921 resultados para Physical model


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil e Ambiental - FEB


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Recently, a group of researchers proposed the concept of entransy by analogy with the electrical energy stored in a capacitor, the entransy being a measure of the ability of a body or a system to transfer heat. In comparative terms, the entransy dissipation rate is related with the loss of heat transfer ability just like the exergy destruction rate is proportional to the loss of work ability, being these losses caused by the irreversibilities related to the thermodynamic processes. Some authors have questioned the need for the concept of entransy, claiming that this concept is only an extension of a well established theory of heat transfer. The objective of this work is show the equivalence between the application of the concepts of entransy and entropy generation rate, which can be verified using various application examples. The application examples used here are the thermodynamic modeling of three physical models of solar energy collectors and a physical model of a sensible heat storage system. Analytical results are shown and compared. The results showed that the application of the concept of entransy provided identical expressions obtained by the concept of entropy generation, indicating a duplication of concepts. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Ion implantation of metal species into insulators provides a tool for the formation of thin, electrically conducting, surface layers with experimenter-controlled resistivity. High energy implantation of Pt and Ti into alumina accelerator components has been successfully employed to control high voltage surface breakdown in a number of cases. In the work described here we have carried out some basic investigations related to the origin of this phenomenon. By comparison of the results of alumina implanted with Ti at 75 keV with the results of prior investigations of polymers implanted with Pt at 49 eV and Au at 67 eV, we describe a physical model of the effect based on percolation theory and estimate the percolation parameters for the Ti-alumina composite. We estimate that the percolation dose threshold is about 4 x 10(16) cm(-2) and the maximum dose for which the system remains an insulator-conductor composite is about 10 x 10(16) cm(-2). The saturation electrical conductivity is estimated to be about 50 S/m. We conclude that the observed electrical conductivity properties of Ti-implanted alumina can be satisfactorily described by percolation theory. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3697900]


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Este artigo versa sobre uma pesquisa integrante do Núcleo de Apoio à Pesquisa em Estudos de Linguagem em Arquitetura e Cidade (N.ELAC), que desenvolve pesquisas em Linguagem e Representação. Entre as diversas formas de representação em arquitetura, a presente pesquisa traz o modelo tridimensional físico como ferramenta que proporciona maior facilidade de leitura do projeto, sendo mais concreta que os desenhos técnicos. Objetiva-se, assim, destacar a importância do modelo físico como meio de aproximação da população ao patrimônio arquitetônico. Como estudo de caso, foi escolhido o Edifício E1, obra de Ernest Mange e Hélio Duarte. Localizado no campus da USP em São Carlos, é considerado patrimônio da cidade, entretanto, encontra-se praticamente enclausurado no interior do campus, dificultando maior contato da comunidade com o edifício. O projeto do edifício utilizou apenas o desenho como representação, não incluindo nenhum tipo de modelo tridimensional (físico ou digital). A partir de um levantamento das representações gráficas utilizadas pelos projetistas, foi possível fazer uma comparação entre o nível de compreensão do projeto apenas com as peças gráficas dos arquitetos e a partir do modelo físico, produzido pela pesquisadora. Foi realizado um pré-teste em escola pública municipal, despertando o interesse desses alunos pelo edifício em questão.


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O presente artigo vincula-se às pesquisas do Núcleo de Apoio à Pesquisa em Estudos de Linguagem em Arquitetura e Cidade (N.ELAC), que atua na área de Linguagem e Representação. Diante das diversas formas de representação em arquitetura (desenho, maquete, modelos digitais), nesta pesquisa o modelo tridimensional físico é trazido como ferramenta que proporciona maior facilidade de leitura do projeto e tratado como meio de aproximação da comunidade ao patrimônio arquitetônico, envolvendo, sobretudo, a arquitetura moderna paulista. Como estudo de caso, escolheu-se o Edifício E1, obra de Ernest Mange e Hélio Duarte. Localizado no campus da USP em São Carlos, é considerado patrimônio da cidade, entretanto, encontra-se praticamente enclausurado no interior do campus, dificultando maior contato da comunidade com o edifício. Durante sua execução, foi utilizado apenas o desenho como ferramenta de representação de projeto, não incluindo nenhum tipo de modelo tridimensional (físico ou digital). A partir do levantamento das representações gráficas utilizadas, foi possível fazer uma comparação entre o nível de compreensão do projeto apenas com as peças gráficas dos arquitetos e a partir do modelo físico, produzido pela pesquisadora. Realizou-se um pré-teste em escola pública municipal, que indicou um aumento no interesse desses alunos pelo edifício em questão.


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Durante o processo de projeto, o arquiteto transpõe suas ideias para o campo real, do concreto. Os diversos modos de expressão e representação têm como função mediar essa interação, diminuindo a distância entre esses dois campos. Vive-se hoje, um momento de intensa transformação das estratégias projetuais, propiciada pelos novos meios digitais. Assim, esta pesquisa, centra-se na comparação entre diversos momentos do uso de modelos nos processos projetivos contemporâneos, através de uma investigação em escritórios de arquitetura paulistanos que utilizam o modelo físico como parte de seus processos de projeto. Busca-se entender qual o papel dessa ferramenta de representação e suas potencialidades nos dias atuais. Como estudo de caso, faz-se uma análise comparativa entre o uso das maquetes digital e física, destacando dois estudos: a maquete do Conjunto Ponte dos Remédios, do arquiteto Marcos Acayaba e as maquetes de estudos elaboradas pelo escritório Andrade Morettin Arquitetos, para o concurso para o Instituto Moreira Salles/SP. Entre os objetivos desse trabalho também se encontra uma análise da contribuição dos modelos físicos no Ensino de Arquitetura.


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Questa tesi riguarda l'analisi delle trasmissioni ad ingranaggi e delle ruote dentate in generale, nell'ottica della minimizzazione delle perdite di energia. È stato messo a punto un modello per il calcolo della energia e del calore dissipati in un riduttore, sia ad assi paralleli sia epicicloidale. Tale modello consente di stimare la temperatura di equilibrio dell'olio al variare delle condizioni di funzionamento. Il calcolo termico è ancora poco diffuso nel progetto di riduttori, ma si è visto essere importante soprattutto per riduttori compatti, come i riduttori epicicloidali, per i quali la massima potenza trasmissibile è solitamente determinata proprio da considerazioni termiche. Il modello è stato implementato in un sistema di calcolo automatizzato, che può essere adattato a varie tipologie di riduttore. Tale sistema di calcolo consente, inoltre, di stimare l'energia dissipata in varie condizioni di lubrificazione ed è stato utilizzato per valutare le differenze tra lubrificazione tradizionale in bagno d'olio e lubrificazione a “carter secco” o a “carter umido”. Il modello è stato applicato al caso particolare di un riduttore ad ingranaggi a due stadi: il primo ad assi paralleli ed il secondo epicicloidale. Nell'ambito di un contratto di ricerca tra il DIEM e la Brevini S.p.A. di Reggio Emilia, sono state condotte prove sperimentali su un prototipo di tale riduttore, prove che hanno consentito di tarare il modello proposto [1]. Un ulteriore campo di indagine è stato lo studio dell’energia dissipata per ingranamento tra due ruote dentate utilizzando modelli che prevedano il calcolo di un coefficiente d'attrito variabile lungo il segmento di contatto. I modelli più comuni, al contrario, si basano su un coefficiente di attrito medio, mentre si può constatare che esso varia sensibilmente durante l’ingranamento. In particolare, non trovando in letteratura come varia il rendimento nel caso di ruote corrette, ci si è concentrati sul valore dell'energia dissipata negli ingranaggi al variare dello spostamento del profilo. Questo studio è riportato in [2]. È stata condotta una ricerca sul funzionamento di attuatori lineari vite-madrevite. Si sono studiati i meccanismi che determinano le condizioni di usura dell'accoppiamento vite-madrevite in attuatori lineari, con particolare riferimento agli aspetti termici del fenomeno. Si è visto, infatti, che la temperatura di contatto tra vite e chiocciola è il parametro più critico nel funzionamento di questi attuatori. Mediante una prova sperimentale, è stata trovata una legge che, data pressione, velocità e fattore di servizio, stima la temperatura di esercizio. Di tale legge sperimentale è stata data un'interpretazione sulla base dei modelli teorici noti. Questo studio è stato condotto nell'ambito di un contratto di ricerca tra il DIEM e la Ognibene Meccanica S.r.l. di Bologna ed è pubblicato in [3].


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The thesis deals with the patch loading of I-girder with two longitudinal stiffeners. The configuration with two longitudinal stiffeners is often an excellent solution for beams of higher than 3 meters but has not yet been discussed in EN 1993-1-5. It is proposed a model of resistance harmonized with the methods used in Eurocodes for the other problems of buckling. The model contains three significant parts: the yield resistance, the elastic critical load used to determine the slenderness parameter and a reduction factor that relates the resistance to the slenderness. The thesis is structured into eight chapters, in addition to Preface and Table of Contents. Chapter 3 is a list of all symbols used. Chapter 4 presents a review of earlier works. Chapter 5 details the experimental investigations conducted by Gozzi (2007) on three samples without longitudinal stiffeners. Due to the difficulty of completing a personal physical model testing during the doctorate, it was decided to carefully study the laboratory work by Gozzi and use it as a basis for the calibration of the numerical study. In Chapter 6 is presented the first part of the numerical study. At this stage, the laboratory tests conducted by Gozzi have been reproduced through a finite element model. It is observed a good agreement of numerical results with test data. In Chapter 7 summarizes the results of numerical analysis of the girder with two longitudinal stiffeners. Chapter 8 presents the procedure proposed for calculating the ultimate patch loading resistance of the girder with two longitudinal stiffeners. Chapter 9 contains a summary of work done in this thesis with suggestions for the most important issues for future development. Chapter 10 lists the references. There are also three appendices with test data by Gozzi and data obtained from literature.


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This thesis is a collection of works focused on the topic of Earthquake Early Warning, with a special attention to large magnitude events. The topic is addressed from different points of view and the structure of the thesis reflects the variety of the aspects which have been analyzed. The first part is dedicated to the giant, 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. The main features of the rupture process are first discussed. The earthquake is then used as a case study to test the feasibility Early Warning methodologies for very large events. Limitations of the standard approaches for large events arise in this chapter. The difficulties are related to the real-time magnitude estimate from the first few seconds of recorded signal. An evolutionary strategy for the real-time magnitude estimate is proposed and applied to the single Tohoku-Oki earthquake. In the second part of the thesis a larger number of earthquakes is analyzed, including small, moderate and large events. Starting from the measurement of two Early Warning parameters, the behavior of small and large earthquakes in the initial portion of recorded signals is investigated. The aim is to understand whether small and large earthquakes can be distinguished from the initial stage of their rupture process. A physical model and a plausible interpretation to justify the observations are proposed. The third part of the thesis is focused on practical, real-time approaches for the rapid identification of the potentially damaged zone during a seismic event. Two different approaches for the rapid prediction of the damage area are proposed and tested. The first one is a threshold-based method which uses traditional seismic data. Then an innovative approach using continuous, GPS data is explored. Both strategies improve the prediction of large scale effects of strong earthquakes.


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This thesis discusses the design of a system to use wave energy to pump oxygen-rich surface water towards the bottom of the sea. A simple device, called OXYFLUX, is proposed in a scale model and tested in a wave flume in order to validate its supposed theoretical functioning. Once its effectiveness has been demonstrated, a overset mesh, CFD model has been developed and validated by means of the physical model results. Both numerical and physical results show how wave height affects the behavior of the device. Wave heights lower than about 0.5 m overtop the floater and fall into it. As the wave height increases, phase shift between water surface and vertical displacement of the device also increases its influence on the functioning mechanism. In these situations, with wave heights between 0.5 and 0.9 m, the downward flux is due to the higher head established in the water column inside the device respect to the outside wave field. Furthermore, as the wave height grows over 0.9 m, water flux inverts the direction thanks to depression caused by the wave crest pass over the floater. In this situation the wave crest goes over the float but does not go into it and it draws water from the bottom to the surface through the device pipe. By virtue of these results a new shape of the floater has been designed and tested in CFD model. Such new geometry is based on the already known Lazzari’s profile and it aims to grab as much water as possible from the wave crest during the emergence of the floater from the wave field. Results coming from the new device are compared with the first ones in order to identify differences between the two shapes and their possible areas of application.


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The study of supermassive black hole (SMBH) accretion during their phase of activity (hence becoming active galactic nuclei, AGN), and its relation to the host-galaxy growth, requires large datasets of AGN, including a significant fraction of obscured sources. X-ray data are strategic in AGN selection, because at X-ray energies the contamination from non-active galaxies is far less significant than in optical/infrared surveys, and the selection of obscured AGN, including also a fraction of heavily obscured AGN, is much more effective. In this thesis, I present the results of the Chandra COSMOS Legacy survey, a 4.6 Ms X-ray survey covering the equatorial COSMOS area. The COSMOS Legacy depth (flux limit f=2x10^(-16) erg/s/cm^(-2) in the 0.5-2 keV band) is significantly better than that of other X-ray surveys on similar area, and represents the path for surveys with future facilities, like Athena and X-ray Surveyor. The final Chandra COSMOS Legacy catalog contains 4016 point-like sources, 97% of which with redshift. 65% of the sources are optically obscured and potentially caught in the phase of main BH growth. We used the sample of 174 Chandra COSMOS Legacy at z>3 to place constraints on the BH formation scenario. We found a significant disagreement between our space density and the predictions of a physical model of AGN activation through major-merger. This suggests that in our luminosity range the BH triggering through secular accretion is likely preferred to a major-merger triggering scenario. Thanks to its large statistics, the Chandra COSMOS Legacy dataset, combined with the other multiwavelength COSMOS catalogs, will be used to answer questions related to a large number of astrophysical topics, with particular focus on the SMBH accretion in different luminosity and redshift regimes.


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The present thesis work proposes a new physical equivalent circuit model for a recently proposed semiconductor transistor, a 2-drain MSET (Multiple State Electrostatically Formed Nanowire Transistor). It presents a new software-based experimental setup that has been developed for carrying out numerical simulations on the device and on equivalent circuits. As of 2015, we have already approached the scaling limits of the ubiquitous CMOS technology that has been in the forefront of mainstream technological advancement, so many researchers are exploring different ideas in the realm of electrical devices for logical applications, among them MSET transistors. The idea that underlies MSETs is that a single multiple-terminal device could replace many traditional transistors. In particular a 2-drain MSET is akin to a silicon multiplexer, consisting in a Junction FET with independent gates, but with a split drain, so that a voltage-controlled conductive path can connect either of the drains to the source. The first chapter of this work presents the theory of classical JFETs and its common equivalent circuit models. The physical model and its derivation are presented, the current state of equivalent circuits for the JFET is discussed. A physical model of a JFET with two independent gates has been developed, deriving it from previous results, and is presented at the end of the chapter. A review of the characteristics of MSET device is shown in chapter 2. In this chapter, the proposed physical model and its formulation are presented. A listing for the SPICE model was attached as an appendix at the end of this document. Chapter 3 concerns the results of the numerical simulations on the device. At first the research for a suitable geometry is discussed and then comparisons between results from finite-elements simulations and equivalent circuit runs are made. Where points of challenging divergence were found between the two numerical results, the relevant physical processes are discussed. In the fourth chapter the experimental setup is discussed. The GUI-based environments that allow to explore the four-dimensional solution space and to analyze the physical variables inside the device are described. It is shown how this software project has been structured to overcome technical challenges in structuring multiple simulations in sequence, and to provide for a flexible platform for future research in the field.