873 resultados para Traducción, literatura costarricense, narrativa, literaturas nacionales, identidad cultural, translation, Costa Rican literature, narrative, national literatures, cultural identity


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[Estudio sobre la obra literaria de Joaquín García Monge]


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Presenta una bibliografía comentada de las obras de la escritora costarricense Carmen Naranjo. La bibliografía está dividida en textos de la escritora (clasificados como narrativa, poesía, teatro, ensayo, artículos de periódicos, obras variadas, obras inéditas, traducciones autorizadas, premios, distinciones y puestos relevantes) y una crítica de su obra.


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En el artículo se incluyen los cuentos: La Espera, El compañero, Prólogo, El extraño, De la ciencia.


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En esta sección se recoge una serie de cartas que, publicadas en diversos periódicos finiseculares, dejan en claro cuáles fueron las razones que tenían nuestros creadores literarios para escribir en ese momento. Se presentan algunos textos a través de los cuales el pensamiento nacional se volcó sobre la literatura para definirla en ese momento. Por ejemplo: Hojarasca, El nacionalismo en literatura, El Heraldo, Carta a don Joaquín García Monge, Nacionalismo literario, Carta a don Rafael Machado, Casi palique, Constantinopla futura.


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Introducción Hablar de la afroetnicidad, cabe decir que referentes étnicos fundados en la ascendencia africana, invita a precisar algunas ideas en torno al uso del término. Entendemos la etnicidad como un campo de interacción social que visibiliza a grupos étnicos, vehicula su acción y define posibilidades a su reproducción biológica, social y cultural específico que les es particular, sino fundamentalmente por la capacidad del grupo de desarrollar autoadscripción con base en esos contenidos culturales y por la posibilidad de ser reconocidos por otros en esos mismos términos…


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This article presents data from a research that studied a teacher belief regarding three Nicaraguan students. Specifically, presents findings related to teaching practice and its relation to diverse education proposals. It includes an analysis of four subcategories: daily dynamic of a teacher who works with infants of another culture, students’ assessment in the classroom, discipline strategies to children, and diverse beliefs and proposals. The data shows that, in the classroom, the teacher does not demonstrate different treatment to Nicaraguan and Costa Rican children, suggesting that equal treatment is the strategy per se used by the teacher to solve the issue of cultural diversity in the classroom. On the other hand, discipline is assumed by the teacher with scolding criteria, using a loud tone of voice and aggressive vocabulary.


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Guitar technology underwent significant changes in the 20th century in the move from acoustic to electric instruments. In the first part of the 21st century, the guitar continues to develop through its interaction with digital technologies. Such changes in guitar technology are usually grounded in what we might call the "cultural identity" of the instrument: that is, the various ways that the guitar is used to enact, influence and challenge sociocultural and musical discourses. Often, these different uses of the guitar can be seen to reflect a conflict between the changing concepts of "noise" and "musical sound."


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School is regarded as a site of moral training for the younger generation to encounter nation’s future challenges as well as to re-energize nation’s cultural identity. The more competitive global society led by free market trade in terms of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), requires the school to adapt and change its curriculum more frequently. Like many other countries, Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture has introduced and nurtured universal values and traditional values respectively through school curriculum reforms to develop students’ ability to participating in global society. This paper will describe classical and contemporary theories related to moral education that have been implemented in Indonesia’s school curriculum and school activities. The theories developed by Durkheim, Alastair MacIntyre, and Basil Bernstein will be discussed. This includes explaining how far the theories have been adopted in Indonesia and how the approaches are currently being used in Indonesian schooling. This paper suggests despite the implementation of those theories in Indonesian schools, the government needs to optimise the operation of those theories to gain significant outcomes.


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Estudo sobre o processo de construção identitária da cidade de São Luís. Dos vários epítetos pelos quais a cidade é designada, são contemplados aqui apenas os de Atenas Brasileira, Única cidade brasileira fundada pelos franceses e Jamaica Brasileira. O propósito é o de identificar as condições sociais, políticas e culturais presentes no contexto específico de cada uma dessas construções. São levados em conta o modelo eurocêntrico e o elitismo cultural vigentes na sociedade de um século XIX marcado pelas categorias dominantes/dominados, cultura letrada/cultura popular próprias das condições que ensejaram o estabelecimento da Atenas Brasileira. Foi analisada a estratégia que fez de um acontecimento histórico a instauração de um ato fundador de tradição e, por extensão, de criação de identidade cultural, tática que deu a São Luís, na primeira década do século XX, a designação de Única cidade brasileira fundada pelos franceses, a mesmo tempo em que ensejou a revitalização da primeira identidade cultural. Por fim, a análise do advento da Jamaica Brasileira nos anos de 1970, identidade cultural oriunda das massas populares e periféricas da cidade de São Luís, caracterizadas pela exclusão social e negritude, de forte apelo sensível e estético marcado pelo ritmo, pela dança, pela música reggae de origem jamaicana. Esses estudos tiveram como fundamentos epistemológicos teorizações dos campos da comunicação, dos estudos culturais, memória e narrativa. Para sua realização foram efetuadas leitura e análise de material bibliográfico e documental, realizadas entrevistas e aplicados questionários. O estudo revelou que os processos de construção das identidades culturais da cidade de São Luís foram influenciados pela po


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The main theme of the ICTOP'94 Lisbon meeting is museum personnel training for the universal museum. At the very beginning it is important to identify what the notion universal museum can cover. It is necessary to underline the ambiguity of the term. On the one hand, the word 'universal' can be taken to refer to the variety of collected museum materials or museum collections, on the other hand it could refer to the efforts of the museum to be active outside the museum walls in order to achieve the integration of the heritage of a certain territory into a museological system. 'Universal' could also refer to the "new dimensions of reality: the fantastic reality of the virtual images, only existing in the human brain" (Scheiner 1994:7), which is very close to M. McLuhan's view of the world as a 'global village'. Thus, what is universal could be taken as being common and available to all the people of the world. 'Universal' can imply also the radical broadening of the concept of object: "mountain, silex, frog, waterfonts, stars, the moon ... everything is an object, with due fluctuations" (Hainard in Scheiner 1994: 7), which will cause the total involvement of the human being into his/her physical and spiritual environment. In the process of universalization, links between cultural and natural heritage and their links with human beings become more solid, helping to create a strong mutual interdependence.