties to apply them.
This communication aims to present some reflections regarding the importance of information in organizational context, especially in business context. The ability to produce and to share expertise and knowledge among its employees is now a key factor in the success of any organization. However, its also true that workers are increasingly feeling that too much information can hurt their performance. The existence of skilled professionals able to organize, evaluate, select and disseminate information in organizations appears to be a prerequisite for success. The skills necessary for the formation of a professional devoted to the management of information and knowledge in the context of business organizations will be analysed. Then data collected in two focus group discussion with students from a graduate course in Business Information, from Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal, a will be examined.
Dissertao apresentada na Faculdade de Cincias e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obteno do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotcnica e de Computadores
Dissertao apresentada na Faculdade de Cincias e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obteno do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil Perfil de Construo
Dissertao para obteno do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil Perfil de Construo
This communication aims to present some reflections regarding the importance of information in organizational context, especially in business context. The ability to produce and to share expertise and knowledge among its employees is now a key factor in the success of any organization. However, its also true that workers are increasingly feeling that too much information can hurt their performance. The existence of skilled professionals able to organize, evaluate, select and disseminate information in organizations appears to be a prerequisite for success. The skills necessary for the formation of a professional devoted to the management of information and knowledge in the context of business organizations will be analysed. Then data collected in two focus group discussion with students from a graduate course in Business Information, from Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal, a will be examined.
Resumo - As doenas crnicas no transmissveis so uma ameaa crescente Sade Pblica em Portugal. As principais causas de mortalidade e morbilidade so doenas relacionadas com os estilos de vida, hbitos alimentares e de actividade fsica. Os Cuidados de Sade Primrios esto na linha da frente para dar resposta a estas patologias. Os profissionais de sade, nomeadamente mdicos e enfermeiros, sentem dificuldades para as tratar, como a falta de tempo, de conhecimentos e de confiana para o fazer, bem como uma descrena na efectividade das suas intervenes no mbito da mudana comportamental destes pacientes. A dificuldade em referenciar estes pacientes a outros profissionais, especializados, como os nutricionistas e os fisiologistas do exerccio, implica dotar mdicos e enfermeiros com as competncias bsicas de aconselhamento alimentar e de actividade fsica, bem como serem capazes de assumirem uma atitude centrada no paciente e motivadora da mudana comportamental. O objectivo deste estudo avaliar os conhecimentos, atitudes e prticas no tratamento da obesidade e sua associao com o nvel de actividade fsica reportado por mdicos e enfermeiros. Este um estudo observacional, transversal, que recorre aplicao de um questionrio de resposta directa. --------Abstract - Non communicable chronic diseases are increasingly relevant public health threats. The main causes of mortality and morbidity in Portugal are lifestyle, food and exercise habits, related diseases. Primary health care services are in the front line to adress this pathologies. Health care professionals, namely physicians and nurses, face numerous barriers like reduced consultation time, knowledge and confidence to deal with this problems, as well as a disbelief in the efectiviness of their intervention in patients health behaviour change. The inhability to reference this patients to nutrition and exercise specialists, increases the need to give physicians and nurses the adequate nutrition and exercise basic counselling skills, as well as promoting a patient centred attitude that enables them to increase patients motivation to health behaviour change. The study sought to assess the nutrition knowledge, atittudes and practice and its associations with self - reported personal physical activity habits of primary health care professionals. This is a descriptive, cross- sectional stu
Trabalho de projecto apresentado para o cumprimento dos requisitos necessrios obteno do grau de mestre em Didtica do Ingls
Trabalho de projecto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessrios obteno do grau de Mestre em Ensino da Lngua Inglesa
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessrios obteno do grau de Mestre em Teaching English as a Second / Foreign Language
The goal of this project, one of the proposals of the EPS@ISEP Spring 2014, was to develop an Aquaponics System. Over recent years Aquaponics systems have received increased attention since they contribute to reduce the strain on resources within 1st and 3rd world countries. Aquaponics is the combination of Hydroponics and Aquaculture, mimicking a natural environment in order to successfully apply and enhance the understanding of natural cycles within an indoor process. Using this knowledge of natural cycles, it was possible to create a system with capabilities similar to that of a natural environment with the support of electronics, enhancing the overall efficiency of the system. The multinational team involved in the development of this system was composed of five students from five countries and fields of study. This paper describes their solution, including the overall design, the technology involved and the benefits it can bring to the current market. The team was able to design and render the Computer Aided Design (CAD) drawings of the prototype, assemble all components, successfully test the electronics and comply with the budget. Furthermore, the designed solution was supported by a product sustainability study and included a specific marketing plan. Last but not least, the students enrolled in this project obtained new multidisciplinary knowledge and increased their team work and cross-cultural communication skills.
Dissertao para obteno do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil - Perfil de Construo