939 resultados para Social investment state


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The apparent virtuosity that if could wait of the globalization and the neoliberalism has given signals of deterioration in the contractual relations, especially in contracts of mass consumption, generating innumerable offensive situations to the basic rights and the goods constitutionally protected of the contractors. In the world of today, still that it does not reveal any desire, the individual practically is compelled to contract, for force of necessities and customs completely imposed, mainly in face of the essentiality of the services or agreed to goods. Ahead of as much and unexpected changes in the civil liames and of consumption, dictated for the globalization, it comes to surface the reflection if the private law e, more specifically, the civil law, meet prepared adequately to deal with these new parameters of the economy. The present dissertation has the intention to investigate if the globalization and the consequent neoliberalism, in this beginning of third millennium, will imply to revive of the principles and the basics paradigms of the contracts that consolidated and had kept, for more than two centuries, the liberal State. One notices that the study of this phenomenon it gains importance to the measure where if it aggravates the decline of the social State (Welfare State), with the embrittlement and the loss of the autonomy of the state authority, over all in countries of delayed modernity, as it is the case of Brazil, that presents deep deficiencies to give or to promote, with a minimum of quality and efficiency, essential considered public services to the collective and that if they find consecrated in the Federal Constitution, as basic rights or as goods constitutionally protecting, the example of the health, the education, the housing, the security, the providence, the insurance, the protection the maternity, the infancy and of aged and deficient. To the end, the incidence of constant basic rights of the man in the Constitution is concluded that, in the process of interpretation of the right contractual conflicts that have as object rights or goods constitutionally proteges, in the universe of the globalized perhaps economy and of the neoliberalismo, it consists in one of the few ways - unless the only one - that still they remain to over all deal with more adequately the contractual relations, exactly that if considers the presence of clauses generalities in the scope of the legislation infraconstitutional civil and of consumption, front the private detainers of social-economic power. To be able that it matters necessarily in disequilibrium between the parts, whose realignment depends on the effect and the graduation that if it intends to confer to the basic right in game in the private relation. The Constitution, when allowing the entailing of the basic rights in the privates relations, would be assuming contours of a statute basic of all the collective, giving protection to the man against the power, if public or independently private


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The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the quality of public spending on education for the municipalities of the Metropolitan Region of Natal (RMN) in 2009 by use of two theories: The Theory of Welfare (Welfare State) and the Public Choice Theory (TEP), both important to understand the relationship between education and economics. The study also uses principles of microeconomics and public sector economics to get a better idea of the role of education in economy and society. It describes the development of the educational policy in Brazil from 1988 to the Federal Constitution of 2010, following the major changes in basic education during each government. The characteristics of the RMN municipalities were illustrated with socioeconomic indicators, while educational indicators were used to characterize each municipality regarding education. The model used in this study was developed by Bertê, Brunet and Borges, the data was collected on the back of the School Census 2009 and the Brazil Exam 2009 and it was processed quantitavely in the Information System on Public Budgets in Education (SIOPE) by use of the statistical method called standardized score of the normal cumulative distribution function. The quality of public spending on education is the result of the relation between performance indicator ratio and expense ratio. For the qualitative analysis of results, the criteria of efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness were used. The study found that municipalities with higher expenses showed a worse quality of spending and failed to convert the expenditure incurred into performance, thus confirming ineffectiveness


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In contemporaneousness watches in Brazil the emergence of a "new" relationship between State and society based on partnership, which will allow the growing playacting organizations "non-profit" and "public interest" in the management of social public policies. In that sense, as part of a logic of global restructuring of the Capital, under the aegis of the neoliberal project, starting from the years of 1990, an administration model is had in favor of the market that looks for to minimize the actions of the State, reinforcing the outsourcing of the social public politics, and consequently, debilitating rights legally conquered. In that way, with this study it was pursued as general objective to apprehend the actions developed by Non-governmental Organizations NGOs in the child's area and of the adolescent in Natal / RN, verifying in that measured, these contribute to the warranty of rights or they reproduce practices of welfare work, and as specific objectives: to identify the group of the actions developed by NGOs in the child's area and of the adolescent in Natal / RN; to analyze the practice of NGOs of the point of view of the human resources, of the administration, of the financing, of the user's participation in the decision processes, as well as the quality of the services and the continuity of the actions of these organizations; and to apprehend the relationship between the researched organizations and users in the process of implantation of the actions, in order to identify the perspective that guide the practice of NGOs is going in the direction of contributing in the warranty of rights or in the reinforcement to the welfare work. In summary the results showed two trends in the actions of the NGOs, in the direction of the provision of services, which still unfurls in two perspectives of handouts. The other trend will give priority to the defense of rights of children and adolescents, with actions of political impact strengthen the promotion of public policies state, thus contributing to guarantee rights


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The current energy systems within Curaçao depend primarily on high cost, imported fossil fuels, and typically constitute power sectors that are characterized by small, inefficient generation plants which result in high energy prices. As a consequence of its dependence on external fuel supplies, Curaçao is extremely vulnerable to international oil price shocks, which can impact on economic planning and foreign direct investment within their industrial sectors. The ability of the successive governments to source capital for economic stimulation and social investment is therefore significantly challenging. Additionally, there is over-dependence on two of the most climate-sensitive economic sectors, namely the tourism and fisheries sectors, but the vulnerabilities of the country to the effects of climate change make adaptation difficult and costly. It is within this context that this report focuses on identification of the fiscal and regulatory barriers to implementation of energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies in Curaçao with a view of making recommendations for removal of these barriers. Consultations with key Government officials, the private sector as well as civil society were conducted to obtain information and data on the energy sector in the country. Desktop research was also conducted to supplement the information gathered from the consultations. The major result of the assessment is that Curaçao is at an early stage in the definition of its energy sector. Despite some infrastructural legacies of the pre-independence era, as well as a number of recent developments including the modernization and expansion of its windfarms and completion of a modern Electricity Policy, there are still a number of important institutional and policy gaps within the energy sector in Curaçao. The most significant deficiency is the absence of a ministry or Government agency with portfolio responsibility for the energy sector as a whole; this has: limited the degree to which the activities of energy sector stakeholders are coordinated and retarded the development and implementation of a comprehensive national energy policy. The absence of an energy policy, which provides the framework for energy planning, increases investor risk. Also, the lack of political continuity that has emanated from the frequent changes in Government administrations is a concern among stakeholders and has served to reduce investor confidence in particular, and market confidence in general.


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The thinking that has unilaterally dominated economic science for over five decades has recently come under intensive scrutiny and its validity and conceptual and empirical coherence are the subject of controversy. Thus the limitations of the prevailing paradigm for addressing the failures of free market economies have been laid bare. For Latin America and the Caribbean, these failures are structural in nature, as indeed structuralism proposed in its time. Neostructuralism delves more deeply into the issues addressed in structuralism, aiming to improve positioning in the international economy, boost productive employment creation, reduce structural heterogeneity and improve income distribution, while maintaining financial balances capable of sustaining changes in the sphere of production by means of social and State support. Far from being an insular system of thinking, neostructuralism is an open system that lends itself to dialogue with other philosophies that recognize the limitations of the dominant paradigm and object to its methodological monism. This book offers a fresh look at neostructuralism and heterodox thinking at the start of the twenty-first century. In a context shaped by the impacts of the worst economic and financial crisis since the Great Depression and by paradigmatic changes at the global level, it aims to carve out arenas for discussion between alternative lines of thinking in order to lay the foundations for a socioeconomically inclusive and environmentally sustainable model of development for the region.


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El trabajo tiene el propósito de indagar, en la teoría social latinoamericana, la relación entre Estado, sociedad y medios de comunicación. Aunque esta intención expresa un carácter eminentemente teórico se sustenta en la intrincada e ineludible relación entre teoría y realidad social. Relación que nos lleva a preguntarnos por la concreción de las prácticas políticas hoy vigentes. Esto implica re-pensar no solamente los modelos de Estado en pugna, que van desde la intervención pro-cíclica y distributiva a los que lo definen como mero reproductor de la explotación y la desigualdad, sino también por las distintas concepciones de individuo-sociedad que trasvasan dichos modelos y el rol que dichos modelos le asignan a los medios de comunicación. Se trata, entonces, de rescatar los aportes que se construyeron desde los enfoques del desarrollismo y la dependencia, por entenderlos válidos y pertinentes para analizar la realidad actual de nuestro continente. Ciertamente, muchos de los problemas estructurales actuales de las sociedades capitalistas latinoamericanas se pueden pensar a la luz de esos aportes que comenzaron a construirse en la década de los ´60. La noción de desarrollo, con distintas variantes, no sólo es una constante en el pensamiento latinoamericano sino que atraviesa la política contemporánea.


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El propósito del presente trabajo es reconocer, cómo a partir de las tensiones globales y locales, de carácter socio - espacial e imbricadas en el proceso de metropolización que acusa el ámbito expandido de la ciudad de Paraná, es factible identificar y analizar los criterios básicos para proyectar una inédita gestión metropolitana dentro del espacio regional que constituyen tanto el ejido de la capital de la Provincia de Entre Ríos como el de sus tres municipios conurbados. En consecuencia y a tal fin, se intenta aquí establecer los nuevos desafíos incorporados a la gestión urbano-ambiental, tanto provincial como municipal, dentro de los que se platea articular la intervención estatal y la participación comunitaria, en el marco de un proceso de ordenamiento territorial del ámbito metropolizado en esas cuatro jurisdicciones en las que hoy habitan más de trescientos mil comprovincianos. Se trata, por tanto, de un proyecto estratégico que institucionalmente persiga la posibilidad de articular en simultáneo cuatro criterios políticos considerados aquí básicos para la gestión democrática del territorio metropolitano: la gobernabilidad, la competitividad, la sustentabilidad y la inclusión social. Criterios que, dentro de esa inteligencia, guiarán el análisis desarrollado sobre propuestas de actuación, jurídico-normativas y de gestión para abordar la compleja problemática del espacio urbano-regional. Es en tal contexto entonces, y dentro de esos principios primordiales para la intervención urbano-territorial, en el que se estima posible plantear, desde el ámbito institucional del Gobierno de la Provincia y de los gobiernos municipales, un acotado y preciso conjunto de políticas sectoriales básicas de ordenamiento que habiliten al despliegue de estrategias comunes y de consenso social posible, destinadas a transformar las críticas condiciones por las que atraviesa la conurbación en su conjunto, sin por eso vulnerar la autonomía de la jurisdicciones municipales incluidas en el espacio geográfico. Concluyendo, en el presente trabajo se analizan e identifican en forma iniciática, los criterios esenciales para el logro de los objetivos territoriales y las metas institucionales que dentro de la gestión metropolitana, puedan asumir el Estado Provincial y las jurisdicciones municipales, en tanto dispositivos gubernamentales destinados a que legal y orgánicamente, sean orientadas las políticas que tengan el propósito de afrontar tanto los procesos territoriales distorsivos como los déficit, las asimetrías y las carencias socio-ambientales que acusa la población del Gran Paraná


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El propósito del presente trabajo es reconocer, cómo a partir de las tensiones globales y locales, de carácter socio - espacial e imbricadas en el proceso de metropolización que acusa el ámbito expandido de la ciudad de Paraná, es factible identificar y analizar los criterios básicos para proyectar una inédita gestión metropolitana dentro del espacio regional que constituyen tanto el ejido de la capital de la Provincia de Entre Ríos como el de sus tres municipios conurbados. En consecuencia y a tal fin, se intenta aquí establecer los nuevos desafíos incorporados a la gestión urbano-ambiental, tanto provincial como municipal, dentro de los que se platea articular la intervención estatal y la participación comunitaria, en el marco de un proceso de ordenamiento territorial del ámbito metropolizado en esas cuatro jurisdicciones en las que hoy habitan más de trescientos mil comprovincianos. Se trata, por tanto, de un proyecto estratégico que institucionalmente persiga la posibilidad de articular en simultáneo cuatro criterios políticos considerados aquí básicos para la gestión democrática del territorio metropolitano: la gobernabilidad, la competitividad, la sustentabilidad y la inclusión social. Criterios que, dentro de esa inteligencia, guiarán el análisis desarrollado sobre propuestas de actuación, jurídico-normativas y de gestión para abordar la compleja problemática del espacio urbano-regional. Es en tal contexto entonces, y dentro de esos principios primordiales para la intervención urbano-territorial, en el que se estima posible plantear, desde el ámbito institucional del Gobierno de la Provincia y de los gobiernos municipales, un acotado y preciso conjunto de políticas sectoriales básicas de ordenamiento que habiliten al despliegue de estrategias comunes y de consenso social posible, destinadas a transformar las críticas condiciones por las que atraviesa la conurbación en su conjunto, sin por eso vulnerar la autonomía de la jurisdicciones municipales incluidas en el espacio geográfico. Concluyendo, en el presente trabajo se analizan e identifican en forma iniciática, los criterios esenciales para el logro de los objetivos territoriales y las metas institucionales que dentro de la gestión metropolitana, puedan asumir el Estado Provincial y las jurisdicciones municipales, en tanto dispositivos gubernamentales destinados a que legal y orgánicamente, sean orientadas las políticas que tengan el propósito de afrontar tanto los procesos territoriales distorsivos como los déficit, las asimetrías y las carencias socio-ambientales que acusa la población del Gran Paraná


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El propósito del presente trabajo es reconocer, cómo a partir de las tensiones globales y locales, de carácter socio - espacial e imbricadas en el proceso de metropolización que acusa el ámbito expandido de la ciudad de Paraná, es factible identificar y analizar los criterios básicos para proyectar una inédita gestión metropolitana dentro del espacio regional que constituyen tanto el ejido de la capital de la Provincia de Entre Ríos como el de sus tres municipios conurbados. En consecuencia y a tal fin, se intenta aquí establecer los nuevos desafíos incorporados a la gestión urbano-ambiental, tanto provincial como municipal, dentro de los que se platea articular la intervención estatal y la participación comunitaria, en el marco de un proceso de ordenamiento territorial del ámbito metropolizado en esas cuatro jurisdicciones en las que hoy habitan más de trescientos mil comprovincianos. Se trata, por tanto, de un proyecto estratégico que institucionalmente persiga la posibilidad de articular en simultáneo cuatro criterios políticos considerados aquí básicos para la gestión democrática del territorio metropolitano: la gobernabilidad, la competitividad, la sustentabilidad y la inclusión social. Criterios que, dentro de esa inteligencia, guiarán el análisis desarrollado sobre propuestas de actuación, jurídico-normativas y de gestión para abordar la compleja problemática del espacio urbano-regional. Es en tal contexto entonces, y dentro de esos principios primordiales para la intervención urbano-territorial, en el que se estima posible plantear, desde el ámbito institucional del Gobierno de la Provincia y de los gobiernos municipales, un acotado y preciso conjunto de políticas sectoriales básicas de ordenamiento que habiliten al despliegue de estrategias comunes y de consenso social posible, destinadas a transformar las críticas condiciones por las que atraviesa la conurbación en su conjunto, sin por eso vulnerar la autonomía de la jurisdicciones municipales incluidas en el espacio geográfico. Concluyendo, en el presente trabajo se analizan e identifican en forma iniciática, los criterios esenciales para el logro de los objetivos territoriales y las metas institucionales que dentro de la gestión metropolitana, puedan asumir el Estado Provincial y las jurisdicciones municipales, en tanto dispositivos gubernamentales destinados a que legal y orgánicamente, sean orientadas las políticas que tengan el propósito de afrontar tanto los procesos territoriales distorsivos como los déficit, las asimetrías y las carencias socio-ambientales que acusa la población del Gran Paraná


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La presente tesis para optar al grado de Doctor en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, aborda la obra del arquitecto de origen español Juan Martínez Gutiérrez, reconocido por la crítica especializada como uno de los precursores de la arquitectura moderna en Chile. A pesar de la relevancia de su obra, en la actualidad se carece de un estudio sistematizado y preciso que, de manera global, expongan los factores de modernidad de sus principales edificios, aun cuando han aparecido en los últimos años dos publicaciones referentes al arquitecto y parcialmente a su obra. Formado tanto en arquitectura como en pintura, la labor profesional de Juan Martínez Gutiérrez se inscribió en un contexto de modernización de la sociedad chilena entre la década del 20 y del 50, adjudicándose mediante concurso público, el diseño de cinco edificios institucionales y de carácter público, los que conforman en la actualidad bienes de carácter patrimonial estando dos de ellos declarados Monumento Histórico. Se desenvolvió también en el ámbito de la docencia siendo profesor de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Chile por más de 35 años y Decano de la misma institución. Participó asimismo de la vida gremial de la profesión, recibiendo en el año 1969 el primer premio nacional de arquitectura. Sus edificios públicos, se han mantenido en uso siendo hitos urbanos y en el ámbito disciplinar reconocidas obras ejemplares. Sin embargo, al comenzar el siglo XXI, cuando la modernidad se nos presenta desde la historicidad, surge la pregunta por los valores que sustenta la arquitectura de Juan Martínez, en relación a su tiempo y a la actualidad. En este ámbito reflexivo se plantea la puesta en tesis de la presente investigación, donde las principales obras del arquitecto se analizan inquiriendo su condición de modernidad a la luz de un contexto local cuyas problemáticas sociales son aunadas por el proyecto desarrollista estatal de la primera mitad del siglo XX; interpelando algunos aspectos del estado técnico del país durante el periodo; las tendencias estéticas imperantes de la época y el entorno urbano en el que se emplazan. Al mismo tiempo, el desarrollo de la tesis examina un tópico referencial de la modernidad latinoamericana, que es el influjo europeo en el punto de inflexión que va desde el fin del modelo academicista y la incorporación de los preceptos de un funcionalismo y racionalismo arquitectónico, todo ello mediado por los condicionantes locales. ABSTRACT The following thesis, to achieve the Doctor´s degree at the Superior Technical School of Architecture of the Polytechnic University of Madrid aboard the work of the chilean architect of spanish origin Juan Martinez Gutierrez, recognized by specialized critic as one of the forefathers of modern architecture in Chile. Although the relevance of his work, currently there is no systematic and precise study of it. A study that in a global view exposes the factors of modernity in his foremost buildings. The absence of such study is, despite the appearance in the last two years of two publications about the architect and –partially- his work. Formed as much in architecture as in painting, the professional labor of Juan Martinez Gutierrez was inscribed in the context of Chilean society modernization, between the decades of the 20´s and 30´s. Awarding himself, by means of architectural contests, the design of institutional buildings of public use, witch conform current cultural goods, two of them having been declared National Monuments; a category of cultural heritage officially protected by the state. He also developed an important academic work, being for more than 35 years, professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Chile and in his time, Faculty Dean. He also participated, actively, in guild life, being awarded in 1969 the first ever, National Prize of Architecture. His public buildings, still in use, are urban landmarks and exemplar works in a disciplinary dimension. Never the less, at the begins of the XXI century, when the modern movement is presented to us from an historical viewpoint, even from historicity, questions surge about the values that sustain Juan Martinez´s architecture in relation to his time and ours. It is in this reflexive field, that is planted the thesis of the present research, where the principal works of the architect are analyzed inquiring their modern condition, at the light of a local context who´s social problems join the chilean social development state the “Estado Desarrolista” of the first half of the XX century, a situation that interpellants several dimensions: the technical status of the country during the period, the aesthetic tendencies prevailing, and the urban context were they place themselves. At the same time, in its development, the thesis examines a referential topic, that is the Latin American modern movement, or the European influx in that inflexion point that goes from the end of academicism Beaux – Art model and the incorporation of functional and rationalist precepts, all mediated by local conditions.


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A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar o uso do método da proporcionalidade para decidir questões acerca de direitos sociais. Nesse sentido, antes relacionada somente à proibição do excesso (Übermaßverbot), a proporcionalidade passa a ter reconhecida sua outra face, denominada proibição da proteção insuficiente ou deficiente (Untermaßverbot). O legislador e o administrador passam a ter suas ações balizadas pela proibição do excesso de intervenção e pela imposição da intervenção para proteção de direitos. O termo pouco usual se refere ao controle judicial das omissões do legislador e administrador, na medida em que orienta a atividade deles quando da conformação e implementação dos direitos sociais. Os escassos estudos na doutrina não permitiram o desenvolvimento do método em relação aos direitos sociais no Brasil, em que pese a jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal se utilizar da proporcionalidade como proibição da proteção insuficiente ou deficiente em alguns de seus julgados, especialmente em época recente. Mas se a utilização de tal método na argumentação judicial passa a ser vista de forma recorrente, o Tribunal deve primeiro ter clareza de seus elementos quando pretende invocá-lo em suas decisões e até mesmo firmeza da utilidade de seu uso quanto a esses direitos. Ainda, tem-se que o transplante de métodos de revisão judicial dos direitos de defesa para os direitos sociais merece estudo específico, tanto em relação à concepção desses direitos quanto à possível aplicabilidade da proporcionalidade, pois as diferenças entre eles apontam que nem sempre ambos os direitos comportarão argumentações idênticas para os problemas que enfrentam.


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Research performed in this thesis studies the growth and evolution of advertising investment in digital media compared to traditional printed media, in particular daily newspapers. By means of advertising inserts in printed newspaper and online newspapers, the study’s objective was to confirm that digital media consolidate as an advertising platform. Throughout this study we used different quantitative and qualitative tools to demonstrate the starting hypothesis of this thesis. We used a combined methodology that included: a) joint analysis of printed newspaper “El Mundo” and online newspaper “elmundo.es” advertising content; b) analysis of advertising investment state-of-the-art; c) deep interviews to different media professionals, including advertisers, publicists, media planning, and researchers. A comparative study between the printed newspaper “El Mundo” and the online newspaper “elmundo.es” supported the analysis of contents in a realistic situation. Therefore a deep study of advertising inserts in both the printed and online version of “El Mundo” was performed. The main goal of this work was to show how advertising invesment is moving from traditional printed media to digital media The results of this study reveal that investment in digital media increases, meanwhile investment reduces in traditional media. At the same time, new reading habits along with technological innovation attracts readers to digital platforms. As a consequence, traditional printed newspapers have the immediate need to somehow engage online-newspaper readers into printed platforms. Hence, many advertisers already invest large sums of money in digital media, with marketing strategies and plans focused to online advertising campaigns in Internet. It is also true that in recent years printed and online media stopped “fighting”, which lead to the possibility of joint marketing and communication strategies between the aforementioned digital and online media. This research has different implications, one of them is that printed media seems to be a bussiness model which needs to be reinvented to adapt itself to the media’s current situation in order to be profitable and not to disappear. On the other hand, digital media must have a well-defined strategy with concrete and viable goals in online investment. Finally, it is important that new readers are taken into account by newspapers, this is: new readers mostly use digital platforms, thus interaction between readers and newspapers is much different than what it used to be when only printed newspapers existed. Media must go and be where the new reader is.


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The euro area crisis exposed substantial structural flaws in the currency area’s architecture. Addressing these flaws this discussion paper explores the ways in which the European Institutions can re-evaluate and overcome challenges for a more positive European future. To do this, Janis A. Emmanouilidis, Jan David Schneider, and Fabian Zuleeg recommend that the coming European Commission should develop a new framework to assess the real returns to growth of public and social investment, which could open the path for more flexibility on deficits in future. In close coordination with the European Parliament, the Commission should also review the Country Specific Recommendations with a stronger focus on a smaller number of key priorities for each country. The construction of a fiscal capacity should be made a priority in the new political cycle to resolve the absence of a mechanism to provide effective ex ante fiscal risk sharing in the Eurozone. Furthermore, to boost growth, there is a need to encourage private, public and social investment through a European Investment Programme (EIP) in the short term. Finally, the Commission should ensure that the implementation of an EIP is compatible with the long term goals of a fiscal capacity.