408 resultados para Psychologist


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Estudo sobre o psicólogo e sua inserção na saúde pública, a partir do programa Centro de Atenção Psicossocial CAPS, no estado do Maranhão, tendo como pressupostos as políticas de saúde mental, a atuação e a experiência profissional nesse programa. Trata-se de uma pesquisa empírica cujos dados foram obtidos a partir de instrumento constituído por entrevista semi-estruturada. Utilizou-se o Termo de Consentimento para garantia dos participantes de forma ética e segura. Os dados coletados foram analisados de acordo com o método da Análise do Discurso. O estudo teve como fundamento epistemológico as teorias do campo das Políticas Públicas, da Psicologia da Saúde e da Psicanálise. Os resultados confirmaram a hipótese levantada, sendo possível concluir que a experiência do profissional de psicologia no Maranhão está em construção no cotidiano dos CAPSs com pouca articulação teórico-prática e visibilidade dos gestores no que diz respeito às políticas públicas. Embora o programa CAPS esteja em expansão, dificuldades e desafios indicam ainda certa precariedade em sua organização, estruturação e funcionamento das ações e serviços oferecidos.


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A presente pesquisa foi produzida num Jardim de Infância Waldorf no Rio de Janeiro e se propôs a um exercício de tradução, com o uso do dispositivo TeAR, que aliava o trabalho etnográfico no cotidiano escolar, aos elementos da tecelagem como artesania e ao modo de pesquisar da Teoria Ator-Rede (TAR). Entre as questões que emergiram ao longo do processo, podemos destacar: a com-vivência como prática educativa no encontro com a diferença, que vinculou-se ao método de PesquisarCOM da TAR, proposto pela psicóloga Marcia Moraes; uma maneira de aprender com os mal-entendidos, refazendo nossa maneira de interpelar o outro quando este recalcitra; incluindo humanos e não-humanos, sem domínios ou separações hierarquizantes; conhecendo com e não sobre o outro. Por outro lado, ao entendermos o conhecimento como processo de criação de si e do mundo, a produção de conhecimento na com-vivência fez emergir, como efeito das práticas de limite e recalcitrância, a diferenciação e singularização dos agentes, possibilitando a criação de novos limites e invenções. Assim, na afetação da experiência, chegamos à negociação dos interesses singulares e coletivos, na qual planos comuns e heterogêneos foram-se tecendo, de modo que as múltiplas possibilidades de vínculos aumentavam a potência de agir. Pensar com Latour que quando estamos mais vinculados, somos mais livres nos convida a experimentar novas formas de viver coletivamente, inventando a si de maneira vinculada e ao mesmo tempo proliferando modos de existir. Durante essa pesquisa, fiamos com as práticas do campo e tecemos versões de Educação Infantil na Pedagogia Waldorf cujos vínculos estão em movimento, constituindo uma ética na com-vivência


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A presente pesquisa se constituiu a partir da experiência de trabalho como psicóloga em escolas públicas localizadas no município do Rio de Janeiro. A partir das perspectivas genealógica (Foucault) e cartográfica (Deleuze) são postos em análise fragmentos de diário de pesquisa, notícias, imagens e documentos relevantes para a apreensão das linhas de força que constituem os processos de judicialização e de criminalização dos pobres que operam na escola pública carioca. É estudada a perspectiva denominada Cultura de Paz, sua relação com a Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura (UNESCO) e o Ministério Público do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (MP/RJ). Faz-se uma análise acerca do binômio violência-paz e sua função como eixo norteador de parte significativa das ações desenvolvidas no campo educacional na atualidade. Analisa-se como a Cultura de Paz atualiza na escola sua função estratégica para o governo da população na sociedade de controle. A partir da análise de materiais e situações relacionados à Cultura de Paz, afirma-se que esta perspectiva está comprometida com uma pedagogia para a obediência e para a submissão. Além disso, tal arcabouço teórico-prático nega as batalhas cotidianas que se dão entre saberes e fazeres hegemônicos e minoritários, nos processos de produção de subjetiva nos quais estamos todos imersos


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Model-based and model-free controllers can, in principle, learn arbitrary actions to optimize their behavior, at least those actions that can be expressed and explored. Indeed, these are often referred to as instrumental controllers because their choices are learned to be instrumental for the delivery of desired outcomes. Although this flexibility is very powerful, it comes with an attendant cost of learning. Evolution appears to have endowed everything from the simplest organisms to us with powerful, pre-specified, but inflexible alternatives. These responses are termed Pavlovian, after the famous Russian physiologist and psychologist Pavlov. The responses of the Pavlovian controller are determined by evolutionary (phylogenetic) considerations rather than (ontogenetic) aspects of the contingent development or learning of an individual. These responses directly interact with instrumental choices arising from goal-directed and habitual controllers. This interaction has been studied in a wealth of animal paradigms, and can be helpful, neutral, or harmful, according to circumstance. Although there has been less careful or analytical study of it in humans, it can be interpreted as underpinning a wealth of behavioral aberrations. © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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So far the studies on personality are based on indirect way due to the complexity and limitation. Present research attempt to find another route to approach personality through olfaction. The framework of present research is on account of a modern personality theory model produced by the British psychologist Eysenck. The aim of present research is to prove a correlation between olfaction and personality because sensation and perception of the olfaction on special part of brain closely related to emotional arousal. This research was carefully designed and performed by both psychological questionnaire and olfaction examination. The results indicated some good correlation between smell sense and personal character, which can by applied into personality and behavior analysis.


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Depression is a common but frequently undiagnosed feature in individuals with HIV infection. To find a strategy to detect depression in a non-specialized clinical setting, the overall performance of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and the depression identification questions proposed by the European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS) guidelines were assessed in a descriptive cross-sectional study of 113 patients with HIV infection. The clinician asked the two screening questions that were proposed under the EACS guidelines and requested patients to complete the HADS. A psychiatrist or psychologist administered semi-structured clinical interviews to yield psychiatric diagnoses of depression (gold standard). A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis for the HADS-Depression (HADS-D) subscale indicated that the best sensitivity and specificity were obtained between the cut-off points of 5 and 8, and the ROC curve for the HADS-Total (HADS-T) indicated that the best cut-off points were between 12 and 14. There were no statistically significant differences in the correlations of the EACS (considering positive responses to one [A] or both questions [B]), the HADS-D ≥ 8 or the HADS-T ≥ 12 with the gold standard. The study concludes that both approaches (the two EACS questions and the HADS-D subscale) are appropriate depression-screening methods in HIV population. We believe that using the EACS-B and the HADS-D subscale in a two-step approach allows for rapid, assumable and accurate clinical diagnosis in non-psychiatric hospital settings.


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Lavallee, D. (2005). The effect of a life development intervention on sports career transition adjustment. The Sport Psychologist. 19(2), pp.193-202 RAE2008


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Autonarracja (jako relacjonowanie własnego doświadczenia) jest dla psychologa istotnym źródłem informacji diagnostycznych, ponieważ w autonarracji odzwierciedla się indywidualny sposób nadawania znaczenia rzeczywistości (wewnętrznej i zewnętrznej), który konstytuuje poczucie tożsamości. Wydaje się ważne określenie użyteczności metod (instrukcji) wywoływania autonarracji pod względem ich potencjału w zakresie stymulowania wypowiedzi o wysokim poziomie narracyjności. Istnieją czynniki (intrapersonalne i sytuacyjne), które mogą modyfikować efekty instrukcji autonarracyjnych. Jednym z intrapersonalnych czynników jest tzw. inklinacja narracyjna – dyspozycyjna tendencja do opowiadania o sobie w konwencji opowieści. W referowanych badaniach podjęto się próby określania poziomu narracyjności w tekstach, zebranych za pomocą trzech różnych instrukcji autonarracyjnych w wywiadach (1. pytania otwartego, 2. rozmowy o przyniesionej fotografii, 3. metafory życia jako książki) od osób o różnym poziomie inklinacji autonarracyjnej. Teksty poddano ilościowej analizie treści w celu określenia wskaźników oraz poziomu narracyjności. Badania między innymi sugerują, że psycholog stosujący instrukcje autonarracyjne, nie powinien abstrahować od wpływu inklinacji narracyjnej na użyteczność instrukcji generowania autonarracji.


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The influence of the Essays of Michel de Montaigne on the thought of Friedrich Nietzsche has, hitherto, received scant scholarly attention. The aim of this thesis is to address this lacuna in the literature by making evident the importance of the Essays to the development of Nietzsche’s philosophy. I argue that, in order to fully appreciate Nietzsche’s thought, it must be recognized that, from the beginning to the end of his philosophical life, Montaigne was for him a thinker of the deepest personal and philosophical significance. Against the received scholarly opinion, which would see Montaigne as influential only for Nietzsche’s middle works, I contend that the Essays continue to be a key inspiration for Nietzsche even into his late and final works. Montaigne, with his cheerful affirmation of life, his experimental mode of philosophizing, and his resolutely naturalized perspective, was an exemplar for Nietzsche as a philosopher, psychologist, sceptic and naturalist. The Essays not only stimulated Nietzsche’s thinking on questions to do with morality, epistemology and the nature of the soul but also informed his conception of the ideal philosophical life. Moreover, to explore the Essays from a Nietzschean viewpoint, allows the drawing out of the more radical aspects of Montaigne’s thought, while to probe Montaigne’s impact on Nietzsche, provides insight into the trajectory of Nietzsche’s philosophy as he broke free from romantic pessimism and embraced the naturalism that would guide his works from Human, All Too Human onward.


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Book review of: Eisen, M.L., Quas, J.A. & Goodman, G.S. (Eds.) (2002). Memory and suggestibility in the forensic interview. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. ISBN: 0-8058-3080-4/$55.00 Special Prepaid Price


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The students academic performance is a key aspect for all agents involved in a higher education quality program. However, there is no unanimity on how to measure it. Some professionals choose assessing only cognitive aspects while others lean towards assessing the acquisition of certain skills. The need to train increasingly adapted professionals in order to respond to the companies’ demands and being able to compete internationally in a global labour market requires a kind of training that goes beyond memorizing. Critical and logical thinking are amongst written language skills demanded in the field of Social Sciences. The objective of this study is to empirically demonstrate the impact of voluntary assignments on the academic performance of students. Our hypothesis is that students who complete high quality voluntary assignments are those more motivated and, therefore, those with higher grades. An experiment with students from the "Financial Accounting II" during the academic year of 2012/13 at the Business and Economics School of the UCM was carried out. A series of voluntary assessments involving the preparation of accounting essays were proposed in order to develop skills and competencies as a complement to the lessons included in the curriculum of the subject. At the end of the course, the carrying-out or not of the essay together with its critical, reflective quality and style, were compared. Our findings show a relationship between the voluntarily presented papers of quality and the final grade obtained throughout the course. These results show that the students intrinsic motivation is a key element in their academic performance. On the other hand, the teachers role focuses on being a motivating element through the learning process.