961 resultados para Transaction cost theory
This paper examines changes in the organization of the Spanish cotton industry from 1720 to 1860 in its core region of Catalonia. As the Spanish cotton industry adopted the most modern technology and experienced the transition to the factory system, cotton spinning and weaving mills became increasingly vertically integrated. Asset specificity more than other factors explained this tendency towards vertical integration. The probability for a firm of being vertically integrated was higher among firms located in districts with high concentration ratios and rose with size and the use of modern machinery. Simultaneously, subcontracting predominated in other phases of production and distribution where transaction costs appears to be less important.
The objective of this thesis is to provide a business model framework that connects customer value to firm resources and explains the change logic of the business model. Strategic supply management and especially dynamic value network management as its scope, the dissertation is based on basic economic theories, transaction cost economics and the resource-based view. The main research question is how the changing customer values should be taken into account when planning business in a networked environment. The main question is divided into questions that form the basic research problems for the separate case studies presented in the five Publications. This research adopts the case study strategy, and the constructive research approach within it. The material consists of data from several Delphi panels and expert workshops, software pilot documents, company financial statements and information on investor relations on the companies’ web sites. The cases used in this study are a mobile multi-player game value network, smart phone and “Skype mobile” services, the business models of AOL, eBay, Google, Amazon and a telecom operator, a virtual city portal business system and a multi-play offering. The main contribution of this dissertation is bridging the gap between firm resources and customer value. This has been done by theorizing the business model concept and connecting it to both the resource-based view and customer value. This thesis contributes to the resource-based view, which deals with customer value and firm resources needed to deliver the value but has a gap in explaining how the customer value changes should be connected to the changes in key resources. This dissertation also provides tools and processes for analyzing the customer value preferences of ICT services, constructing and analyzing business models and business concept innovation and conducting resource analysis.
Transport concession contracts are commonly said to be standardized and too rigid. They would not allow public authorities to adapt them to evolving context and circumstances. This paper aims at challenging this view and, more particularly, the view that contractual rigidity for transport concessions is exogenous. Using a transaction cost framework, we disentangle between three main determinants of contractual rigidity: traffic uncertainty; connivance between contracting parties; quality of the institutional environment. Using an original database of toll road concession contracts, we observe a great variety of provisions for toll adjustment. We find that these exogenous determinants significantly influence contractual choices.
Purchasing and supply management (PSM) has become increasingly important for companies to survive in current highly competitive market. Increased outsourcing has extended the role of PSM, making external resource management and supplier relationships critical success factors in business. However, the recent research has mainly concentrated on large enterprises. Therefore the PSM issues related to medium-sized enterprises represent a significant research area. The thesis aims to explore the status and role of PSM in Finnish medium-sized firms, understand how strategic companies consider PSM to be, clarify what are the competence requirements for PSM professionals, and increase the understanding of PSM capabilities needed from the points view of individual competence and organisational capabilities. The study uses data that was collected in 2007 from purchasing executives at the director/CEO level representing a sample of 94 Finnish firms. 54 % of the respondent enterprises had a supply strategy. The total supply cost was on average 60 % of firms' turnover. Centralisation of PSM and outsourcing of logistics will increase in Finnish medium-sized enterprises. The findings point out that Finnish medium-sized enterprises had strategical features of PSM. However, Finnish firms have not concentrated on making strategies that relate to PSM. The elements that explain the existence of a supply strategy could be found in this study. It can be concluded from this study that there is an advantageous base for the development of strategic PSM, because nearly all the enterprises were of the opinion that PSM capabilities have an effect on business success. When reviewing the organisational capabilities, the five most important development elements were supplier relationships, both operational and strategic processes, time management, and personnel's competence. Training in internationalisation, strategic management, and communication could help to improve competences of PSM personnel.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää laajennettujen transaktiokustannustarkastelun avulla tietoteknisten palveluiden hankintaa strategisena kumppanuutena. Tutkimus kuvaa empiirisen esimerkkitapauksen kautta ulkoistuksen kokonaisvaikuttavuutta eli kumppanuuden hyötyjä ja haittoja asiakkaan kannalta tilanteessa, jossa julkisen sektorin tehtävien uudelleenorganisoinnissa ei ole käytettävissä tehokkaita markkinoita. Kumppanuuden kokonaisvaikuttavuuden elementtien merkitys asiakkaalle on asiakkaan ja palveluntuottajan näkökulmista erilaisia. Asiakas pitää transaktiokustannuksia ja byrokratiahyötyjä tärkeinä. Toimittaja taas koros-taa transaktiohyötyjä ja byrokratiakustannuksia.
Both the competitive environment and the internal structure of an industrial organization are typically included in the processes which describe the strategic management processes of the firm, but less attention has been paid to the interdependence between these views. Therefore, this research focuses on explaining the particular conditions of an industry change, which lead managers to realign the firm in respect of its environment for generating competitive advantage. The research question that directs the development of the theoretical framework is: Why do firms outsource some of their functions? The three general stages of the analysis are related to the following research topics: (i) understanding forces that shape the industry, (ii) estimating the impacts of transforming customer preferences, rivalry, and changing capability bases on the relevance of existing assets and activities, and emergence of new business models, and (iii) developing optional structures for future value chains and understanding general boundaries for market emergence. The defined research setting contributes to the managerial research questions “Why do firms reorganize their value chains?”, “Why and how are decisions made?” Combining Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) and Resource-Based View (RBV) within an integrated framework makes it possible to evaluate the two dimensions of a company’s resources, namely the strategic value and transferability. The final decision of restructuring will be made based on an analysis of the actual business potential of the outsourcing, where benefits and risks are evaluated. The firm focuses on the risk of opportunism, hold-up problems, pricing, and opportunities to reach a complete contract, and finally on the direct benefits and risks for financial performance. The supplier analyzes the business potential of an activity outside the specific customer, the amount of customer-specific investments, the service provider’s competitive position, abilities to revenue gains in generic segments, and long-term dependence on the customer.
The aim of this study was to create an outsourcing process for pharmaceutical product development. This study focuses on two main questions. The first question is “What is the outsourcing process model?” In the second phase key success factors of the outsourcing process are identified. As a result of the literature reviews, a general outsourcing process was created. Transaction cost economics and resource based view were used to derived a theoretical framework to the process by combining the existing processes presented in the literature. The model of process is considered used to the outsourcing broadly. The general outsourcing process was then developed further with the key factors that affect the success of pharmaceutical product development and the interviews of pharmaceutical outsourcing experts. The result of the research was the process consists of seven phases with key activities and expected outputs for each of the phases. In addition, the strategic decision-making framework for outsourcing decision in pharmaceutical product development is giving as well as the tools for selecting supplier and preparing structured contract. This study also gives some recommendations for managing the outsourcing process.
Electricity distribution network operation (NO) models are challenged as they are expected to continue to undergo changes during the coming decades in the fairly developed and regulated Nordic electricity market. Network asset managers are to adapt to competitive technoeconomical business models regarding the operation of increasingly intelligent distribution networks. Factors driving the changes for new business models within network operation include: increased investments in distributed automation (DA), regulative frameworks for annual profit limits and quality through outage cost, increasing end-customer demands, climatic changes and increasing use of data system tools, such as Distribution Management System (DMS). The doctoral thesis addresses the questions a) whether there exist conditions and qualifications for competitive markets within electricity distribution network operation and b) if so, identification of limitations and required business mechanisms. This doctoral thesis aims to provide an analytical business framework, primarily for electric utilities, for evaluation and development purposes of dedicated network operation models to meet future market dynamics within network operation. In the thesis, the generic build-up of a business model has been addressed through the use of the strategicbusiness hierarchy levels of mission, vision and strategy for definition of the strategic direction of the business followed by the planning, management and process execution levels of enterprisestrategy execution. Research questions within electricity distribution network operation are addressed at the specified hierarchy levels. The results of the research represent interdisciplinary findings in the areas of electrical engineering and production economics. The main scientific contributions include further development of the extended transaction cost economics (TCE) for government decisions within electricity networks and validation of the usability of the methodology for the electricity distribution industry. Moreover, DMS benefit evaluations in the thesis based on the outage cost calculations propose theoretical maximum benefits of DMS applications equalling roughly 25% of the annual outage costs and 10% of the respective operative costs in the case electric utility. Hence, the annual measurable theoretical benefits from the use of DMS applications are considerable. The theoretical results in the thesis are generally validated by surveys and questionnaires.
Innovation has been widely recognized as an important driver of firm competitiveness, and the firm’s internal research and development (R&D) activities are often considered to have a critical role in innovation activities. Internal R&D is, however, not the source of innovation as firms may tap into knowledge necessary for innovation also through various types of sourcing agreements or by collaborating with other organizations. The objective of this study is to analyze the way firms go about organizing efficiently their innovation boundaries. Within this context, the analysis is focused, firstly, on the relation between innovation boundaries and firm innovation performance and, secondly, on the factors explaining innovation boundary organization. The innovation literature recognizes that the sources of innovation depend on the nature of technology but does not offer a sufficient tool for analyzing innovation boundary options and their efficiency. Thus, this study suggests incorporating insights from transaction cost economics (TCE) complemented with dynamic governance costs and benefits into the analysis. The thesis consists of two parts. The first part introduces the background of the study, research objectives, an overview of the empirical studies, and the general conclusions of the study. The second part is formed of five publications. The overall results firstly indicate that although the relation between firm innovation boundary options is partly industry sector-specific, the firm level search strategies and knowledge transfer capabilities are important for innovation performance independently of the sector. Secondly, the results show that the attributes suggested by TCE alone do not offer a sufficient explanation of innovation boundary selection, especially under conditions of high levels of (radical) uncertainty. Based on the results, the dynamic governance cost and benefit framework complements the static TCE when firm innovation boundaries are scrutinized.
In this report, we summarize results of our part of the ÄLYKOP-project on customer value creation in the intersection of the health care, ICT, forest and energy industries. The research directs to describe how industry transformation and convergence create new possibilities, business opportunities and even new industries.The report consists of findings which are presented former in academic publications. The publication discusses on customer value, service provision and resource basis of the novel concepts through multiple theorethical frameworks. The report is divided into three maim sections which are theoretical background, discussion on health care industry and evaluations regarding novel smart home concepts. Transaction cost economics and Resource- Based view on the firm provides the theoretical basis to analyze the prescribed phenomena. The health care industry analysis describes the most important changes in the demand conditions of health care services, and explores the features that are likely to open new business opportunities for a solution provider. The third part of the report on the smart home business provides illustrations few potential concepts that can be considered to provide solutions to economical problems which arise from aging of population. The results provide several recommendations for the smart home platform developers in public and private sectors. By the analysis, public organizations dominate service provision and private markets are emergent state at present. We argue that public-private partnerships are nececssary for creating key suppliers. Indeed, paying attion on appropriate regulation, service specifications and technology standards would foster diffusion of new services. The dynamics of the service provision networks is driven by need for new capabiltities which are required for adapting business concepts to new competitive situation. Finally, the smart home framework revealed links between conventionally distant business areas such as health care and energy distribution. The platform integrates functionalities different for purposes which however apply same resource basis.
Tämän työn tavoitteena on luoda Turun yliopistolliselle keskussairaalalle kestävän kehityksen mukainen työmatkaliikkumissuunnitelma, jonka avulla lisätään kestävien liikkumismuotojen käyttöä, kustannusnäkökulma huomioon ottaen. Lisäksi tavoitteena on ratkaista nykyisen pysäköintijärjestelyn ongelmia. Työn teoriaosuudessa on esitetty kestävän liikkumisen, työssä hyödynnettävän kustannuslaskennan ja liikkumissuunnitelman luomisen vaiheiden periaatteet. Empiriaosuudessa rakennettava liikkumissuunnitelma perustuu näihin teorioihin. Työn keskeisenä tutkimusmenetelmänä on käytetty Webropol-pohjaista kyselyä, jolla tutkittiin työmatkaliikkumisen nykytilaa. Lisäksi kyselyllä tutkittiin työntekijöiden mielipiteitä mahdollisista kehitystoimenpiteistä. Työntekijöiden vuosittaisista työmatkakilometreistä 16,9 miljoonaa kuljettiin yksityisautolla, mikä on noin 65 % kaikista työmatkakilometreistä. Yksityisautoilu aiheuttaa kulkumuodoista suurimmat päästöt kaikissa päästöluokissa. Pysäköinnin kustannuksia tutkittaessa havaittiin, että pysäköintioikeuden hinta on alhainen verrattuna parkkihallin rakennus- ja ylläpitokustannuksiin. Eri liikkumistapoja vertailtaessa havaittiin, että nykytilanteessa yksityisautoilu on lyhyillä työmatkoilla edullisempi kulkumuoto kuin julkinen liikenne. Toteutettavuus-vaikuttavuus-suhde huomioon ottaen, parhaimmat työmatkaliikkumisen kehitystoimenpiteet ovat osittain kustannettu työsuhdematkalippu työntekijöille, lukittavien pyörätelineiden sijoittaminen työpaikan välittömään läheisyyteen, kävely- ja pyöräreittien parempi talvikunnossapito, työnantajan kustantama vuosittainen polkupyörähuolto ja pysäköintioikeuden hinnankorotus. Toimenpiteiden jälkeen yksityisautoilu on kaikilla työmatkan pituuksilla kallein liikkumismuoto.
Suuri osa ihmisten tiedon etsinnästä painottuu internetiin ja siellä käytettäviin hakukoneisiin. Myös yritykset ovat tiedostaneet sähköisen markkinoinnin roolin omassa kansainvälisessä näkyvyydessään. Pienyritysten kansainvälistymisessä sähköisellä markkinoinnilla voidaan parantaa markkinatiedon etsintää, asiakkaiden tavoitettavuutta ja markkinointiviestinnän kohdennettavuutta eri käyttäjäryhmille. Sähköinen markkinointi ei kuitenkaan poista kulttuurisidonnaisia epävarmuuksia, ja sen laadukas toteuttaminen vaatii perehtymistä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää Case-yritykselle sähköisen markkinoinnin potentiaaliset hyödyntämisvaihtoehdot kansainvälistymisprosessissa Venäjälle ja suunnitella resursseihin nähden toteutettava sähköisen markkinoinnin markkinointisuunnitelma. Monimenetelmätekniikalla toteutetussa tutkimuksessa tietolähteenä käytetään asiantuntijahaastatteluja sekä datarekistereitä. Teoriapohjana tarkastellaan pk-yrityksien tiedon vaiheittaista oppimista, verkoston roolia sekä ulkoistamispäätöksen tukena käytettyjä transaktiokustannuksia. Sähköisen markkinoinnin kehitys on ollut Venäjällä kovaa viimeisen kahden vuoden aikana. Tästä syystä venäläisten yritysten sähköisen markkinoinnin taso on osittain korkeampaa kuin suomalaisten. Sähköisellä markkinoinnilla tavoittaa erityisesti kaupungeissa asuvat ihmiset, mutta kaupunkien ulkopuolella verkkotekniikka on vielä osittain alkeellisella tasolla. Vientimuotojen vertailussa transaktiokustannusten avulla nousi esille suoran viennin malli, jossa jälleenmyyjän etsimisen avuksi kehitetään sähköisen markkinoinnin osaamista. Paikallisella jälleenmyyjällä nähdään olevan etuja sähköisen markkinoinnin, paikallistuntemuksen ja kulttuurillisten erityispiirteiden tuntemuksessa.
Digital business ecosystems (DBE) are becoming an increasingly popular concept for modelling and building distributed systems in heterogeneous, decentralized and open environments. Information- and communication technology (ICT) enabled business solutions have created an opportunity for automated business relations and transactions. The deployment of ICT in business-to-business (B2B) integration seeks to improve competitiveness by establishing real-time information and offering better information visibility to business ecosystem actors. The products, components and raw material flows in supply chains are traditionally studied in logistics research. In this study, we expand the research to cover the processes parallel to the service and information flows as information logistics integration. In this thesis, we show how better integration and automation of information flows enhance the speed of processes and, thus, provide cost savings and other benefits for organizations. Investments in DBE are intended to add value through business automation and are key decisions in building up information logistics integration. Business solutions that build on automation are important sources of value in networks that promote and support business relations and transactions. Value is created through improved productivity and effectiveness when new, more efficient collaboration methods are discovered and integrated into DBE. Organizations, business networks and collaborations, even with competitors, form DBE in which information logistics integration has a significant role as a value driver. However, traditional economic and computing theories do not focus on digital business ecosystems as a separate form of organization, and they do not provide conceptual frameworks that can be used to explore digital business ecosystems as value drivers—combined internal management and external coordination mechanisms for information logistics integration are not the current practice of a company’s strategic process. In this thesis, we have developed and tested a framework to explore the digital business ecosystems developed and a coordination model for digital business ecosystem integration; moreover, we have analysed the value of information logistics integration. The research is based on a case study and on mixed methods, in which we use the Delphi method and Internetbased tools for idea generation and development. We conducted many interviews with key experts, which we recoded, transcribed and coded to find success factors. Qualitative analyses were based on a Monte Carlo simulation, which sought cost savings, and Real Option Valuation, which sought an optimal investment program for the ecosystem level. This study provides valuable knowledge regarding information logistics integration by utilizing a suitable business process information model for collaboration. An information model is based on the business process scenarios and on detailed transactions for the mapping and automation of product, service and information flows. The research results illustrate the current cap of understanding information logistics integration in a digital business ecosystem. Based on success factors, we were able to illustrate how specific coordination mechanisms related to network management and orchestration could be designed. We also pointed out the potential of information logistics integration in value creation. With the help of global standardization experts, we utilized the design of the core information model for B2B integration. We built this quantitative analysis by using the Monte Carlo-based simulation model and the Real Option Value model. This research covers relevant new research disciplines, such as information logistics integration and digital business ecosystems, in which the current literature needs to be improved. This research was executed by high-level experts and managers responsible for global business network B2B integration. However, the research was dominated by one industry domain, and therefore a more comprehensive exploration should be undertaken to cover a larger population of business sectors. Based on this research, the new quantitative survey could provide new possibilities to examine information logistics integration in digital business ecosystems. The value activities indicate that further studies should continue, especially with regard to the collaboration issues on integration, focusing on a user-centric approach. We should better understand how real-time information supports customer value creation by imbedding the information into the lifetime value of products and services. The aim of this research was to build competitive advantage through B2B integration to support a real-time economy. For practitioners, this research created several tools and concepts to improve value activities, information logistics integration design and management and orchestration models. Based on the results, the companies were able to better understand the formulation of the digital business ecosystem and the importance of joint efforts in collaboration. However, the challenge of incorporating this new knowledge into strategic processes in a multi-stakeholder environment remains. This challenge has been noted, and new projects have been established in pursuit of a real-time economy.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena tutkia millaisia make or buy- työkaluja on olemassa ja millaiset teoriat vaikuttavat make or buy- päätösten taustalla. Tutkimuksessa tutkittiin myös miten nämä ilmiöt ja mallit vaikuttavat ja toteutuvat käytännössä teknologia-alalla
Despite the unstable situation at the moment in Russia, the Russian market and St. Petersburg have been a very attractive from the point of view of Finnish companies. The objective of this research was to define how a Finnish accounting firm should perform its market entry to Russian markets as a part of its internationalization process. In addition, the special characteristics that support the internationalization to Russia were examined together with the implications from the behavior of potential customers at the market. The actual market entry mode was developed based on the theories of Uppsala model, transaction cost economics and the network approach. Additional emphasis was given for the service point of view. The primary data in this research was collected through semi-structured interviews with professionals from the Russian market. The results of this research show that there exists potential especially at the accounting markets in Russia. However, the current unstable situation and sanctions in Russia have led to situation where the price-sensitivity among customers is high, and costs savings are searched from multiple processes in organizations. Therefore, the accounting company should perform its market entry in small incremental steps to decrease the risks involved, and to gain specific market knowledge before committing more resources into Russian markets. A simplified process was developed to evaluate the suitable market entry mode. As a result, the level of commitment and market knowledge affect the final entry model of the firm, as well as defined goals for the particular market.