828 resultados para SUPPORTING ELECTROLYTE
O trabalho descrito nesta tese mostra de forma detalhada a fabricação e caracterização de diferentes microssensores eletroquímicos os quais têm sido recentemente utilizados como sondas em grupo de técnicas conhecida como Scanning Electrochemical Probe Microscopy (SEPM). Desta forma, a caracterização de superfícies pode ser feita explorando diferentes fenômenos interfaciais relevantes à Ciência. Neste sentido, as interfaces de materiais cristalinos como hidroxiapatita (materiais dentários) e calcita foram o foco de estudo neste trabalho. Assim, diferentes técnicas SEPM foram exploradas no sentido de se obter informações relevantes relacionadas aos processos dentários, como a erosão ácida e hipersensibilidade. Inicialmente, microeletrodos de platina foram desenvolvidos empregando uma metodologia convencional na qual são utilizados microfibras encapsuladas em capilares de vidro. Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (SECM) no modo amperométrico foi utilizada para obtenção de informações com relação às alterações de topografia do esmalte dentário causadas pelo contato com substâncias ácidas. Adicionalmente, SECM foi empregada no estudo do transporte de espécies eletroativas em amostras de dentina e investigações relacionadas ao bloqueio dos túbulos empregando-se cremes dentais comerciais foram realizadas. A permeação de peróxido de hidrogênio pela dentina também foi estudada. Os resultados de SECM foram comparados com imagens SEM obtidas nas mesmas condições experimentais. Microeletrodos de membrana ionófora íon-seletiva (Ion Selective Microelectrodes-ISMEs) sensíveis a íons cálcio também foram desenvolvidos e caracterizados, com subsequente aplicação em SECM no modo potenciométrico. A dissolução ácida de esmalte bovino (erosão dentária) foi investigada em diferentes valores de pH (2,5; 4,5; 6,8). Além disso, o transporte de íons cálcio através de membranas porosas sintéticas foi avaliado a uma distância tip/substrato de 300µm. Alterações no fluxo de íons cálcio foram correlacionadas em experimentos realizados na presença e ausência de campos magnéticos gerados por nanopartículas de magnetita incorporadas à membrana porosa. Microcristais de calcita facilmente sintetizados pelo método de precipitação foram utilizados como superfície modelo para investigações interfaciais, cujos resultados podem ser correlacionados aos materiais dentários. Desta forma, nanopipetas de vidro preenchidas com eletrólito suporte foram fabricadas e utilizadas como sonda em Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy (SICM). O mapeamento topográfico de alta resolução espacial da superfície de um microcristal de calcita foi obtido utilizando o modo de varredura hopping mode. Adicionalmente, sondas multifuncionais ISME-SICM também foram desenvolvidas e caracterizadas para investigações simultâneas com relação às alterações topográficas e quantificação de íons cálcio sobre a superfície de um microcristal de calcita. A adição de reagentes ácidos no canal SICM promoveu a dissolução da superfície do microcristal, sendo obtidos dados cinéticos de dissolução. Investigações em meio neutro também foram realizadas utilizando a sonda ISME-SICM. Os resultados experimentais obtidos também foram comparados com aqueles oriundos de simulação computacional.
Anodic oxidation of 1-(trifluoromethyl)benzene in dry acetonitrile/Bu4NBF4 under constant potential conditions led to 2-(trifluoromethyl) acetanilide in 86% yield. Other experimental conditions, as the use of constant current or the change in the supporting electrolyte were considered.
In this work the degradation of real and synthetic wastewater was studied using electrochemical processes such as oxidation via hydroxyl radicals, mediated oxidation via active chlorine and electrocoagulation. The real effluent used was collected in the decanter tank of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (ETE-UFRN) of Effluent Treatment Plant and the other a textile effluent dye Ácido Blue 113 (AB 113) was synthesized in the laboratory. In the electrochemical process, the effects of anode material, current density, the presence and concentration of chloride as well as the active chlorine species on site generated were evaluated. Electrodes of different compositions, Ti/Pt, Ti/Ru0,3Ti0,7O2, BDD, Pb/PbO2 and Ti/TiO2-nanotubes/PbO2 were used as anodes. These electrodes were subjected to electroanalytical analysis with the goal of checking how happen the anodic and cathodic processes across the concentrations of NaCl and supporting electrolyte used. The potential of oxygen evolution reaction were also checked. The effect of active chlorine species formed under the process efficiency was evaluated by removing the organic matter in the effluent-ETE UFRN. The wastewater treatment ETE-UFRN using Ti/Pt, DDB and Ti/Ru0,3Ti0,7O2 electrodes was evaluated, obtaining good performances. The electrochemical degradation of effluent-UFRN was able to promote the reduction of the concentration of TOC and COD in all tested anodes. However, Ti/Ru0,3Ti0,7O2 showed a considerable degradation due to active chlorine species generated on site. The results obtained from the electrochemical process in the presence of chloride were more satisfactory than those obtained in the absence. The addition of 0.021 M NaCl resulted in a faster removal of organic matter. Secondly, was prepared and characterized the electrode Ti/TiO2-nanotubes/PbO2 according to what the literature reports, however their preparation was to disk (10 cm diameter) with surface area and higher than that described by the same authors, aiming at application to textile effluent AB 113 dye. SEM images were taken to observe the growth of TiO2 nanotubes and confirm the electrodeposition of PbO2. Atomic Force Microscope was also used to confirm the formation of these nanotubes. Furthermore, was tested and found a high electrochemical stability of the electrode Ti/TiO2-nanotubes/PbO2 for applications such as long-term indicating a good electrocatalytic material. The electrochemical oxidation of AB 113 using Ti/Pt, Pb/PbO2 and Ti/TiO2-nanotubes/PbO2 and Al/Al (electrocoagulation) was also studied. However, the best color removal and COD decay were obtained when Ti/TiO2-nanotubes/PbO2 was used as the anode, removing up to 98% of color and 92,5% of COD decay. Analysis of GC/MS were performed in order to identify possible intermediates formed in the degradation of AB 113.
This dissertation presents the development of voltammetric methods to zinc determination in multivitamin commercial samples, talc, and art materials for painting (soft pastel) combining an alkaline extraction with 1.0 mol L-1 NaOH aqueous solution and bismuth modified electrodes. Two electrodes were used to zinc quantification in the samples, bismuth film electrode (BiFE) plated in situ onto glassy carbon and carbon paste electrode chemically modified with strongly acidic ion exchange resin Amberlite® IR 120 and bismuth nanostructures (EPCAmbBi). It was verified that the best concentration of Bi3+ for Bi film deposition onto glassy carbon was 4.0 μmol L-1 using an 0.1 mol L-1 acetate buffer aqueous solution (pH = 4.5) as supporting electrolyte. The best condition to formation of Bi nanostructures in the EPC modified with 10 % Amberlite® IR 120 was the use of 30 s to pre-concentration (open circuit) in 0.5 mmol L-1 Bi3+ aqueous solution (pH 5.5) prepared with supporting electrolyte solution. The obtained analytical curve for Zn2+ using BiFE presented linear range from 0.5 to 5.0 μmol L-1, the limit of detection (LD) was 41 nmol L-1. For EPCAmbBi only one linear range was observed for the analytical curve varying the Zn2+ concentration from 0.05 to 8.2 μmol L-1, LD obtained in this curve it was equal to 10 nmol L-1. The EPCAmbBi presented the most intense and sharp anodic stripping peaks for Zn2+ presenting, therefore, a better voltammetric profile, with sensitivity higher than obtained with the BiFE. Moreover, the EPCAmbBi presented a LD lower than that obtained with the BiFE. Alkaline extraction was an efficient sample pretreatment to extract Zn2+ from solid samples, besides that, this procedure was less susceptible to interferences from Cu2+, since it remains at extracting vessel as insoluble Cu(OH)2. The combination of alkaline extraction with the EPCAmbBi is a simple, fast, efficient and low cost for the zinc determination in pharmaceutical formulations and art materials for painting (soft pastel) samples, which can be employed as a low-cost alternative method to the atomic absorption spectroscopy.
Ce mémoire porte sur les recherches et les développements dans le domaine des électrolytes à base de liquide ionique redox. Une nouvelle famille de liquide ionique redox basée sur le ferrocenylsulfonyl(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) (FcNTf) a été développée et étudiée pour la première fois afin de démontrer le potentiel de ces liquides ioniques dans les dispositifs de stockage d’énergie. En premier lieu, les liquides ioniques redox (RILs) composés de l’anion électroactif et du cation d’alkylimidazolium sont synthétisés et caractérisés. L’impact de la variation des chaînes alkyles du cation sur les propriétés physicochimiques et électrochimiques du RIL a été étudié. À une faible concentration en solution, l’impact du cation a peu d’influence sur l’ensemble des propriétés. Cependant, à haute concentration (>50 % massique) et sans électrolyte de support, la formation de films en oxydation a été observée à l'électrode positive. Ce point est intéressant pour les futures recherches et développements dans le domaine, puisque la variation des chaînes alkyles du cation des liquides ioniques redox et la formation de films lors de l’oxydation du FcNTf est peu connue et comprise en littérature. De plus, l’optimisation des conditions de solution d'électrolyte RIL dans les supercapaciteurs est aussi présentée. En deuxième lieu, la mise en application des RILs dans les supercapaciteurs a été testée. La performance énergétique et le mécanisme d’autodécharge ont été ciblés dans cette étude. En présence de l’électrolyte redox, la contribution des réactions faradaiques permet d'accomplir un gain énergique de 287 % versus les systèmes purement capacitifs. À cause de la formation de film à l’électrode, l’électrolyte redox FcNTf joue un rôle primordial dans la prévention de l’autodécharge versus les liquides ioniques qui étaient connus jusqu’à présent. Finalement, ce mémoire a permis de mieux comprendre les effets structure-propriétés relative aux modifications du cation chez les liquides ioniques redox.
Ce mémoire porte sur les recherches et les développements dans le domaine des électrolytes à base de liquide ionique redox. Une nouvelle famille de liquide ionique redox basée sur le ferrocenylsulfonyl(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) (FcNTf) a été développée et étudiée pour la première fois afin de démontrer le potentiel de ces liquides ioniques dans les dispositifs de stockage d’énergie. En premier lieu, les liquides ioniques redox (RILs) composés de l’anion électroactif et du cation d’alkylimidazolium sont synthétisés et caractérisés. L’impact de la variation des chaînes alkyles du cation sur les propriétés physicochimiques et électrochimiques du RIL a été étudié. À une faible concentration en solution, l’impact du cation a peu d’influence sur l’ensemble des propriétés. Cependant, à haute concentration (>50 % massique) et sans électrolyte de support, la formation de films en oxydation a été observée à l'électrode positive. Ce point est intéressant pour les futures recherches et développements dans le domaine, puisque la variation des chaînes alkyles du cation des liquides ioniques redox et la formation de films lors de l’oxydation du FcNTf est peu connue et comprise en littérature. De plus, l’optimisation des conditions de solution d'électrolyte RIL dans les supercapaciteurs est aussi présentée. En deuxième lieu, la mise en application des RILs dans les supercapaciteurs a été testée. La performance énergétique et le mécanisme d’autodécharge ont été ciblés dans cette étude. En présence de l’électrolyte redox, la contribution des réactions faradaiques permet d'accomplir un gain énergique de 287 % versus les systèmes purement capacitifs. À cause de la formation de film à l’électrode, l’électrolyte redox FcNTf joue un rôle primordial dans la prévention de l’autodécharge versus les liquides ioniques qui étaient connus jusqu’à présent. Finalement, ce mémoire a permis de mieux comprendre les effets structure-propriétés relative aux modifications du cation chez les liquides ioniques redox.
Teachers' failure to utilise MBL activities more widely may be due to not recognising their capacity to transform the nature of laboratory activities to be more consistent with contemporary constructivist theories of learning. This research aimed to increase understanding of how MBL activities specifically designed to be consistent with a constructivist theory of learning support or constrain student construction of understanding. The first author conducted the research with his Year 11 physics class of 29 students. Dyads completed nine tasks relating to kinematics using a Predict-Observe-Explain format. Data sources included video and audio recordings of students and teacher during four 70-minute sessions, students' display graphs and written notes, semi-structured student interviews, and the teacher's journal. The study identifies the actors and describes the patterns of interactions in the MBL. Analysis of students' discourse and actions identified many instances where students' initial understanding of kinematics were mediated in multiple ways. Students invented numerous techniques for manipulating data in the service of their emerging understanding. The findings are presented as eight assertions. Recommendations are made for developing pedagogical strategies incorporating MBL activities which will likely catalyse student construction of understanding.
The Digital Practice Ecosystem is a network of professional architectural, engineering and contracting firms, government agencies and professional bodies, academic, educational, and research institutions that have the shared goal of fostering changes in the construction industry through applications of digital practice. Changing the process of designing and constructing buildings using digital models will improve quality and efficiency and reduce costs allowing completion on time and on budget.
Purpose – Virtual prototyping technologies linked to building information models are commonplace within the aeronautical and automotive industries. Their use within the construction industry is now emerging. The purpose of this paper is to show how these technologies have been adopted on the pre-tender planning for a typical construction project. Design/methodology/approach – The research methodology taken was an “action research” approach where the researchers and developers were actively involved in the production of the virtual prototypes on behalf of the contractor thereby gaining consistent access to the decisions of the planning staff. The experiences from the case study were considered together with similar research on other construction projects. Findings – The findings from the case studies identify the role of virtual prototyping in components modelling, site modelling, construction equipment modelling, temporary works modelling, construction method visualization and method verification processes. Originality/value – The paper presents a state-of-the-art review and discusses the implications for the tendering process as these technologies are adopted. The adoption of the technologies will lead to new protocols and changes in the procurement of buildings and infrastructure.
Digital Songlines (DSL) is an Australasian CRC for Interaction Design (ACID) project that is developing protocols, methodologies and toolkits to facilitate the collection, education and sharing of indigenous cultural heritage knowledge. This paper outlines the goals achieved over the last three years in the development of the Digital Songlines game engine (DSE) toolkit that is used for Australian Indigenous storytelling. The project explores the sharing of indigenous Australian Aboriginal storytelling in a sensitive manner using a game engine. The use of the game engine in the field of Cultural Heritage is expanding. They are an important tool for the recording and re-presentation of historically, culturally, and sociologically significant places, infrastructure, and artefacts, as well as the stories that are associated with them. The DSL implementation of a game engine to share storytelling provides an educational interface. Where the DSL implementation of a game engine in a CH application differs from others is in the nature of the game environment itself. It is modelled on the 'country' (the 'place' of their heritage which is so important to the clients' collective identity) and authentic fauna and flora that provides a highly contextualised setting for the stories to be told. This paper provides an overview on the development of the DSL game engine.
Knowledge of the experience of parenthood is usually from a woman’s perspective. The resulting outcome is that knowledge about the experience of fatherhood has been limited. Fathers are starting to change this situation by sharing their experience as is evidenced by the overall response of 267 fathers to this study. This paper focuses on the exploration of 22 men’s feelings and beliefs about fatherhood; and their expectations and views about parenting. The paper will also investigate how fathers’ antenatal expectations matched the reality of early family life including emotional well-being, attitudes to parenting, adjustment to family life and sources of support. The quantitative and qualitative data of the 22 fathers who responded to both the antenatal and postnatal questionnaires used within this paper are drawn from a larger Queensland survey of women and men during the antenatal and postnatal period.