994 resultados para Spin-orbit coupling
Graphene has received great attention due to its exceptional properties, which include corners with zero effective mass, extremely large mobilities, this could render it the new template for the next generation of electronic devices. Furthermore it has weak spin orbit interaction because of the low atomic number of carbon atom in turn results in long spin coherence lengths. Therefore, graphene is also a promising material for future applications in spintronic devices - the use of electronic spin degrees of freedom instead of the electron charge. Graphene can be engineered to form a number of different structures. In particular, by appropriately cutting it one can obtain 1-D system -with only a few nanometers in width - known as graphene nanoribbon, which strongly owe their properties to the width of the ribbons and to the atomic structure along the edges. Those GNR-based systems have been shown to have great potential applications specially as connectors for integrated circuits. Impurities and defects might play an important role to the coherence of these systems. In particular, the presence of transition metal atoms can lead to significant spin-flip processes of conduction electrons. Understanding this effect is of utmost importance for spintronics applied design. In this work, we focus on electronic transport properties of armchair graphene nanoribbons with adsorbed transition metal atoms as impurities and taking into account the spin-orbit effect. Our calculations were performed using a combination of density functional theory and non-equilibrium Greens functions. Also, employing a recursive method we consider a large number of impurities randomly distributed along the nanoribbon in order to infer, for different concentrations of defects, the spin-coherence length.
Diese Dissertation demonstriert und verbessert die Vorhersagekraft der Coupled-Cluster-Theorie im Hinblick auf die hochgenaue Berechnung von Moleküleigenschaften. Die Demonstration erfolgt mittels Extrapolations- und Additivitätstechniken in der Single-Referenz-Coupled-Cluster-Theorie, mit deren Hilfe die Existenz und Struktur von bisher unbekannten Molekülen mit schweren Hauptgruppenelementen vorhergesagt wird. Vor allem am Beispiel von cyclischem SiS_2, einem dreiatomigen Molekül mit 16 Valenzelektronen, wird deutlich, dass die Vorhersagekraft der Theorie sich heutzutage auf Augenhöhe mit dem Experiment befindet: Theoretische Überlegungen initiierten eine experimentelle Suche nach diesem Molekül, was schließlich zu dessen Detektion und Charakterisierung mittels Rotationsspektroskopie führte. Die Vorhersagekraft der Coupled-Cluster-Theorie wird verbessert, indem eine Multireferenz-Coupled-Cluster-Methode für die Berechnung von Spin-Bahn-Aufspaltungen erster Ordnung in 2^Pi-Zuständen entwickelt wird. Der Fokus hierbei liegt auf Mukherjee's Variante der Multireferenz-Coupled-Cluster-Theorie, aber prinzipiell ist das vorgeschlagene Berechnungsschema auf alle Varianten anwendbar. Die erwünschte Genauigkeit beträgt 10 cm^-1. Sie wird mit der neuen Methode erreicht, wenn Ein- und Zweielektroneneffekte und bei schweren Elementen auch skalarrelativistische Effekte berücksichtigt werden. Die Methode eignet sich daher in Kombination mit Coupled-Cluster-basierten Extrapolations-und Additivitätsschemata dafür, hochgenaue thermochemische Daten zu berechnen.
ab-initio Hartree Fock (HF), density functional theory (DFT) and hybrid potentials were employed to compute the optimized lattice parameters and elastic properties of perovskite 3-d transition metal oxides. The optimized lattice parameters and elastic properties are interdependent in these materials. An interaction is observed between the electronic charge, spin and lattice degrees of freedom in 3-d transition metal oxides. The coupling between the electronic charge, spin and lattice structures originates due to localization of d-atomic orbitals. The coupling between the electronic charge, spin and crystalline lattice also contributes in the ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties in perovskites. The cubic and tetragonal crystalline structures of perovskite transition metal oxides of ABO3 are studied. The electronic structure and the physics of 3-d perovskite materials is complex and less well considered. Moreover, the novelty of the electronic structure and properties of these perovskites transition metal oxides exceeds the challenge offered by their complex crystalline structures. To achieve the objective of understanding the structure and property relationship of these materials the first-principle computational method is employed. CRYSTAL09 code is employed for computing crystalline structure, elastic, ferromagnetic and other electronic properties. Second-order elastic constants (SOEC) and bulk moduli (B) are computed in an automated process by employing ELASTCON (elastic constants) and EOS (equation of state) programs in CRYSTAL09 code. ELASTCON, EOS and other computational algorithms are utilized to determine the elastic properties of tetragonal BaTiO3, rutile TiO2, cubic and tetragonal BaFeO3 and the ferromagentic properties of 3-d transition metal oxides. Multiple methods are employed to crosscheck the consistency of our computational results. Computational results have motivated us to explore the ferromagnetic properties of 3-d transition metal oxides. Billyscript and CRYSTAL09 code are employed to compute the optimized geometry of the cubic and tetragonal crystalline structure of transition metal oxides of Sc to Cu. Cubic crystalline structure is initially chosen to determine the effect of lattice strains on ferromagnetism due to the spin angular momentum of an electron. The 3-d transition metals and their oxides are challenging as the basis functions and potentials are not fully developed to address the complex physics of the transition metals. Moreover, perovskite crystalline structures are extremely challenging with respect to the quality of computations as the latter requires the well established methods. Ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties of bulk, surfaces and interfaces are explored by employing CRYSTAL09 code. In our computations done on cubic TMOs of Sc-Fe it is observed that there is a coupling between the crystalline structure and FM/AFM spin polarization. Strained crystalline structures of 3-d transition metal oxides are subjected to changes in the electromagnetic and electronic properties. The electronic structure and properties of bulk, composites, surfaces of 3-d transition metal oxides are computed successfully.
Numerical explorations show how the known periodic solutions of the Hill problem are modified in the case of the attitude-orbit coupling that may occur for large satellite structures. We focus on the case in which the elongation is the dominant satellite’s characteristic and find that a rotating structure may remain with its largest dimension in a plane parallel to the plane of the primaries. In this case, the effect produced by the non-negligible physical length is dynamically equivalent to the perturbation produced by an oblate central body on a mass-point satellite. Based on this, it is demonstrated that the attitude-orbital coupling of a long enough body may change the dynamical characteristics of a periodic orbit about the collinear Lagrangian points.
Numerical explorations show how the known periodic solutions of the Hill problem are modified in the case of the attitude-orbit coupling that may occur for large satellite structures. We focus on the case in which the elongation is the dominant satellite?s characteristic and find that a rotating structure may remain with its largest dimension in a plane parallel to the plane of the primaries. In this case, the effect produced by the non-negligible physical dimension is dynamically equivalent to the perturbation produced by an oblate central body on a masspoint satellite. Based on this, it is demonstrated that the attitude-orbital coupling of a long enough body may change the dynamical characteristics of a periodic orbit about the collinear Lagrangian points.
We present a mechanism for persistent charge current. Quantum spin Hall insulators hold dissipationless spin currents in their edges so that, for a given spin orientation, a net charge current flows which is exactly compensated by the counterflow of the opposite spin. Here we show that ferromagnetic order in the edge upgrades the spin currents into persistent charge currents without applied fields. For that matter, we study the Hubbard model including Haldane-Kane-Mele spin-orbit coupling in a zigzag ribbon and consider the case of graphene. We find three electronic phases with magnetic edges that carry currents reaching 0.4 nA, comparable to persistent currents in metallic rings, for the small spin-orbit coupling in graphene. One of the phases is a valley half metal.
The spin dynamics of a single Mn atom in a laser driven CdTe quantum dot is addressed theoretically. Recent experimental results [ Gall et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 127402 (2009); Goryca et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 087401 (2009) Gall et al. Phys. Rev. B 81 245315 (2010)] show that it is possible to induce Mn spin polarization by means of circularly polarized optical pumping. Pumping is made possible by the faster Mn spin relaxation in the presence of the exciton. Here we discuss different Mn spin-relaxation mechanisms: first, Mn-phonon coupling, which is enhanced in the presence of the exciton; second, phonon induced hole spin relaxation combined with carrier-Mn spin-flip coupling and photon emission results in Mn spin relaxation. We model the Mn spin dynamics under the influence of a pumping laser that injects excitons into the dot, taking into account exciton-Mn exchange and phonon induced spin relaxation of both Mn and holes. Our simulations account for the optically induced Mn spin pumping.
Spin–orbit coupling changes graphene, in principle, into a two-dimensional topological insulator, also known as quantum spin Hall insulator. One of the expected consequences is the existence of spin-filtered edge states that carry dissipationless spin currents and undergo no backscattering in the presence of non-magnetic disorder, leading to quantization of conductance. Whereas, due to the small size of spin–orbit coupling in graphene, the experimental observation of these remarkable predictions is unlikely, the theoretical understanding of these spin-filtered states is shedding light on the electronic properties of edge states in other two-dimensional quantum spin Hall insulators. Here we review the effect of a variety of perturbations, like curvature, disorder, edge reconstruction, edge crystallographic orientation, and Coulomb interactions on the electronic properties of these spin filtered states.
We propose an intrinsic spin scattering mechanism in graphene originated by the interplay of atomic spin-orbit interaction and the local curvature induced by flexural distortions of the atomic lattice. Starting from a multiorbital tight-binding Hamiltonian with spin-orbit coupling considered non-perturbatively, we derive an effective Hamiltonian for the spin scattering of the Dirac electrons due to flexural distortions. We compute the spin lifetime due to both flexural phonons and ripples and we find values in the 1-10 ns range at room temperature. The proposed mechanism dominates the spin relaxation in high mobility graphene samples and should also apply to other planar aromatic compounds.
We propose an intrinsic spin scattering mechanism in graphene originated by the interplay of atomic spin-orbit interaction and the local curvature induced by flexural distortions of the atomic lattice. Starting from a multiorbital tight-binding Hamiltonian with spin-orbit coupling considered nonperturbatively, we derive an effective Hamiltonian for the spin scattering of the Dirac electrons due to flexural distortions. We compute the spin lifetime due to both flexural phonons and ripples and we find values in the microsecond range at room temperature. Interestingly, this mechanism is anisotropic on two counts. First, the relaxation rate is different for off-plane and in-plane spin quantization axis. Second, the spin relaxation rate depends on the angle formed by the crystal momentum with the carbon-carbon bond. In addition, the spin lifetime is also valley dependent. The proposed mechanism sets an upper limit for spin lifetimes in graphene and will be relevant when samples of high quality can be fabricated free of extrinsic sources of spin relaxation.
The so-called quantum spin Hall phase is a topologically nontrivial insulating phase that is predicted to appear in graphene and graphenelike systems. In this paper we address the question of whether this topological property persists in multilayered systems. We consider two situations: purely multilayer graphene and heterostructures where graphene is encapsulated by trivial insulators with a strong spin-orbit coupling. We use a four-orbital tight-binding model that includes full atomic spin-orbit coupling and we calculate the Z2 topological invariant of the bulk states as well as the edge states of semi-infinite crystals with armchair termination. For homogeneous multilayers we find that even when the spin-orbit interaction opens a gap for all possible stackings, only those with an odd number of layers host gapless edge states while those with an even number of layers are trivial insulators. For heterostructures where graphene is encapsulated by trivial insulators, it turns out that interlayer coupling is able to induce a topological gap whose size is controlled by the spin-orbit coupling of the encapsulating materials, indicating that the quantum spin Hall phase can be induced by proximity to trivial insulators.
We study the conduction band spin splitting that arises in transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) semiconductor monolayers such as MoS2, MoSe2, WS2, and WSe2 due to the combination of spin-orbit coupling and lack of inversion symmetry. Two types of calculation are done. First, density functional theory (DFT) calculations based on plane waves that yield large splittings, between 3 and 30 meV. Second, we derive a tight-binding model that permits to address the atomic origin of the splitting. The basis set of the model is provided by the maximally localized Wannier orbitals, obtained from the DFT calculation, and formed by 11 atomiclike orbitals corresponding to d and p orbitals of the transition metal (W, Mo) and chalcogenide (S, Se) atoms respectively. In the resulting Hamiltonian, we can independently change the atomic spin-orbit coupling constant of the two atomic species at the unit cell, which permits to analyze their contribution to the spin splitting at the high symmetry points. We find that—in contrast to the valence band—both atoms give comparable contributions to the conduction band splittings. Given that these materials are most often n-doped, our findings are important for developments in TMD spintronics.
Spin precession due to Rashba spin-orbit coupling in a two-dimension electron gas is the basis for the spin field effect transistor, in which the overall perfect spin-polarized current modulation could be acquired. There is a prerequisite, however, that a strong transverse confinement potential should be imposed on the electron gas or the width of the confined quantum well must be narrow. We propose relieving this rather strict limitation by applying an external magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the electron gas because the effect of the magnetic field on the conductance of the system is equivalent to the enhancement of the lateral confining potential. Our results show that the applied magnetic field has little effect on the spin precession length or period although in this case Rashba spin-orbit coupling could lead to a Zeeman-type spin splitting of the energy band.
Layered materials exhibit intriguing electronic characteristics and the search for new types of two-dimensional (2D) structures is of importance for future device fabrication. Using state-of-art first principle calculations, we identify and characterize the structural and electronic properties of two 2D layered arsenic materials, namely, arsenic and its alloy AsSb. The stable 2D structural configuration of arsenic is confirmed to be the low-buckled two-dimensional hexagonal structure by phonon and binding energy calculations. The monolayer exhibits indirect semiconducting properties with gap around 1.5 eV (corrected to 2.2 eV by hybrid function), which can be modulated into a direct semiconductor within a small amount of tensile strain. These semiconducting properties are preserved when cutting into 1D nanoribbons, but the band gap is edge dependent. It is interesting to find that an indirect to direct gap transition can be achieved under strain modulation of the armchair ribbon. Essentially the same phenomena can be found in layered AsSb, except a weak Rashba induced band splitting is present in AsSb due to the nonsymmetric structure and spin orbit coupling. When an additional layer is added on the top, a semiconductor–metal transition will occur. The findings here broaden the family of 2D materials beyond graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides and provide useful information for experimental fabrication of new layered materials with possible application in optoelectronics.