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Um amplo projeto de estudos sobre a utilização do umezeiro como porta-enxerto para pessegueiro está sendo desenvolvido na FCAV/UNESP, Câmpus de Jaboticabal-SP, devido, especialmente, às promissoras características para uso como redutor de vigor da copa e sua boa qualidade de frutos. Alguns trabalhos na literatura citam o umezeiro como resistente ao nematóide das galhas, entretanto dispõe-se de poucas informações. Neste trabalho, teve-se por objetivo estudar a reação de clones de umezeiro e cultivares de pessegueiro a Meloidogyne javanica. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, com 6 tratamentos (Clones 05; 10 e 15 de umezeiro e as cultivares Okinawa, Aurora-1 e Dourado-1 de pessegueiro) e 9 repetições. As plantas foram mantidas em vasos de cerâmica contendo uma mistura de solo e areia (1:1, v/v), previamente autoclavada a 121ºC e 1kgf.cm-2 por 2 horas. Aos sessenta dias após o plantio, cada planta foi inoculada com 3.000 ovos e juvenis de segundo estádio de Meloidogyne javanica. Aos 100 dias após a inoculação, as plantas foram colhidas para avaliação da massa de matéria fresca do sistema radicular, número de galhas por sistema radicular, número de ovos e juvenis por 10 g de raízes, número de ovos e juvenis por sistema radicular e fator de reprodução. Verificou-se que todos os clones e cultivares de umezeiro e pessegueiro, respectivamente, mostraram-se resistentes a Meloidogyne javanica.
This study aimed to characterize molecular of 13 accessions of Psidium spp. (Myrtaceae) that was been identified for the reaction to rootknot guava nematode. The DNA extraction of the samples was carried according to the protocol of Shillito & Saul (1988). The molecular markers type fAFLP, were obtained from fAFLP Regular Plant Genomes Fingerprinting Kit' (Applied Biosystems from Brasil Ltda.) and were tested 24 selectives combinations of primers, of which 18 showed amplification that produced 272 polymorphic markers. To the analysis of the markers were employed the softwares GeneScan (ABI Prism versao 1.0) and Genotyper (ABI Prism version 1.03), and the data collected were transformed into a binary matrix that was analyzed in the software PAUP (Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parcimony - version 3.01). Were calculated genetic distance index intra and interespecific between the genotipes. It was found that the AFLP markers were efficient in the discrimination between accessions, as well as in showing genetic similarity among accessions identified as resistant to the nematode Meloidogyne enterolobii, which could be discussed in the future.
In the period of 2001/2002 a population of Meloidogyne javanica was found infecting a soybean cultivar 'CD 208" considered resistant in a field located in the County of Nuporanga, state of São Paulo (SP), Brazil. Due to this fact, it was evaluated the resistance of some of the main cultivars used in areas of the Cooperativa dos Agricultores, in Orlandia (CAROL), SP. The study was carried out in greenhouse conditions of the Departamento de Fitossanidade (Plant Protection) da UNESP/FCAV, Campus of Jaboticabal, SP, in clay pots of 5 liters. Five individual plants of the cultivars BRS 133, BRS 183, BRSMG 68, BRSMG Garantia, CD 201, MG/BR-46 Conquista, Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) 48, IAC 22, M-SOY 7901, M-SOY 8001 and M-SOY 8400 were inoculated with 3,000 eggs and second estage juveniles of the nematode, seven days after seed germination and the evaluation was carried out 57 days after inoculation. Galls, egg masses and the reproduction factor were determined. The results pointed out that the cultivar BRSMG Garantia was tolerant to the nematode population and all others were susceptibles.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o comportamento de variedades de laranjas-doces quanto à resistência a Guignardia citricarpa, agente causal da mancha preta dos citros (MPC). Os ensaios foram conduzidos em dois campos, nos municípios de Rincão e Tambaú, SP. As mudas foram formadas em viveiro localizado na Estação Experimental de Citricultura de Bebedouro-SP. Para tal, foram utilizadas borbulhas de plantas cítricas existentes no Banco Ativo de Germoplasma de Citros da Estação Experimental de Citricultura de Bebedouro (EECB), Bebedouro-SP. Avaliou-se a severidade da doença por meio de escala de notas, de zero (ausência de sintomas) a seis (sintomas severos). A partir de tais dados, foi calculado o valor do índice de doença (ID). em 2007, no experimento de Rincão, dentre as 65 variedades avaliadas, apenas 59 produziram frutos, sendo constatada ausência de sintomas da doença em Castellana, Maçã e Olivelands. Nas demais variedades, os níveis de severidade variaram de 0,35 para Grada a 3,0 para China SRA-547. Para Tambaú, os valores de severidade variaram de 0,40 para a variedade Cadenera a 2,46 para Pera. No ano de 2008, em Rincão, todas as variedades mostraram-se suscetíveis. Os níveis de severidade verificados variaram de 0,18 para a variedade Belladona, e 3,92 para Vera 97. em Tambaú, somente a variedade Navelina não apresentou sintomas da MPC. Foi observado que, dentre as plantas que frutificaram, e com exceção daquelas cujos frutos mostraram-se assintomáticos, os valores de severidade variaram de 0,11 para a variedade Tua Mamede a 3,57 para Amares.
Com o objetivo de avaliar a reação de clones de umezeiro (Prunus mume Sieb. et Zucc.) e cultivares de pessegueiro [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] ao nematóide anelado Mesocriconema xenoplax (Raski) Loof & de Grise, realizou-se o presente estudo em casa de vegetação do Departamento de Fitossanidade da FCAV/UNESP, Câmpus de Jaboticabal-SP. As plantas foram mantidas em vasos de cerâmica com 6 litros de capacidade, contendo uma mistura de solo e areia (1:1, v/v), previamente autoclavada a 121°C e 1kgf.cm-2 por 2 horas. Cada planta foi inoculada com 10mL de uma suspensão de 200 M. xenoplax por mL. Com os resultados obtidos, após 105 dias da inoculação, pode-se concluir que os Clones 05; 10 e 15 de umezeiro e as cultivares Okinawa e Aurora-1 de pessegueiro são suscetíveis a M. xenoplax. A cultivar Aurora-1 apresentou maior Fator de Reprodução (93,06).
Dentre as doenças causadoras de manchas foliares em algodoeiro, a mancha de ramulária (Ramularia areola Atk) tem se tornado importante em virtude das condições climáticas favoráveis para o desenvolvimento do patógeno, aliadas ao uso de cultivares suscetíveis, plantio consecutivo e extenso. Neste trabalho avaliaram-se os cultivares Delta Opal, Acala 90, Makina, Delta Penta e Sure Grow 821 quanto à resistência a R. areola, em condições de campo na FCAV-UNESP, no ano de 2006. A severidade da doença, que ocorreu por infecção natural das plantas pelo fungo, foi avaliada semanalmente em trinta plantas devidamente marcadas, utilizando-se uma escala descritiva de notas: 1 = 0%, 2 = até 5%, 3 = de 5,1 a 25%, 4 = de 25,1 a 50% e 5 = acima de 50% de área foliar com sintomas. Foram elaboradas curvas de progresso da doença para os cinco cultivares e o modelo monomolecular foi o que melhor se ajustou aos dados, em comparação com o logístico, o exponencial e o modelo de Gompertz. A análise dos dados indicou que houve diferença significativa entre os genótipos, sendo que Delta Opal, Makina e Sure Grow 821 mostraram-se mais suscetíveis e Delta Penta e Acala 90 mais resistentes ao fungo.
A reação de fixação de complemento é um dos testes usados no diagnóstico confirmatório da brucelose bovina, e para sua realização emprega-se o mesmo antígeno usado na prova de soroaglutinação lenta, porém não foi possível encontrar na literatura estudos sobre a estabilidade desse antígeno para uso na prova de fixação de complemento, de modo a estabelecer um prazo de validade para o mesmo. Por isso, esta investigação teve por objetivo avaliar a estabilidade do antígeno de célula total de Brucella conservado sob refrigeração, para uso na reação de fixação de complemento. Analisaram-se 14 partidas de antígeno, preparado com Brucella abortus amostra 1119/3 e padronizado para uso na prova de soroaglutinação lenta, com tempo de fabricação variando de 9 meses a 23 anos e 11 meses. Testaram-se 167 soros bovinos com títulos variáveis de anticorpos contra Brucella, adotando-se a técnica com incubação a 37ºC nas duas fases da reação e 5 unidades hemolíticas 50% de complemento. Considerou-se como positivo o soro com pelo menos 25% de fixação de complemento na diluição 1:4. Compararam-se os resultados obtidos com as 13 partidas de antígeno com aqueles obtidos com a partida com 9 meses de fabricação, usando o teste de chi2 de McNemar e o coeficiente kappa. A grande maioria dos soros apresentou resultados muito próximos quando testados com as diversas partidas de antígeno, e não se observou relação entre tempo de fabricação do antígeno e diferenças nos resultados obtidos.
To investigate in practice of the Wheelchair Dancesport (WDS), the mathematics of the characteristic isometric movements of the dance of ChaChaCha was the generating subject of this study. The subjects and the locus of the research were the athletes dancers of the Associação Baiana de Dança em Cadeira de Rodas (ABDCR). Referred him study aimed at to describe reflections concerning the athletes' practicing dancers of the technical acting Wheelchair Dancesport, using the inherent mathematical knowledge to the isometric movements executed in the ChaChaCha. For that, I stimulated in the athlete dancer the need to be investigating of his/her own practice, motivating him/it to be searching of information that they collaborate with his/her technical refinement, proposing like this roads to make possible his/her growth, while dancer and, also, promoting of their own movements. To reach my objectives I dialogued with some specialists to understand, to the light of their theories as, Espaçonumerática, Sociology of the mathematics, Etnomathematical, Dance and Symmetry, as those spaces they interact with the atmosphere of the Wheelchair Dancesport and that contributions could supply to the study. However, two authors of the Dancesport for walking , Ried e Laird, they brought contributions that aided in the creation of a prototype for the study of isometric movements in practice of the modality promoting the interface between the theory and the practice. The study showed to be possible to navigate still with the Mathematical Education in an universe little known as the one of the Wheelchair Dancesport. And it is in this adapts that propose a more attentive glance to the illustrations executed by the athlete dancer wheelchair and walking , in the dance of the ChaChaCha, verifying and proposing an analysis with focus investigate, looking for mathematical tracks concerning the symmetry that you/they characterize some of their illustrations
The aim of this work is the numerical simulation of the mechanical performance of concrete affected by Alkali-Aggregate Reaction or RAA, reported by Stanton in 1940. The RAA has aroused attention in the context of Civil Engineering from the early 80, when they were reported consequences of his swelling effect in concrete structures, including cracking, failure and loss of serviceability. Despite the availability of experimental results the problem formulation still lacks refinement so that your solution remains doubtful. The numerical simulation is important resource for the assessment of damages in structures caused by the reaction, and their recoveries The tasks of support of this work were performed by means of the finite element approach, about orthotropic non-linear formulation, and, thermodynamic model of deformation by RAA. The results obtained revealed that the swelling effect of RAA induced decline of the mechanical performance of concrete by decreasing the margin of safety prior to the material failure. They showed that the temperature influences, exclusively, the kinetics of the reaction, so that the failure was the more precocious the higher the temperature of the solid mass of concrete
This work was aimed at making a critical analysis of the product wheelchair, both for using four different models, which were objects of study of the dissertation of Cláudia Regina Cabral Galvão, entitled Critical Analysis of the Mobility Products Seated a wheelchair - Used by Children and Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy in Natal / RN and other municipalities of Rio Grande do Norte . This product is considered an instrument in the social rehabilitation of great importance for people with physical disabilities. This study aims to position the issue and develop comments on technical up grading of certain models according to the needs of the user. Describes features of four models in search searched through catalogs in order to know its advantages and disadvantages of use. Were presented the definitions of ergonomics and ergonomic aspects to be considered on a design, the study of anthropometry and its recommendations. Discussions the methodology of project design in two parts: the first, on the structuring of design problem (formulation, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.) And the second on the project (design and development, implementation and evaluation and solution). With that review will include the possibilities for a new redesign of the wheelchair, based on forms of adaptation in order to achieve the target that was compressed by the average population studied. Seeks to that this project makes an improvement in quality of life of people in wheelchairs by including these people in society but also the improvement of rehabilitation
The objective of this work is to critically analyze the seated mobility adaptive equipment, wheelchair, used by non-ambulatory children/adolescents diagnosed with cerebral palsy of the quadriplegy type with ages in between 0-18 years old in the municipal city of Natal/RN and of other ones in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. This study is characterized as descriptive as it took into consideration the individualized conditions of each child/adolescent and of their home environment, and also evaluates the condition of the used seated mobility devices such as wheelchairs or strollers. Thirty three (33) subjects which had a wheelchair prescribed by a healthcare professional specialist in adaptive equipment within the past 3 years were selected. A questionnaire was applied through a phone with the patient s primary care giver or parents. The results obtained showed that all the equipment being used had an anatomical seat and back and the tilt system mechanism and even though most of the patients required small individual adjustments upon receiving the wheelchair in order to accommodate to the patients characteristics. From the point of view of the caregiver/parents interviewed, 97% described satisfied with the equipment and report assistance with mobility (97%), comfort (82%) and good posture (82%) as the main positive aspects from the equipment. The results also describe the aspects related to the maintenance, time used and activities developed that were reported by the patients. The conclusion therefore is that in order to select the equipment to meet the needs of the consumer it is necessary that: an appropriate wheelchair prescription takes place, the up-to-date knowledge of equipment available in the market, the appropriate use of the resources from the concession programs of the government that purchase equipment and the establishment of link in between the manufacturers, patients and the caregivers
This work presents the localization and path planning systems for two robots: a non-instrumented humanoid and a slave wheeled robot. The localization of wheeled robot is made using odometry information and landmark detection. These informations are fused using a Extended Kalman Filter. The relative position of humanoid is acquired fusing (using another Kalman Filter) the wheeled robot pose with the characteristics of the landmark on the back of humanoid. Knowing the wheeled robot position and the humanoid relative position in relation to it, we acquired the absolute position of humanoid. The path planning system was developed to provide the cooperative movement of the two robots,incorporating the visibility restrictions of the robotic system
This work presents a cooperative navigation systemof a humanoid robot and a wheeled robot using visual information, aiming to navigate the non-instrumented humanoid robot using information obtained from the instrumented wheeled robot. Despite the humanoid not having sensors to its navigation, it can be remotely controlled by infra-red signals. Thus, the wheeled robot can control the humanoid positioning itself behind him and, through visual information, find it and navigate it. The location of the wheeled robot is obtained merging information from odometers and from landmarks detection, using the Extended Kalman Filter. The marks are visually detected, and their features are extracted by image processing. Parameters obtained by image processing are directly used in the Extended Kalman Filter. Thus, while the wheeled robot locates and navigates the humanoid, it also simultaneously calculates its own location and maps the environment (SLAM). The navigation is done through heuristic algorithms based on errors between the actual and desired pose for each robot. The main contribution of this work was the implementation of a cooperative navigation system for two robots based on visual information, which can be extended to other robotic applications, as the ability to control robots without interfering on its hardware, or attaching communication devices
The objective of the dissertation was the realization of kinematic modeling of a robotic wheelchair using virtual chains, allowing the wheelchair modeling as a set of robotic manipulator arms forming a cooperative parallel kinematic chain. This document presents the development of a robotic wheelchair to transport people with special needs who overcomes obstacles like a street curb and barriers to accessibility in streets and avenues, including the study of assistive technology, parallel architecture, kinematics modeling, construction and assembly of the prototype robot with the completion of a checklist of problems and barriers to accessibility in several pathways, based on rules, ordinances and existing laws. As a result, simulations were performed on the chair in various states of operation to accomplish the task of going up and down stair with different measures, making the proportional control based on kinematics. To verify the simulated results we developed a prototype robotic wheelchair. This project was developed to provide a better quality of life for people with disabilities