835 resultados para Student-teacher Interaction
In recent years, coinciding with adjustments to the Bologna process, many European universities have attempted to improve their international profile by increasing course offerings in English. According to the Institute of International Education (IIE), Spain has notably increased its English-taught higher education programs, ranking fifth in the list of European countries by number of English-taught Master's programs in 2013. This article presents the goals and preliminary results of an on-going innovative education project (TechEnglish) that aims to promote course offerings in English at the Technical University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM). The UPM is the oldest and largest of all Technical Universities in Spain. It offers graduate and postgraduate programs that cover all the engineering disciplines as well as architecture. Currently, the UPM has no specific bilingual/multilingual program to promote teaching in English, although there is an Educational Model Whitepaper (with a focus on undergraduate degrees) that promotes the development of activities like an International Semester or a unique shared curriculum. The TechEnglish project is an attempt to foster courses taught in English at 7 UPM Technical Schools, including students and 80 faculty members. Four tasks were identified: (1) to design a university wide framework to increase course offerings, (2) to identify administrative difficulties, (3) to increase visibility of courses offered, and (4) to disseminate the results of the project. First, to design a program we analyzed existing programs at other Spanish universities, and other projects and efforts already under way at the UPM. A total of 13 plans were analyzed and classified according to their relation with students (learning), professors (teaching), administration, course offerings, other actors/institutions within the university (e.g., language departments), funds and projects, dissemination activities, mobility plans and quality control. Second, to begin to identify administrative and organizational difficulties in the implementation of teaching in English, we first estimated the current and potential course offerings at the undergraduate level at the UPM using a survey (student, teacher and administrative demand, level of English and willingness to work in English). Third, to make the course offerings more attractive for both Spanish and international students we examined the way the most prestigious universities in Spain and in Europe try to improve the visibility of their academic offerings in English. Finally, to disseminate the results of the project we created a web page and a workspace on the Moodle education platform and prepared conferences and workshops within the UPM. Preliminary results show that increasing course offerings in English is an important step to promote the internationalization of the University. The main difficulties identified at the UPM were related to how to acknowledge/certify the departments, teachers or students involved in English courses, how students should register for the courses, how departments should split and schedule the courses (Spanish and English), and the lack of qualified personnel. A concerted effort could be made to increase the visibility of English-taught programs offered on-line.
Enquadramento: A par da não alfabetização e do abandono escolar, as taxas de insucesso no ensino fundamental no Brasil atingem indicadores preocupantes. A aprendizagem é um processo complexo e são múltiplos os fatores que contribuem tanto positivamente quanto negativamente na aprendizagem dos alunos e os seus efeitos irão refletir-se no futuro dos educandos. Se há crianças com distúrbios fisiopatológicos que prejudicam a sua aprendizagem, noutras, porém, as dificuldades surgem por influência da escola/professores e da relação destes com a família Objetivos: Identificar as áreas de dificuldades de aprendizagem na componente curricular de português e matemática; identificar as dificuldades nos domínios de aprendizagem de cada área e analisar a relação das variáveis sociodemográficas e escolares com as dificuldades de aprendizagem. Material e métodos: Estudo exploratório-descritivo, quantitativo e correlacional numa amostra de 178 alunos, do 3º ano, numa escola pública de Taquarana, Alagoas, Brasil. Utilizamos um questionário para a caraterização socio demográfica e escolar dos alunos e uma escala utilizada na escola para a avaliação formal da aprendizagem. Resultados: Os participantes são na maioria do sexo masculino (55,6%) com uma média de idades de 8,53 anos, distribuídos em 6 turmas (3 manhã e 3 tarde) em que a menor tem 25 alunos e a maior tem 35. Demoram em média 20 minutos na deslocação para a escola. Verificamos que 34,3% vivem com pais solteiros, separados divorciados ou viúvos. 31,5% dos alunos referem ter muito mau, ou mau ambiente familiar e há turmas onde isso é mais evidente. Os pais dos alunos em 37,1% não têm instrução e em 53,4% não ajudam nos estudos ou trabalhos de casa. Os alunos que já reprovaram são 26,4% e destes, 36,2% já reprovaram 3 ou mais vezes. As dificuldades de aprendizagem em língua portuguesa e matemática são maiores nos alunos mais velhos, do sexo masculino e que já reprovaram mais de uma vez. Um ambiente familiar mau/muito mau e a situação familiar dos pais a falta de instrução dos pais e o não ajudarem nas tarefas de casa contribui com as dificuldades. Na língua portuguesa há maior dificuldade no respeitar o momento de escuta e fala, na leitura e interpretação, produção textos e uso das regras ortográficas. Em matemática globalmente têm maiores dificuldades sobressaindo os parâmetros de identificação das operações nas situações-problemas e elaboração de tabelas e gráficos. Conclusões: Encontramos no nosso estudo alunos com grandes taxas de reprovações e com dificuldades evidentes tanto na língua portuguesa como em matemática. Constatamos que diversos são os fatores que contribuem para o aparecimento das dificuldades na aprendizagem de alguns alunos mas não podemos deixar de refletir sobre a influência da família. A destruturação familiar, mau ambiente e o fato de não terem instrução e não ajudarem os filhos nos estudos mostraram-se influenciadores no insucesso dos alunos PALAVRAS-CHAVE – Aprendizagem, Dificuldades de aprendizagem, Família, Educação.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
The development of German pop music represents a fascinating cultural mirror to the history of post-war Germany, reflecting sociological changes and political developments. While film studies is an already established discipline, German pop music is currently emerging as a new and exciting field of academic study. This pioneering companion is the first volume to provide a comprehensive overview of the subject, charting the development of German pop music from the post-war period 'Schlager' to the present 'Diskursrock'. Written by acknowledged experts from Germany, the UK and the US, the various chapters provide overviews of pertinent genres as well as focusing on major bands such as CAN, Kraftwerk or Rammstein. While these acts have shaped the international profile of German pop music, the volume also undertakes in-depth examinations of the specific German contributions to genres such as punk, industrial, rap and techo. The survey is concluded by an interview with the leading German pop theorist Diedrich Diederichsen. The volume constitues an indispensible handbook for any student, teacher and scholar in the area of German studies interested in contemporary popular culture.
This work acquaints with a program for interactive computer training to students on the subject "Mutual intersecting of pyramids in axonometry ”. Our software is a set of three modules, which we call "student", "teacher" and "autopilot". It gives the final solution of the problem, the traceability of various significant moments in its solution and 3D-image of the finished composition of the two intersecting polyhedra, stripped of the working lines and subjected to rotation and translation.
The purpose of this study was to understand the perceptions of underprepared college students who had participated in learning communities and who persisted to complete developmental classes and earned at least 30 college-level credit hours to graduate and the perceptions of their peers who had dropped out of college. The theories posed by Tinto, Astin, and Freire formed the framework for this case study. The 22 participants were graduates or transfer students now attending a public university, currently-enrolled sophomores, and students no longer enrolled at the time of the study. Semi-structured individual interviews and a group interview provided narrative data which were transcribed, coded, and analyzed to gain insights into the experiences and perspectives of the participants. The group interview provided a form of member checking to increase accuracy in interpreting themes. A peer reviewer provided feedback on the researcher’s data analysis procedures. The analysis yielded four themes and 14 sub-themes which captured the essence of the participants’ experiences. The pre-college characteristics/traits theme described the students’ internal values and attributes acquired prior to college. The external college support/community influence theme described the encouragement to attend college the students received from family, friends, and high school teachers. The social involvement theme described the students’ participation in campus activities and their interactions with other members of the campus. The academic integration theme described students’ use of campus resources and their contacts with the faculty. The persisters reported strong family and peer support, a sense of responsibility, appreciation for dedicated and caring faculty, and a belief that an education can be a liberatory means to achieve their goals. The non-persisters did not report having the same sense of purpose, goal orientation, determination, obligation to meet family expectations, peer support, campus involvement, positive faculty experiences, and time management skills. The researcher offers an emerging model for understanding factors associated with persistence and three recommendations for enhancing the academic experience of underprepared college students: (a) include a critical pedagogy perspective in coursework where possible, (b) integrate co-curricular activities with the academic disciplines, and (c) increase student-faculty interaction.
Public schools traditionally have been held accountable for educating the majority of the nation’s school children, and through the years, these schools have been evaluated in a variety of ways. Currently, evaluation measures for accountability purposes consist solely of standardized test scores. In the past, only test scores of general education students were analyzed. Laws governing the education of students with disabilities, however, have extended accountability measures not only to include those students, but to report their scores in a disaggregated form (No Child Left Behind Act, 2001). The recent emphasis on accountability and compliance has resulted in the need for schools to carefully examine how programs, services, and policies impact student achievement (Bowers & Figgers, 2003). ^ Standard-based school reform and accountability systems have raised expectations about student learning outcomes for all students, including those with disabilities and minority students. Yet, overall, racial/ethnic minority students are performing well below their White non-Hispanic peers in most academic areas. Additionally, with respect to special education, there exists an enduring problem of disproportionate representation of racial/ethnic minority students (National Research Council, 2000). ^ This study examined classroom placement (inclusive versus non-inclusive) relative to academic performance of urban, low socioeconomic Hispanic students with and without disabilities in secondary content area classrooms. A mixed method research design was used to investigate this important issue using data from a local school district and results from field observations. The study compared performance levels of four middle school Hispanic student subgroups (students with disabilities in inclusive settings, students without disabilities in inclusive settings, students with disabilities in resource settings, and student without disabilities in general education settings) each in their respective placements for two consecutive years, exploring existing practices within authentic settings. ^ Significant differences were found in the relationship of educational placement and achievement between grade level and disability in the areas of math and reading. Additionally, clear and important differences were observed in student-teacher interactions. Recommendations for further researchers and stakeholders include soliciting responses from teams at the schools composed of general education and special education teachers, administrative personnel, and students as well as broadening the study across grade levels and exceptionalities. ^
Project POWER utilized participatory action research to critically examine issues facing students in an urban high school, setting the stage for the co-creation of spaces for student-teacher dialogue. The project culminated in a dialogue between the students and their future teachers at a university in Miami, Florida.
The purpose of this study was to understand the perceptions of underprepared college students who had participated in learning communities and who persisted to complete developmental classes and earned at least 30 college-level credit hours to graduate and the perceptions of their peers who had dropped out of college. The theories posed by Tinto, Astin, and Freire formed the framework for this case study. The 22 participants were graduates or transfer students now attending a public university, currently-enrolled sophomores, and students no longer enrolled at the time of the study. Semi-structured individual interviews and a group interview provided narrative data which were transcribed, coded, and analyzed to gain insights into the experiences and perspectives of the participants. The group interview provided a form of member checking to increase accuracy in interpreting themes. A peer reviewer provided feedback on the researcher’s data analysis procedures. The analysis yielded four themes and 14 sub-themes which captured the essence of the participants’ experiences. The pre-college characteristics/traits theme described the students’ internal values and attributes acquired prior to college. The external college support/community influence theme described the encouragement to attend college the students received from family, friends, and high school teachers. The social involvement theme described the students’ participation in campus activities and their interactions with other members of the campus. The academic integration theme described students’ use of campus resources and their contacts with the faculty. The persisters reported strong family and peer support, a sense of responsibility, appreciation for dedicated and caring faculty, and a belief that an education can be a liberatory means to achieve their goals. The non-persisters did not report having the same sense of purpose, goal orientation, determination, obligation to meet family expectations, peer support, campus involvement, positive faculty experiences, and time management skills. The researcher offers an emerging model for understanding factors associated with persistence and three recommendations for enhancing the academic experience of underprepared college students: (a) include a critical pedagogy perspective in coursework where possible, (b) integrate co-curricular activities with the academic disciplines, and (c) increase student-faculty interaction.
El derecho a ser escuchado y participar en aquellos asuntos que afectan a los niños es un derecho fundamental de la infancia escasamente respetado por el adulto, quien tiende a silenciar su voz, infravalorando su visión y posible aportación. Ante esta realidad, la Escuela Infantil se erige como un marco privilegiado para la escucha y la participación de la infancia en aquellos temas que les afectan, contribuyendo a la formación de ciudadanos democráticos. A partir de un marco de escucha donde se concibe al pequeño como un sujeto activo, competente y experto en su propia vida, se ha llevado a cabo una investigación que ha adoptado el formato de estudio de caso, en la que se ha recogido a través de las técnicas del dibujo y de las conversaciones con niños, la visión que poseen los más pequeños sobre la Escuela Infantil, analizando el bienestar del niño en el contexto escolar, el sentido y finalidad que los niños otorgan a la escuela; el grado de satisfacción con la misma; sus gustos y preferencias en el contexto escolar; la autonomía y libertad que dicen poseer en la escuela; su visión sobre los aspectos organizativos que rigen el funcionamiento del centro y su perspectiva sobre cómo es y cómo les gustaría que fuera la participación de las familias en la escuela. Finalmente, se recogen sus propuestas de mejora para hacer de la Escuela Infantil a la que asisten su escuela ideal. Los resultados del estudio ponen de manifiesto la demanda de los niños de una Escuela Infantil diferente a la que conocen y la existencia de un pensamiento divergente del pensamiento adulto que es necesario escuchar y tener en consideración, siendo sus aportaciones de gran valía para poder iniciar procesos de innovación y mejora educativa.
The academic activities carried out at the School of Chemistry make indispensable to develop actions oriented toward the consolidation of a reagent and residue management system, especially in the teaching laboratories. The project “Management of reagents and residues in the teaching laboratories of the School of Chemistry” works under the Green Chemistry values which designs products and chemical processes that reduce or eliminate the use and production of dangerous substances, to benefit the environment. With a preventive vision, a change from the laboratory practices is looked to select those with less environmental impact. Additionally, residue quantification is made and its management protocols are developed for each practice. The project has several stages: diagnose, action implementation, student, teacher and administration personnel training and evaluation during the process and at the end of it. The article describes methodological aspects of the project operation emphasizing on reagent and residue quantification through flow diagrams.
Este trabalho centra-se na análise dos sentimentos das crianças emergentes da relação aluno-professor. A investigação empírica enquadra-se na teoria das representações sociais, tendo como principal objectivo identificar os sentimentos mais comuns das crianças, em particular em relação aos seus professores, numa população de 120 sujeitos de ambos os sexos, com idades compreendidas entre os 8-11 anos de idade, alunos do 1.o e 2.o ciclos do Ensino Básico. Os dados foram recolhidos por associação livre de palavras e tratados através de AFC 1 Verificámos existir proximidade das representações das raparigas com as das crianças mais novas, salientando fortes sentimentos positivos, mostrando-se bastante motivadas e valorizando as relações interpessoais. Em comparação, as crianças de 10-11 anos e os rapazes, relevaram sobretudo dimensões tisicas, cognitivas e emocionais, associadas ao mal-estar e aborrecimento. Os resultados contribuem para compreender o universo cognitivo, emocional e relacional das crianças, na sua vivência quotidiana. ABSTRACT; This work is focused on the analysis of children's feelings emerging from the relation student-teacher. This empirical research lies within the scope of the theory of social representations, and its main objective is to identify the most common feelings in children, particularly towards their teachers, in a population of 120 subjects of both sexes, between the ages of 8 and 11, and attending the 1st and 2nd stages of Basic Education. The data was gathered using free word association, and examined through FAC2. We verified that the girls' representations were closer to the representations of younger children, and gave relevance to strong positive feelings, revealing a great motivation and validation of personal relations. By comparison, children aged 1O and 11, as well as boys, mainly gave relevance to physical, cognitive, and emotional dimensions, associated to uneasiness and boredom. The results contribute to the understanding of the cognitive, emotional, and relational universe of children in their daily lives.
Na origem deste processo de estágio pedagógico como professor de educação física estiveram ideias e princípios que desenvolvi durante o meu processo de formação inicial, os quais começo por fundamentar. A fundamentação teórica das minhas opções educativas vai ao encontro das orientações dos Programas Nacionais de Educação Física (PNEF), que referem que a educação física deve contribuir para a realização dos efeitos globais educativos visados em cada nível de ensino, e que a atividade dos alunos na disciplina e os seus efeitos devem ser entendidos de forma integrada quanto aos domínios motor, cognitivo e sócio-afetivo. Para além das práticas de organização e gestão do processo de ensino e aprendizagem (planeamento, avaliação e condução do ensino) de uma turma do décimo ano, este relatório incide sobre práticas relacionadas com a investigação e inovação pedagógica, a participação na escola, e as relações com a comunidade. A compatibilização do controlo geral da turma com a avaliação e com o foco em tarefas individualizadas foi o meu principal desafio relativamente às competências de organização e gestão do processo de ensino e de aprendizagem. Os resultados do trabalho com uma turma acabam por validar a metodologia utilizada e as ideias que fundamentaram essa mesma metodologia.
Este relatório final teve como base o processo de estágio pedagógico desenvolvido no ano letivo de 2014/2015 na Escola Secundária Professor José Augusto Lucas, o qual se insere no Mestrado em Ensino da Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário. O estágio pedagógico em Educação Física é um momento decisivo na formação inicial dos professores, sendo o primeiro contacto com a prática docente em situação real de ensino. Desta forma, o presente relatório procura descrever o processo formativo que proporcionou esse confronto com a realidade, numa perspetiva crítica e reflexiva, e sempre que possível projetiva. Esta análise tem por base as atividades desenvolvidas na minha intervenção pedagógica ao nível do planeamento, avaliação e condução do ensino, através do relato das dificuldades e estratégias encontradas para superá-las. No entanto, o estágio pedagógico não se restringe à atividade do professor no contexto de sala de aula e pretendo ainda refletir sobre a minha ação no acompanhamento e trabalho de direção de turma, no trabalho de investigação-ação, nas atividades desenvolvidas no núcleo de Desporto Escolar, bem como nas atividades de cariz variado no seio da comunidade escolar.
Dissertação de mest. em Observação e Análise da Relação Educativa, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Univer, do Algarve, 2004